Im so fucking lost

Hey Holla Forums I want to talk about Max Stirner and his Spooks. Is this the right place?
If not could you point me in the right direction?

First time iv had to look outside of 4chan to have a semi-serious discussion.
I know the anarchist anons use to lurk on Holla Forums in the good old days but now it's like they all vanished.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yep, or maybe head to /leftpol/, since I think most anarchists went there. Or try, the board owner was the guy who first introduced Ego And Its Own to Holla Forums.

Anyway, anything in particular you wanna discuss?

To steal Holla Forums's phrase I was hoping somebody could "redpill" me on spooks. Ego and its own is massive and I was hoping somebody could sell me on it.

Rule 1: Everything's a spook

Rule 2: Don't let people forget it

How can you know this?
it comes off as a "God is all powerful because hes God" kind of answer.

Well, in essence a spook is a fixed idea, something you submit yourself to that makes you act against your self interest, something that will use you to its own ends.
He uses examples such as the state, property rights, god, nations etc.
So a silly non-egoist such as yourself might say "I should not steal this loaf of bread because it's against the law" or "I must protect my nation because it's my patriotic duty"

Convince you its worth reading or just want someone to spoonfeed you the content?

That's really interesting. Im going to have to read it now.

I would say I should not steal that bread because if I get caught I would be arrested and that I must protect my nation (only when it's under attack) because its existence is beneficial to me and worth defending.

A little from a and b.
It's just the size of it that's off putting.
I would have never got through the early chapters of Platos republic if somebody had not explained the cave before hand.

Self-interest is a spook. If I want to act against my self-interest and sacrifice it for what I regard as worthy then I will do it and there is nothing that you hedonistic egoists can do about it.

You wouldn't really be acting against your self interest then, would you?
I should add, Stirner considders everyone to aleady be egoists, we give to charity and recyle and so on to feel like good people, his position is merely to accept it and become radical egoists.
I personally think Stirner is ultimately insignificant, since the problem is exactly that it's so hard to know and understand what it is that motivates us, which is why we need psychoanalysis instead.

Depends in how you define "self-interest". Most Stirnerist-Egoists (and most people) define "self-interest" as maximizing self-preservation and self-indulgence, which means they are just self-aware hedonists, unlike other ideologues, which are unconsciously hedonists, not questioning what fundamentally motivates them.
If you define "self-interest" as doing what you choose to do, then obviously everyone is already an "egoist" and there is no need to bring this debate up.

The problem is that you generalize people's motivations, different persons are motivated differently. Most are mainly motivated by pleasure, others are mainly motivated by compassion. It all comes down to what you choose to value based on your *Rated PG Parental Guidance* feelings.

Feelz. Ayn Rand Max Stirner told me muh self-interest was motivated by REASON, LOGIC and OBJECTIVITY.
Nope, without feelings there is no motive to do anything at all.

Hey look, another dumb word filter in this dumb board. I meant to say: *TRlGGER WARNlNG*.

It's to make fun of SJWs and reactionaries trying to make fun of SJWs

Following the law because breaking it isn't worth the consequences is egoism. Following it because of morality or whatever, even when it would benefit you to break it, is spooky.

Protecting your own neighborhood is of obvious benefit, but risking death for strangers because you've internalized the (clearly false) ideas that a) governments benefit all of their subjects and b) you necessarily have something in common with "fellow citizens" is spooky af.

I’ve always wondered who that hero is.

I believe that was somewhat the point, most people do what they choose to do but rationalize it as other things rather than people simply following their baseless, irrational desires to do things. Most people would argue that they're trying to be "good people" without necessarily realizing that they're only really following their own baseless desire to be a "good person". Being "spooked" really just means you're coming up with means of lying to yourself on why you do things.

It's a meme ideology, but EAIO is an interesting read nonetheless. (though it would be better if Stirner didn't love to hammer the same point over and over again for pages).

t. let me tell you all about a book I didn't read.


No I don't. Where did I do that?

Feelz. Ayn Rand Max Stirner told me muh self-interest was motivated by REASON, LOGIC and OBJECTIVITY.
He did not, no.

Boring rant

Because of the chain of causality that started with the big bang. There you go, now you never have to explain yourself again.

Stirner is such a dead meme

Read his fucking books.

Self-benefit is a spook.

Or c) because I empathize with others regardless of them being strangers, having nothing in common with me and being of no benefit to the government nor to me; if I were in their place I would like others to do the same for me.

Then you should inform your retarded fellow Stirnerists about it, because I was called "spooked" in the past for saying that I consider my duty to help others and fight against oppressors based on my feelings of compassion for oppressed and hatred for oppressors and my willful choice to strengthen those feelings and act upon them. Yet the concept of "human rights" was not a spook in their view because it was based on reassurance of mutual self-preservation.

I wasn't being literal. My point was that Stirnerists imply that "egoism" is rational/objective.

Yes they do, many have said it to me and called me "spooked" for not caring about self-preservation. And I have seen them condemn self-sacrifice.

You implied that here by using plural: >the problem is exactly that it's so hard to know and understand what it is that motivates us, which is why we need psychoanalysis instead.

Then Stirnerists should stop acting like he did by labeling all views they don't like as irrational.

Then go back to reading your repetitive obscurantist hegelian-marxist books that never addresses questions of meaning of life and ethics and just presumes that everyone is a selfish hedonist like them and arrives at conclusions by only taking into account the scum that is the majority of people throughout history. Moreover it completely fails to realize that the desire for progress and prosperity itself (greed) is the cause of the problem.

lol they are fucking retards

That doesn't give you a reason why you wanted to do something.

Some blogs and archives I would reccomend you if you are interest in stirnerite nihilism

What an oxymoron statement.
This is why he is a meme philosopher.
Because his philosophy works against his philosophy as much as any other.
I say that the bigest spook to avoid out of them all is that there are spooks people should avoid.

The Ego is a spook. Language and the meanings of words are spooks. His philosophy is fucking retarded and he can't even communicate his ideas without using spooks, social constructs such as language. He asserts statements of truth but, how can he do such a thing when truth is a spook.

There is no problem with spooks if they help you lol.
OBJECTIVE truth is a spook.

You should only avoid spooks when the spook acts against your self intrest.

Quality original content. No sarcasm intended.

Ya'll fags don't get it.
Spooks are not about this or that being a spook, but about your relation to it. Do you use the idea for the ego or the other way around, if it uses you it is a spook, but if you learn to understand the idea and master it, it becomes your property.

Everybody does that by nature.
Even those who kill themselfs for the "higher" cause.
I think max just didnt understand theas kinds of people.
Why would they act against there self intrests? Fools maybe but still they believe that action is in there self intrest.


this is revisionism.