Richard Spencer

Is Richard Spencer… dare I say it… ==NAZBOL GANG==?

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nazbol is invincible

someone tweet this at him:

He probably is, quite literally. His spectacular image has a distinctly Russian glitter.

wtf i love richard spencer now

Not sure but his (ex?)wife quite literally is.

tfw no NazBol wife

He's more like retard gang

If you enjoy listening to Richard Spencer, please reevaluate your life, what it's worth, what your family would think, what your friends would think it, how it would ruin your reputation, should you commit suicide or not




"independent analyst" indeed


Why do they do that to themselves. Why does it happen? Just putting a little skull there? Why?


One on the right is so close to the youtube skeptic community

This dork got punched in the face and didn't do anything about it. I don't want bitch niggas in my gang.

Remeber when Holla Forums desperately tried to link it to an elderly man who was into getting pegged, but he turned out to be dead, so they doubled down and claimed he wasn't dead and adopted a new identity

Just to punch Richard Spencer

They've literally been doing that every time there's some major event involving violence now

They live in their own little bubble where the Earth is similar to the last two seasons of the x files

You can opt out from hamburgers and Brooklyn. You couldn't opt out from SU.

Since Russia hasn't done anything to own up to anything from 1917 and onwards, but is still having this SU-nostalgia a la carte, this is bad. This is really bad.

What has that done to get in this bad company?

Why can't we just cull these people? They are ruining everyone's style.


I give it 19/17