TQ (The Trap Question)

Tell me Holla Forums, how does Holla Forums reconcile their moral traditionalism and their attempted preservation of masculine gender roles with their love of traps? Is it merely pathological? You'd think they'd be a little more open minded given the predominate fetishes of the board. Is this the result of basing your identity and worldview off of an anime fetish site?

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Why not ask Holla Forums?

Holla Forumss entire persona is an internet tough guy shell with an insecure core

But are traps gay?

More interesting question is why are the chans obsessed with traps?

They're fags.

Because 90% of people on chans are men. And traps are the closest thing men can be to women.



I'm pretty sure >95% of internet fascists don't genuinely believe x demographics are inferior; they just have a personal aesthetic preference for !x demographics and a massive sense of alienation and real fascists have been the only ones not repulsed by the tastes and willing to offer a solution to the alienation. I think it's important for leftists to signal that "racism = power + prejudice" actually means something; we're not actually really bothered by prejudice, just power.

But fucking traps are literally mentally ill. Just because Holla Forums doesn't like a thing we shouldn't like that thing just to trigger them.

Alcoholics and people with depression are also mentally ill - doesn't mean they can't be a good fuck and don't want it.

Also, muh privilege is not the same thing as power.


Get the fuck out of here with that post-modern shit.

You're mentally ill for not liking boipussy tbh

Stalinboo standing up for a morally pure imageboard. What a faggot.

It's a thread about fucking traps faggot, you think this shit is to be explained in classical terms?

This is something I've noticed too. It's one of the main distinctions between the "alt-right" LARPers and serious fascists/trads in my mind. Alt-rightists mainly revel in reactionary meme culture and fascist aesthetics while retaining the sexual deviancy and identity they've developed through years of chan culture and hedonism. Like once you begin basing your identity off of commodities like video games and anime you're probably susceptible to any group that can meme hard enough about the flavor-of-the-week topic. For the past few years that's been identitarian liberalism. These are the post-ironists I guess.
Literal fascists who are actually serious about combating enlightenment values and installing an authoritarian system based on military power structures and religious traditionalism probably don't care about the former group outside of using memes to indoctrinate them.

I'd set down several factors, roughly in order of importance:

1. The manga/anime/weeb thing + loneliness of said people. Since they were already losers, western kids may not have been so inclined to discern between "perverted" Japanshit and stuff that would be more acceptable in Japanland.

2. 4Chan/Chan culture rising around the same time as emo and scene kids. Bisexuality and androgyny were trendy and chantards did gravitate to Bill Kaulitz, who actually had status as something of a 3DPD Bridgett at the time.

3. The term "trap" itself was, afaik, a chan meme. It came from the Admiral Akbar line. I still remember a time when a picture of a pretty girl with a suspicious bulge and the "IT'S A TRAP!" caption was actually hilarious. This was really popular and made it part of the culture.

4. 'Oughties chans were also popular for camwhoring. See entry 2.

5. /d/

6. /y/

Are you talking 'bout traps or trans?

Autistic NEETs are afraid of women and can't relate to them. To resolve this, they draw girls and declare them to be boys so they can relate to them whilst still being sexually attracted all the same.

I think this is sort of a common phenomenon in human cultures. The most immediate corollary to my mind is religion. You may have a community with only a handful of 'true believers', but if they are able to establish themselves and normalize their beliefs within the community a lot of people will basically just follow along with the perceived crowd, most of them holding only a vague notion of what the value-system they stand behind really entails - because at the end of the day they don't care all that much about the values or beliefs. Their interests are in the immediate, there interests are involved with staying accepted within the community.

I don't remember this at all.

Also I feel like no one ever talks about how "fucking men lookin like fags/girls now" seems to be a revitalized complaint every other decade since the 60s.

They are not the same thing?

He wasn't wrong about that part. 4chan circa 2006-2007 or so had daily Bill-posting.

That thing from that emo group was a fucking man?????

Dang I think I got there right when that ended I guess. Shame he looks like a gay Shia Le Bouf now.

Tokio Hotel was not emo.

But yeah, Bill looked better back in the day. I'm not sure what he's up to now-days.

Yeah, I have a hard time figuring how scene kids work into the overall long-term pattern context after considering hippies/glam/new wave/hair metal/whathaveyou, but I like to think that it was a period of reprisal or something at least.

Not really.
I mean, there's crossover - I won't deny that. But "trap" at its purest implies not-trans. Like, the point of a "trap" is that they're actually boys. Not having tits is a condition, at the very least. Top-half transwomen are more like futa or something than traps.

here's a piece on 'degenerate traditionalists' someone linked here

Trap just means "oh shit penis" on what was otherwise a convincing girl. I used to think it meant "regular cute boy in dress that makes a convincing girl" but that was just wishful thinking I think.

because I am both a facist and a homosexual, as many were before Hitler ruined everything with his night of long knives.

Now this takes me back. May or may not have participated in one, two, or twenty of these threads.

Fascist fags are the biggest cucks in existence.

Hitler was the exception, not the rule. The majority of facist movements had at least undertones of homosexuality.


Moral traditionalism is retarded.

Because ==all== women are thots

No it seems pretty pure nazism to me. Its just that nazism is a subset of facism, in the same was communism has many little subspecies running around with different names.

what if i want to be the trap?

So the woman didn't even cheat on the guy, she just gave someone a blowjob before ever meeting him. Is this the sort of story that really gets incels all riled up and angry?

Bill really tricked my dick as a kid. Good times.

Holla Forums is full of dumbass trannies

not to mention her being a huge slut is obviously just a reaction to her ultra conservative upbringing
feel bad for her husband, seeing your girl with a bigger dick in her mouth is probably the part that makes incels the most mad

rude. i just like wearing girly clothes.

No you see, when you kiss a girl, you're actually making out with every dick that her lips have ever touched.
I also imagine the people who think like this are totally incapable of touching another human being anywhere. Or sitting on couches. Or people's cars. Anywhere people can fuck and get their nasty sex juices, basically.

Yeah buddy

traps deserve the same answer as girls: post lewd or fuck off

Because chantards are very lonely people who, if they socialize at all, almost exclusively socialize with other men. This loads to a phenomenon called "jailhouse gay" where they start to become attracted to men due to the absolute and total lack of contact with women. However thanks to the fact that we live in the 21st century with access to the internet traps provide a nice outlet for this blossoming homosexuality, you get to masturbate and fantasize about men who look like women. They're not scary and foreign like a real woman, they just look like one.

I think it raises an interesting question of whether sexuality really is hard-coded at best and can't be altered through life experience.

Testosterone is one hell of a drug.

im not rlly a trap because i dont shave my legs

I think those images are actually only like a year apart… 2013-2014

Get on that.
Or Nair it if that's easier.

Sounds like me. I don't make enough money to be around females.

Wow thanks for getting my hopes up.


Let's be honest. None of them would actually go through with it irl. Porn is totally different from the real thing. Especially if we're talking 2D.

Traps how we beat the right.

Also, our traps are better.

I'm not sure about that. In fact I think they might have an even easier time following through with it than with a real woman because having sex with a woman is a big scary right of passage, whereas having sex with a trap is just a couple of buddies hanging out no homo.

Did anyone believe that sexuality was 100% biological/genetic? That seems silly on the face of it.

Indeed, if anything, I'd say the proliferation of traps and trans porn's popularity, not just with chan people - look at any major porn aggregator even 15 years ago - they all had a trans section - hell most brick-and-morter smut shops carried some amount of trans stuff back in the 80s, it just wasn't as popular (in my opinion) because people had to talk to a cashier to get it.

We have anonymity and the ability to share pictures/video of ourselves for the pleasure of others - and what did humanity do with those abilities? Make and consume a lot of trans porn. Pretty concrete argument for the non-rigidity of sexual preference if you ask me.

I do because I have always felt hetero since ever and I know people who have always felt faggot since ever.
And since nobody in their right mind raises their kids to be faggots then faggotry wouldn't even exist in the first place if things outside of biology could shape it and make you suddenly like to get dick in your butt or not.
Now stop projecting your mental illness onto everybody.
This sort of shitty faggotry threads should be all anchored but unfortunately the mods have mentally ills among them who love this shit.

You forgot to put on the stache flag.

I'm sorry but that's an irrelevant anecdote. I know people who've had the opposite experience - neither opinion really matters when discussing this.

So they aren't specifically raised to find one set of physical traits preferable to another yet they still develop a preference? I assume you are trying to say that because parents don't try to make their children gay or straight then that feeling the person has must come from inside them - and you're somehow of the opinion that the only internal kind of intentionality a person can have is from their biology - but you're ignoring the entirety of the life experiences that might influence a person while making the claim that life experiences can have no impact on someone's sexuality.

I think these treads are beneficial - they let us find people with illogical opinions and correct them when they say silly things. This is how knowledge (and our sense of the world around us) is shared - see - it didn't come from your DNA, but from an interaction with another human.

It's time to leave another of your spooks behind, friend.

You actually took him seriously? You've got more hope in your fellow user than I do.

What the fuck? Are you guys actually OKAY with the mother of your fucking CHILDREN to swallow dozens of other men's cum and take other men's dicks up their asses before settling on you for betabux? These sluts need to face the day of reckoning, Inshallah.

I've thought about it, if I meet the right person and she happens to be trans I think I would go through with it. It's not that I'm horny, but I do want companionship and intimacy, and well, I already accepted 99.9 percent of cis women are uber-normies I don't have anything in common with.

Are we assuming that you're a virgin when you meet your boyfriend-free girl?

I'm not but other men are so it all works out if they're honest.

Same. I'm actually bi but really not into trans somehow. But if I had met a really nice trans I got along with I'd have probably got over it pretty quick.

That shit sounds pretty rapey to me.

In my experience before the election Holla Forums wasn't actually that homophobic, it was a non-issue that never really got discussed. I'm sure there were many homophobes but they didn't really make it a focal point of the community.

It's only since the election and 4chan has boomed with young republicans that it has had a renaissance in homophobia.

stopped being spooked you moralist cuck. Only reason you should be angry about that is if you're too inadequate to measure up, then its not her fault for choosing the better partner.

Regarding 3. I think this is really good evidence for why it's "gay" to like traps, or at the very least it was understood to be gay by board users in the early 2000s. Hear me out here, if these seemingly female characters who drew the gaze of viewers/readers were called "traps" when it was found that the character has a penis doesn't this mean that it must have been a bad thing to like a "trap"? Why was it bad? Why was it a "trap"? Because it was the early 2000s and being called a faggot was still some solid board banter. I think we have to recognize that from the inception of the concept traps have been recognized as gay.

I've noticed this too. I've been on the internet for years but only really recently have I been seeing people just losing their shit over gay shit whenever it gets brought up.
Guess it's just happening along with people getting pissed at everything else that's seen as a liberal talking point. Like how any thread on 4/v/ relating to LGBT or blacks or 3D women will devolve into shitflinging and rage till it gets deleted.

God, I fucking hate young republicans. The porklets I can understand, but so many of them are working class or neets that beg for daddy pork to rape them up the ass, and then cry out and wonder why their butt hurts when they get what they want.

I meant that everybody sane raises their kids to be straight in an environment that pushes people to be straight, yet that are people that despite all this are simply faggots because their faggotry comes entirely from the inside not the outside. Their brains are simply that of the opposite gender from birth.
Also just to make it clear I don't have anything against faggots I just don't agree that people can simply turn gay due to their environment, I believe that people are born hetero or homo.
If people could simply turn one way or another due to life experiences and stuff then you would have to agree that it's also possible to "cure" homos with things like therapy and even more extreme stuff like shock therapy. Are you sure you want to go this way?

I would unironically say that someone who faps to traps is "straight (fap to traps)". Traps are basically a fetish, not an orientation- it's just an offshoot of fucking girls, except instead of monster girls or dominatrix girls or chubby girls, it's girls (male). I, personally, like a wide range of girls- I'm into petite, thicc, tall, short, nerdy, bimbo, mousy, model, big ass, sticc… it's all good to me. On the other hand, I do not feel the same way towards guys, only guys who look like girls work for me at all. I'm not into the concept of guys, I'm into the concept of expanding the already wide definition of girls.

Besides, if you facefuck a trap, the balls don't touch, ergo it's not gay.

My grandma was a member of the young republicans. She describes them as brainwashing clubs for children. It's another of many avenues for republicans to get people on their side before they even know the difference.

If it's genetic then you'll want to eugenics/liquidate gays away.
If it's environment/experience then you'll want to shock the gay away.
If it's completely a choice then you'll just jail them or vaporize their balls.

Don't talk about "going down this road" when anyone with half a brain knows that people with an extremely negative reaction to gays will always find a way to either remove them or limit their rights if they have the power to do so.

I'm not sure if I'm bisexual or not because I'm not entirely where not-gay attraction to traps ends and gay attraction to dudes begins.

Like, if traps are not gay then is it gay to like dudes that look like they would make great traps if they grew their hair out, shaved their body hair and put on a dress? I mean they're fundamentally the same people, they have that feminine look, they just style themselves differently.

I know a couple of dudes I wouldn't mind giving one but I don't feel "gay".

You can traumatize people with external stimuli in such a way that, if paired with an association, they will reject the object of the association as they internally related it to the previously experienced trauma - it's simple conditioning, a Pavlovian reaction.

The opposite is also true - positive conditioning is how animals are trained.

That doesn't mean it's a good thing to do, mind you, but saying it is impossible is incorrect.

I'm following you so far, although this does have the built-in assumption that all parents are sane (or at least within the parameters of which you might call someone sane - I think there's somewhat of a societal interpretation that happen here), which is also obviously not the case, but regardless-

Again, you're missing the part where people have interactions with the world that aren't coming directly from their parents. I think that's what you're missing - that regardless of parental choices the child will inevitably be, at some point, outside of their sphere of influence - and in that space they may have experiences which shape their sexuality or way of thinking about the world.

Are you talking about trans people, or gay people? I've heard some stuff about brain differences in trans people, but not so much in gay people. Still, interesting if true. I've seen some pretty masculine gay dudes, and I wouldn't have assumed that they have female brains, but regardless-

I'm glad to hear that.

I wonder how falsifiable this is to you. Like I said, I've known gay people who thought (tried?) to be straight through a good deal of their lives - then one day they realize that that just isn't who they are or how they feel. One might argue that they were biologically gay from the beginning, but I don't think it's always that simple.

I don't doubt that genetics plays a part in determining sexuality, but I think it's silly to dismiss a lifetime of experiences, cultural influences, interactions with other people, literally everything in life, as being entirely unable to shape someone's sexual desires. Indeed, fetishes might be the best example of a sexual trait or desire that arises from our surroundings - I doubt highly that DNA determines a person's foot fetish/ diaper fetish/ glasses fetish, interest in vore, whatever your kink is - I bet it comes from something you encountered as a kid or young adult, not your genetic sequence. Food for thought.

sounds like a slippery slope you're on, the kind of dude you're describing is the best kind though

fyi gay is that feeling you get in your dick when you think about banging these dudes, you're definitely bi my dude.

Is the trap themselves gay: yes if they do gay shit
Is the guy fucking the trap gay: only if he knows it's a trap
Is the guy watching them gay: if he knows it's a trap, yes

would u fuck a liberal trap?

wrong. gay is exclusive attraction to masculine features.
it's bi.

I was just wondering if someone was going to post this lol.

It's only gay is the trap is a cross dressing man. If the trap is a trans woman it is totally straight.

trans women are not traps to begin with.

Sexuality is a spook, OP. There are simple, biological reasons for men, especially straight men, to be into traps. As long as they can subconsciously recognize this truth, they will always be phobic because it is irreconcilable with their superficial desires to maintain a heteronormative society.

They are if they have dicks.

transwomen identify as women still. The point of a trap is that its a guy who looks like a girl but actually isn't.

That's not the context in which the term developed. The term refers to both transwomen and cross dressers. I've even seen some trans women describe themselves as traps. A lot of others consider it transphobic or otherwise dislike it due to the fetishistic nature of the term.

We should genetically engineer women to have penises. Just make the clitoris develop into a penis and route the urethra through it. Think of the benefits.

Faggot. Go on craiglist to act thirsty.

I award you the title of honorary Marxist Leninist for this genius idea. you will receive special muh privileges in the Gulag.

futa is shit tier, pick one set of genitals


right, and the most masculine feature is a cock n balls. Ergo traps are gay. If it was bi there would have to be a chick involved.

your mum is shit-tier

All parts are hot.

I think 7chan is part of what ruined that distinction. I found out I was trans through their /di/ board and that board is for transwomen almost exclusively. Nowadays the internet has forgotten the distinction, regardless of what the 4chan minority thinks.

Guilty. It became a term of endearment for me. My trans friends with a sense of humour don't give a fuck and I'm not friends with humourless people.

but that isn’t in my self intrest.

I prefer to be the one “in control”

It's bizarre considering the /cuteboys/ board is like 90% Holla Forumsacks. Imagine the amount of cognitive dissonance it takes to larp as a tranny online, all the while holding white nationalist views, yet they call us mentally ill commies. I'm convinced Holla Forums is just a purity spiraling cult of projection at this point.





Tankies are right on this one for once.

But Elagabalus existed before capitalism…

This but unironically

Transgenderism is a reactionary performance in womanface as it is; calling it "traps" just takes it one step further. It's not contradictory at all and is fully within the realm of acceptable right-wing sexuality.



this is why

Reminding you faggots I gave you the answer right at the very beginning.

Hell no, actively accepting being a faggot IRL and just fapping to 2D girls with dicks are way different things. The average trap fapper would never go through with it. Unless you consider trannies to be traps, I suppose.

Nah, lots of them would probably if they had the cajones.

t. guy who's been with guys who masturbated almost exclusively to traps and femboys and wanted me to go on mones

Wait I thought only whites and asians could be traps.

Has the spectacle gone too far?

Yes, and make her (male) a socialist.

Mostly just internalized sexist ideology. Seeing males as the 'submissive' always tends to disgust me, whether it's femdom or gay. Really kills my boner instantly. I also tend to be really suspicious of girls and tend not to believe they really enjoy sex because of all those stories of faked orgasms and my sister being a misandrist cunt who always went on about how much she hated guys and how unattractive they were during a formative period where I knew few other girls.
Through traps or femboys or whatever, this is avoided as the guy adopts a girl persona for the time during which he's the submissive sex partner for the dominant male, whilst still really remaining a man. This allows me to avoid the kneejerk disgust I feel at men being submissive whilst still enjoying porn where dicks dribble cum on the floor as a guy has an anal orgasm, and it also makes me feel more confident that both parties are actually into it.
No, fuck psychiatrists.

thank you jesus, i take the blue pill now

can i has both and be done with it? it would solve all first world problems

Good to hear that the human mind can simply be trained and conditioned the same way a simple animal mind can.
I guess all the mind illnesses can be easily cured now.


I think I know why Holla Forums likes traps and is mostly self-hating minorities. Because there minorities who like trap porn, but most traps are white. And if they aren’t there asian. Also traps have to be really young. So Holla Forums is pushing whites to create more white children so Holla Forums will have a constant supply of traps.

Mike "Zap The Trap" Pence has got my vote!

Mike "Suck Cocks, Get Electro Shocks" Pence

How's this not just you tryna justify your sexual deviancy? Instant gulag.

I'm gonna start calling it that from now on.

it really is incorrect, just try getting rid of "addiction" and learn for yourself how liberated you are from social conditioning that would herd you into normiedom

Traps are wonderful, they should be encouraged.
The post biological future that I advocate for, will ensure that the only physical bodies that digital humans are able to inhabit are either qt traps or futas.


Multi-posting - check.
Thread shitting - check.
The worst possible social positions - check.
This shit is the Afroplasm trifecta.

Why don't you fuck off back to Holla Forums, where racial nationalism is welcome?



If you don’t like you’re body there’ll be genetic engineering. Also the word cute is subjective. I consider pic related to look “cute” and masculine at the same time.

It's not that, I haven't had a girlfriend. It's just the general tone of women around the subject. They often talk about it as a 'reward' for their husbands, I've read women's magazines reassuring women that sex can actually be enjoyable as if that's actually something new for them to discover, or there's all the instances of women faking an orgasm so as to not hurt their feelings. And when it comes to lust they're often more concerned with 'emotional' bonding, and you'll never see a woman who'll be happy to look at dick pics, whereas male gay people would happily do that. I dunno, I can just never tell if girls actually want to have sex or if they're just doing it as a favor to the guy or to placate him or whatever, and I also don't feel like they feel attracted to the male body in the same way that men feel lust. This is probably all bullshit, but that's just the voice in the back of my mind that leads me to be uncomfortable with the thought of girls as related to sex, though I do find them attractive.

If you fap to them, you are certainly not straight.


I swear 90s sitcoms are a plague on pop culture. I can't believe people think this shit is real life now


Full on post-modern relativism

We need a book on the marxist Analysis of traps.

I still cringe

Do you see why natural born women are superior? Why should I get a women discount?

Truly an easy choice

I like you now. Exquisite taste.

It's really not our fault if you can only find scrub tier puss


1. nigga u gay
2. if you're not lubing up the butthole to make it "slimy" too you're not doing it right anyway

Like I said, three holes.
What do you need a dick for anyway?


Please Howard save us from the Niggerplasm menace!

Howard is retarded though, and fighting fire with fire is almost always a shitty strategy

and here is 'the living embodiment of pathology' Howard Scott, right on cue in a thread involving feminine penises

99% of all 'trap' art is essentially just girls arbitrarily declared to be men.

But Howard is the only person worse then niggerplasm.

So you want girls to be the same horny sexual deviants guys are and to look at you with the same raw passion as you look at them? I get that. Well, you're in luck cuz once you actually get a girl to like you that's the side of them you're gonna get to see. Like, I once couldn't have sex for a week cuz of a medical thing at the time and my ex *demanded* oral everyday. Shit made me feel used as fuck cuz she went right back to bed after each time and I was just there with a painful erection. The bitch didn't even bother to take her oversized T-shirt/nightgown off…

Point is girls are pretty sexual, they just don't wanna fuck everything that moves at all times like guys are depicted as being in popular culture. Hang in there, bro.

Is that pic you. If so you’re hot.

Whiteboyplasm isn't even a nigger. He's a half white dude in black face.

PS: You're ascribing views I don't even have to my flag icon again, Howard.


Honestly his opinions are usually so ridiculous I forget he's serious. It's like a resident crazy person while niggerplasm is just a black nazi with a really low-iq.

Holla Forums taught me that race is a feeling, not a reality so he's black if he wants to be.

Traps are gay you insufferable faggots. End of story.

That's still 50% of my DNA more than you, Mayo-Saxon.

Honestly Afroplasm is pretty cool.
Also, Howard Scott is hilarious.


Whore deserved it. Indian roasties are the worst. Also love all these sexual imperialists in this thread. Further proof that feminism is 100% bourgeoisie.

I fucking wish mate.

You deserve to be poor tbh.


I'm so terribly sorry.

no one is surprised

Tell me Holla Forums, how does Holla Forums reconcile their demand for freedom from inequality and workers liberation with their sexual libertarianism? Is it merely hypocritical? You'd think that people who "stand up" for the economically disabled would be more open minded given that the two philosophies are contradictory to the core. Is this the result of only using ethnics as a means to advance their dick's agenda?

Don't worry, bro. I'm a leftist that cares about incel issues. Not sure what you can do about it though.

base-superstructure, negro
you'll also find out that when sexuality was free-er ind DDR and Sovietland, the weirdos of both female and male persuasion were more satisfied

I read that Reddit post just now. Jesus Christ, that's fucked up. Revenge porn's real and it evidently ruins lives. Not cool.

Incels are fags, eat a dick.

We are few in numbers indeed. Perhaps we should get a flag as well.

Proofs negroido. Also, Incels are not weirdos, since weirdos make a spectacle of their mental instability. We are first and foremost INVISIBLE to society. What did the DDR do for the INVISIBLE ones?

Also, you cucks throw out
without ever explaining why those terms are relevant. Are you actually human, or are you a bot written to inflate our PPH numbers?

This. There is no short term solution, we can only wait for the next generation to grow up under better circumstances. Those of us who are already alienated and incapable of fixing ourselves might as well just kill ourselves as there won't be any salvation from above.

Easy, women aren't property

Are there any women (female) in this thread about traps.


No, because there aren't any (or barely any) on Holla Forums to begin with.

If you care so much bout some guys not getting none from girls who see them as beta why don't you put on a wig, some high heels and a dress and start giving out blowjobs?

Chronic virginity's just part of the capitalist isolation package that the proletariat suffers from. Kill porky + have sex on top of his corpse = sexual fulfillment

Fuck off nigger. Your entire race demands our money without ever providing anything in return, yet you have the gall to call ME a moocher.
I hope your entire family gets shot by cops; maybe that will teach you to not suck up to Chad.

The bourgeosie are human, yet I see that you cucks are 100% on board with killing and robbing them. If women can condemn the majority of men to bugmen lives, then the bourgeosie can refuse to pay for your student loans, birth control and food stamps mannnn.

Why don't you start your own business if you are sick of being a poor dumb nigger?



Because it's insanely hard to be a decent femboy, let alone a convincing trap.

Oh, did I hit a nerve? You ain't an incel by any chance, are you?:^)

Incels are legitimately retarded.
They don't know how to live and socialize in society or they have ridiculous high standards for females while being themselves not interesting at all or they have mental issues or everything at once mixed together.
The only legitimate case for being an incel is if you have financial struggles that make relationships harder to impossible or if you suffer from some physical deformity, anything else it's probably just you being retarded.

This would be a great point if women actually had a coordinated class apparatus to keep most men away from their vaginas instead of just autists like you specifically.

No, it is you who belongs there, femoid. Go die of aids.

You sound like you've tried and failed at that before.O.o

Incels are all over the place in their reasons though. Are you one of the "genetic bourgeoisie" types or can you just not into women?

Maybe you should git gud

Women still aren't property, permavirgin

Poor people are genetic trash.
They don't know how to save money or have ridiculous high expectations while themselves not being worth much at all or they are just lazy or everything t once mixed together.

The only legitimate case for being poor is being robbed by niggers, leftists and statists. Anything else is just an excuse not to get a job.


Get a guitar, you fucking fag.

Yes, very clever. The rhetoric sounds similar if you replace all the key words and pretend there is no theoretical background to anything

there's a documentary about DDR sex life somewhere, also some random study about USSR sexology, I can't find either on a simple DuckDuckGo search
vimeo.com/11553460 this is the doc but the long version used to be on vimeo somewhere, maybe it is still
brainlets out. when people see things they don't understand they actively seek to find out the information instead of crying about people not spoonfeeding them. the internet is your oyster, friend, learn to learn
read books, or even theory threads for a starter


has the document

So what that dosen’t mean killing them is wrong.

Go kill yourself. There’s a world for real people that exists beyond money. What’s the point in hard work if you spend all your time working? Th


And then they accuse you of telling them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps like some kinda capitalist whose only accomplishment was being squeezed outta a rich vagina when you give them advise on how to act if they wanna get a girlfriend.

My means of production belong to me only, femoid. You have no right to part from me the labor you voluntarily gave to me. If you don't like it, get a job or move away. Grow up kiddo.


Actually, they are both based off voluntary contract theory kid. But since Holla Forums is full of pseuds who dont't read it is no wonder you never got that. /leftyshit/ BTFO.

Seriously, get a guitar.
Do sit-ups, get a guitar, and go outside.

Rights don’t exist. And there’s nothing wrong with violence. I don’t voluntarily give you my labor. You force me to do it because my economic conditions force me to sell my labor or starve. And so what. Who said I care about property rights. Why should I? It’s in my self interest to abolish privet property.

Stop spamming traps on halfchan r9k please leftypol, it's not funny and it makes me unhappy.


Doesn't "femoid" lose it's sting as an insult when you're using it against guys who fuck to complain that you don't fuck?

Anyway we already told you that more people get laid under communism and even provided the proofs, so stop wasting our time


weal fair isn’t exclusive to black people. In fact weal fair doesn’t exist in Africa.

4chan has always had trap posting, seriously doubt it's anyone from here though

It's not that difficult to figure out their reasoning, mulattoplasm.

Literally the most basic of lefty reading proves you wrong as I showed you in the other thread. Stay salty

Seriously, get a job.
Work for 8 hours, stop collecting food stamps and get off your lazy nigger ass.

Female rights don't exist. We incels ought to enslave all women and niggers as justice for the crimes nature commit against us. Its my self interest to kill all you beta bois who act against your self interest.

Niggers deserved it. 80% of all men never reproduce, so Chad has enslaved more white men than black animals for the entirety of history.

Actually, the DDR was more conservative than our western degenerate hellhole. The DDR was tankism, which anarkikes and leftcunts oppose for not being socially libertarian enough.

Since the people pushing the sexual free market overwhelmingly fall under the latter category, your video in no way proves that communism will solve the incel question

Jesus give it a rest, sometimes it's just funposting and bantz and not worth coming in to finger wag (which won't actually make the thread better when it wasn't good to begin with, fyi)


Who is the Miley Cyrus of the DDR?


Everyone in the DDR was Miley wearing a ushanka

This whole post makes for a great anti-vaccine PSA. I'm ready to risk my future kids being stuck in wheelchairs for the rest of their lives from catching polio if there's even the slightest chance they don't turn out to be sperglords like you. #AutismAwareness

I can get as many jobs as I like. It's not going to get you laid. Take my advice, and if you have a problem call me. 1-888-232-7910

Reminder that patriarchy is the precondition for civilization. Matriarchal societies have always preceded the downfall of empires or have never been relevant on a global scale. If you shill for feminism, you are in fact destroying the ability of society to provide you with free shit. Think about that for a second.

Perfectly describes all the women in this thread being exposed for the chad supremacists they are. Thank you comrade.

Wow, all these posts and not a single real argument. Leftypol btfo. My job is done here today. Enjoy being femoid slaves, betabois!

How does that change the fact that whites were too lazy to do the work themselves?

Damn Molymeme is that really you? Autograph version of your book plz


Winning arguments online is almost as good as sex, so good news for you I guess

you apparently have a misconception about conservatism.
western germany was more conservative and degenerate at the same time. there is no contradiction, it's complimenting each other.
the DDR was not more conservative but progressive.
while western germany persecuted homosexuals severely until late 70s very openly, the DDR was for that time considerably way more open towards them.

western germanies persecution against homosexuals even exceeds that of the SU during purge and war times when homosexuality was used as a tag to further go after political opponents, even in total numbers.

unlike western germany they also had mandatory sexual education for children.
if you think the DDR was "conservative", you are talking out of your ass and have no idea.
honestly i'm pretty sure you're just an anarkiddy yourself.

It's just sublimated pederasty. All the "traps" they like are just androgynous teenage boys.

And again. No responses but "postmodernism gtfo." Are y'all seriously this retarded?

Teenage boys don't look like girls though.


I really don't believe that, even if I can accept it on some intellectual level. But it's probably more likely that I'll kill myself than ever end up that intimate with a girl, so I guess it's kind of a moot point.

Come on! You can't fault the entire board for the action of a tripfaggot this time.

I need to see some proof. I doubt that’s true.

Well most whites weren’t slaveowners.

there is no core, thats something nobody seems to understand, they do what makes them laugh.

gayfag here, agree for the most part. I'd consider someone who likes traps straight, at least in the sense that they're off-limits for dating and I can't 'turn' them

Why are these fucking threads always up? Half of the replies are people larping.

They can't handle the truth user, just give it a few weeks or so until they settle in.

And most blacks ain't on welfare, but since we're already making racist generalizations…

Haven't you heard? Astolfo from Fate is the new trap of the season

So you're clearly a powerbottom…


How do you figure?

Just a hunch. Are you Black-American?

Those guys weren't my boyfriend. Idk, that sounds more like something that would happen to a sub bottom - though, you're basically right. I'm picky enough that I pretty much only put out when I decide how it's going.

And naw, I just like the black fist. Not in a sexual way, Black Power!'s just cool and weeds out people who don't have decent arguments.

Guys who masturbate to anime trannies don't at all strike me as real, dominant tops anyway. Just look at this board's pathetic user base…

I dunno, they can be. Though guys who masturbate to 3DPD traps and trannies are probably more reliable. It's a longstanding fantasy of mine to be adopted by a dominant Cheetos-stained autist who describes me as his kawaii kitty gf, though. Some day my prince will come.

source? evidence? or are you just asspulling?


Keep your head up, bro. He's out there somewhere looking for the perfect boy…



All porn is just lines and pixels declared to be a person

The only thread where Afroplasm is not a total faggot