I don't care about their ideology, I care about the quality of their comments

I don't care about their ideology, I care about the quality of their comments.

They're the most word-twisting, scenario-manipulating cunts on this board. They call you X but they're the same exact shit.

The most backwards manipulative posters when it comes to comments unrelated to their ideology

Ih and their also the most ignorant shits also.

They assume shit about you without actually thihnking.

(Sorry for the bad grammar, smartphones are hard to type anything compared to keyboards)

I fucking hate one anarcho communist in particular for being a bitch.

Anarcho-comunists are red liberals basically, even Anarcho Syndicalists are better

There should a a distinct anarcho-syndicalist flag

Why have anarcho-commies appropriated this CNT-FAI symbol?

Just flip the colors and tell them to fuck off with their idealism


He kept saying I had trouble understanding theory of mind or some shit

-because he also has the sane problem

Not him but he's probably talking about anarchopac, sure he got a lot of shit but he's still an idpol whiney kid

Oh, me. Lmao.

Ok sorry I was being rude.

But you obviously used manipulation and word-twisting to make me sound like I have autism.

You take any normal mistake someone makes and exaggerate it into a mental illness

And you also make claims but never explain them, like most liberals are when they don't know they think the way they do.


Why they*

Also, you dont even fucking know me.

You assume I have autism from shit you have no idea what the context is

Communalism is superior to anarcho-communism, at least they organize as part of the struggle

Being an ancom is basically being a communist without having read enough theory to choose how to get there.
I know because I was one.

I wasn't trying to twist words. You honestly did sound like that to me, and from what I remember on your first thread where you talked about vaccines, you were upset about vaccines and blamed them for "causing autism" in you, while your brother who didn't get the same vaccine routine didn't get it.

I'm not trying to be a jackass to you, it's just what I've seen of you.

Literally everyone was one, it's the phase when you think Lenin was bad lmao

I never said I had a brother or even mentioned anything like that.Where the fuck did that come from?

You assume way too much shit. You think you have the knowledge to diagnose me. When you don't seem to understand people yourself

m8 I can tell by this thread that you're a massive autist. You take this place way too seriously

ancoms are comrades, Lenin was a vain asshole

Sorry im just so fucking pissed you'd assume I don't understand how people think and act.

It's normal for some people to overreact to criticism. You're taking normal shit and then exaggerating/manipulating it as a reason why I'm Autistic and dont understand people

I may well be remembering things wrong, then. However I still remember quite specifically someone coming in late August and talking about vaccines and claiming it caused autism in them specifically, that then went on and kept making threads when people didn't want to talk about that.

If you're not that person, then sorry

The way you explain shit is so vague, thats why i was so mad about yesterday

Ancoms tend to adopt liberal position and are extremely imperialist under the guise of being against the state. At least ever single twitter ancom is.

There's a lot of ancoms here and quite a few hate each other. Stop being a reddit spacing faggot and grow a pair.

every single twitter anything is bad tbh. Ancoms on here are nothing like that, unless you want to equate criticism of the USSR as liberalism

Bookchin invented Communalism specifically to distance himself from the baggage of Anarchism, namely the insufferable individualism which it cannot be recuperated from.

Do him and yourself a favor and distance yourself from anarchism, lest the chinman's ideas suffer the same fate.

I am the person. No one ever mentioned a brother, and it was never mentioned by anyone else either. Might just be confusion.

Anyways, the reason i didnt want to argue about it was because I always get the same backlash from leftists who are inexperienced in the issue.

Yes, it doesnt belong on leftypol…

-but then you had to turn a simple misunderstanding into "youre autistic because you have difficulty understanding people" like wtf man.

I never even said anything that showed that except in one little sentence. You take hat sentence and say all my posts are like that.

Also, the reason you're wrong about me not understanding the way prople yhink/act is.

One, you pulled that shit out of your ass. It's really just my lack of communication skills anc you misunderstand what I say. It has nothing to do with me understanding people, dummy.

By liberalism he means not supporting every capitalist state opposed the the US.

Also, reaction to anger is different than anything else.

JusT STOP BEing vague.

Why is anarcho-syndicalism really better than ansoc? You're a socialist, aren't you?

How is ancom imperialist & liberal?

m8 this isn't going anywhere and it's obvious it's not helping either of us, so I'm dropping out and I'm not going to even try to continue.

What's with the liberals and their red/black flags?

Ok, just understand you're not right about me not being able to understand people, what it really is is that you don't understand me, because of my poor communication skills.

No need to fling shit at ancoms when we want practically the same thing.

Yeah but they are so idealist and utopian, how the fuck do they expect to destroy capitalism one day after the revolution, it's ridicolous and childish

stay mad, faggots. Ancoms are still the dominant ideology of the board with the most adherents.



This place has more nazbols than ancoms, fuck off back to reddit and read a book

How many books about anarchism have you read?

They are fine until you offhandly mention that cops are human beings and then they throw an autistic tantrum
Like 90% of posters in this site, really