What they didn't teach you at school

And at last but not least:

Other urls found in this thread:


That's not how genetics works.

That's not how genetics or neural plasticity works.

Men are now selectively bred dog breeds.

I suppose this is how genetic works, right comrade? The previous 50 000 of evolution couldn't possibly have had any significant impact on the brain because our current cultural philosophy and political ideologies want to believe in total equality between everyone.


Aren't you retarded?

We did not find an association between the activity of the MAOA allele and ASPD traits

Post the full article or GTFO, and post where it was published. An abstract, which you clearly didn't even finish reading does not scientific evidence make.

Not particularly. You're really over estimating the human capacity for thought, even if we knew (we don't), it goes against how Simians think, how they learn, how they develop.

Which is really genetic, and not this fatalistic nonsense almost all of academia rejects whole heartedly.

I normally don't jump on people's asses for typos, but what the fuck? Are you fucked up from auto-erotic asphyxiation?

there are other hominid hybridizations besides neandethals
denisovians are another example, but there are surely others


This entire genera is a fucked up inbred mess and we don't even know the names to half the "cousins" we've fucked

Our species was a fucking mistake, it should have gone extinct 9 times already, we're less capable than roaches and we'll be along for less time.

that is hardly the consensus (there is no consensus)

also the 50,000 year number for the divergence of groups is not a settled issue. it could be as much as 75,000



2% in genetics isn't a fucking contest. What matters is the results. The fact is, the only thing keeping Cro Magnuns from fucking so many other endangered members of their own genera but not species, is the slow death of the Ice Age.

You don't get it do you. Humanity should be fucking extinct. It's had times when it was less than a million individuals.

You think what took place effects intelligence? Not body problems? Not cancer? You're fucking hilarious, this is why we keep you fucking people around.


When are Holla Forumstards going to realize that Holla Forums isn't a bunch of idiotic liberals who ignore racial differences. Yeah, races have differences. But that is completely irrelevant to our political beliefs, it's only relevant to right wing identity politics and race-baiting neoliberals.

"Blacks" and "whites" are constructs used predominantly in the past few centuries to distinguish general point of origin. Genetic variation within those groups, and even their better-defined ethnic subgroups, is far greater than the variation separating them. Taxonomically, the difference between persons of European descent and sub-Saharan descent could barely validate their separation into demes, much less subspecies or "races". It would be intellectually dishonest to suggest otherwise. No matter what you'd like to believe, there are many intelligent Africans. Even if there are less Africans with scores above a certain grade than there are Europeans with scores above that grade, MOST show no statistical difference in general intelligence scores (which you would know if you knew how to read those autistic bell curves you idiots keep posting). If you were to "filter out" the population of supposed bad eggs (those with general intelligence scores below the point that separates "white" and "black" curves), you would be throwing out almost all of the white european population as well as all the African population. If you were to take into account the many, many factors complicating the issue of general intelligence test validity (variation in score based on region, by identity, well-documented studies demonstrating cultural bias, the Flynn Effect, the effect of prompting and test circumstances, etc.) as well as the simple fact that general intelligence is a fallacious concept to begin with, you would find it difficult to tell the "races" apart.

If we understand that the human brain is a complex network of ultraspecific functions and minute activities bombarded constantly by various natural drives, unique human biopsychosocial phenomena, sapient initiative, several different overlapping forms of crystallized and fluid intelligence, a poorly-understood system of cognitive functions as well as an almost completely mysterious system of memory storage and production, why in god's name would anyone ever bother attempting to "measure" something so vaguely defined and criminally generalized as intelligence or, worse, supposed "prediliction" for abstractly-defined "unlawful" behavior? You cannot grade a human mind on a 1-3 digit scale, the very idea is fallacious.
With that in mind, the difference between "races" could be zero just as well as it could be twenty.

Literally just not true. Please just at least bother to skim an article about taxonomy and biology.

Nice attempt at semantic tricks. Dog breeds aren't determined by region, they're determined by breed. The "gap" between (the ENORMOUSLY generalized, GEOGRAPHICALLY determined) groups of Africans and non-Africans can't possibly be calculated authentically. In fact, most scientists are almost completely certain that humans AREN'T dogs, shocking as that may be to you.

This is just retarded.

And? Sure, brains are likely to be adapted through genes. This does literally nothing to change the fact that humans do not have "breeds" or "races". The level of gene variability between individual humans is enourmous, no matter their ethnic origin. My dipshit cousin with a level 90 qoutient isn't a different "race".

Funny how you faggots keep posting the same 3 or so "studies" and ignore the overwhelming criticism those same studies recieve, or the many others which recieve entirely different results. So much for skepticism. It's almost as if you're pushing some sort of agenda.

This isn't worth dignifying with a comment.




Humans: 0 subspecies
Jaguars(almost the same heterozigocity): 9
Chimps : 4
wut? What kind of rebuttal is that?
Yeah, keep telling yourself that black kids adopted by wool sweater wearing rich white parents are in fact in a worst environment than whites during WWII.

forgot pic

Wrong, Homo sapiens idaltu. It is similarly, extinct.

Everyone in this thread has been rebutting you.

Nobody is claiming that?

Yes, we know. Right now, on your keyboard, you are laughing. As we speak.

You know there's a big trend among the genera Homo, it's extinction. I think it's naturally self destructive.

Yes indeed, I am. The idea that different animals when selected differently develop different brains and behavior is utterly obvious and it's basically the null hypothesis that anyone who is not biased by the current cultural norms would take.

Meanwhile, the idea that 50 000 years of evolution did not have an effect on the human brain is utterly extraordinary. You people are just delusional and you make delusional arguments that just deflect the discussion superficially, while the main obvious facts are ignored.

It doesn't take much for debunking race deniers when you realize how delusional they are.




Remind me what this has to do with politics again?

I was being sarcastic, you're not.

They develop a prediliction for health problems interbreeding like the genera Homo has. It has nothing to do with intelligence, there's no actual evidence it is.

There's been times when Europe was fucking savage, the gauls were truly the niggers of Greece.

You keep using these words like "utterly" and "extraordinary" but they're not impressive sounding.

You still have about jack shit rebuked from the collective responses of like 5 anons besides repeating the OP again and again.



wtf, I don't believe in evolution anymore

Not all facts are obvious, friend.


You practically don't already, it wouldn't be a major change.

You already didn't

It's weird how it still made u upset enough to reply then :^)


Do you cite youtube for your community college professor too.

I mean, why can't you just cite them

Man, all this time wasted reading books. I should have just got my education from Youtube like this retard

Yeah, no one here is going to go out of their way to humor you and watch your favorite twelve year olds whore themselves for patreon bucks. Cite your sources faggot, you're only here because you're tolerated.

Species and sub species are nothing more than a convention and dependent on the specific research community. A canine researcher who insists that european and american red foxes are different subspecies are not in communication with a scientists studying bees so they can come to a common consensus of what a "subspecies" is or isn't. Sure you can label black people and white people as different subspecies if it makes you feel better, but nothing changes. There won't be some mass societal epiphany where whites and blacks suddenly hate each other and a Nazi masturbation fantasy will start. No one cares. The world's greatest ornithologist could reclassify vultures as a member of the hummingbird family, but that doesn't mean you'll be suddenly seeing vultures at your back yard sugar feeder.

Tanky speaks troof. I wish I would have been smart enough to get redpilled like this chad


And none of that is going to taxonomically happen anyways.

His local colleges are probably too full of cultural margsists who will oppress him for being a polo shirt wearing white male :^^^)

I really get the impression that people like you are somewhat on an altered state of mind. You think links and such citations actually matter, as if, if I didn't paste them right here somehow you would never find the information anywhere.

I think this is a type of denial/delusion. You convince yourself that the information is nonexistent and that you cannot find it, even thought its 2 clicks away from you. That way you can pretend you are right and the information never reached you.

Here, for you
The existence of race:
The impossibility of equality:
Race and Intelligence coefficient:


linking some random dipshit's openly racist blog is a great way of convincing people



Seems like the race denying dogma became so severe that reasoning with people possessed by it is not even a possibility.

One of the links is literally just a compilation of scientific studies with no input from the blogger. Even if your brain falls 100% to an adhominem fallacy, how can you even deflect that?

It's valid, just hyperbaton

You can very well link to a blog that cites peer-reviewed studies and then proceeds to misunderstand/misuse them. This blog has a very clear agenda and that is pushing the HBD narrative.

What you are going through is called denial. Your thought process doesn't have an ounce of logical thought.

As I said before, the idea that two biological groups evolved identical capabilities in a 50 000 gap is insane. Racism can only be confronted with denialism, emotional bullying and fallacies.

If you wanna discuss biology and genetics, cite actual papers and confront them. Otherwise, it consists of little more than hitting your interlocutor on the head with a hammer.

The purpose of citing information is not just so we know where the information is, but it's a map of your thought process and how you came to the conclusions you came to. Your data can be 100% correct but you're conclusions not.

Sub-Speciation doesn't work that way.

A single study is not enough to prove anything and there have been other studies that came to the opposite conclusion.

This is such a sheltered statement to make I don't even know why I should listen to anything you say.

Ultimately though, what the fuck does this have to do with the subject of the board?

You should re-read my previous observation to your behavior:

I think this is a type of denial/delusion. You convince yourself that the information is nonexistent and that you cannot find it, even thought its 2 clicks away from you. That way you can pretend you are right and the information never reached you.

Then you can click in one of the links, and realize it has links to dozens of freely accessible studies.

d-do your own research

That's a made up argument. There aren't any respected studies made that prove otherwise. The study I cited was not made by nobodies, it was made by the first female professor of psychology at Yale and a board member of the american psychologists. And on top of that they were trying to prove the exactly opposite of what the study found, they were trying to prove that intelligence was about parenting. They also did yet another study focusing on black kids, and noticed the same pattern, intelligence does not deviate much from the biological parents.

Meanwhile, where's is this study that proves you can magically increase intelligence? Because psychologists and psychiatrists and all sorts of researchers are looking for those methods for almost a century. You made a rebuttal utilizing a paper which doesn't exist.

Yet again, in a delusional denial. I'm not saying for you to do your own research, I'm saying that you should be able to click on a link twice and look at the information on your fucking lap instead of pretending I didn't cite anything. Are you still pretending there's no scientific papers being provided to you?

That's what citing a source is. Someone already did it.

Darn I guess this means Marx's critique of capitalism is invalidated.

Who gives a shit?

What's wrong with Eyferth, Moore, Tizard, etc.?


If black people are more violent then why have more people died at the hands of white people through war started and fought by white people?

Tests at age 10
Tests at age 7
Tests at age FOUR

Really makes me fucking think. If you wanted to prove that intelligence tests bellow the age 17, heck, bellow the age 10 are unreliable, then why didn't you use the study I cited? The same researchers I cited also found out that intelligence at such young ages has little link to adult intelligence; oh, I know why, you didn't actually read anything and you just google searched those studies. You wanted to trick me into believing something because you managed to find the superficial names to some studies that might confirm your views, but ultimately, you didn't even care.

I also can see that you mentioned single names and used "what about", to trick familiarity with those studies, to pretend you actually knew them, when in reality I already knew about them better than you.

So? There was a big gap at age seven in the MTAS too that doesn't exist in any of the other studies.

How should I have phrased it?

So, those studies don't actually measure any real adult intelligence and possible genetic/environmental features and result in all babies having a score between 90 and 110.

So, those studies have little impact in today's psychologists understatement of intelligence other than "trying to measure the intelligence of a 4yo is very pointless".

that's the problem when you're frantically trying to find any evidence of racial purity in the tree of evolution. eventually the only way to do it is feel the scientificâ„¢ national pride towards your sexual eukaryotic single-celled ancestors :^)

Isn't there a pretty high correlation between childhood Autism Level and adult Autism Level?

No, it's precisely the opposite. Childhood intelligence has little to do with adult intelligence. The genetic inheritance of childhood intelligence is around .45 the adult is past .75.

But I'm pretty sure the general ethnic group/race patterns for intelligence still hold among children, even if they're smaller sometimes.

Like I think they did a study on Korean kids raised by Belgian parents, in which the Korean kids far outscored native Belgian kids. Also, I think black kids still tend to score lower than white kids on tests.

The gaps tend to be smaller and much easier to spoof by teaching the kid a few concepts.

if you go far to claim differences in brains then explain perfectly how a brain works et all

and that means it's skill not some mystical communion of brain and loins

A subspecies is two groups of organisms that are the same species but dont interbreed for whatever reason. Genetic diversity does not make subspecies. You can have two nearly genetically identical subspecies and one species with gian genetic diversity. Its all about time since the last bottleneck.

Im sure those people in vivallas and ghettos who have to work two jobs to survive have the same food and opportunity to learn as the kid who gets perfect healthy food and goes to yale, full ride by their parents.

Passing a test isn't intelligence. Korea has a big problem with graduates not being able to creatively apply what they learned in school, but they are excellent and following complex instructions.

Stop shilling your website and videos.

Let me guess, because east asians lack a soul thus creativity?

race is not real


Arabs ARE White

I seriously hope no one ITT takes OP seriously.

but universities are leftist-cultural- marxist-neo-liberal-fake-news-spouting-identity-politics-and-feelings-supported hellholes! They aren't true because of they don't agree with my biases!

Sometime they do classify them as such apparently.


lol burgers have no soul because they just steal shit from europe and asia

You are assuming I'm a strict hereditarian, I am not.

Environment plays an especially large part in early childhood intelligence
People regress towards the mean as they become adults

Dude respond to the actual arguments that were made, jesus christ. Did stump you? Are you in denial?

He's going to fill the thread with text walls and shitposts to make it look like he put up a fight. Then he will scurry back to Holla Forums to lick his wounds, like they always do.

Eyferth 1961 is a joke, so many confounding variables.






it's a refutation of race realism


It's all starting to make sense now.


Facts: the commies natural enemy.
There entire ideology is feels over reals

Okay, it is a fact those people are Jewish.

What does that mean? Your conclusion isn't a fact. Replace them all with anglos and you will have the same result, selective reporting and twisting of stories to suit a narrative that ensures the continuation of capitalism. Your job is still going to Pajeet.

This has literally nothing to do with communism.

That's a description of fascism. Fascism is proudly feels>reals: the ideology.

Is it a fact that calling all these white people jewish makes their litany of crimes not because of their obvious whiteness?

Remind me how are you different from SJWs already?.

Good one m8

You don't want diversity? What are you, a Nazi?

Whites are just as bad as black!!

Is disproportionate control by ethnic Han Chinese in south east Asia a problem for native peoples?

Just a coincidence, Sasanach


alt cucks are literally the embodiment of what they criticize lmao

The answer must be put more faith in our militarized police force and the FBI, as they're more moral I'm sure.

Forget that America has more prisoners than China

really causes one to cogitate

Most white supremacists in America would call these people proud aryans if they just didn't know they were Jewish.

Like most of Holla Forums, the Aryan race they're supporting is nowhere to be found.

Also the alt-right is controlled opposition

Yep good goy, give your government more power and military hardware

Maybe I dont consider them white because they only consider themselves white whenever it benefits them

A blind man can see their noses.

Holla Forums is less cognitive than a blind man.

I thought whiteness was based on genetics user not how you personally feel about people

are you trying to tell us that feels > reals?

sounds pretty post modern if you ask me

if a few social sciencists grew a collective spine they could end this discussion by conducting the adoption study to end all adoption studies.
Holla Forums is correct that research into this subject has become unfashionable in the west.