Petition to get papa wolff on joe Rogan

Some people from democracy at work started this thing. It would be a huge propaganda win.

Other urls found in this thread:

We need him to debat molymeme

I'll sign and also bump

That sounds like a bad time for everyone involved.

Oh yes, I'm sure that'll go well:
…and Moly has recently debated highly respected and renowned Marxist Lauren Sothern anyway.


It would just turn into a lecture. Literally every fucking time a Reich winger youtuber debates a leftist it becomes a fucking lecture bc they can't be bothered to read yet simultaneously want to be seen on equal footing to people like Noam Chomsky and Wolff who've read theory plus history.

Shit idea, Rogan is terrible at talking about anything meaningful. He's fine talking to ancient pyramid style weird guys or scientists explaining shit to him but I just watch clips of episodes with comedians on them these days. I've watched 100s of full podcasts since before #200 but he's gotten really tedious, for me at least. He'd just sidetrack Wolff before he could get a point across and derail with his usual pseudo intellectual BS

That's literally why. Molysissy got pwned to hard by chomsky so he's scared to debate and non strawmen marxist.
I'm the only one who doesn't think that Lauren is hot? She's a generic as fuck american whore

Damn Moly sounds like he's about to cry in that video holy

retarded thread


See: Jack vs Argumentative Autist. Basically a three hour explanation of Marx' definitions.

Being fully serious, how can you listen to Joe Rogan talk about anything other than stand up comedy or UFC fighting? His understanding of politics, history, economics, etc. is Facebook meme tier. He's the ultimate radical centrist. Unless he's talking to comedians about stand up comedy, I cannot hold back the vomit.

you're retarded

Oh you

Zizek or Felix from chapo are the only logical people to put on JRE

you still get my point though. Molyneux doesn't give a shit about the evidence or facts of economics, he just wants to live in Ayn Rand's "individualist" utopia and be able to own child sex slaves. Wolff doesn't give a fuck about the philosophical, he just thinks our current economic system is completely backwards. It will be an idiotic debate and it won't change the minds of anyone.

Guys, we NEED to get the Chapo boys on Rogan's show. If we have to choose one, go with Felix, but we should aim for all four of them. Rogan has 3.6 million followers on Twitter alone, and I'd wager a solid % of them are potential converts to the left if they were just exposed to something like Chapo or CumTown.

These are guys who currently associate "the left" with Hillary Clinton and Anita Sarkeesian and Tumblr SJWs. If we could show them there's an alternative, we could save them from the Alt Right's deathgrip.

Abby Martin was on Rogan a while ago and his fanbase wasn't exactly receptive.

Abby doesn't have the same appeal that the Chapo boys have. Chapo and CumTown are the best gateway drugs to get white males away from centrist/right-wing bullshit.

He's much more comparable to someone like Glenn Beck or Alex Jones, i.e., half self-help author and half conspiracy theorist.

besides, as someone above said, Rogan is only tolerable when discussing comedy and UFC, topics which someone like Felix can actually discuss but Abby Martin can't. the point is to get some fraction of Rogan's audience to listen to Chapo and plant the seeds of the doubt towards the right-wing propaganda they've been fed.

Can Wolff even talk about a subject for 3 hours straight? Rather work to get him on the Jimmy Dore show already.

Not to piss in your cornflakes, but the only thing I've ever gotten out of a petition is a bunch of e-mail spam.

He has quite a few lectures about that length
