How do you define racism?

How do you define racism?

it doesn't exist

Discrimination based on race, ethnicity, language, etc.

Unequal institutional power.

prejudice + power

Race is a social construct therefore racism doesn't exist.

God is an imaginary being therefore Catholics don't exist.

Only racists like you make a case for race. We are all one family.

Well, there's about 6 different things society calls racism and I have different opinions on all of them.

The first distinction I'd make is between the varieties that concern the behaviors of individuals, and that are so taboo in modern society, and the actual meaningful ones that concern society, which typically vaguely admit the whole "power + prejudice" deal.

The individual varieties are:

the first and third really, really are not actually problems. the real bastards, though, come from society.

Now, liberalism can to some extent actually put the last two forms of racism in check but in order to do so it must somewhat undermine capitalism (for the redistribution of material power in order to counter legacy racism must take power away from those who currently have it), disadvantage majority proletarians, and establish such strong taboos on the individual racisms. the better way to tackle them, however, would be to end the nonsense that is capitalism in the first place. this way of doing it could also allow us to lift the taboos on prejudicial and stereotypical racism, allowing people to actually express themselves rather than feel perpetual guilt for thinking something that is incorrect because it harmed people in the past and had potential to harm people.

Dam the mental gymnastics

Bemp, because it want to know too

Whenever somebody says a thing I don't like about me, I call them racists as loudly as I can, while being as obnoxious as possible to pas their frustration as racial hate.It gets the point across that whatever they said was socially unacceptable.You will rarely if ever find someone agreeing with anything you just described as "racist". At best they will waste their time arguing how its not related to race or discriminatory, but at that point I have already won.
You see, racism is, as a consequence of WW2(propaganda) and the nazis such an universally repulsive concept that not even the racist ideologues allow themselves the word. In that regard calling something or someone racist is about getting instant agreement from your peers, from that claim onwards its a won battle.

Plus, and that brings me to my next point, racism is a great way to get what you want, or anti-racism that is. People don't want to be mistakenly associated with racism so they behave in an overzealous way.Just declaring yourself to be anti-racism gets you on the highest of moral horses, as the losers below try to argue how, they too , are not racist. It's what I like to call a Reverse-Godwin, since the first one to make the claim gets to win the argument while the rest get to defending themselves from their implied lack of virtue.

From the Reverse-Godwin onwards any attacks or arguments can be misrepresented as racism, if surrounded by people because everyone likes to flaunt their virtue, and this is a very low hanging virtuous fruit. Just take care to bring any discussion in an environment suitable for ad-populums and ad-hominems.Anywhere but private or regulated interactions, so the entire world basically.This brand of dishonesty is powerful when addressing or in the presence of representatives of institutions, public or private whose job is to curate the image of their represented.

Its not if its isreal

and that.

plus ignorance of a subject like all muslims are ayrab

Fuck off Holla Forums
I'm tired of these bait threads disguised as serious discussions, just like the ass thread last night.

all of the middle east needs fucking nuked, nothing of value would be lost.

Ok how have the mods seriously not noticed this yet?

the fact that the middle east is a cesspool, and all religion is fucking cancer, and nuking it would be for everyone?

Racist - Someone who holds to the concept of race and has prejudice against someone due to race
Racism - The act of being discriminatory against someone due to being a racist

-It is possible to be a racist but not commit acts of racism.
-It is possible to be discriminatory against someone who by social convention is a different race for a reason other than race.
-It is possible for someone who is not a racist to offend or discriminate against someone who by social convention is a different race and be perceived as racism but is not actual racism (for example referring to asians as have squinty eyes, and not being attracted to someone with squinty eyes).
-It is possible that due to historical reasons a population who by social convention is a "race" to be neglected by a system for reasons that are not racism. For example not wanting to fund money to ghettos might not because of race, but due to classism and just historical happenstance that most of the ghetto's population is black.
-Those who are by social convention part of a minority race have the capacity to by racist and commit acts of racism.
-Societal racism or systematic racism is the result of racists running that system and can only be solved by having a system not run by racists, not playing identity politics to "balance" the system in a minorities favor with band aids fixes.

Conclusion: Even it it looks so, you do not really know if something is racism unless you know the person doing it is a racist and doing it because of their racist mindset. Screaming racism every time something bad happens to a minority is only dumping fuel on the fire.

when white people enjoy tacos or stir fry

power = racism - prejudice

You poor, misguided soul.

power/(racism - prejudice) = 1

Damn, we're on some next-level Ohm's law of racism type shit now bois.

But racism is prejudice. So: power = 0 How is capitalism real if power isn't real? What really matters is racism, and racism is what people feel in their heads making other people feel bad in their heads, and if power is 0, any actions in the real world being the connection between my racist thoughts in my head and your bad feelings in your head are entirely irrelevant. The evil thoughts in head A directly cause the bad feelings in head B. Therefore, solving racism is all about avoiding evil thoughts which are the necessary, sufficient, and only cause of bad feelings.

A belief in and identification with race, especially seeing one's own race as different and/or better than other races. This manifests in various forms - interpersonal, institutional, and probably some other shit I'm forgetting.

Institutional racism is a notably sticky subject, because a lot of the time much of the existing institutional racism manifests from laws, practices, and class relations that developed during a time in which open segregationism and white supremacy were less uncommon among politicians and the powerful. It's true, too, that there really is a lot of crossover here with classism to the point that they can sometimes be hard to distinguish.

Interpersonal racism, while clearer, can still manifest in a person who is unaware of completely full of shit about their supposedly 'latent' racism and willing to lie.