Youtube are going to censor controversial opinions

Youtube are going to censor controversial opinions


So whats your reason for not using Bunkertube? Holla Forums

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Honestly this is going to cause so much fury from so many deleted moonman videos that I think it's a great idea.

Seems fishy,,, Almost as if they want backlash.

Didn't google do this and basiclally ended up cutting wsws off?

The resulting uproar from TheAmazingAtheist being terminated at the same time as Anthony Fantano at the same time as Thunderf00t is what a female orgasm feels like

Quiet, tripcunt.
I demand the return of Prickly Cactus.

"Controversial" videos have been demonetized since at least two years maybe more.
This doesn't stop faggots from using Patreon or other means.


ADL kikes did it

Sounds like they did a great job, I'm proud of them

So basically now if we keep mass-flagging right-wing shitheads YouTube's AI watchdog will shut them all down.

I don't see how this is a bad thing. Communist videos can be reasonably well hidden if your careful about what you say, and if you do then you just look like someone advocating for equality.

Jordan Peterson got b& for a bit under this new move. Looks suspiciously like he might have a point about the idpol gang.

Maybe, but just googling wsws it's the first result so if they were paying attention they've certainly reversed the changes they made.

Interesting development. I've been thinking about putting together a podcast the last little while, and Youtube was probably going to be the platform to launch it on given its accessibility. We need to be careful supporting any sort of censorship measures such as these, because they will invariably be used against the left as well as other """""extremists""""".

This is all about how the old media no longer has control of the narrative because the freedom of the internet.
You are laughing now, but soon they will come for the communists too

The internet used to be a lot more free, now they are actively trying to prevent wrong think, they get rid of comment sections, they block or prevent things they dont like from trending, they demonetize people for not being corporate friendly.

And its always liberal groups doing this.

but the part of censor is worth to take a note, maybe censor means age restricted or means deletion.

Read the fucking link

Sargon getting less money is always a good thing

Let it burn. Youtube is a fucking cancer on the online video hosting industry now. Do you know any other video services that make you send a text message from your cell phone to register an account?

is for
Don't know why it fucked up.

So you only care about enjoying the *autistic screeching* part?

Wait, do you hate him, or just want to see /mu/ bitch?
Because /mu/ is barely tolerable as it is

Who doesn't love that part


You must be a newfag if you don't know that, that is all hoochie really cares about.

We had a whole thread on why neointernet is shit, idgaf any more, let youtube burn

aka cheap, good enough, and we don't give a fuck about small channels

wait,did ISIL get any money from their views?
If you think about it, beheading people on camera sounds like the logical next step for clickbait

idk, I never thought about it

the technocratic neoliberal approach to censorship will only ever benefit the status quo. More so if it is automated, unaccountable and blind. see what happened with twitter.we can't expect our enemies the bourgeois, to take the side of the left out of some sheer sense of moral decency. If anything this will impoverish the internet further. the way to enact social change is not by appealing to our technocrat masters and telling them to muzzle a few indecent dudebros, but by promoting leftist ideas in every possible

So is Google trying to kill Youtube or something?

Can we have every tech monopolist rounded up and shot? The internet used to be fun.

This it will kill everyone

They're going to do this anyways I might as well have some fun

If this dosen’t cause accelerationism then nothing will.

Needs an update. They demand a real phone number to make a new account now.

That will happen regardless of any support we give it.

At what point will Google definatively be a state?

I'm sorry to say this but neo-nazis will be protected by this system, fascism isn't a threat to capitalism, but leftism is.

I doubt it. But it's possible.

Speaking of bunkertube, I actually made a theme for it.
I have no way of taking a screenshot of it or testing it. Hell, I'm not even sure if it works. I just followed the guide on Mediagoblin's wiki or whatever and made it.
Space_ if you're here maybe you can try installing it or something idk

Pics related. I don't suggest exploiting this to try to make ideological gains on YouTube except in retaliation if it is done to specifically Holla Forums related content.
I think stupid flagging wars are too narrowly minded regardless. In the long run we should be encouraging use of alternative video platforms. However for the time being there are of course shitloads of normies that use YouTube.
If you are a content creator I suggest at least backing your content up on an alternate video hosting website, or several. Among them would be, vimeo,, and dailymotion.
There is also Bunkertube, but that is going to have a specific ideological slant. You won't reach anyone new there.

That was a one-time thing & it's over now. It was just for retribution for Holla Forums shutting down Bat'ko's channel.

Peterson doesn't have a "point" about anything, he's a raving madman who has some stupid teen followers. You can be against idpol & recognize this. Also, archive that shit please.

No one's laughing except for Hoochie & she's just serving her purpose.

Good thing no one advocates liberalism here. But you're fooling yourself if you think it's "only liberals" doing this shit.


Meh, does it really matter, though?

So a tenured Professor of psychology is "a raving madman"? You seem to be echoing the talking points of the idpol groups.

Do it yourself if you're so butthurt about giving them clicks. I have better things to do.

Take those other dipshits, but you leave my melon alone. I need those sweet sweet music reviews.



Lmao, anyone whom disagrees with you is idpol? Yes, a tenured professor can be a nutcake. Have you ever seen his website? He's extremely spooked, religiously, among many other ways. Also, have you seen his recent emotional breakdowns? His preaching about "the individual vs community" is hilarious, Ayn Rand-tier nonsense.
You're posting on an imageboard. Obviously, you don't. :^)

Trump election has proven freedom is too dangerous

oh well, goodbye purplemouse/sargon other shit i don't really care about

so many loses have made you a little smarter, great

Furthermore, about Peterson - He's a professor of psychology & he's having a mental breakdown. It's pottery.
Although I will say I actually do feel a bit bad for the guy. Seems hell in his own head.

what will you faggots do when this mechanism is turned on the ideas you hold dear? You cannot compete equally in the marketplace of ideas so you have to shut down all dialogue like typical authoritarians. .


well yt comments do have a problem with neonazi spam

Welcome to the board, user.

Cheers lad I'll deploy it when I get home from work.

Youtube is a spook

spook is a phantasm

does bukerube even work. I clicked on the link and all I saw was “media Goblin”

Nigga I want the nazis to be open about it. I want to know who the fuckers are and how many there are. The more open they get the more easily people will see how bad their ideas are, too.

He does have about one good point, actually. Don't get me wrong, his politics and conclusions are deep-fried trashcan ideology, but he's right that liberals are making a mistake when they disregard the past. He's awful at articulating it but the "deep truth" he wraps up in psychobabble is basically "those who refuse to learn history are doomed to repeat it." The way he explains the process of history is actually a dialectic process: the younger generations reject tradition and build new culture, but when they run into problems they're not sure how to solve, they look back at tradition and find which parts are worth salvaging to help them deal with contemporary problems in a combination of old and new. He's just too wrapped up in his symbolism and archetypes to be able to distill what he's trying to say.