Fascist ama

Ask a fascist anything

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Why don't you stay in Holla Forums

do you pick your nose or blow it

Why are you a dumb faggot?

Are you a real fascist, or a LARPing neo-con from Holla Forums(or /r/the_donald) who thinks voting for trump and hating blacks and jews makes you a """""""""""""""fascist"""""""""""

Why are you a fascist?

Beacause fascism is awesome

I blow

Beacause I can

Why haven't you killed yourself?

are you a Utopian Socialist?

Is RageAfterStorm a 10/10?

Dude, if you're gonna make an ama thread at least learn how to fucking reply to posts.

Why do you support fascism when the Party will put you in a death camp for watching anime?

she looks like a neolib feminist.

wtf i love fascism now

I used to be a hardline atheist communist feminist with antifa sympathies but after reading owsald spengler's the decline of the west and browsing websites such as the daily stormier and the right stuff that I became a fascist


Beacause I love life

That totally happened

What communist texts have you read? Or feminist, for that matter.

I personally find anime repugnant but if you like anime that is abouslety fine

What aspect of fascism is it that motivates you to be a fascist? The sense of community? Just the aesthetics?

Why do you hate the working class so much?

Because she is.

Okay, but you're on an imageboard, so most of the things you like are probably 'degenerate'. My point is, big daddy fash will take all your toys away if you actually prevailed somehow and make your life a misery. Do you know who the ubermensch is? Normie chads. The boys who bullied you in high school will bully you as men :^)

I personally hate trump and keep in mind this was before the Syria attack for the reason that he seemed very rude and not fit for any political office fascist or otherwise


Why do you do this

How can you possibly make perfect class collaboration that eliminates class antagonisms?

The communist manifesto
Das kaptial
Everything from bell hooks
The society of spectacle
The jungle
The iron heel
Questions from a worker who reads
The second sex
The femine mystique
The scum manifesto
Sexual politics
The beauty myth

The sense of community

Alright, and why did you stop being a communist? What turned you off? Was it Spengler?

why is your symbol a faggot. jk

Thoughts on the Palistine-Israel conflict?


Thought on cybernetics and computerized economic planning and computerized bureaucracy?

How the fuck do you go from wanting to liberate the working class to wanting to keep them even more overtly enslaved? A quick glance at any history book would show you that the ruling class has never cared about the wellbeing of the working class beyond the bare minimum to keep them complacent

We fascists or at least I believe that through a strong leader an ubersmensch per say that a nation can move beyond abstract notions such as class freedom progress or the idea of ''humaniy' itself into a powerful material absolute based in love and faith for ones nation

So feels>reals. Got it

The idea of the working class or class in general I find quite nonsensical. And a bit nieve for you see as a fascist I believe that nations are made of of people and people alone and like sheep need to guidance in order to function properly not to mention that I believe that the ruling class should not concern with those lower than them because think about why are there a working class

Very excellent

How do fascists deal with the falling rate of profit?

Why don't you read any left wing theory so you can know what its about?

Economics are a abscract idea not worth wasting valuable time on


So you say that the idea of a working class is nonsensical but in the very next sentence you say that there is a working class and they are sheep who need to be controlled by a ruling class? That doesn't sound like you love your nation of people, that sounds like you are a boot licker for the ruling class.

I have told you people that I have read left wing theory and was fiercely convinced by it until I read owsald spengler's the decline of the west

Clerical fascist and Catholic supremacist that advocates for genocide of protestants here ama

up the ra?

No you see you misunderstood me i believe that through vigorous displince that a moral healthy society can emerge and that includes all people ruling or otherwise for you see I believe that our current day hierarchy is bullshit for the reason that the so called 'ruling class' class does not care about displince only keeping. The people alive which if you ask me is not the way to rule a peoples

Anarcho capitalism is just as austic as Anarcho communism

He's telling you to read up about fascism, with a leftist perspective. 'Round here, fascism is understood to be an extreme reaction of capitalism against communism. I'm reading Trotsky's: Fascism, What It Is and How To Fight It, and I'm starting to understand it as that, an extreme reaction of the bourgousie and the petty bourgousie against the worker's movement, that represses it as soon as it comes to power, and takes different characteristics depending on its surroundings.
Now, there are two things I'd like to note, first would be that you're making a case for any totalitarian ideology, or that's what I'm getting, you might as well be a monarchist, and that you're being idealistic. You're tossing out of the window economics themselves, literally nobody does that, it's absolutely irrational and delusional. You're telling us you find the concept of a distinction in society based on relation to the means of production ridiculous, and then that you believe in a regime of love and faith. I don't understand how you were ever a communist to begin with.
Pic related.

U wot m8?
Nations are a spook and the whole point of your fascism is to suppress the will of the many for the benefit of the few- people are not "sheep", but your vile ideology seeks to treat people as such. To make such an analogy just shows how disgusting fascism is- the whole point of livestock is that they're used as tools, often ending up being butchered for the sake of their owners. You don't give a damn about people.
Lemme guess, you're some petite bourgeoisie dweeb who thinks that systems of rigid hierarchy are perfectly fine simply because you happened to be born closer to the top than most.
I dunno, maybe because some people control the means of production through brute force and have effectively enslaved those who were not fortunate enough to find themselves in such a position?

how about getting some consistency.
You just said in your previous post that the ruling class under fascism shouldn't care about the lower class "sheep" and then implied that the reason people are working class is because they are inferior. But now it's "a moral healthy society can emerge and that includes all people ruling or otherwise"?

Okay then fair point fair point I understand where you are coming from and truth be told I find that the best reason to be against fascism but what I find the main problem in trotsky's analysis of fascism is that the ruling class does not need to fight againist the working class through fascism no they can distract the bourgeois through pretending to be rebelling against the ruling class as seen by corporations such as pepsi's katlin jenner ad and may I suggest some far right literature such as:
The decline of the west by owsald spengler
How to be a conservative by roger scruton
The will to power by Friedrich Nietschze
The fascism manifesto by bonito mussolini
Killing Jesus by bill o rely
The philosophy of Friedrich Nietschze by h l mencken
God is not great:why religion potions everything by Christopher hitchens
The concept of the political by Carl schmitt
The prince by Nicoll Machiavelli

Max striner was a retarded autist not to mention that some people are born greater than others I men think about you wouldn,t blame a Nobel prize winning scientist for being smarter than you than why blame the 'ruling class' for outsmarting the 'working class'' fam

Well here yer problem

You are strawmanning my position what I said was I believe that ubermenschs have the right to keep untermenschen in line

Truly a hack with a feels > reals outlook on life.
The idea that a culture is a superorganism is a ridiculous way of looking at how society structures itself. Culture does not create civilization on its own, and civilization is not the becoming of culture.

Maybe you were wowed by the first time anyone tried to incorporate philosophy into history.
Plus it seems although you've read some great works, you completely miss out on real examinations of systems beyond capitalism, you miss out on historical materialism in marxism, and other interpretations.

I suggest reading:
"Was Spengler Right" by Theodore Adorno
"The Ecology of Freedom" by Murray Bookchin (Dialectical Naturalism)
Look into some historical materialism:

There is more than one way of going about to construct a method of historiography, and you can cherry pick any amount of history to construct a narrative.

You cannot exact disprove a philosophical way of looking at the world but you can ask if it makes predictions and follows through, how useful it is, and if there isn't anything better.
But quite honestly the philosophy and interpretation by Spengler is what Austrian economics is to economics. Barely useable. A theory without enough empirical backing. And a feels > reals outlook. It's outlived its use by decades.

TL;DR you theory is shit and you should expand your horizons, and the of the leftist literature you read you never got a grounding and instead went right tf into shit. Obviously you're going to be convinced it's wrong with something that challenges the assumptions you have to engage with first. You never engaged any other assumptions.
Better yet go discover some history yourself, you can even start with easy shit:

I'm not sure anti-religious texts are right-wing, Marx himself did say religion is the opiate of the masses. Same goes for The Prince, I thought it was simply about how to reach/stay in power, nothing really conservative.
As I've asked in , was Spengler what made you a fascist? What exactly does his book say, and why did it make you put aside Marx's criticisms of capitalism?
I'll also reiterate, why fascism? Why not any other totalitarian ideology? Hell, I'm not even sure if what you're saying of guiding the people is too far from Marxism-Leninism's Vanguard.

The working class hasn't outsmarted the working class, it's far more complex than that.
Plus I don't think any heir to a company outsmarted anyone else.

Right don't mean shit nazi-fam ability is all that matters. You need to ask yourself if there are enough "ubermensch" to keep us in line.

I personally agree with hitchens on the grounds that. Religion is a great tool for controling a population. But whether it is good or not a bit more complicated
as for spengler I do believe as the the book says that culture is an superorginanism capable of raising civilization and that the west is suffering an inevitable decline and that us fascists it is our duty to slow down the west's destiny towards degeneration

Their is 1 ubermenschs in a sea of tens of millions of untermenschen whose moral duty is to weed us into sheep

Ahahaha thank you for pretty much confirming my suspicion of you being a petite bourgeoisie parasite, I'd love to hear how the trust fund kiddies who attended Fyre Festival "outsmarted" the working class and how they're some sort of "ubermensch" deserving of their muh privileged lifestyle. You claim that some people are inherently better than others yet you ignore the fact both the free will and general potential of individuals is greatly limited by the systems of hierarchy found within capitalism and to an even greater extent in fascism. Like I said before, you look down your nose at people and see them as "sheep" because you advocate for the sort of system that denies them their humanity in the first place.

And what exactly gives someone the right to "keep others in line", what makes those who hold a monopoly on brute force "ubermensch" and those who lack that brute force "untermensch"? If any of the working class were to speak out against those who have enslaved them that would be an expression of their "will to power" and whatnot yet they would be violently suppressed for doing so. Fascism does not reward some silly notion of "will to power" or anything like that, its based on threat of physical violence. Its fucking slavery and people like you just try to make up bullshit to try to justify it.

Interesting perspective you got there y know maybe I was wrong to judge the radical left so hastily

Look kid I know it is sad but the truth is sometimes very very saddening and the truth is as I feel it to be based on common sense and my gut feeling that some people are born greater than others it is basic fucking biology the circle of life as won might call it

And it is in our self interest to kick that "ubermenshs" shit in. You sound like you are straight out of some shit Warhammer 40K story with that emperor of mankind bullshit.

Not to mention you are strawmanning me

That is a strawmanning of my position

And you are only saying that Beacause you as a untermenschen love taking things from people who deserve them have you even read Nietschze

I'd really suggest fact checking a lot of stories you're fed and digging deeper into shit esp. if you're getting shit from brietbart and the daily stormer. Don't be lazy, look into it. You'll be surprised at the amount of BS.
I've had to do the same thing from sites. Such as wsws.org, alternet.com, reason mag, ect.

It's hard, but more than likely you're accepting facts and narratives not because they're true but they're confirming your ideology

No one is starmanning you, dweeb. Do you not know the definition of the word?

Literally not because the entirety of Warhammer 40ks interpretation of mankind is based on the exact ideology that you are espousing only with some scifi tech and occult mysticism mixed in. The Emperor of Mankind is some perfect form of man, a ubermensch, who is tasked to guide all of mankind like so shepherd to his flock of sheep.

You know what maybe I will do just that mister anonymous

I don't care who you think does or does not deserve some thing I only care for the man who made it. A man is entitled to the sweat of his brow.

I am not denying that you hypocrite

Feel bad


I think my views are described like this:
All people are equal but some mote equal than others

How does it feel to fall for idpol?

What are you trying to say here

So your entire worldview is doublethink scratch off another fictional world.

I said your whole ideology is Warhammer 40k tier bullshit and you claimed I was straw manning you.

Idol is NOT that bad

I find the acussiaon of doublet k highly offensive sir

Doesn't mean you are any less guilty of it.

And when I mean highly offensive I mean highly offensive

So you jumped into the deep end after reading a historical document with the odd bit of theory thrown in? Or did you not read any of these and just decide to list all the lefty books you've heard of.

Yea and you can blow it out your ass.

P.S you regressive are annoying


t. psued


The Jungle wasn't that good, tbh.

Is it even leftist it just sounds like an adults My Side of the Mountain?

That was only like a chapter of it. The rest of it is just about immigrants getting sick and starving to death.

Alright guys redpill me on this article

Fascism is good

They were a bunch of kids of a group specifically about israel, they had no place to go to the dyke march and act like asshats. It isn't anti-semitism it's anti-zionism.


Other books I have read
War and peace
Being and time
Everything from Ben Shapiro
Everything from William Buckley
Everything from Julius evola
The cat in the hat
How to make friends and influence people

No i am talking about the daily stormier article

This is from slate:

The article refutes several points in the article you posted.
Is there a different article you're talking about?



Have you ever considered your passion for hierarchy, submission and authority might stem from sexual neuroses?

i am bothered by the assymetry in the number of quotations you have on the left and right of "fascist"