Help, how do I convince this person otherwise

Help, how do I convince this person otherwise

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tell her that "institutional racism" and the gender wage gap have no base in reality.
the main problem is that jobs like child-rearing and nurturing that women normally go into are basically labor that women do for FREE and aren't compensated for, which wouldn't be the case in a socialist society.

tell her that as long as capitalist society continues, the elite are gonna brew up bullshit to divide the working class and opress the general populace in different ways
I guess?

she might outright tell him to fuck off if he does that

Instutional racism has a base in reality. I have a freind who has 2 sons one white and one black (adopted) the black son has gotten his bags checked and stopped by security gaurds when exiting stores many times. The other son has never been stopped. The black son is pulled over much more often than the white though he was only guilty one or two times. If thats not institutional racism then I don't know what is.

Tell her about base and super structure and then start pasteing walls upon walls of text from marx's books.

I was checked at the ferry while my grandmother wasn't. If this isn't institutional ageism I don't know what is.

Multiple times?

But they do.

Call her a faggot

You don't. What is likely going on is that she(?) thinks disowning identitarian politics means pretending that there aren't any racial, sexual or problems of similar nature in the world today. That would be bullshit. Tell her that when you ignore identity politics you do indeed mean the politics of identity, i.e. thinking that identity exists in a void of everything else and should be put on the biggest pillar of your political views. That's what idpol means, and also why it doesn't even manage to solve problems regarding identity at all, merely shifting them around or obscuring the problems while ignoring the stinking rot that truly needs to be addressed primarily: the capitalist mode of production (generalized production of commodities).

I think you mean

Yes, excuse me.


You just knew right off the bat right?

the wage system is absurd as a whole, a product of class conflict. Instead of encouraging women to sign up for profitable STEM careers regardless of their actual inclinations, we should attack the broader system. The services industry precariat is majority female, and far more numerous than the professional classes but their struggles are never getting any attention from the liberal media. Working class unity is the best way to improve wages and conditions. The individualised focus of liberal identity politics is being used to play proletarians against one another. (don't believe me ?

The problem with identity politics is that they aren't able to look beyond capitalism and the liberal order. They want a 'fairer' capitalism with equality of 'opportunity' and or 'results'. Liberation is reduced to success within capitalism and the market. Middle class idpolers also tend to display a perverse enjoyment when a person deemed 'privileged' falls victim to state violence or capitalism. Because in the end they are not against capitalism or state violence per se, but only against those manifestations considered 'unfair' or 'institutionally discriminatory'.

There is a metaphysical, theological side to the pessimistic ideology of identity politics, born out of the failures of the radical left in the 60s. Once the redemption represented by revolution is out of the picture, the only thing left for us is a final round of apologies before the lights go out. We have learned to view this pessimistic moral conception of the world as self evident truth.

This reminded me, once I was getting a plane in from Africa and realised I could get my flight (pretty pricey) for free if I smuggled a load of cigarettes in. I brought in dozens of cartons, some cheap alcohol that was illegal here, just stuffed all my cases with as much shit as possible. As I came out the baggage collection I was starting to get a little nervous, then I looked around and realised "Oh boy, everyone in the baggage area and exit is black. I'm safe!" and walked past several people having their clothes gone through while I smuggled hundreds of pounds of cigarettes into the country.

Thank you, London customs!

So everyone gets a basic income for cleaning/cooking/changing diapers/etc?

No. Abolish wage labour entirely.

Also basic income is literally an Ancap invention.

Sorry, I should have specified "labor vouchers" instead of money.

What is 'idpol' and where does it come from? The the role of managerial liberalism.

You'd be surprised at how much of tumblr lingo originates with for profit 'diversity consultants', like Peggy McIntosh who coined the term 'white muh privilege' back in 1990. contemporary American managerial culture can be traced back to the 60s and 70s: ESALEN and Erhardt seminars training (EST). Conferences and workshops focused on 'personal and professional development'. Their rituals display an eerily similar to those corny motivational exercises we are all familiar with from work or school. Late capitalism is essentially a system of human management, and by extension of human emotion and public displays thereof. This explains the narrowly confessional approach of modern liberalism. 'Racism' is personalised and detached from material reality. the only way to eliminate 'racism' is through individual self actualisation.

Imo this is a unsustainable system that enters into contradiction with both material realities and the logic of the capitalist system itself. racialised surplus populations kept growing more numerous and poorer throughout the liberal heyday of the obama era. Wealth has further concentrated at the very top of the social pyramid. Downwardly mobile petty bourgeoisie whites are growing bitter and restless. Capitalism IS a zero sum game after all

Peggy McIntosh TED talk, anti-racism as self improvement

Adam Curtis-pill on the tyranny of hugs

EST promo

Does (leftypol follow this /pol meme?

Replace the white guy with porky and the black guy with the proletariat and it's actually a pretty good argument against wealth inequality.
Of course they need to turn it into a race issue because that way the working class keep fighting each other.

it's sort of a moot point if you reject capitalism in its entirety as inherently unfair. besides, liberal antiracism is pure ideology, a swamp i'd rather not get stuck in.

But blacks are still slaves now. Unless you don't think prisoners are slaves.

The comic ignores class for sure, but how can you deny past racial oppression lifted a great many whites into the petite bourgeois class.

Why does idpol exist?


>white folks
every time

I disagree with the liberal framing. People forget the ideology of racism was deliberately promoted by the ruling classes as a divisive strategy. You can't 'lift' minorities into a petite bourgeoise class that is itself being liquidated by changing economic conditions. Besides, there is a growing 'white' underclass/surplus population, increasingly subject to the same forms of management that have been used on the black community.

Whites are slaves too, by that metric.

Race correlates with that kind of inequality, but you can't make it go away by trying to eliminate racial bias. Do you think the world would be a better place if they replaced some of those black prison slaves with white prison slaves? Maybe we should have equal numbers of black and white torture victims too. That will make the world better.

It's as bad as the fucking "more women CEOs" argument.

unlike non-black prisoners, who have it great, right?
the number of whites who owned slaves or directly exploited blacks was minuscule. significant numbers of free blacks also owned slaves, showing no qualms about exploiting "their own kind," and demonstrating just how irrelevant race or colour are to class and exploitation

grow up