Can one be leftist and religious?

I am aware that religion has been used to manipulate the masses and exert control, however I see many memes that make figures like Jesus that socialists would find respectable? Healing poor people and my favorite, flipping over the tables of merchants and debt collectors.

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Don't forget

Stop following desert semite religion.



No, its perfectly fine and even was active in slave empires, feudalism, and capitalism. Jesus tells the poor to accept their lot in life and focus on the after life. In fact it leads to believers vs unbelievers instead of the oppressed vs oppressors. Saying nice things about the poor or even giving charity is not leftist at all. We want to destroy the conditions that made them poor which Christianity doesn't advocate.

if Christians are willing to join the military and fight for their country, why wouldn't they be wiling to fight the bourgeoisie?

well I should rephrase what I mean. Its not that they are totally incompatible, its that Christianity isn't leftist. So yes you can be a leftist and Christian but Jesus is not /ourguy/ and our values are quite different in many ways, or should I say independent in many ways.

I don't know. Can you repeat the question?

I don't think it's that Christianity in and of itself is not leftist, it's that it promotes the idea of moral objectivism which a lot of right-wing ideology relies on. But it is possible to be religious and believe in subjective morality.

I don't see how Christianity can be considered leftist. Sure it says a lot of nice things about the poor but leftist isn't "poorism", and as I said Christianity is fine with feudalism, slavery, and capitalism.

One can be leftist and Christian, yes. Why say "religious" when you know as well as I do how shitty every other religion is?

What, too taboo to admit for you?

nah dem muzlim mate dem muzlamics mate dem moozies mate muzlamuzzies mate dem muzzies mate

The Catholic worker's movement certainly seems to think so.

Look into Dorothy Day.
The Woman is one of my heroes.

you can't be christian and believe in subjective morality, if you do you are not Christian and you're going to hell

