What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Imperialism and Revisionism killed it.

Autism. Hoxha didn't understand that Marxism-Leninism is applied to the conditions and contradictions of the country which has a revolution and isn't a fixed toolkit of "how to socialism for dummies". That's very anti-Marx who was very sceptical of "cookshops of the future. For someone so virtue-signalling anti-revisionist he should have at least read Stalin or Lenin. Anti-Revisionist without self-criticism is a useless circlejerk.

I'm going to guess that for all Hoxha's writings denouncing revisionism, that the ruling party was still letting "patriots" into the party in a similar way to how Gorbachev and Milosevic got into their respective parties. How else could Ramiz Alia have gotten so high in the party leadership?

None of that explains how communism collapsed though. It collapsed because Ramiz Alia, head of state, allowed "multi-party democracy" and private property to be legalized. How does a committed career Communist member turn into a complete anti-Communist and destroy everything his successor built? And if he was always an anti-Communist, how did he get so far in the ruling party without being found out?

Liberated themselves, didn't become a USSR satellite
First country to achieve full electrification
Lowest socio-economic inequality in the world
Super secular
Tons of bunkers and militarized population instead of having a small professional army
Way too isolated, self-sufficiency is nice but it could atleast trade resources that weren't available
The same problems that plagued the USSR: political repression, purges, too much party power and not enough people power

I rate Albania 7 tanks out of 10

This is a meme. The total cost of the bunkers was like 1% of GDP for 1 year, don't know if that's the exact number but it was definetely very negligible cost wise.

Also the bunkers were actually militarily neccessary what with the revisionist Yugoslavs and military-fascist Greeks constantly violating Albania borders.


The bunkers were never used and the concrete could've been used for roads and housing. 1% of GDP is quite a lot.

Most military equiptment in many nations is never used (except in training), that's not the point, the point is deterrence. Invading a mountaineous and hilly country full of machine-gun bunkers hidden everywhere is enough to make the imperialists second guess any incursions.


Hoxha went a bit too nuts from the 1970s onwards
That said, for a small impoverished country, they did surprisingly well for a long time

Not to mention that even Yugoslavia a "power"demographically compared when compared to tiny Albania. They also trouble with the Italians and the Greeks who were backed by the US and Britain, as well as the Soviet Union who arguably had a larger and more battle-hardened army then the US for a while.

Albania made some very good advancements early on (first nation to have complete electrification, improved education and healthcare, the end of Islamic-tribal practices, major decrease in illiteracy, etc), but I think it ultimately went wrong with Hoxha himself. The dude loved Stalin too much, and wanted to be like him, and that got in the way of his thinking. It makes since rationally, considering Stalin did help them early on, but still.



Gulag me

For a while Stalin was a ok with Tito absorbing Albania

Yeah, when Tito seemed like a genuine socialist leader and not the imperialist puppet he turned into.

You mean like what Albanians do to Greece, Serbia, Macedonia, and Montenegro?

Albanians. Need I say more?

They were state capitalist

Says the nigger

Not enough bunkers

You can't adequately confront TRPF with central planning but especially not without sacrificing your social democracy.