What do you guys think of this man

What do you guys think of this man

Bump in the name of North Korea in its fight against western imperialism

you have to go back

He's an evil dictator.

so does ISIS but that doesn't make them good

I hope the North Korean ruling class get the guillotine.


I hate monarchs.

Death to all monarchs.

Did kim set the le nazi hair trend?

no gods no masters

I've had this exact thought.

When he first came on the scene everyone was making fun of his dorky haircut. And then everyone got one. wtf?!?

No they don't. ISIS is directly supported by the USA, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, UAE, and Qatar to varying degrees.

So were the mujahideen, and we all know how that went.

implying any of you cucks could do a better job governing North Korea

The hitler youth was always popular with neo nazis, for some reason it became popular in the mainstream in mid late teens.

Yes. I wouldnt have removed communism from the constitution.

I'd nuke the USA for reals.

Kim Jong Un is certainly no Kim Il-Sung. Hell, he's not even a Kim Jong-Il.

North korea arent even communist anymore, its more similar to Japanese fascism, emperor worship.
If i ran north korea i would invest in hacking, biowarfare, asymmetrical war and psyops.
The nukes were a good idea if you are a pariah state and dont want to be invaded.
Ghaddafi fucked up hard when he got rid of his nukes

This. US should leave them alone but anybody who thinks North Korea is anything but an absolute monarchy is delusional.

is it wrong that i wan't the US to attack Korea. Korea will detonate all of it's nukes and hit the South and Japan and US carrier groups in the area destroying the global economy and killing tens of thousands (hopefully) of US soldiers. IF they are really lucky maybe they can sink a carrier or two and get weapons from China and Russia as well and then lead a long guerilla people's war in the irradiated Korean peninsula. This will really fuck up the global economy, Trump's presidency and the US neocon agenda even more and destroy South Korea and Japan economically along with the cancerous K-pop animu industry

Tyrant. Should be killed by the people.

Being Kim Yong-ju is suffering.

yfw china doesnt actually like the norks and see's them as a burden and them launching nukes is like 10 nine elevens and brings together the world and a tribalistic angry america against a greater enemy and china, japan, america, and anyone else that wants in on the action tear north korea booty up and build a mcdolans on the ashes

His suffering will not last much longer.

Fug. Shitposting flag still on.

China's perspective on the Norks is the same as America's perspective on Saudi Arabia or France. The ruling elite and the main bulk of the population find them to be insufferable disgusting faggots but they are our insufferable disgusting faggots hence trade with North Korea and China has actually increased

Dont put on another shitposting flag

American hate the french?

If he manages to make it to 100 years old, which was Kim Il-Sung's goal in life, then at least he'll have the last laugh.