
I wanna read some anprim theory, where should I start ?

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reading is domestication


Ted Kaczynsky

literacy is a product of civilization enjoy being executed by your tribe



Writing would be antithetical to real anprim theory, so don't bother looking for literature. What you need to do is break the shackles civilization has imposed on you. Language is simply a coercive tool created by the tribal bourgeois to complicate what would otherwise be a straightforward reality. No animal aside from the homo sapien sees language as necessary for survival. Language as we know it (especially writing) is an exploitative tactic developed by the most deceptive proto-humans to convince their less intelligent peers to swear fealty to them. It is the source of all suffering in society today.

The only solution to our current situation is to abandon language and civilization in favor of the fulfiment of our primal urges. We must decondition ourselves from our mental slavery. As an anprim, I dream that 1000 years from now all of this soul sucking technology will be a forgotten mistake, but I fear that it is already too late.

You may think I am hypocritical for writing out this post, if I am against language, but I am only trying to make the best out of a terrible situation. If you really want to be an anprim, don't waste your time reading books. Spend your time unlearning how to read.

Jacques Camatte

This is the same line of "reasoning" as people saying communists can't use iPhones.



irony is technology

John Zerzan - Twilight of the Machines

Also, Ted's manifesto.

Ted wasn't an Anarcho-Primitivist, he acknowledged the downfalls of primitive society, chiefly the long hours of work required to gather food.

Because he was still stuck in a civilizationist mindset. Primitive people aren't endlessly preoccupied with what they do and how long they do it for like civilized people are.

He was a proto-anarcho-primitivist

Achieving anarcho-primitivism would require killing off 99.9% of humans, getting the remaining humans to live primitively somehow, and then somehow preventing another technological rise. The only ways I can think of to do this are either to cause humans to go extinct, or to create an artificial superintelligence that patrols the world and enforces anarcho-primitivism, and destroys all signs of civilization.

Writing is a means to an end.

Fuck off

Exactly. It is the means by which humans are exploited.

actually dont

The way things are right now, 99.9% of the population will almost certainly die, as language inevitably leads to ideological conflict and eventually violence. Communists are right to point out the flaws of capitalism, but they themselves fall prey to material lust in the form of "technological advancement", which in actuality is only the advancement of human slavery. If communists have their way (and I think some day they will), we will be slaves to robots and machines within a century. No, it will not be like the Matrix. Reality will not be simutated for our comfort. It would be a literal he'll beyond imagination. All of this comes from the curse of language and ideology.

Read John Zerzan, Derrick Jensen, Kevin Tucker.

Heidegger, The Question Concerning Technology. It's not Anprim but has had an impact on it's more philosophical and ontic relations.

Enjoy your polio lmao


Nice try kiddo

So you see how if for whatever dumb reason you're AnPrim is in your best interest to support whatever policy will cause mass human extinction, which is to come in favor of more technology (seriously do you even #accelerate?)

Not that I believe it is possible to go back in time, what could we possibly go back to? How do you even intent to engineer language out of the human species? Zerzan and his ilk offer nothing but platitudes.

No my spooked friend, man is something to be overcome, and it is the machine that overcomes him, man is to leave the stage of history, and it will be for the best.

And the normies will gladly jack in, face it you lose, no one wants to be pic related

What does even ideology means to you? You're literally drowning on it right now lmao

Fuck the rest of these guys:

Derrick Jensen YT lecture: Endgame
Ishamel by Daniel Quinn

This is the exact shit I'm talking about. Slave mentality is already developing. Judging by your flag though, an elitist technocrat such as yourself would look down on primitive species as "savage" and "barbaric". What exactly is the benefit of technological advancement? It has given us only cheap commodities, empty distractions and weapons of mass destruction. Ultimately language can only show us that life is meaningless. Animals without language have no way of questioning existence, and therefore are prefectly at ease with it. It is futile to worship technology as our savior when the sciences behind it are destroying the meaning of life. So-called "intelligence" is a mental disease resulting from an oversized cerebral cortex. Though it is sometimes evolutionarily beneficial, in the human species it has gotten way out of hand and now we are a ticking time bomb. Primitivism is the only pragmatic way of life for human beings - to call for anything more would be to indulge a utopian fantasy. But I wouldn't expect a technocrat to understand that.

What is this revisionist TRASH?!

Anarcho-Primitivism allying with Anarcho-Communist against the Capitalist regime.
(2017 colorized)

gonna need source on this


Bullshit, there is no scientific evidence of this. Plus Sapir-Whorf has been BTFO in recent years
Won't happen, plus if it does, I'm on the last shuttle off this planet to live on the moon elysium colony and keep my job as a software engineer, maybe ill make a few robots while im at it. Don't worry we'll visit you in the planetary zoo that is earth