What do we do about the liberal question?

What do we do about the liberal question?

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Ask another question.
Why are they more important than fascists and capitalists?

mass killings

Because the only reason fascists and capitalists keep winning is because of them.

Honestly, Twitter makes me more and more sympathetic to Pol Pot's and Mao's cleansing of intellectuals.

That's not true, that's just a 4chan meme.


As stupid as it is, that "hand sign" has become a kind of (ironic) racist symbol, just because everyone who was already a kind of (ironic?) racist started (ironically) using it. Worst of all, people at first said it wasn't racist, but because of what happened, and their incredibly obnoxious insistence on it just being a emoji, it became actually (ironically) racist.

Sad times.

no one on twitter is an intellectual.

Except when this board says liberal they mean "sjw".

What does it mean?

I feel that's a bit out of context.
I think she's talking about the American Flag emoji.

You are right except the gop are sjws but for their own group

the american flag clearly isn't a hand sign.

Well sure. This is why language needs to be abolished in place of telepathy.

Literally nothing. Some Holla Forumsyps made up a meme that this was some white supremacy symbol, convinced an idiot or two, and since then they are using this to "trigger libtards xXDDDD".

Because liberals are capitalists and above all the ones who are actually winning?

Not most of them.

The way they offer their opinions and commentary they are like them though

No, but I still want to kill them.


Liberals are "the Left" in America right now so there has to be some sort of way to address them. Right now a lot of them aren't so hot on capitalism and millionaires, but in true liberal fashion, they will run back to it when the system is in their favor. With Donny in office, they feel under attack and on the fringe. We should probably take advantage of this by spreading left-wing songs about exploitation and being anti-government. The catchier the song, the better.

This is unironically what I do and it works, at least it works a bit for reinforcing my normal shilling.

the left is liberal tho

and liberals are left


What high standards they have. Bit it should already be obvious by the fact that one of the main differenced is "does X interfere with social life/society"…


Dubious infographic, famalam.

What are they?

pretty sure this is representative of more countries than the us

its talking about government, not the people who put up those signs

interesting that you have problems with the attached pic and not what i have written

like pottery



Infographics are not a substitute for reading books user

no one prepared to make an argument just

perhaps thats your cognitive dissonance vocalizing?

does anyone else feel like a sausage trapped in an imbecile sandwich ?.

i think we should dump all alt-cucks and SJW on an island and move on with our lives.

Liberals are morons, even more so than the right, the right has convinced them that cartoon frogs, milk, the ok sign, and exercising naked are all neo nazi activities.

What is a liberal anyways, a modern liberal, it is a petit bourgeois that wants to preserve the capitalist status quo.
Ask yourself what kind of person has time to worry about the waist size of Disney princess instead of their material conditions or of the poor.

Pretty much through out history you can find actual leftists rolling their eyes at libs

No shit. The vast majority of the world are proles. The point is most capitalists are liberals so there isn't a distinction between attacking capitalists or liberals.

What argument should be made? That liberals aren't leftists?

Don't you feel any embarrassment for posting this?

Bullet to the head

Segregation was enforced by the government.



What is State and Revolution

why did he convert to islam anyways

it was a big thing back in the day apparently and i never understood why.

t. non burger

Because Islam is the truth.

It wasn't really Islam first.
Nation of Islam is a black supremacy cult.
Only after the hajj did he become a Sunni.

A lot of blacks at the time viewed christianity as the white man's religion so islam had more appeal to them, especially since decolonization was going on in Africa and the ME at the same time.

Lenin's obvious misreading of Marx?

Pic related.

Its actually pretty funny because the black slaves were probably only muslim because they were force converted by the Arab slave trade.
Muslims only ended slavery because European colonists told them to knock it off.

Also if you read any descriptions of what Muhammad looked like they over emphasize about how white he was

what are you even on about?

so being left and right is a spectrum?

the infographic describes what the nature of the poles of that spectrum

the spectrum is a still a dichotomy

noone is a right-left

there are no capitalist-communists

0 is centre

-1 is more centre than -100 but it still isnt a positive number

Don't you feel any embarrassment for posting this?

Why is the "OK" hand gesture racist? I've seen people talk about this but don't know why.

Just googled it. It's an alt-right meme, so lots of aut-right fags put it in their twitter handles and Liberals sperg about it online. Christ, it really is just one hand washing the other with rightwing and leftwing idpol, isn't it? Just an outrage machine in perpetual motion, self-renewing.

kys might be a good start

Because 4pol said so.

I'll just leave this here: slatestarcodex.com/2014/12/17/the-toxoplasma-of-rage

No, that's just something you made up. leftypol doesn't like conservative liberals any more than sjws.

Just imagine if we could put that energy to use.

They're usually not even Petit bourgeois because that would imply they own their own MoP. They're usually labor aristocracy who have been convinced that they aren't the same as the wrench turners and broom pushers.

A novelty of the past. Be honest with yourself.
Not more or less important, but potential in being swayed away from said Capitalists and their shenanigans.

the former queen of reddit everyone!

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Some of these are getting out of hand.


Isn't this that tranny that does has all those videos of him sticking big dildos up his arse?