Murdoch Murdoch

people actually find this funny ?

No. They find it comforting.
I hate the people who enjoy this to a practically unreasonable extent.


I should be like everyone else and laugh at trapo cuck house and weird twitter and daily show """"""""humor"""""""""!

Wew lad.
What the fuck is weird twitter..

Right wingers do, yes.

Post more BLACKED this is making me hard


Why do nazi love it so much?


t. niggerjew

Holla Forums at it again with the good jokes

Wtf is your problem comrades

We know the true Bolshevik way is gay anal butts only. Straight heteroracialism is undialectical. Every true comrade dreams only of pure boywives named Nikita.

Fact: there's literally no difference between the Nazbols and the "fashy" alt-kike factions. Both full of sodomites that want racial segregation for their bath houses.


The alt light episode was actually kind of funny, and the "Anti-Fascist Action" episode was funny as fuck. You'd basically have to be a feminist dyke, or unironic Antifa idpoler to get pissy when watching it.

In all honesty when I first found the channel I thought it was a leftist parody of Holla Forums
Like I'm seriously not joking

It was passable at the start, some early episodes had some very comical and self-aware moments

It definitely crashed when they introduced the fucking wojak self-inserts tho

twitter posts that are weird

Saved because of the extent I agree with you. If your humor consists of Tim & Eric, calling things "doggo" and retweeting random twitter schmucks saying "so much for the tolerant left" in a really heavy handed obviously sarcastic tone, are in no place to criticize anyone's humor.

this is some molyneux tier shit

I like the part in "the last son of the west" where Marx is playing the piano.

i'm not exactly sure what that means but, wow, you sure got me, user.

Saving screengrabs of every post you agree with it pretty odd m8. I don't know why it's Molymeme tier though.

So you can attach them later if you ever deem them relevant to a post you're making? I don't know which imageboard you've been hanging out in but people do this all the time.

For exceptional posts, sometimes.

eh i thought it was good.

Finland couple actually gives off a sweet vibe :3

So did I

You have to go back.

The guy has a cute little smile and the position he's holding her is a lot more tender.
Just nice compared to the other two tbh

The Swedish couple seems legit
The Norwegian couple seems rapey
The Finish couple is father, and adopted daughter

Murdoch should neck himself tbh.

Those are all americans


t. edgelord

just watched an episode today for some reason

Comedy and entertainment is designed to keep us disgusting proles perfectly content and happy, it is all panem et circenses.

I've honestly laughed pretty hard at how bad it is, but then again I think it was one of those 2am sessions where everything is funny because you're tired.

there are semi-regular threads here shitting on the likes of John Oliver and his ilk, so I somehow doubt anyone here watches The Daily Show. when will Holla Forumsyps who think we're liberals just fuck off?
