Movie Productions

Can someone explain to me how movies would work in a communist society?

All films are Come and See. Misery follows. Organic life is removed by superior tankie nukes. Problems weren't.

We'd probably see analogues to smaller budget indie films and more pretentious fags trying to make films with less things like capeshit universes or romcoms.

How would Actors, Editors, Directors be rewarded through their labour?

They would do it because they enjoy it. Are you under the impression every artist only creates art for money?

In full communism?

No, just that fact if you can't be rewarded for your labour on your passions. You would have to commit to more practical means of surviving spending less time doing what you love.

The Soviet Union produced good films.

How the fuck do you think anything got done before money existed? You think Pythagoras sold the patent for his theorem on the market for 100 gold coins or something? Fuck's sake these questions are retarded.

We have that now. If you aren't a professional or rich you have to balance a job before breaking into the business, which only a few are able to do. Under communism we would have a drastically shorter work week that would enable more time to make art for those who wish to.

How do you sell a theory?

Well, atleast you're ability to make a profit off your art. Plus people who hold a job and are artist can benefit from both art and job.

Whoops meant for this ->

Publish FOR FREE in a journal after you spend your time peer reviewing articles FOR FREE in the same journal.
Or write a book.

Or you go broke and have to abandon your art to wage cuck.

And under communism people can work significantly less and make art on their own time.

Some profit is better than no profit.

What if there's i high demand of their labour?


So Printing press would work for free to?

I was talking about how things work now, not under socialism.

You mean like there is now? Working hours should fall over time in socialism.

if supply doesn't meet demand wouldn't you have a shortage?

Yes. Sure, if there was a big emergency and extra labour was required for some reason, and some workers were filming in their spare time they would have a temporary problem.


ffs fam read a book. The point is that we are all going to be working less because we will replace all the shit with machines (while under capitalism automation usually leads to unemployment because god forbid we lower the work-week). That way everyone will have the spare time to engage in art and culture instead of just a few people who do it full time