Rooftop farms

Why is the idea of rooftop farms so popular amongst socialists, especially anarchists?

It seems pretty inefficient considering it's potentially harmful for the building's structural integrity (soil is pretty heavy, especially when it has just rained) and you're producing over the SNLT dictated by actual farms. Now I know that competition only really applies to capitalism but I'd say that the constant reduction of the SNLT is one of the aspects of capitalism worth carrying over towards communism.

It doesn't has to be that big or that heavy.

It's a good idea & I should have one.
Thanks for reminding me.

forgot to add, we're probably better off putting solar panels on those roofs

If it's not big or heavy then what's the point? You're producing way above the socially necessary labour time.

Irrelevant because the food is produced for personal/family use and not exchange. People can't garden as a hobby? Furthermore its a way to make cities food producing rather than just having empty space on a roof not being used. Finally, with reagrds to the weight, I seriously doubt a 12 story high concrete and steel building is going to be brought down by 1 foot of dirt with water in it, and if it is, thats more of a testament to terrible civil engineering than the impossibility of roof farms, i mean people stand on roof during rooftop parties, etc. And they weigh a hell of a lot more than a little bit of dirt and plants.

Ok. I'll link you to the Solar Pannels I want & you pay for them ok?

s m h this guy

why not both? roof/greenhouse with panels on top of that

Ok. I'll link you to the Green House with Solar Pannels I want & you pay it & ship it to me ok?

Seems like a meme to me. It's the same when architects and utopianists draw pictures of future skyscrapers with trees on them. It's an impossibility because no tree would survive such harsh conditions

as soon as you pay for my commercial farm that produces vegetables at the SNLT

you never been to a mountain mate ?

How is the SNLT irrelevant? We'd want to spend as little time possible working. Ofcourse people garden as a hobby, but if you'd want rooftop farms to actually supply a sizeable part of a city dweller's diet we'll be wasting a lot of time on rooftop farming while it can be done with less time on proper farms.

I mean once we've established socialism, jackass. I'm not saying we should all put solar panels on our roof now.

But the point isn't that it's a more efficient use of labour, but that it is a more efficient use of space. Having more greenery in the city also has a variety of beneficial effects not related to food production, and it allows us to farm the countryside less intensively and reduces transportation costs. Furthermore, stuff like rooftop farms and greenhouses are more conducive to automation and shit like hydroponics and aeroponics, which allow for more resource efficient food production.

*ponics are only more resource efficient than traditional potted plants. High volume farming is more efficient by orders of magnitude.

The only real benefit is it's a nice hobby to preoccupy liberals.

Fuck off Reddit retard

Where are you getting this information that vertical farms are less efficient than traditional farms? Your only argument is that farmers can dictate the SNLT of the food produced but historically that has never been the case, and in fact the opposite is true for overproducing goods.

What, besides the fact that you don't have to build and maintain a giant skyscraper?

good points, if you think about it increasing the amount of green in the city reduces the carbon footprint of the city. Not by much, since plant respiration is very slow, but it adds up.

In regard to SNLT argument, can't production of plants on rooftops simply just be calculated in? Really doesn't seem like that big a deal to me

Okay, and how is that any different than maintaining a huge plot of land relative to the SNLT? Shit needs maintaining, a ton of people have jobs that do just that. Why wouldn't those positions be open under socialism? If maintenance automation on traditional farms is your answer why can't it be true on vertical farm maintenance as well?

The artificial sunlight, the fact that you can't take advantage of rain? An automatic harvester is basically a combine with a roomba brain. Automating vertical farms would be a nightmare in comparison

rooftop gardens look really neat, i don't care about their socialist, or capitalist, or communist, or fascist implications. i just think they look cool


You need to til the soil after planting. You need to get rid of varmints. If the weather changes the land you have to go out and move tons of dirt in order to reroute rivers and shit. There's plenty of things that need maintaining on traditional farms that are nonexistant on vertical ones because you have to actually work the land compared to a sterile highriser environment. Have you actually been on a farm? Worked in a farm?

Not just window breaks and shit. Every pot and trough can break down. Replacement costs.

Why don't farmers build hydroponic warehouses if riding a tiller once a year is so expensive?

Indoor farming also requires constant fungicide

It's ugly as fuck. I'd rather not want a cityscape to be littered with that shit


top wew tankie

if you think this isnt pretty you are just flat wrong my man

looks utopic and envoirnament friendly, and leftists love both things.

So we can feel a little better about ourselves even when knowing we are killing the earth.

Combining the best in architecture and agriculture is alluring because it means more production and potentially less clear-cutting for farm land. Ideally there'd be a farm not just on the roof, but every floor.

son, you need Bookchin

Let me guess, you are also one of these cringey idiots who goes shopping with an outdoor hiking jacket with ten pockets, and your wardrobe consists mostly of The North Face or Jack Wolfskin

My man, I've used a North Face rucksack every day since 2012 and it still hasn't broken

I'm not saying the stuff isn't good quality, it's just that it is mostly worn by 40 year old man with square glasses who constantly make dad jokes.

That is some very specific projecting, my tankie friend. Got a buyer's remorse story to share?

Self sufficiency, less reliance on farm slaves.

what about hydoponic basement farming?

Why not both

Urban farming absolutely works, they do it in Cuba.

1. Industrial farming has some serious issues relating to pesticide use and the nitrogen cycles. We should aim to faze out these techniques in rural farms in favor of less productive, but more sustainable farming techniques such as crop rotation. This means that urban environments will need to pick up some of the slack. Obviously, what can be produced in a city is much less than can be produced on a traditional farm, but it should still cover the difference between what is being produced now, and what will be being produced once more sustainable methods are adopted.

B. Genetic technology will allow us to grow plants that will hold up better in urban environments.

Three. Self reliance and the ability to work with plants are good personal qualities to cultivate in our comrades.

IV. This is the big one…
…they're pretty!

5. In some cities, solar panels would be a much better use of roof space, but plenty of cities do not get enough sun to make solar panels a feasible option. We should put farms on the roofs in cities where there is a lot of rain, and not a lot of sun.

You're reusing surface area multiple times over, in this case for something very important. What's not to love.

It's genuinely very important, having greenery in a city improves people's mood a lot. Nothing more grim than kilometres of cold concrete,

I mean once my is established, jackass. I'm not saying we should all put on our roof now.

I'll have a small garden up the roof because it's cheap, smart & anyone can do it. Instead of insulting the simple like here:

with bullshit fantasies all the time like an autistic Holla Forums-like retard, you should take into consideration REALITY.

Affordable, produces food, easy to do & mantain. It doesn't has to be like the one in the picture, it can be of any size. One doesn't has to wait for any system to take over to grow plants either.
If that didn't come into your mind instantly & you went to bashing them before thinking about the obvious you're a retard. Simpleton retard.

Everyone in this thread who is trying to defend OP's PoV is a retard actually. It's like you guys lost track of reality, get the fuck off the internet, go out to real life more often holy shit. The internet is making you guys ridiculous.

In all seriousness if you got the time, seeds, pots, soil & the roof. I don't see any disadvantage to doing this, if you can't be assed then don't bother do what you like but if you want to grow something: carrots, maize, anything even weed or kratom. Do it produce whatever. If it's something you want to hide just put a cardboard box with holes over it or take the pot with the plant inside your home at night.

at last I see

autism with tanks