Does leftypol like Kaiserreich?

Does leftypol like Kaiserreich?

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No, it has anti-marxist bias.


Are you kidding? It has an anti-stalinist view, but the syndicalists get an overwhelmingly positive portrayal.

Anti-stalinism IS anti-marxism.

Oh, I get it. It's a protracted "haha ML is socdem" joke.

Never played it. Does it require more autism than Baldurs Gate Trilogy + SCS and tactical mods?

It's easier than vanilla Darkest Hour, as long as you pick the right nation. It's actually how I learned the game mechanics.


This man slaps your workers council's ass. What do you do?

Play HOI4 Kaiserreich, it's got better lore and is easy to learn.

*cough* pleb

It'll be larger pretty soon, it's growing crazy fast.

I can't stand it on the sole basis of how awful the AI is in HoI4. I mean, Darkest Hour's AI was no tactical genius, but HoI4's is unbearably shit.

Yeah, I loved it. Did they remake it for HoI4?

There's a new improved frontline mod on the workshop that's helped me with this. Paradox also slightly improved the ai last patch. It's by no means great but it's improving.

Also, HOI4 appeals to simpletons like me who can't learn anything more complex than vic 2

Yep. want a link?

Post it anyway, the more people who play, the better.

lmao playing it right now

viva socialist brazil, liberating french africa with my latin american commie union

so im playing it for HOI4, what is considered the patrician version?

Darkest Hour is more complex and complete

HOI4 is growing and has a more active community

What do lads?

It's important to note that the Darkest Hour version will likely be finalized in the next few releases, so HOI4 has a pretty good chance of surpassing it in time.

Hungary can be dangerous if cornered. I suggest taking Transylvania only.




No, its too convoluted.

why is mosley in this mod socialist??

Because he was a socialist before becoming a fascist irl. He still adopted socialist themes into his brand of fascism.

Fascism never became a developed ideology due to the success of socialist revolutions meaning that those who popularized fascism never made the ideological switch. He's proto-fascist, aka, National Syndicalism.

Buy tanks from France :^)

He's totalist, so socialism = giant state, but in KR he never has gets enticed by Mussolini into fascism or get disillusioned with the inertia of the Labour Party because the UK has a revolution by the trade unions.

Fascism doesn't exist and Hitler is a nobody

To expand on this user, totalism is essentially highly authoritarian and centralized socialism. So you have the Bolsheviks in the east, the leftist ultranationalists in France, the red terrorists in the USA, and the National Syndicalists scattered around Italy and elsewhere all united under one banner. Engine limitations.

Hitler died in the Russian Civil War.

post yfw you will never live in the vastly superior kaserreich timeline

as a part of the white army

I kinda wish Mosley took over England just for the Aesthetics

why does it make me so hard?

Theres no set timeline though

POUM is the totalists in Spain and in Russia its Tukhachevsky's internationalists (all the left factions there are Bolsheviks iirc)


Did they give a reason for this? Huey Long, I can understand being where he is, as he was highly opportunistic and its implied that the far right, KKK and such use him as a figurehead against his wishes, but the POUM? That's a bit of a stretch.


I pirated HOI4, is there anywhere to get the mod apart from Steam?

Long isn't a totalist though, he's a paternal autocrat.

His memoires were a huge commercial success in the timeline, tho.!xwpEVLKI!CmxIJhMLDKnyCBK7VwYdWw!xgAQhLoK
Here friendo

Love it. I think it's funny how many totalists are just fascists (all the Sorelians are French nazis etc, and then there's Mosley and Mussolini.)

Japan is one of my favs. Went full nat-pop. and occupied the whole of America and Canada during the civil war. Used the forced labour to conquer China, now poised for the final confrontation with Germany.

Brazilian Integralism is also really cool to play with, although I can never manage to beat Argentina.

I also love playing the French Commune. Managed to beat Russia, starting the war in winter and with zero manpower. Fuck history.

My favourite start has always been southern Italy. It's actually pretty cool, although it has less flavour that France and UoB.

Where can I find one for 1.4.0 version?

i'm going to make 1984 look like fucking sesame street

The Kaiserreich team hasn't updated it for Death or Dishonour yet afaik

I will test if it will work regardless. Sometimes older mods can still function(or I can just try disabling the new dlc)

The amount of retards that can't get their heads around the fact that syndicalism is a different sort of socialism to the communism in our timeline is astonishing.
Crazy how people bring their misconceptions even to video games.

On the flip side, I was introduced to Syndicalism through KR; I had no idea what it was previously. While I wouldn't consider myself a syndicalist now, I definitely learned a lot more theory and history because of KR while is nice. I'd like to hope it's done the same for others.

Building Großdeutsche is shit tons of fun in Kaiserreich.
Partitioning France and putting a German noble on the Throne of the UK is just great.

I do also enjoy a good Mosley Brittan or Chinese Tao cultist game from time-to-time.

Hitler is a dead author, Himmler is a literal chicken farmer and Stalin is a minister in socialist Georgia.

It hurts everyday, friend.
If I could make one change to the past, it would be that the Schlieffen plan worked.

Look into De Leonism.
It is a mixture of Marxism and Syndicalism.

My big only complaint is that the reformed Soviet Union tree seems like it was put in half-assed, and the formation of the Soviet Union itself is wonky. I think I have heard that its the smallest tree in the entire game.

Also, some of the stuff doesn't make any sense. Like, socialist Mexico shouldn't have an option to completely flip their ideology on a dime to Authoritarian Democracy, it doesn't make any sense.

where the hell is Asser ?

The head of the Kaiserreichs far right, pan-German party.

Wow. Also, what happened to /urbanate/?

Should I buy HoI4?

I really only want it because it seems to have superior alt-history mods.

It's a pretty good game, but you'll likely be disappointed if you've played HoI3 since 4 is considerably streamlined by comparison. If not though, have at it by all means.

Alternatively, if buying isn't an option or you don't intend to shell out for the DLC:

I bought it, but if you have friends you can let them have it for free if you pretend they are your kid.

I am a little surprised more people don't know about that feature its an easy way for friend groups to share games.

how can I get the mod without steam?

why the fuck are you cretins playing the piece of shit that is hoi4 when you can play real kr instead

For a number of reasons, I decided to abandon it.

While far from perfect.
I think that Holla Forums is now the best place to discuss my ideas.
In the event that there is ever an up-tick in interest, I may create another board.

No, HoI4 is utter shit.
Just play Darkest Hour.

Too late, already bought it.

Although I totally agree DH is superior.

Also finally downloaded Revolution Under Siege.

stalin was right


The only reason I side with Mosley is so comrade Blair can coup him and get in charge

Normal, or gold?


Y'know what would be fucking glorious? If Kaiserreich were to colonize games other than DH/HoI4.

Imagine Command and Conquer: Kaiserreich.


It is supposedly getting a port to Mount and Blade: Warband. I don't know much about Kaiserreich, but if it's anything like The Parabellum was before a bunch of fucking proprietarian asshats shut it down it'll be good.


No, it's awful. The timeline is completely absurd. For example, the idea of a Germany which just barely managed to scrape out a victory in WW1 so easily intervening in China and achieving what Japan took decades to fail at is a complete joke.

i was think about making a mod for mow, but i don't have free time :'(

Just started my first game as CSA. Definitely going to conquer those filthy royalist mapleniggers once I unite America under glorious libertarian socialism.

The worst part is that HOI4 has no engine limits.

Totalism and National Populism make no sense.

Sorel was against centralization, syndicalism is inherently federalist, and national-syndicalists would hate communists more than moderate syndicalists.

Most national-populist countries aren't even nationalist or populist. Sternberg is not a populist and he's more religious/monarchist than nationalist. Same with lots of the religious fanatics that get the label. Also, Long should be more of a social democrat, while the Russian populists should be a radical SR-nationalist organization aligned with the national-syndicalists in France. Ultranationalism should be a leftist ideology in this timeline, as national-syndicalists stay in the Left.

But no, they decide to apply a WW2-esque ideology system when it doesn't even apply.

Not to mention that most of the KR mods/devs are SJW retards.

Also, fuck the new artstyle. Everyone looks like they come from an anime, especially the syndicalists. Again, they apply modern shit like punkish/edgy hairstyles to early 20th century workers or steampunk tier armor to the Kaiser.

Not to mention they REALLY fucked up corporatism in the US

Hell yeah!

Keep in mind though Sorel changed his views. Have you heard of Cercle Proudhon?

Bae doesn't get mentioned in the Combined Syndicates of America, and I mean considering all the syndicalist nations are based on SIU that is sad.


From my understanding, the IWW of the Kaiserreich continuity that eventually comes to lead the CSA is the Chicago branch (the same branch that persists today) rather than the Detroit branch (of which DeLeon and the SLP jumped ship to back in 1908). Considering that split was not a particularly graceful one and a lot of people involved in that situation were still kicking by 1936, it's no surprise he might not get much of a mention (along with having already died before the timeline diverges from our own).


I need to learn HOI 4 but have not time…

Megali Idea should never have been born.

Fuck Koletis. We'd be better off without "muh near east".

It's implied, if you play as the Union State, that far right movements are using Long as their figurehead and he is a moderate faction in their government, at least in Darkest Hour. If you elect his faction into full power, it becomes an authoritarian democrat regime on the basis that he opposes the Syndicalists and restricts them from government. The Union State is no longer national populist, either. Not sure what it's like in HOI4, but DH's version is definitely more realistic in some political regards.

However, Long can temporarily join up with the CSA and partition the US in half, should his faction gain power.

not gonna lie, this map is fucking garbage outside of the west coast


It was 50 percent off

Also I'm too paranoid to pirate.

Anyone been able to get darkest hour or vicky 2 to run in wine on linux? LItterally the only thing I even boot windows for anymore, but even on windows 8 I cant get darkest hour to launch with 3d models. I have xp machines laying around but I really dont want to taint them with steam.

A VPN subscription or seedbox was probably the same price fam.

Disable the intro video for Darkest Hour and it should work fine. Victoria 2 is much harder to run, and you'll need to play around with versions. Disable the opening video, just to be safe.



but those flags are pretty sick tho

Oklahoma with the sickle and corn is a nice touch.


only part i really hate is the way they done did appalachia

texas is bad, nebraska is weird, new afrika shouldn't fucking exist but other than that yeah i totally agree


As a result of KR, I can't get Die Wacht am Rhein out of my head.

Die Wacht am Rhein is entry tier.
However still great
"Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland" and "Heil dir im Siegerkranz" are far better songs associated with Imperial Germany.
I would even include "Wir wollen unseren alten Kaiser Wilhelm wiederhaben", while it is a post-imperial monarchy-restorationist anthem, I think it still fits fine.

Thankfully it is easy to add in music in Darkest Hour.

There was a Facebook page that had America, Canada, and Mexico republics but I can't remember what it was American Democratic Labor Revolution or something like that but I don't have FB

Is the situation really that bad up there? Does your ISP end those warning letters and shit?

But hey, look at it this way: Trump's FCC's imbecility will pretty much require you to use a VPN, so you'll be able to use it to pirate to.

Yeah I should know I work for them

Why is Mittelafrika so big?

It must be the biggest country on the planet since Russia and China are much smaller in this game.

Anti-imperialist nazi african superpower when

I still don't understand how George Orwell of all people becomes totalist especially considering how much he fucking hated MLs IRL

I think it's engine limitations. In the Darkest Hour version, he's on the lighter side of Syndicalism despite being in the Totalist faction.

Where does the "DIRECT RULE FROM LONDON" joke come from?

Totalism also covers economic interventionism: Orwell is explicitly not totalitarian in the game.

Basically the UoB is a centralised executive with regional and local legislatures: as the totalist Mosley you can dissolve the councils and rule directly from London.

Anyone play Apres Moi Le Deluge?

Seems like a superior world to even KR.

if i were to ever play a strategy game like that it'd have to be a simulation oriented multiplayer strategy game

it'd look like this:
you choose a faction and enter it as an individual member. then there'd be several scenarios available. it switches the nations and year and your factions would fight each other altering the events of history
some can become leaders but most players are in as supporters. based on their performance on different tasks and decisions they'll either gain or lose in support.
everything should be possible:
illegal acting violent groups, guerillas, military coups, parliamentary route, a mixture of all and so on

that'd be so badass…

The only mistake in that mod was in changeing the CSA Flag from the IWW flag.

Why would that timeline be better


Guys I'm trying to join the International faction and build world socialism but France won't let me for some reason.

How do I fix this?

War with either Germany or Canada gets the UoB invited to the International.

Fuck the Internationale, those morally bankrupt french fucks let in Mosley and Mussolini while keeping me, the CSA out, and then declared war on me when I started a syndicalist revolution in the UOB.

But I am Mosley.

Joining the PSA for Hawaii is the worst decision I have ever seen an AI nation make.

Nvm found it.

finally won this fucking war even tho i suck at the game

so i went with the decentralized unionists, did i do good? will there be real consequences to not centralizing or were the totalists memeing on me?

The toties were just trying to get their grubby mitts on the worker's freedoms. You picked the best path, comrade. Blair would be proud.

Now annex the PSA and New England before Canada puppets them

Why is France such a beast in this game?

Cool, planning on it, but now im in some territory dispute with the zapatistas. fugg comrades pls i dont want to fight

If the mexicans went totalists, then they're OTL Mussolini tier fascists. They did in my game so I declared war and puppeted.

I'm guessing what happens is Nazis go back in time to kill Marx but instead the Anarchists become popular since Marxism died before birth.

I'm so fucking happy Greenland is a Council Republic and didn't just get annexed


you dont know how to search keywords on a torrent site?

I guess it's from Orwell's more conservative and traditionalist beginnings. It was only Orwell witnessing shitty MLs that be became more libertarian.
Still; if Mosley gets too authoritarian then Orwell backstabs him and tones down the authoritarian aspects of the Totalist faction.

I'm sorry, what? Use QbitTorrent or Deluge. If you don't know what to do from there, I'm sorry, I can't help you.

While I cannot speak for the objectively inferior HoI4 version.
The balance in the DH version has been broken for several patches now.

In the past, Mitteleuropa would win the second weltkrieg ~90% of the time.
As logically it should.

Unfortunately some time ago now, something was changed that resulted in Syndicalist France now being able to (somehow) beat the might of Mitteleuropa with ease ~80% or so of the time.
Along with giving the Kaiserreich more events related to elections, slider positions (such as Imperial Germany no longer being democratic) and colonization in the east; Fixing the balance of power so that Mitteleuropa is not longer a push over is really at the top of my list in regards to things that I want to see in coming versions.

Actually Mexico is just Stalinists same for Chile and Poland. Sorelians, Naz-Syns, Maximists are legit fascists.

nah theyre syndies

Depends, can you save Lenin?

Lenin is already dead when the game starts.

(Starts in 1936)

Lenin is long dead by the time that the game starts.

In the Kaiserreich timeline, a victorious Germany intervened in the Russian civil war and helped the whites beat the reds.
Most of the historical leadership of the bolsheviks are either dead (Lenin) or no-bodies living outside of Russia proper (Stalin).
This is the reason that Syndicalism is the main form of socialism, Marxism-Leninism failed in leading Russia to a successful socialist revolution where Syndicalism in western Europe succeeded.

At the start of the game Russia is a very unstable parliamentary republic, but that tends to change rather quickly.

Guys I'm playing the DH version as Britain but you see it's 1939 and I'm still trying to figure out how to play and France has just DOW'd Germany out of nowhere. My navy's smaller than Germany's and I've never played a GSG where I got to use planes before so I don't know how.

What do I do to not get destroyed? Do I send troops to France right away or should I wait until the Americans show up with their big navy so it's safe?

You should DEFINITELY have a bigger navy than Germany unless you did something retarded and deleted half your navy.

Just send troops over the channel, they should be fine if there is still France over there. The US isn't comming to help you until like fucking 1944, so don't hold out hope for those fucks.

Also… you will… eventually figure out planes, its not something you get until playing a few times.

Really, I suggest you play as like Japan or something to start out with as the only shit they get into is stuff they themselves start.

You sound pretty much fucked, friend.
I would recommend that you restart.

The UoB is a naval power first and foremost, you should always have a bigger and more modern navy then Germany.
You should also have a large, modern air-force and a few good modern marine units (with the appropriate number of transports).

You can mostly ignore land units (aside from marines).
France is the power that actually commits land forces during the second weltkrieg.
With your much more limited manpower pool, your job as the UoB is to keep the German Navy bottled up in the Baltic as much as possible, help out the french by gaining air supremacy over the Flemish front and finally land your marines in Flanders-Wallonia to help the french forces brake-through the German defensive line.

I think it has a focus tree in HoI4 KR now

restart and spam carriers. carriers kill absolutly everything at sea and germany only builds a few

I did do something retarded. I completely forgot to build or upgrade any of my units until like 1937 when I figured out how.

No the US is already here, or the CSA anyway. Well their planes are here.

Actually it's not going so bad. The Germans seem to just send their navy out in tiny instalments so they get sank the second they enter the north sea rather than just sending one big fleet to crush mine like I expected.

What flag is Georgia holding?

Transcaucasian republic.

Speaking of which I had a retarded moment in my game yesterday where Georgia (the only member state) declared independence from the Transcaucasian republic.

Soc dm Austria is so overpowered in 0.45

Okay the Germans are losing hard so I'm cruising around the world stealing their colonies while France does all the heavy lifting.

What should I do. Should I release them as socialist anti-imperialist puppets? Or should I expand direct rule from London worldwide?


Seriously though, it would be pretty cool if the KR Syndie flags were available for use posting here.

I did this way before the recent patches. Once your done with the initial trouble of getting Belgium encircled and crushed, you can just blitz your way to Berlin. Unfortunately, the war continues, even after you blitzkrieg Europe.

Yes, I did. Cercle Proudhon was still for syndicalism and decentralization. The whole reason for it's existence is in fact Charles Maurras proposing the idea of a federal monarchy and the Third Republic being quite centralized.

Sorel abandoned those ideas, but not the core ideals of syndicalism and federalism. You can have Sorel be a republican or a monarchist, but his main ideas are federalist syndicalism.

I was thinking the same thing. The issue is more that Long has opposed said movements vehemently. And, this is even worse. There is a world's difference between the Kaiserreich and Long. (And, that could've been represented by a social democracy that is more authoritarian. There is a distinct lack of centrist authoritarians in KR to be honest.) But still, I wouldn't have Huey Long be any more anti-syndicalist than the supposedly "democratic" parties.

Of course, you need that three-way civil war for the kiddos. :^) (Even if you can replace AUS with the KKK instead, which would've been more appropriate for a mostly Southern revolt.)

That just leads to an automatic DOW after the civil war is done. Would be interesting to have a division of power set-up though.

I'm so mad.

They didn't even do anything during the war despite having the biggest army, navy and airforce of any of the internationale.

Could be worse I suppose.

Yeah, Kaiserreich is really weak with the AUS and Huey Long. If you're going to have a far-right ideology rising to power in 1930's America, I think it would be the ideology of the ideology of the KKK, and Long hated the KKK.

It would have made a lot more sense to have William Dudley Pelley, for example, leading an organization based around white supremacy and Christian extremism, which grew out of the KKK like the Combined Syndicates grew out of the IWW.

I also think it's kinda for Father Coughlin, a Catholic Priest, to be in such a high position in a faction based in the south. I think it would make more sense to have him be recruited by the USA to shore up support with Catholics, rather than having be an AUS leader.

As for the CSA, I get why the devs chose Reed for the leader, given his experience in the Russian Civil War, but he seems like he would have been way too bohemian to be a serious presidential candidate, even now.

The latest version has semi-fixed the balancing, though it's still a 60/40, favoring France. It's better than the "lol commune blitzkrieg xD" that plagued it for several versions.

Makhno is stuck in France running shit

This, completely. You expressed a lot of my issues with Kaiserreich's alternative history.

An interesting fact to add is that William Z Foster actually was in favor of "Jim Crow Unionism" and organizing within the existing unions before being a communist. He also wasn't against WW1. Would be interesting to see if the Syndicalist League, his organization, went the path of the French Sorelians and Italian syndicalists and delved into ultranationalism.

Also, why does the Totalist ideology have the Asserist logo in HOI4 when Asser isn't even a "Totalist" in KR?

Should still be an event though.

I sorta suspect that the reason the AUS is so unrealistic is because the devs didn't feel comfortable creating a faction the would basically be the KKK on steroids.

As for the the Asserist symbol being used for the Totalists, that just seems like a heavy-handed way of implying that they're just red fascists.

Considering I've yet to see Reed actually win the with the AI at the helm, I think that may have been the point.

Another issue I've found with the CSA is the commanders it has. While I understand there were very few prominent left-leaning military men in the US at the time that would likely defect to the CSA, most of the ones they did go with were ones who got their military experience fighting as volunteers in Spain during their Civil War. That's not necessarily a problem on its own, but it's not uncommon for the Second American Civil War to kick off BEFORE the Spanish Civil War, so their presence is a bit out of place.
I suppose what they COULD do is look for other people like Jack Reed who either went to Russia during their Civil War or leftist WWI vets to serve as commanders, then once Spain (or a similar conflict) is done, those International Brigade commanders unlock via event. That or at least explain where they already got their experience (volunteering in Britain in '25 might be an option).

Depending on the context of the country it's being applied to, that's not always inaccurate. The way Kaiserreich (at least in its HOI4 version) handles ideologies is weird, because ideologies can actually have some pretty wild variance depending on the backstory of the country. Syndicalism could either mean anarcho-syndicalism or more along the lines of De Leonism. Radical socialism can mean various forms of anarchism (including once again anarcho-syndicalism in the case of the CNT-FAI), Marxism, or other socialist forms. Totalism can mean anything from centrally-planned socialism to hard-line Stalinism to essentially Asserism.

As stated above, part of the symbol use is to imply that many applications of "Totalism" ultimately amount to "centrally-planned fascism." As for Asser himself, he's not a Totalist because he already signed on as one of the lead constituents of a different coalition: the Alldeutsche Verband (essentially the NSDAP). He represents their left wing, but much like how our timeline's Asser largely prioritized the nationalist (and anti-communist) line over socialist values, so too has he chosen nationalism (and anti-syndicalism) over socialism in this timeline.

I haven't played the mod for about 2 months now, since I'm working and I don't have my gaming pc in the house i'm staying for the summer (yet).

I was wondering, is it possible to change ideologies as a neutral tree country now? I wanted to make a communist Greece, but despite having a majority of communist support, the government doesn't change.

I've just won the second Weltkrieg and France controls most of Germany while I control most of their eastern puppets.

Should I liberate the United Baltic Duchy as one nation or divide it into Estonia and Latvia? On one hand I like multi-ethnic meme countries, on the other hand it reeks of the Eternal Teuton

Damn, so Britain essentially turns into Oceania in Kaissereich? I've got to check this out.

He is a State Syndicalist.
Centralized workers state = best able to defend the gains of the revolution.

The UoB is Socialist.

The only real totalitarian states in the game are two small Chinese states, plus Japan if it goes down the turbo fascist/military dictatorship path and America if best general stages a coup.

imagine a faction so vile, so hated, syndicalists and monarchists blanda up just to get rid of them.

At least in DH he was classified as a "Radical Socialist", which is the most democratic form of Syndicalism.
But I still don't get why he would join forces with the Maximists.

Though the Syndicalist music pack initially could turn the intro music into "Der Heimliche Aufmarsch".
When I installed it last time though, it wasn't available anymore, just like the Syndie loading main menu screen. And the game in general came with a lot of bugs.
Can someone point me to where I can download the latest version?

At the start theres several paths you can take with Britian, they start as conflicted socialists

So im the CSA and signed a peace deal with the SCA and theyre still attacking me???

What's the SCA?

This game just keeps getting better and better.

Oswald Mosely, George Orwell and Ian Fleming all in the British government.

I always release them as puppets, otherwise the map looks fucked.

I get that but still pretty dumb considering you have the option to play as Hitler in the base game

my fault, PSA. i won the war with canada and now germany is coming to help the PSA and fucking me up on the western front

you should post about this on the development forum, theyre pretty responsive and you have great feedback

Britain is completely opposite. They lean anarchist, and at start they are even more decentralized than the other syndicalist/anarchist nations.

HOWEVER. Mosely is so autistic that in this universe he literally invents a socialist ideology mostly based around totalitarianism and centralization. The good part is you can actually get George Orwell himself as leader of totalist britain by having him coup Mosely.

I want off this ride.

Is this a set up for some kind of event chain where they get couped, I noticed all their armed forces heads are syndicalists? Or am I just going to be stuck with a crazy France for the rest of the game?

they have a chance to change governemnt every 5 years so maybe stop or they double the fuck down

This is why France is the only Syndie nation in Europe I can ever play. If something fucks up, or they don't release nations, or they turn totalist, your whole playthrough is screwed because they lead the international and they're usually the only syndie nation leading the front line and occupation.


I have never understood why anyone on the left would like this guy, he was a back-stabbing rat.
Not only did the man literally compose a list for authorities naming every author that he believed was a socialist/sympathetic to socialism.
But he wrote two works that were so utterly vague in what they were attacking, that they have been used by the forces of capital to attack all forms of socialism/anti-capitalism ever since their publication.

Even in Kaiserreich the man is a rat.
As soon as the workers state of the UoB is starting the get secure in its borders and as soon as a workers culture starts to take root, the rat chimps out and back-stabs the man responsible for almost all of the UoBs advances in socialism.

While I do also wish that there was an option of creating a pan-afrikan state.
Mugabe would be the last person I would want in power.
I fail to see how one could reconcile race-based genocide with socialism.

He ratted out tankies which he genuinely believed were not only a threat to what little freedoms remained in the West but also to socialism itself.

Animal Farm is pretty simple, it's an allegory for how Stalin was a piece of shit. Overly simplistic maybe, but not vague.

1984 is about tactics of political control in general, it's not specific to the USSR or socialism. It's a hyperbolic look at the methods literally every government uses to control its people, ranging from propaganda to surveillance to force. The character Big Brother was based on the head of the BBC while Orwell was working there, and the sudden change in enemies between Eurasia and Eastasia was based on the total 180 the British government/media did in the Soviets as soon as the war ended.

Conservatives also try to claim MLK as their own even though he was clearly a socialist or liberation theologian of some kind. It's not Orwell's fault they hijacked his work.

It's not race-based genocide. It's anti-imperialism.

He listed Charlie Chaplin on it.

You know, the anarchist Charlie Chaplin who's works were the ones getting banned by authorities rather than advocating that sort of thing. It wasn't a list of tankies at all it was a list of anyone who he liked less than the British government, and the fact that he liked the British government enough to list so many should be telling.

Alan Turing is available as a Tech Team.
He didn't suicided in this timeline and of course won't join the part of Britain that will have him chemically castrated, despite him being hugely responsibly as of why Britain remained uninvaded.

In this timeline C.S Lewis is a gay communist devil-worshipper living in the UoB as well.


Why is it that the goddamned nazis have appropriated the gott mitt uns aesthetic for themselves? I can't even go listen to WW1 music to kaiserpost without being bombarded with 14/88 in the comments.

Does HOI4 KR suffer if you don't get the DLCs? I refuse to play Paradox's game (the rinsing me for money game, not their actual game).

Just pirate it

Well you see in real history C.S Lewis was a traditionalist, conservative Christian theologian. And in that timeline he is a gay, communist occultist.

I'm not sure if it's ever explained why, it's just one of those things that comes up randomly. Like Himmler and his chicken master-race.

Isn't CS Lewis in Ireland?

I guess so, I only got it for multiplayer. I heard you can pirate the basic game and then pirate the DLCs onto the steam copy?

Just get the DH one.


I wanna be groB, but I don't want to put up with stormfags. It's a struggle.

No he's one of Mosley's totalist goons on the mainland.

I have all of the HOI3 games, but I don't want to learn it again. Also HOI4 is very pretty but strategically retarded

How the fuck do they rationalise that?

He started getting turned on by being bullied when he was younger and otherwise became extremely edgy during his teens and never gave it up.

This sounds like bad fanfiction

which is why it's so fun, also iirc they mixed CS lewis with another guy, for some reason.

Well the entire game is really just fanfiction for real life put together by a bunch of different people with varying levels of skill.

What certain characters would do, if they faced decisions under different circumstances is one thing.
But turning them on their head for feeble reasons is a complete different one.

CS Lewis would've probably remained in Ireland and probably lobby for it to be reintegrated under the Commonwealth monarchy (and if you chose so, by any means necessary, like laying the foundation and establish the Irish Loyalist Army).
Alternatively he would move to Canada along with Arthur Conan Doyle.

Turning him into a gay devil worshipper is just too fucking much.

when you get fucked over by the bolshevics but its ok because after 100 years you are the representative of mutualist france in a fictional universe.

I'm too lazy to play.

Anyone got a good AAR or let's play ?

I think the implication is that the real C.S Lewis was like this and it was just tempered by the prevailing social pressures of Britain whereas the revolution and fellow weirdos like Mosley allowed him the opportunity to let loose.

It's just a bit of fun anyway. It's not like it has any real relevance to the events of the game whatsoever.

I hate that so much.
It was not enough for nazi faggots to ruin Germany and German nationalism forever.
Now they have been attempting to sully the memory of Imperial Germany.

It is heartbreaking that so many imperial symbols are now associated with nazis and may even be banned in Germany.
All because storm-fags decided to start using them.

In the very unlikely event that the monarchy is ever restored.
I can only hope that every single nazi gets a firsthand taste of a concentration camp.

Every fictional universe is real somewhere.


Voltaire's smug fucking faggot face pisses me off.

Even in death he couldn't quit it with that damn smug mug.

This timeline just keeps getting better.

Considering most Paradox lets-players are complete trash; I recommend 'Count Cristo' as he reads out the events and properly explains the game without having to talking about game mechanics all the time and doesn't mix-max at every opportunity.

Of the two UoB Let's Play's I've seen, the good one only lasted 8 episodes :( The other one, the player went above and beyond the call of DERP and attacked the Commune of France.

this is bullshit

I hate the HOI4 AI's retarded system of volunteers. Austria and Tsarist Russia keep giving volunteers to the international during the second weltkrieg.
It's dumb that the main reasons why I don't enjoy playing KR is because Paradox make the base vanilla game so shit and the KR team can't really do anything about it.
Shame I'm too much of a brainlet to play HOI2 KR.

HOI2 is easy to learn once you get past the crap UI.

It's not actually that hard once you get the hang of it.

I just mess about and figure out what everything does through trial and error. I've finally gotten to a point where I can bully minor nations after about 7 years. I still have to depend on AI France to take care of the big nations though but I'll get there eventually.

Well I've spent ~25 hours on HOI3 and never got the hang of it and really hated playing because I was so bad and never understood how anything worked.
So my guess was that HOI2 is similar to HOI3 and thus I would not enjoy the former, unless I'm mistaken.

DH is a lot easier than HOI3 I think.

If you can handle Victoria 2 you could probably handle DH.

current game, reactionaries have been driven from central europe but the more liberal monarchies and democracies of the west have produced an even more reactionary mirror in the east.

The war in europe ended more than five years ago and danubian troops still trek through the plains of the savannah back and forth to seemingly no end.

Hoi2 and DH are p easy once you get the hang of it. I still don't understand sea battles and still do pretty fine.

HOI2 and DH are much simpler than HOI3. There's no OOB system, the tech tree is smaller, and the provinces are much larger (France's border with Germany is like 5 provinces). Kaiserreich is also easier than DH, depending on the country.
If you wanna start playing DH Kaiserreich I'd probably recommend playing as Mongolia, since the event chain is awesome, you start small and the game is mostly focused around land battles as you conquer all of Asia. After that, fighting the 2nd American Civil War as the CSA is pretty fun.

Why would you use Lawrence for anything other than Trolling Germany?

I assure you DH is way simpler than Hoi 3

Is there any way for the republic of China to join the Internationale?
I want to free China and honor Sun Yat Sen by liberating all of asia

Formosa has a pro-Syndicalist path.

best way to do boats is to spam carriers light cruisers and subs

Aren't destroyers more efficient than cruisers, though?

i haven't played since 1.7 but the torpedo add ons for light cruisers are op as fuck

thye might have patched that tho

I think you can mount torpedoes on pretty much any ship except carriers.
It gets kinda weird when your battleships are twice as powerful as everyone else's because you mounted a few torpedo tubes on them, but oh well (I use carriers anyway).

I was playing as the CSA

What about Georgia?

I have never played them.
But, I was under the impression that they were pretty much one of the only real 'bolshevik' governments in the game, a small ideological leftover from the civil war.

Not at all what I would consider totalitarian.

So I'm playing the CSA in HOI4. I've already won the Civil War and conquered Canada. Now myself, the Brits, and the French have overrun Germany itself and are just mopping up their satellites in Eastern Europe. After we move on to Africa (which the German Empire now annexed directly instead of it being Mittelafrika) I am planning on taking on Russia which is ruled by Natpops. What are the necessary steps to take to ensure that this doesn't turn into a reverse Barbarossa? As of right now the Arab Axis controlls the entire Middle East plus about half of N. Africa and part of India and Pakistan. The Qing Empire has almost reqonquered China, and Japan is quite strong. Should I take out some of these first before I move into Russia so I can attack on multiple fronts? I could likely make short work of the Axis since I probably have more factories (300+) and manpower (currently 4.5M with Extensive Conscription and 150 divisions in the field) than the entire alliance put together.

If you have a full socialist Europe with tanks you'll steamroll them
Especially if they picked garbage choices like manpower focus instead of tank proponents

Now I'm rerouting all southern and eastern forces necessary but they'll probably get a good 50% of my Industry before that
Since when did the AI learn how to use marines?

the japanese ai has always been good at neval invasions in china

The UoB and Japan are really the only nations that makes use of marines effectively.
The is one of the reasons that being a continental power at war with an American nation is so tedious, they never seem to attempt any sort of naval landings.

On the topic of special troops however.
Has anyone ever seen an AI nation ever make use of paratroops?

Never seen it before usually Japan either rolls China through the north or they land maybe one or two division on the coast

i played a couple china games in vanilla darkest hour and you need to put some sort of garrison on every beach or the japanese will swarm you from the sea

I was expecting some long drawn out thing but the Axis attacked them at the same time I did and they gave up almost immediately.

I was preparing to mop up the Krauts in Africa and move onto the Axis but Japan invaded our puppetted Russia and now they are at war with the Third Internationale. Tbh they should have joined the war against Natpop Russia and grabbed a chuck when they had the chance. Now they will inevitably get BTFO.

Also has anybody ever experienced releasing a country as a puppet but having their name unchanged even if their ideology is different? I have Ukraine as a puppet and they are still labelled as "Kingdom of Ukraine" and have th standard Ukrainian flag even though they have a syndicalist government.

Even in video games they're the absolute madman of Europe.

So is the one and only Bomber Harris.

I was pleasantly surprised, I expected them to make him a royalist for sure.

can anyone slide the kaiserreich mod files here?

Okay I think I've gotten a good handle of this game after about 10 years of messing about as UoB so I'd like to try having a serious game now.

But I don't want to play UoB again, so does anyone have any suggestions for fun countries where I can help build syndicalism? I don't want to play France because being the front line against Germany still looks too hard.

It makes me a tad bit confused.

Why the fuck did I never read into this mod before?

pls someone upload the mod folder and file to mega for me

i have a torrented hoi4 of the most recent patch

go to, make an account and find the HOI4 threads

I wish there were a tabletop community based around KR.

not seeing kaiserreich their

right, sorry, there is another thread for steam mods, check it out. You find the id of the mod from the steam's site (a number) and then you search their mega library

In b4 carpet-ban because we're all imperialists for bullying the Kaiserreich.


If memory serves, Australasia can go Syndie pretty quickly. I was also able to turn Liberia into a socialist state solely through the use of sliders.