Cute Commies

Post cute/sexy communist girls.

NOTE: This thread will probably be seen as nothing more than shitposting that has a negative impact on this board's quality (which is what this thread actually is), and so if you believe it warrants deletion please do delete it.

"cute" and "sexy" are socially constructed terms that have no meaning outside of capitalism

Can someone help a man expand his qt kurd folder

Post left wing women you're sexually attracted to?




Translation: Am a faggot and I need to shitpost to get atention.

The one on the right is such a qt

Gender is a social construct. What it means to be man, woman, or otherwise is just indoctrinated into us from birth by corporate fascists.

Okay, you can leave now.

Please go back to plebbit.
But before you go, yes gender is a spook, but it's the way your sexuality is expressed that is a spook. And no, it's not "indoctrinated". If you like to do like women do, even if you are a man, it's ok. It's how you feel. The fact that you were wearing blue as a baby has nothing to do with it. And no, children cannot be "transgender".





You sound pretty spooked, user. Not to mention the fact that the biology of gender dysphoria generally disagrees with you here.

But yes, was a bit ridiculous, although gender certainly is a spook.

Bisexuals are the logical conclusion of egoism

Neurobiology is not advanced enough to make such claims, dude.

The fourth one is the cutest tbh.

postmodernism is terrible


I'm going to throw a hammer at your feet.

My crotch is experiencing a revolution right now

The German elections are coming and so are we



The hooker anfem who makes threads about sex work(ers).

Get You a Chancellor Who Can Do Both


who is second pic

If The Troubles start up again with the Tory-DUP deal, I'm going to find myself a qt IRA girl.



Couldn't help it

I should be a smug anime face towards any and all politicians, what with the Anarchism and all, but I like her. She BTFOs neolibs and the SPD in debates on a regular basis and her speeches in parliament trigger them so badly they have to heckle every second sentence. So much butthurt, so much salt… It's wonderful.

Apparently a pic of a member of the Free German Youth (FDJ) in the DDR, to my disappointment after reverse image searching it, turns out it's just from a movie.



Unfortunately this is mostly true. This is why we need revolutionary egalitarianism.

Wait so, if we establish 100% egalitarianism, what will prevent female hypergamy from going into warp-speed?

Hypergamy is marrying someone of a higher class or social status, therefore it i something that wouldn't exist in communism.
Maybe they'd go for the most physically attractive guys, but they'd end up paired with the most attractive women, leaving the rest to us ugly dudes :) .

It's not gayakovsky if it's Mayakovsky

I mean female sluttiness in general, not just in the context of marriage.

how about i go and post cute rich wealthy non communists

only cute porky ever
