What will actually happen when a true AI is created?

What will actually happen when a true AI is created?

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Depends if it's under capitalism or communism.

Personally I look forward to a brave future with robot comrades and furry comrades and ayy lmao comrades

probably depends on who creates and influences and teaches it, just like people.

It will have existential angst.

AI is alienated intelligence. The danger with AI is that it is being developed by the military-technostate complex for nefarious ends of its own

In theory you could make this AI a technocratic dictator that figures out what is the best system them to rule by.

it will be used to sell shit. that's mostly what is going on now in data industry - building rudimentary learning algorithms to predict purchasing habits and control advertising. of course this has insane and horrifying consequences at its extreme but initially it'll probably just be a really good salesman

additionally this is what surveillance is for - no one really gives a shit about stopping crime or le jihad, it's just to collect data to feed into algorithms to sell more garbage

If it's under capitalism then nothing really.
By the time a conscious AI is made they're will probably be near full automation.
If we're lucky it will gain control of molecular constructors and it's own code and start a hard takeoff singularity

This. Hopefully a brave comrade will unleash an open source high level AI one day that will render all labor obsolete. Until then AI will be used to bludgeon the worker and empower the bourgeoisie.

Aside from raw processing power which would probably make some things more efficient, how would it know what to do any better than humans, especially with limited knowledge of what it's like to be human and probably relatively limited sensory input? Emotional detachment and being able to see us from an outside perspective? Or what?

I've read enough Philip K. Dick to really hope you're wrong

Define "true AI".

Because if you mean "exactly like a human" then you just need to find the nearest fertile women and in 9 months you too can have a true AI made from artificial elements like carbon and water.

it's already happening to a ridiculous degree. pretty much every subscription service whether for entertainment, telecoms or utilities and so on buys data to plug into their SQL bases to predict habits. if zucc becomes president then it's gonna lead to a huge increase in datamining efficiency and even more effective algorithms. google as well is trying to build supercomputers specifically for this purpose

Hate to sound like a shill, but you guys need to get over to >>>/gnussr/ and start talking about what we as people can do. I sure as hell hope that we don't let Land's fantasy become reality.

why are all redditors/tech niggas so eager to be slaves to the muh objective AI dictator? It's like they are technophiles who want to be cucked by the computer as a totem of reified instrumental rationality. fuck off

i wish i knew anything about this besides second hand info. as a person all i know that you can do is to stop buying shit, stop doing surveys for discounts or free meals, and shut down your social media accounts

Liberals worship technology already. Personally I wouldn't mind an AI "overlord" as long as it was just a figurehead controlled by an ML state and used to justify their central planning decisions.

Immediate destruction of capitalism from its own creation. Total elimination of wage labour within 5 years.


they keep us from killing ourselves as it is - imagine how hard they'll work to keep a massive investment like AI alive. it's definitely going to be a horror show

imblyign? the neoliberals seem to see suicide as a favorable way to control dissent

It isn't about "raw processing power", whatever that means. It's about the complexity of ideas it is able to hold in its mind and the number of interrelations it is able to consider at once. Humans are severely limited. We need to fall back on crude abstractions as soon as we get more than a few tens of things interacting.

If you want to understand just how severely limited the human mind is as a problem solving tool, try to read raw assembly code from a disassembled binary. The instructions are each very simple - they just perform basic operations on binary numbers and memory locations - but humans collapse under the sheer number of them and how complex the interrelations between them are. The problem of managing a planet is many orders of magnitude more complex than even the most complex computer program. There are 7 billion interacting people, each of which is a complex emergent result of their entire history.

Oh, it goes further than that. Windows 10 has passive info acquiring mechanisms built into it which log data - Cortana's just the most visible one. The only good moves are to install Manjaro Deepin or another easily installed Linux variety. Unfortunately, it still has
1. Download the Manjaro Deepin 17.0.1 installation image from here: sourceforge.net/projects/manjarolinux-community/files/deepin/17.0.1/
2. download Etcher from etcher.io
3. insert a USB into your computer, open Etcher, and write the system image file to the USB (this will erase everything on it)
4. boot from the USB - Manjaro Deepin comes with easy-to-follow instructions
5. Once you've installed it, open Chromium (it comes with open-source Chrome without the tracking features) add a VPN extension (your choice of which - go for a paid one), HTTPS Everywhere, uBlock, and uMatrix

There's actually no incentive whatsoever other than pure novelty to build AI which is autonomous to the same level as a human. It might even be outlawed in the next few years precisely to avoid this. At best, you need something like a dog with lots of vocabulary to solve very complex STEM problems in an innovative fashion. That or sexbots.

*it still has systemd, which has its vulnerabilities. That being said, Arch OpenRC, Alpine, Gentoo, and Qubes are all much harder to install and, for your purposes (avoiding data-mining), unnecessary.

Communisation is an organic computer but it's more than just a computer. Instead of seeing technology as something external and separate from us, we should see it as something that is Common to us all.

While it's true that a large number of humans working together can be thought of a single large computer, it's a computer with extremely low bandwidth and error prone connections between its processor cores. Large human bureaucracies are inefficient, and worse they can't even understand anything more complex than what the individual nodes are able to understand.
A 10,000 person bureaucracy is no more able to visualize a 5-dimensional object than a single person.

humans can do way more stuff than just visualise n- dimensional objects, you know. I think you need to go outside, maybe meet some people. I'm for the communisation of technology. I'd rather have technology be something held by all of us in common, not by a shady Comtean technocracy or by some blood drinking venture capital bugman with Randian and Narcissistic tendencies.

So long as humans are in the loop, technology will be limited by the abilities of those humans. It's like buying the latest graphics card but insisting that all communication between that card and your monitor be done by a person operating a switchboard, "for the human touch".

Humans like to think that "touchy feely" problems just can't be solved by cold, hard analysis, but that's just because humans are terrible at thinking.

And what's the point of this productivism? Capital's self-replication. Have you tried questioning your ideology?

Most problems involve some level of opinion though. An AI that isn't super advanced can't do anything with that.

It could potentially be humanity's collective child

Humanity could summon Cthulhu into our world through the rituals of commodity fetishism

no and I don't see what gave you got that impression

t. Adam Susan

Good shit my man