The IRA did nothing wrong

The 'Democratic' Unionist Party is your daily reminder that the IRA did nothing wrong

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someone le redpill me on the IRA. Multiple responses appreciated pls and thank you


ireland should be ruled by irish, <<<eternal anglo>>> should gtfo. also there's the DUP and other loyalist/unionists who were literal right-wing death squads.

also read for a good quick intro

Come out ye Black and Tans, come out and fight me like a man,

Show your wife's sons how you won medals down in Flanders

And that's why the left is dead, congratulations

If ya dont support the ra gtfo this board pls


Basically 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Brits🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 were oppressing us like second class citizens so we started blowing them up to make them stop. And stop they did, now they just oppress us like regular proletariat and some Catholic porkies joined in so it's non-sectarian now.

Exploding Brit best day of my life.


the IRA tried to avoid causing civilian casualties. Like, they'd call in their bombings with enough time for people to be evacuated but not enough time for the bomb squad to do their work.

Like, they did *huge* truck bombings like or without killing any civilians (except for a single fucking news photographer who intentionally disobeyed the evacuation order).

Actually the IRA did 70 percent right and 30 percent wrong.


You've got a supporter down here in Australia fellas

but they still killed 650 civilians, so they could have tried a bit harder.
But the Ulster Volunteer Force where worse, killing fewer people, but intentionally targeting civilians.


The orangemen did nothing wrong.
Kneecap some civvies and keep them in check, and now look who is in power in the UK.
Celebrating 800 years of English rule in ireland.

Israel did nothing wrong, 3,000 dead in one building demolition in new york.
Should be an annual event.


Isis did nothing wrong, that will teach those concert goers.
Victory for isis, victory for the oppressed muslims.

Tell them how the IRA made you run like hell away

From the green and lovely lanes of Kelleshandra

Come out ye Black and Tans, come out and fight me like a man,
Show your *wife's sons* how you won medals down in Flanders
Tell them how the IRA made you run like hell away
From the green and lovely lanes of KEKISTAN

Come let us hear you tell how you slandered brave Parnell, and thought him well and truly persecuted

Where are the sneers and jeers that you loudly let us hear, when our leaders of '16 were executed



Only if you end the discussion at the IRA and ignore the successes of its political arm


A fkucking L E F T C O M supporting an anti-imperialist force?


Except failing to ice Maggie

They called in bomb threats with enough time to evacuate civilians.
They did what they had to do, war is an extension of politics, and they were soldiers and not terrorists, political means wasn't working and the situation was bad, they went back to political means. They also admitted for each time they actually fucked up and they were accused of more than they are responsible for.

The original IRA, don't confuse with "the real ira" now who are just a drug running and thieving gang.

I would like to see a united Ireland, but I also don't really want to see Ireland take ownership of NI as it would be expensive and is expensive to the brits. It's beautiful up there and the NI's have a nice accent and I've met plenty of nice hard working NI's. The current situation isn't bad to be honest.

t. Irish man

why would it be so expensive?

ISIS is mossad made, they're not fighting for muslims, they're fighting for kikes.

IRA fought for the Irish freedom

You'd have to construct custom-made guillotines for the loyalists

Well now im learning irish.
Duolingo has a course on it and I always wanted to learn a celtic language.

This is a little dated but gives an idea:
More recent:

It still needs a lot of investment and infrastructure, and population needs to grow to justify that investment.

It's a bit like east germany and west germany except on a smaller scale and southern ireland has no obligation to pump money into northern Ireland. I think it would be worse for the northern Irish and they will show it and it will cost more again because of that.
England can afford to spend those billions of pounds perhaps, but would be more difficult for Ireland to shoulder.

Yeah I think this situation could be analog to that of ETA in Spain.
ETA had some petit-bourgeoisie tendencies and the government just makes war prisoners and uses them as a boogieman for elections tho, so it's not like they want these armed forces to just become a thing of the past


I know but I'm being hyperbolic for the sake of the circlejerk

Or, here me out here, Holla Forums. We totally dismantle the capitalist system and establish a 32 county socialist republic where such things are non-problems as the Northern Irish proletariat are fully emancipated and in control of the MoP.

No need to be dependent on foreign imperialist capitalist states then.

can someone explain why the DUP and other unionist parties exist? If they want rule by the British why don't those people support the other UK parties?


there's a uniform that's hanging in what's known as "father's room"
a uniform so simple in its style


The IRA were not only political extremists, but outright terrorists. The international left needs to condemn the IRA as a whole.

Terrorism isn't leftism

Good Friday Agreement promised the neutrality of the British state in Ireland.

The Anglos deserved to get BTFO

The IRA did lots of things wrong
Ireland and britain are still capitalist, that is the same as if ireland was still part of the UK.
I want the IRA to be an example that national liberation should never be more important than class liberation

hmm, tankie starts sounding like an anarchist


I've thought about trying to learn Irish, but the fact that so few people actually use it is discouraging. Still, the only way for the language get out of it's sorry state is if more people take the time to learn it.

How is it that the Israelis managed to revive a dead language, but the Irish still struggle to keep theirs alive? Do they just not give a shit?

Well. the Jews were colonizing a foreign land and built a society from the ground up. While the Irish Free State was just the implementation of self rule.

No, lots of people say otherwise but really no.

What's the point anyway? It's fucking useless and the proletariat have no country.

Any language is better than english.
Dood aan de Engelsen OETZ.

English is actually pretty good though.

You got lots of good stuff written or spoken in English and everyone learns it so it's easy to speak with people from all over the world.


The wide use of a language doesnt make it good.

Litterally any other european language is easier, prettier and more consistent.

"[The Irish] hate our order, our civilization, our enterprising industry, our pure religion. This wild, reckless, indolent, uncertain and superstitious race have no sympathy with the English character. Their ideal of human felicity is an alternation of clannish broils and coarse idolatry. Their history describes an unbroken circle of bigotry and blood." – Benjamin Disraeli

They are a fantastic race of trolls

The Sassenach needs to leave, this is a pro-IRA board and a pro-Irish supremacist board. I'm sorry but your kind isn't welcome

Correction: OIRA did nothing wrong, the rest are gulag fodder.

That's like the most important thing in deciding whether or not it's good. How practical it is.


The practicality and the wideness of usage are not the same.
And if you want to go by that, chinese is the best language in the world, it has more speakers total than english.

Native speakers yes. Including second language speakers English has the most on the planet.

And I wouldn't dispute Chinese is worth learning, it definitely is. However there's no point reviving Irish when English is already the better language by lightyears.

1 Mandarin Chinese (incl. Standard Chinese) Sino-Tibetan, Sinitic 899 million 1 178 million 1051 million
2 English Indo-European, Germanic 500 million 2 510 million 1010 million

Also fuck off you english-centric cunt

The world is English language-centric. It's just nationalist delusion to act otherwise.

That's true I was wrong.

No. Litterally any other language is better than english. German, french, irish, norse, polish, russian, chinese.
I didnt even list my own language, but it would also be better. English is just objectively ugly.

I think it's pretty nice but that's subjective really and doesn't really touch on my argument that English is a billion times more practical than Irish.

It sounds like you just hate English more than you can think of any real reason to learn Irish besides "It's not English". Even if we're to accept that "logic" to hell with Irish, better to learn something actually useful like Chinese or like German.

Eh no I want to learn irish because its fun and I am already fluent in english.
And I also already know german and chinese.

Why are you being so rude?

I'm not telling you not to learn Irish. I'm saying we here in Ireland have no real reason to care enough to bring it back. That's solely the domain of spooked nationalists and people trying to make money off that nationalism.

Im just saying english sucks balls as a language.

"Killing people and destroying property solves nothing. Democracy is the only road to socialism."
-Karl Marx



Yes, the Prophet Karl's (PBUH) word is as good as the word of the Allfather himself.


Admit it you only care coz its white people and its close to home. Leftcoms don't care about imperialism when it affects non whites confirmed.

Great song.

Playlist of IRA music:

uphold marxism-leninism-maoism-assassin creed syndicateism?


don't listen to all the triggred brits, the IRA did nothing wrong

i hope they start up again for full soon

Is it true the IRA has been divided since the Good Friday Agreement and are basically just gang factions now?


the provos have been stood down and the dissident anti-GFA factions are tiny and do not have mass support.
the assassination of mountbatten was hardly lamentable but that doesn't mean we shouldn't acknowledge that the provisional IRA had a detrimental effect on the lives of working class protestants and - barring a short period time in the late 60s early 70s - working class catholics too. the provos were Catholic blood nationalists who owed more to patrick pearse than james connolly. no one in NI wants the fucking troubles to come back because we tried it already and it didnt really work - in fact from a class perspective it was absolutely disastrous.

Splitting is in the IRA's nature. The splits between the communists and other republicans, splitting it into the Officials and Provos respectively, who then went on to have several splits of their own, which, other than the INLA, were often criminal in nature. Most of the splits now only exist to deal drugs and intimidate people, on that topic.

This user is also correct. The Troubles were an awful time for all involved.


Must feel good to win :^)

The conservatives won more seats than labour, yet they don't celebrate, to the contrary. They don't have a build in loser mindset in which things can only get better.

They're not celebrating because they fucked themselves over completely and are in a position with no way out in which they stay in power.

*teleports behind you*
*car bombs you*
pssh nothing personnel 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧anglo🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

And you're celebrating a result that would have had labour pulling their hair out wondering where things went wrong only 10 years ago.

With car bomb attacks on the UK being the most consistent method to get support from Corbyn, it might be a smart move for Theresa May to blow up a few pubs as to prob up her majority.

truly delusional


nice one cuck

back to watching sports you go