Can someone give me a brief rundown on Posadism

can someone give me a brief rundown on Posadism

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Basically you bomb everything and wait for aliens

Read Steven Greer

The nuclear bomb is the Workers' Bomb and will usher in a new age as capitalism and the bourgeois state are removed from the stage of history. The remnants of humanity will not start over however as the technological advancement achieved will remain allowing us to build worldwide socialism with the help of the ayy lmaos who are our comrades since the must by historical necessity by benevolent highly advanced communists ready to usher us into an age of transhumanist intergalactic communism.

It's a meme, no one unironically supports it. J. Posadas was an Argentinian Trotskyist who went a little crazy after spending some time being tortured in prison for political dissidence. Essentially he was an Impossibilist who believed revolution was impossible before Capitalism first completely collapsed under it's own contradictions, but that's not what people remember him for. His crazier beliefs were that Communists should advocate and welcome nuclear holocaust because Communists can then rebuild society from the ashes, and also that Communists should get in contact with UFOs, because any society advanced enough to have faster-than-light space travel, he believed, would have to be an advanced Communist society, by his interpretation of Historical Materialism. It's crackpot nonsense, but it is really fun nonsense.

He belied that capitalists would use the atomic bomb before allowing a socialist victory, making nuclear war inevitable.
He also believed that the amount of UFO observations meant that aliens are probably real.
Made more sense in the era of cold war hysteria and UFO tabloid stories.

Other than that he wrote a lot about culture and unions, but I haven't read any of that, because can't be bothered.
The notion that he wanted nuclear war is soviet propaganda used to discredit him because he was a Trotskist, or that's what he claimed at least.

Doug just dropped a primer on Posadism, so you're in luck: He interviews an actual Posadist, too.

Fuck yes! Based Doug, spitting that hot fire.

Doug Lain is such a treasure, I really wish more anons on this board shilled him, he's 100% /ourguy/

Damn, this Posadist seems chill as fuck, he really won me over. I fully welcome these comrades into the Left ecosystem.

I gotta say, I checked out the Intergalactic Worker's League and while I don't agree with any of it, because I just literally can't bring myself to believe in the paranormal, they do seem incredibly Based. I would love to hang out with these cranks.

Also, I think "First as tragedy, then as face, third time as LARP" is actually a really funny and accurate way to describe the Left's current situation.


Awesome, turned into a really interesting discussion in the end as well. Have to admit I couldn't tell if the guy Doug interviewed was sincere about Posadism or tounge-in-cheek until the very end

Honestly, where can someone even go to read Posadas' actual writings? Doesn't seem like there's a lot on, does anyone have any links?

Doug is so based.

Also, this board would be ten thousand times better if the resident ironic memers weren't Nazbol but were Posadist instead.

Damn, this really threw me through a loop tbh.

Posadist flag when

lel, I feel like a real idiot for not realizing this was satire more immediately

The future of the Left.

It's esoteric Trotskyism, really.
