
Despook me on antifas. I've never had any interaction with them, but even other leftists seem to dislike them. Personally, I'm positively biased to people who punch fascists, so do tell me a terrible secret that I'm not aware of.

pic random

Other urls found in this thread:–Picot_Agreement

The first thing to understand is that antifa isn't a group, but rather a tendency that intersects with multiple ideologies on the left that agree with fighting fascism.

The anti-nationals are the best tendency within antifa, in my opinion.

Obviously. Still, there are shared traits between groups in this tendency, and that's what I'd like to hear about.

unless you happen to be a german with a guilt/messiah complex, the antigermans seem like a bizarre tendency. ie. antifa-trot-leftcom-neocon hybrid.

there was a jap version of them too.

Obvious to the intelligent, many on the right still think they're an organization. I remember seeing a post on T_D about how this one guy 'infiltrated' Antifa and stole some documents (which he had faked) from them

The anti-Germans are actually hugely misunderstood in North America. They have their own specific philosophy—influenced by Benedict Anderson and Adorno—and history in their struggles against """"""""German reunification""""""". People outside of Germany tend to hate them because they don't understand them, and they've never bothered to do a detailed study of their ideas. Robert Ogman's "Against the Nation" is possibly the only English-language book that explains the anti-national tendency, and it's highly worth reading. Even if you don't agree with the anti-nationals, it's worth knowing what they *actually* think and not basing your opinion on them on autistic screeching from leftists who don't understand them and think they're "problematic".

Tell me more about things that "intersects", my fellow Communist.


A big problem with them for me personally is that they still seem to be blaming individuals, rather than the material conditions themselves. They break windows, destroy trash cans, and punch people instead of trying to convince with arguments. They make anarchists look like people throwing tantrums instead of trying to find solutions. The right can be reasoned with. It's hard, but it's possible.

Probably best that you don't mention Adorno because that confirms preconceptions to Holla Forums illiterates.

I like antifa too tbqh. Without some risk of violence politics become staid and boring. Hopefully they'll kill some moderate civic nationalist (i.e. Spencer) to get things really fired up soon.

Antifa varies a lot from place to place. "It's not an organisation, it's a tactic/tendency" is pretty much equivalent to "It's a hashtag!" to kind of absolve people who choose to operate under the label of any responsibility for the actions of others who also operate under the label. It's technically true, especially in the sense of any kind of international organisation or any kind of governing bodies, but don't take it too seriously beyond that. Local groups/chapters/whatever nearly always have a core clique which IS an organisation for all intents and purposes that often coordinates with other regional groups.

I can only really speak to personal experience with some of the local bunch here in Aus and they are pretty shit. They exist mostly to scream at old ladies, engage in pointless petty crimes and get beaten up by cops and scrawny teenage right wingers (or those old ladies, for that matter). That's all fine, but I really wish they'd stop waving red and black flags around when they do it and claiming to be "standing up" for minorities (especially when it's one I'm a member of) and discrediting political movements they claim to support by sperging out in public for no reason.

As far as I can tell, American antifa groups seem about the same, maybe a bit more cringey. Europeans seem less LARPy from what I've seen, but they actually have fascism in living memory and real, actual fascists that operate there, so it makes sense.

OP is a mole from Holla Forums. Don't tell him shit. He's trying to gather intel.

user I don't know what to tell you, read theory please.

Pretty sure Spencer is an ethnonationalist.

are all anti-nationals cucks for Israel or is that just a Holla Forums meme.

Do praise me more. :^)
This is why I'm opposed to false flagging in principle, by the way: it's hard to pull off, and the benefits offered are often simply not worth the trouble.

You talk as if you can't do both. Punch rightists, convince apoliticals.
At some point in every single argument I've ever had with a rightist, they inevitably acknowledge that their entire raison d'etre is to inflict misery on others for the purpose of benefiting themselves. How the fuck do you even begin approaching a sociopath? It's inefficient at best, as you could spend the time you spend on rightists on people who actually are receptive to leftist propaganda, and a complete waste of time at worst, which is usually.


u wot

Anti-Germans are shit. The only thing they talk about irl is Israel

Stirner probably. They might not actually be a sociopath, they might be thinking that the only way to lift themselves up is to bring others down. You could show them that it's possible to raise themselves by discarding the spooks those above use to control them. The key is finding their spook and telling them that this spook doesn't care for them. This spook will hurt them to serve its own needs. This should either make them realize they actually care about something, so why not extend it to more things, or it'll make them abandon it and raise themselves, realizing they don't need to hurt others to do so. This is just an example but it isn't too hard, especially in a one on one confrontation. Sociopaths do exist though that just want to hurt others for fun so you're right it can be a lost cause.

Also just to add that there is more benefit in getting militant right wingers on your side than there is in independants. They are actively opposing you, so one less of them makes lives easier for all of us. They have also proven themselves to be active, meaning it's a quick transition from active opposition to active ally.

This. When ANTIFAs on plebbit and faceberg threaten to shoot basic bitch normie Trump supporters I wish a nigga would.

TBH it really depends where you are. Yank antifa is whack compared to glorious Europa antifa because Europa antifa is mostly left leaning football hooligans and commies and American Antifa is mostly college kid left liberals.

I am personally of the opinion that any physical resistance to the state and capitalism is good thing.

The state and capitalism need to feel there is at least some form of resistance to what they are doing.

It is a shame that the energy that goes into antifa is not more organised and targeted however.

In my opinion a serious anti-fa would not smash up the streets during protest time, but seek out and destroy fascist offices, buildings etc, they would infiltrate and disrupt actual fascist meetings, what have you

Spectacle street fighting is basically neither here nor there, but I'd rather we had retards opposing the state than nobody at all, which would be the case in America were it not for Black Bloc/Antifa types

Also for all you yanks out there, I will say this once and once alone. Its ANTI-FAH, not ANTEEFU

Also, while Murrifat Antifas are protected by the Police in some cities, they are helpless in most places. European Antifas on the other hand have full Police support, and in Germany even state backing. Euro Antifas can safely throw molotov cocktails at police, in Murrica they would get fucking shot for a stunt like that.

tbh the policing is totally different. British police have been doing it for years, they focus on cutting off the most "vigorous" protesters and making sure the two groups never actually meet, so it just tends to be two separate marches, usually the police surrounding the 15-100 or so Fash while a crowd of thousands tries to get at them. They don't do silly burger policing where two large crowds of people who hate each other are allowed to be in the same place on mass.

This isn't true Holla Forums and you know it

No, not all are pro-Israel, though they're definitely against holding Israel to doublestandards no other nation-state is held to.

People on this board tend to criticise antifa but I have not seen any criticism of antifa that sounded like the person saying it really understood what antifa is about, or had much experience of real life organising and activism and I have never heard any criticism that didn't sound like a liberal or a reactionary cliché.

Pretty sure he is also retarded. Seriously, every time he speaks I fucking cringe, he can't make any reasonable argument. If this is the best ethnonationalists can do than I'm disappointed

They are basically the modern version of Hitlers sturmabteilung.

Ironic that they claim to hate fascism while acting like facists.

Just to add: They are the living embodiment of what Nietzche said.

If you gaze in to the abyss too long the abyss also gazes in to you.

Punching people you don't like is not inherent to fascism, back in Weimar even sucdems were doing that

Labeling groups of people and then saying its OK to commit violence against certain people is a primary facet of fascism.

So is being against peoples free speech when you disagree with it.

They might be useful if they punched actual fascists instead of just extra-chromosome Republicans.

Fascism is an ideology utilizing concepts like authoritarian/totalitarian state, integral nationalism, and disdain towards democracy and liberal capitalism. Wanting to commit violence against opposition is not fascism, it's simply a sign of "radical" opinions, popping up across the entire political spectrum
While I partially agree with your opinion that antifa are shit, I think using "muh fascism" is a shit critique.

To kill monsters, you must become one yourself

That is what people think in the middle east.
And its been at war for 1400 years.


That is a fair point. But by your definition Antifa arent anti fascist.
Every protest ive seen them at is them coming out to block someone elses free speech. Ive even heard them refer to someones free speech as 'violence' which is absolutely insane.

Which why to me they dont look much different from the Nazis.

Plus its not the violence which makes me think they are fascist. Its the labeling and demonizing of diverse groups of people. And saying its OK to be violent towards them because they are just evil jews / nazis / whatever label you want to make up.

Maybe if the US didn't bomb their countries it'd be different. Saudi Arabia is doing ok, maybe because we are allies with them?

I dont think the US bombed them 1400 years ago.
The US has only been a country for 250 years or so.

Theres a whole thousand year period of muslims killing muslims that they cant blame on the yanks.

They are retarded, but they aren't nazi. Thats the most hollow definition of nazism next to "violence".

The history of any large group of people is like that uo until quite recently. The devolopment of the middle east was going in the right direction in some countries up until the foreign intervention by usa, and to a lesser extent the ussr.

I was more referencing the contemporary conflict going on. Muslims have been enslaving each other and Black Africans for centuries though Ill give you that. However, most modern conflict in the Middle East has its roots in US intervention or this little bugger–Picot_Agreement

I really think you should look up the history before saying it was the right direction.
Enslaving blacks, Killing Hindus, Pagans Buddhists and forcibly converting Jews and Christians is not the 'right direction'.

The Ottoman empire chose the wrong side in WW1 and since then the muslims have been getting but fucked. I dont disagree with that.
But my question would be how come the middle east fell so far behind the rest of the world?
And my advice would be not to be greedy and get involved in wars with forces you cant possibly compete with technologically.

Fair enough.

I did specifically say 1400 years because I was referencing the general attitude of of retribution and tribalism that causes perpetual (mostly low level) war in these places.

If they could get their shit together they wouldnt have been so weak when babby USA 250 year old country came long and shat all over them.

We have nothing to hide, we're not obscurantists and sectarians

Agreed but we can say the same about Medieval Europe but Islam as a culture is extremely warrior (greater/lesser holy war aka jihad and askar) mixed in with the fact that it is reactionary

so just typical liberal left idpol for kids with anger issues


You should put what I said in the image. Then posting it would work better.

they're cringe worthy autistic fags

fuckkkk off out of country satan, we're fuuullll cunnnt

really warms the kekkles in my heart.

This is absolute horseshit, reading stirner's works has only made me fiercely an ethno-facist.The word your looking for is First principles and axioms btw fam :3


Call it what it is fam, Not Socialist. Come on this is where the big goys talk,don't need to use baby talk.

If there cannot be a political solution you know what comes next right?? Just checking ;)

so many triggers

In my opinion, Antifa are just a bunch of annoying, noisy, hypocritical shitheads who make leftists look bad. They lump all their ideas (some of which are okay, by themselves) together into one, unpalatable mess, and rampage around breaking things when anyone who disagrees with them dares to speak. They discredit leftists, and everything they stand for with their cringe-tier behavior. What irks me even more is that so many of them have the gall to call themselves anarchists, whilst calling for increased government censorship.

The pic is pretty funny, shame they spoil it with the retarded shoehorning in of browns. What is it? Two gay dads protecting their adoptive black daughters?

Pretty much that.

Should have just gone for gold and put A Wyatt Man caricatures under it.

Antifa just means anti fascism. One way of putting that into practice is shutting down fascists events and groups.

Eh, I found it on 4/pol/. I thought it painted a good picture of how antifa's methods discredit their own movements.

go away Holla Forums

Antifa isn't a group, it's a tactic with support from various left wing ideologies. No leaders to doxx or any organization to infiltrate. Honestly while it gives us funny stuff like nazis getting punched at the current time it's ineffective and effort could better be spent trying to educate and outreach to groups like (various industry)workers and so-called "lumpens" who are normally ignored by the left. Still it's not the nail in the coffin and better than advertising Holla Forums like that fag gingeet would have you do.

You have to admit though, they aren't exactly making progress, the way they go about protesting. Protests should be peaceful, and counter-protests shouldn't be done on the same day as the original protest; that only sparks violent confrontation.

No, antifa is an anarchistic modeled group. They often use black-bloc as a tactic. They are really shit anarchists though.


Pretty garbage. They're protesting some statue in my city of a guy who lived hundreds of years ago because 'he owned slaves' (an entirely socially acceptable thing to do in his time.) So, they're just wasting time and energy on a doomed attempt to get some statue taken down.

It's violence for the sake of violence and protesting for the sake of protesting. They're useless.

Like most anarchist groups, they claim to reject hierarchy but are all ruled by small cliques of lifestylers who treat their local chapter like a prized fiefdom. 3-5 people who all know each other and all act like kings in this supposedly anarchist group.
Really it's not a bad indictment of anarchist organization in general. The rabid rejection of any formalized way of distributing power in favor of "anarchy" just leads to more tribal (and less democratic) ways of distributing power.

Greek ANTIFA is the only acceptable branch. All others can fuck off.

This is what I'm talking about. Can you imagine them pulling this off in Murrica?