Trump will be bad for our econom-

Trump will be bad for our econom-

The LOOSEST slots in Vegas!

don't you Holla Forumstards always ramble on about "jewish usury"? Financial capitalism is the biggest scam ever

Nobody here says this, fucktard. It literally doesn't matter what Trump does, capitalism shits the bed every decade or so.

The Dow Jones goes up and down randomly. The stock prices aren’t reflecive of long term economic tends, but of short term buying patterns. They’ll bounce up and down.

and people claim leftists don't understand basic economics

Lol, learn about communism please

When looking at stock prices you should always look at month long trends. Never at short patters. Unless there’s a crash.

capital gains are worth jackshit, they're nothing but the appropiation of the value of someone else's works
or do you actually believe products are made because people exchange papers?

A lot of GDP is just bullshit service sector shit that doesn’t produce anything. The service sector is the ultiment spook. Because most of the demand isn’t built on need, but on want. So if people stop “wanting” bullshit services the entire market collapses. Compare this with goods from the agricultural f industrial sector where the products produced are actually stuff people need.

Agriculture wouldn't be possible without the subsidies that it gets from the service sector to begin with.

You guys don't understand economics at all

And you only understand economics 101, but don't know about 102, 103, 104, 105 etc…

according to ancap logic value is created through exchange instead of production, so everyone could work in a restaurant and use their money to eat in other restaurants


these are of no value tbh

Dude the bigger the number next to dow jones means the economy is better. Like when the S&P 500 becomes the S&P 600 we'll be even better.


“There is no cause to worry. The high tide of prosperity will continue”
– Andrew W. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury. September 1929

Stock Prices Will Stay at High Level For Years to Come, Says Ohio Economist . -Dr. Charles Amos Dice, professor of business organization at Ohio State, October 13, 1929

“Secretary Lamont and officials of the Commerce Department today denied rumors that a severe depression in business and industrial activity was impending, which had been based on a mistaken interpretation of a review of industrial and credit conditions issued earlier in the day by the Federal Reserve Board.” — New York Times, October 14, 1929

-Irving Fisher, Yale economist, October 16th, 1929

“FISHER SAYS PRICES OF STOCKS ARE LOW; Quotations Have Not Caught Up With Real Values as Yet, He Declares. SEES NO CAUSE FOR SLUMP” -October 22, 1929

“BROKERS IN MEETING PREDICT RECOVERY; Partners in 35 Wire Houses at Conference Agree Selling Has Been Overdone.” October 25, 1929

NEW AID IS PLEDGED TO BANK COALITION; G.F. Baker Jr. Joins Parley at Morgan Offices and Many Other Offers Are Made. SUPPORT EASES ANXIETY -October 26, 1929

Brokers Believe Worst Is Over and Recommend Buying of Real Bargains – New York Herald Tribune, October 27, 1929


no one took the bait :(



I can do it too faggot



GDP does not reflect wealth distribution and living standards, right-wingers operate under the premise that we serve the economy and not the other way around.

lol good point
