IDK. he may be right about this one

IDK. he may be right about this one.

Right about what? It's just "no u", the comic. I'd rather not get into a liberal on liberal slap fight anyway and this drama is retarded

also >>>/leftytrash/

I just think it was a stupid thing for her to do

I understand that the body is Kathy Griffin but whose head is that?

This is a witch hunt! Kathy was just exercising her free speech! Fucking snowflakes!


Yes, and this is a situation where "no u" is actually very appropriate. While it remains to be seen just how badly Griffin fucked up with this stunt, the fact of the matter is that she's done something exceedingly fucking stupid and has suffered more than a little bit of blowback for it.

And the thing is, if she had actually stuck to her guns and said "free speech, bitches" I would have actually been more or less on her side (I think what she did was hamfisted and stupid but free speech is free speech). But, of all things, she releases this sniveling, mewling "apology" (doesn't actually apologize directly to Trump - which doesn't matter much to me anyway - it's clear she's groveling to CNN and the general public) which takes her out of "edgelord exercising their First Amendment rights" to "spineless unprincipled cunt who was/is whoring herself out to what she thought was popular opinion".

Please stop making a new thread everytime a new comic of Ben Garrison comes out. Nobody cares.


My point remains it's a stupid liberal slapfight. The only correct response is to roll your eyes and avoid engaging


I care. People stopped posting new ones on Holla Forums

Well the point is that she cut off her own head, figuratively speaking. But that's minor. The real problem is that the dumb bitch apologized. You never, ever apologize. That's lesson numero uno on dealing with these bad hombres. She didn't do anything wrong, and had she stayed with her "art" if you can call it that, she would have been given a much better gig elsewhere. I think it would have been better if she dressed up as a jihadist. It is Ramadan right now, after all. But no, dumb whore had to apologize and thereby declare that what she did was somehow wrong or "over the line". Well, whatever. At least we now know that Baron Trump is a retarded fucking kid.


Nah, all this moralfagging about this considering the average level of Holla Forums-tier debate smacks of hypocrisy.

How would that convey the same or similar meaning at all? Am I getting meme'd on?

People that complain about threads that they don't like are honestly more annoying than the threads in question. Just stop already.

I don't know what she was trying to convey. I just want a pale-faced jihadist to pose with a fake presidential head. Shit's supposed to be comedy. Let's make it funny.

You think?


Do you think Griffin isn't a lib or do you think Garrison isn't a lib? Either way you're wrong

Fucking rich coming from the board that defends trannies' right to rape children and sandniggers exploding



You're mad

Holla Forums supports:
-faggot rights
-niggers chimping out
-sandniggers exploding
-whores being sluts & sexual degeneration
-gaslightning and avoidance on the Jewish question

liberals support:
-faggot rights
-niggers chimping out
-sandniggers exploding
-whores being sluts & sexual degeneration
-gaslightning in the Jewish question

I don't see any difference between your kikery, honestly.


all of those things are good tho, also you forgot w.hite genocide

these kikes don't like the faggotry being turned against them is all. They get triggered when liberals and niggers remind them that they are white p-riviliged pieces of trash that get to talk last in the progressive stack, they don't like feminists reminding them that they are white cis gendered brocialists and that class reductionism is outdated, they don't like it when the niggers and the shitskins in the third world rightly view them as white western overfed, spineless de-generate cocksuckers (literally) who they will never have anything in common with.

What, Holla Forums no longer wants to see on-the-nose political cartoons that fellate God-Emperor Trump? That can't be right.


Now that's something more appropriate for nazi level of comprehension. Thanks.

IQ 89 post.


Garrison revealed himself to be a pro-white conservative the second Trump made it popular to do so.

All that "waah bigots are editing my comics and making me look like a racist" crap he used to do? He doesn't do that anymore. He probably edited those comics himself. He claimed moot laughed at him, yet moot is known to bend over backwards to please anyone who complained to him, so that's questionable. His comics lately have been pro-Trump, pro-white race, anger over women having jobs, anger over non-whites and pretending that lying fraud Milo is honest.

God, why is there hardly any porn of cute twinks getting fucked by massive muscled guys.

Trump and his goons, including Garrison, are just neocons in denial. They're still part of the liberal establishment they so desperately want to frame themselves as breaking away from. Don't help them do this when the truth is there's nothing anti-establishment about any of them.

Based taste as always Yugoslav poster.

I feel you tbqh famalam

Tfw both liberals, altright, conservatives are triggered by the trump chopped of head things
I'm loving it
I don't like Kathy Griffin, but kek
She should not have apologized

This event has pointed out the hypocrisy of the whiny, soft-bellied conservatives.

It is almost as if they have lost faith on their Emperor

I think it's a sign that liberals are legit entertaining the idea of violence and Kathy was attempting to capitalize on it.

It's hilarious how for years the poorest and most vulnerable would howl about how they were getting destroyed by capital and would get hushed up and offered incrementalism by libs.

And now that they are finally feeling the heat they want blood haha