Am I the only one who thinks its amazing how the right wing has utterly co-opted the analytical tools of the Marxists?

Am I the only one who thinks its amazing how the right wing has utterly co-opted the analytical tools of the Marxists?

The thought of Marx, Gramsci, Debord, Marcuse, Deleuze, etc. has all been subsumed by NRx and its offshoots. Modern-day "communists" just LARP as revolutionaries and scream confusedly about minorities and the proletariat while the far right is doing serious intellectual legwork to lay the foundation for the re-establishment of functioning polities worldwide.

Protesters bought and sold by the world's largest corporations will still be making their voices hoarse over seizing the means of production when Capital has fully deterritorialized and leaves humanity in the dust. Strong homogenous tribes of HRx subsistence-farmers will be thriving in the woods in a way that Woodstock-attendees and hippie commune-livers of the 70's never could have even dreamed of at the same time as Tim Cook's AIDS-riddled body is dumped into the oven by our sentient machine overlords after stealing his brain.

The future is bright.

Other urls found in this thread:

When reason is unnecessary in your ideology, anything is possible.

I've had a rough day and you made me laugh, thanks.



they'd have to leave their mothers basements first

Maybe Porky's got a reason to prop up the far-right every once in a while. Maybe they're gaining traction cuz if they weren't the far-left would which spells disaster for the bourgeoisie. I mean, wasn't fascism in Italy like capitalism's last stand in response to socialism gaining popularity all round Europe at the time?

Stormfags in northern Idaho and Washington are crazy.

It's just regular leftist stupidity my frined.
The left always divoures itself.

Calling them porky will not make it any less anti-semitic.

*Licks Cheeto dust covered fingers*

NRx are a few blogs with a marginal amount of visitors. I don't get why leftists are so afraid of them.

Since when is Porky Jew-hateric?

The left isn't gaining popularity right now. I'm sure porkies aren't all that woried.

The left was back in 2011 before Occupy Wall Street got all $$$intersectional$$$.

he's honestly right tho.

He's right. Bannon can go around claiming to be a Leninist, libertarians can become Trumptards within the blink of an eye and they can claim to "appropriate" identity politics whenever they want because in the end it doesn't matter. It's all cosmetic.

only divine violence can save us

dont worry, conservative logic is undialectical and therefore will always fall into self-contradiction and explode.



Yes every right-winger who has ever lived has been fundamentally irrational



i just understand how to win

The entire point of the far-right is the worship of spooks and feels>reals. Pure idealism

Oh hey Nick Land, nice to see you here.

The part about Capital becoming fully deterritorialized and posthuman really gave it away.
I mean, no one read Deleuze & Guattari here.
The Tim Cook bit was probably just an indulgence in chan edginess too.

Hey, Nick, I've met James Ferraro a few weeks ago and he told me he was your friend, is that true or was he being facetious ?
What's your favorite album of him ?

Neither the left nor the right know how to use analytical tools. Modern politics is just filled with people proposing policies which sound good to the average idiot who hasn't given the problem 5 minutes of thought, but are ultimately counterproductive and make the problem worse. Naturally idiots support those policies, and then the politicians blame a random scapegoat when the policies inevitably make the problem worse. Some fringe groups actually do the necessary analysis and reach approximately the right conclusions, but they face extreme hostility from the mouth-breathing centrist hordes and get dismissed as "terrorist sympathizers", "pedo-apologists", "toothbrush-stealing fascists", etc.

The world's fucked.

No one actually reads NRX shit though, it's a handful of bloggers that get disproportionate attention from the press because they state hard-right views loosely (often *very* loosely) aligned with those of Holla Forumsyps, but do it without constant shitposting and in a manner that well-read journalists can easily understand.

I've seen trot sects with more followers.

the alt-right is more postmodern than marxist

I don't understand why Nick Land is so "Idpol is for losers" and yet he constantly likes tweets from anti-semites, white supremacists, and "traditionalists."

is it because Nick Land is a loser?

Who came up with these word filters? This triggers my autism.


LOL Jew-hateric isn't a word filter. I just started using "hateric" for the lulz after the mods filtered that word for woman-hateric that starts with a muh and ends with sogyny.

Truth be told, the right is far, far better at subversion than the left. Gommies needed revolutions and civil wars to dethrone Porky, Porky just had to whisper into the ears of the right gommies' to get them to dismantle everything.

why not co-opt radical neoliberalism and use it to destroy capitalism as fast as possible?

That's the new left accelerationism (something of an accelerationist communization, in a way) posited recently in a nutshell.

I've started reading Land and D&G. I'm genuinely interested now that I've read a couple articles. I don't know if I'm going to agree with its general pitch in the end, but it's worth looking into for sure, even if only to see what's cooking on the other side.

*angry Adorno screeching*

To be statist is truly to be a confused little sheep. Come over in my arms and accept Voluntarism, my friend. :)

Any ideology based on feelz is the definition of irrational.
