Daily reminder that the 'normies' & 'succdems' at DSA that are pushing the national overton window to the left are...

daily reminder that the 'normies' & 'succdems' at DSA that are pushing the national overton window to the left are making a bigger impact than your autistic armchair NEET asses will ever have in your pathetic lives.

What exactly are we changing?

b-b-b-but muh LARPing! I bet they haven't even read Bordiga!

Nice try FBI or Holla Forums. After your last thread it's fairly obvious you're trying to divide and conquer. Kindly fuck off.

I agree. Honestly I'll support any leftist group that's making real headway

God I'd fuck that girl on the far left there so fucking hard. Unf.

There are two ways to make the DSA better: change the FUCKING ROSE flag, and push out the succdems once the real left has the power.

What a great thread you have here OP. Any leftover wisdom you want to bestow upon us?

Every girl in that picture looks like exactly what you would think of when you imagine lefty females.

The most attractive person is the asian guy.

Also this reminds me why I didn't go to their even that they held near me.

I'm sure they really missed out on your worthwhile presence.


I do think the guys look lame too.
That and I don't think the DSA are left enough for me and they love idpol/intersectionality.

They're a broad tent. If you want to never have to deal with idpol then you can easily avoid all that shit as a small group in the corner plans all the idpol marches/rallies they want and that you never have to go to.

Half the anons defending the DSA in the last thread were Leftcoms defending it against tankies.

I'll repeat what I say in every DSA thread:
It's perfectly fine to support them as they destigmatize the word 'socialism' (even if they're continuing the socialism=free stuff meme) and improve living standards for many people, but you have to realize they will not bring about socialism or revolution in america, so don't get too emotionally invested.

forgot to remove shitposting flag

You still have one on

You're right, since 1945 Social Democrats have successfully convinced the population that socialism is good and have brought us towards it….

Nope. This is not the case.

Just because burgers are finally getting it 100 years later does not mean we are any closer to actual socialism, the worker control of means of production, because of it.

Social Democracy IS capitalism and has ALWAYS throughout history had the SAME FAULTS. It still crashes every ten years, peoples labour is still funnelled away to Swiss Accounts, these Swiss accounts are still used to suppress the third world in order to exploit them for more resources.

Your social democracy has only been a success in nations which benefit from sitting on hundreds of years of capitalist imperialism.

Your Keynesian cash injections artificially inflate the economy and ultimately make money worthless and good expensive.

You cannot win with capitalism. Public spending is not socialism.

The organization itself is meaningless. The lack of any real political development on the part of the DSA is probably the reason for its massive growth–compare to say the stagnation of salt/psl/ISO.

What matters is that thousands of people who are eager to work and learn have found themselves rushing into the organization. It's form hasn't changed much yet but the political currents running through it are not the same as pre-election.

The roads forward at this point are either building a revolutionary capacity outside the dsa (literally years of building among fractured communist and anarchist groupuscules) or making a concerted group effort to fully develop what the dsa already is leaning towards by joining it, reconfiguring it, opening new fronts, doing the cadre work, etc..

DSA isn't the end goal. It's just another field where communist work can happen.

excuse me hawaiian is the pizza of the australian worker, way to show international solidarity you cunts

also i agree w/the rest of your post. more people showing up on the left is literally always a good thing, even if they're not muh pure revolutionaries - plenty of time to forge them into that when they get disenchanted w/ the pigs and the bosses ignoring their polite demands

DSA doesn't even have a proper reading list, they ask other orgs to educate their members. Also there's not hegemony within DSA in NY. The left wing of the group had completely different opinions from other moderates of the group. Then you had some members supporting Hillary and other saying to support the green party. I've always felt the DSA was just a cool kids club where people can just tout their Socialist, for a popularity contest.They have the numbers but lack the discipline to actually make their thousands of members into proper cadre.

We are not enemies of these people, we only acknowledge that reform can only go so far and is, at best, a temporary solution. Yes, it would be nice if the bourgeoisie simply gave up the MoP and socialism was transitioned into peacefully, but we must not be so hopeful for this that we fail to prepare for the worst case scenario.


Or try to get together all the fucking sects, leftcoms, ultras, anarchists, etc. that hate each other in NYC to work towards a national communist organization when they can't event organize a demo together…

That sounds like a fucking great place to argue for a particular political perspective - these are literally people already interested in socialism enough to deliberately gather in an organisation with 'socialist' in the name. Making the argument for more radical action there has got to be better than trying to get a hearing with randoms on the street.

Chug that Fluoxitine kid, you're gonna need it.

suck my dick bitch

That's what I meant, basically.

seriously though, ironic mustacheposting is cancer

This is a meme spread by neoclassicals. Don't ruin a good point by driving too far.
(The problem with Keynesianism is that capitalists will contrive to fuck it up to protect their social position, or out of sheer greed. Economics isn't decided by smart economists deducing the right way to oil the capitalist machine, but by political utility.)

It isn't a meme, this is one of my favourite ways to show that capitalism is doomed. Either way, Keynes or Friedman, you end up in the shit.

If you Friedman it, cut spending, cut taxes etc, people have more cash and spend more BUT less public spending automatically means a smaller economy because government spending is a large economic driver in most developed countries. Everything you borrowed prior to those cuts still needs to be paid but now you have less tax contributions and less infrastructure building new revenue streams, the debt gets bigger.

The other way, you increase spending etc, you either increase taxes to afford this, or borrow, or both. Taxes go up, prices go up to match, goods become more expensive and people spend less, tax revenues drop anyway and you've borrowed even more, the debt gets bigger.

Minimum wage is a good example. People expected that it would lead to unemployment but in fact in meant people had more cash to spend in places where you might have had to let a minimum wage worker go, so it evened out.

However, once everyone has money to spend demand gets greater and prices go up, so the cost of living ultimately goes up.

The only way to combat this to pay people more, but this will only further inflate the currency and the debt will again, only get bigger.

In short, with capitalism, either way, you are fucked. The only way to avoid these problems is to build for use and not for profit and sale.

what did he mean by this
(We're still fucked though. Porky will never listen to Post-Keynesians and MMTers, so neoliberal capitalism is going to take us all to an early grave.)

they dont care, they just want their picture taken.

Read Graeber, you're unworthy of that black flag

I don't think the stalin stache flag is meant for serious posting

I have read David Graeber, it was me who shilled him all over this board pretty much. It is from Debt the first 5000 years that I take a large amount of this, it's pretty much my favourite book

Socdems not understanding that an economy driven on interest is an economy driven on theft does not surprise me.

There are many reasons theft based economies crash extremely regularly

Which part of graeber are you referring to when you suggest I read him? I have also read a number of his other books, The Democracy Project and the Utppia of rules, so in pretty well versed

That's kinda the problem people are already divided to the point where the left in the city feels more like a popularity contest, rather than discussions of trying to bring the left together. I'm already in a org that has members in the DSA left caucus of the nyc branch, but it's really had to make progress when you have neoliberals trying to push the DSA into a reformist agenda. I was thinking about leaving me group to join the DSA, but it just feels like I bunch of hipsters that looked socialism because it was cool rather than care about what Marx really has said.

All capitalist economies are built on theft.
I'll take the one on the left.

lol how the fuck did murrika only have 6% unemployment

Unemployment statistics usually don't cover NEETS

'Unemployment' in the US is based on people 'actively' searching for work, rather than being based off of the total working age population. Because of that, real unemployment is usually double or sometimes triple the reported number.

No, that's the one on the right. The one on the left is a world without private property