45k a month in Alimony


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did a thread really need to die for this?

of course his defense is going to argue his shit is just an 'act', regardless of the validity of that statement or not

i mean the dude is a mega douchelord fearmongering dishonest faggot profiting a bunch off of his little empire of underdeveloped brain manchildren so it's hard to extend too much sympathy his way, but i don't find any value in being particularly joyful about this

His lawyer literally said in a defense statement that he is playing a character, and that he's not actually a mentally unstable psychotic wingnut in real life.


not op but


Is Alex Jones the Brendan Fraiser of the right?

Or just a man who married a whore (woman)

He's a god-tier performance artist

We'll likely never see anyone like him ever again

I can't wait for Alex Jones to go full mgtow and say that family courts are all owned by Soros now.

we need memes like this for alex jones now but what is appropriate?


Lel, pretty sure this had way more to do with him losing his kids than the judge not believing him about being 'liberals' performance artist'

Have you seen his diet? I'm sure this retard will be dead within the next ten years.

Holy shit what did they do to Brendan Fraser?

$900k/month alimony or some shit

Whats with the retarded amounts of alimony being given out? Not that i'm complaining that rich fucks have to live like almost normal people but it does seem excessive.

I can't pretend like I'm even the least bit knowledgeable on the subject, but I think it's all based around a percentage of the income the person paying it makes. With marriage being a government institution and the courts being the enforcer who I believe generally give favorable outcomes to women, it is easy to see why women pursue this with such haste

Thank you, by the way

Mothers in the United States are less likely to have jobs. It's also typically determined on an equitable table because money is king and courts know that. A mother and family of a rich movie star being divorced from him is not exactly just going to be happy going back to living in the suburbs. Brendan Fraser is not low on money. I don't know if people are aware of how huge the Mummy movies were, but he's set. He just looks weird and talks weird all of the time.

I guess he couldn't break the conditioning!

Jones might be a complete moron, but alimony is still bullshit



Bill Hicks should just go back to doing stand up.

holy shit I called for this
should've screencapped my post about how Alex will follow the path of Brendan


I'm pretty sure it was $50k/m

Alex Jones is alt-lite, his defeat satisfies everyone, lefties because he's a trumpkin and Holla Forums because he won't call out Jews or embrace fascism in its entirety. The world is much better off if he and his ilk leave politics, they're not radical enough.

what if…. dude what if it was an even shitpostyer thread that died though bro… what about that?

that's bs. Jones is great.