Why does everyone hate leftcoms?

Why does everyone hate leftcoms?

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they read marx.


Leftcoms are alright when it comes to obtaining knowledge. Just ask them some stuff. Besides, they never do anything, so they are hardly worth sectarian hatred.

Fun fact: anti-work started with the situationists during the '60s French left communist international, and then came Camatte.

They're autonomists.

It's the fucking Bordigists.


Then we clearly need a flag for every tendency (anarchism has like 10 different snowflake varieties, so why not for the communist left/ultra-left?). Although you'll probably find most would then simply use the comunisation flag and still invoke Bordiga simply because he is so useful.

Let's get an autonomist flag then, or some libcom, or whatever.

We hate them because they tell the truth

That's because 95% of leftcoms are bordigists.

Also, no IWA flag. My specific snowflake variety is not represented.

My suggestions would be:
A Pannekoek head or stack of Dutch pancakes.
A Bordiga head, an armchair or pacifier.
A dove.
Antonio Negri head.
A bottle of liquor.

Maybe on here. Can't speak for them but despite not being a Bordigist I value of Bordiga's most influential works like the Lyon's Theses, critique of activism and critique of democracy, etc.

I like it.

What even are you then?

Communist without adjectives, or some other form of special snowflake. I most agree with communisation theory if that helps.

Were you the ancom who was interested in Endnotes?

I'll make them, what's the max flag size?

19 px wide, 11 px high I think.


There's a German/Dutch LeftCom (KPD) flag, but BO won't add it.

Here is the real leftcom flag for people too cool for democracy like Bordiga.


I'll take it.

I feel an envy for leftcoms nost of them are very well read in theory

not sure how they'll look

Looks gr8 fam.

I thought I understood leftcoms, but after reading all about these obscure theory sects like I don't even know anymore.

no wonder you get along with anarchists

for fuck's sake


Because they criticize everyone and does nothing at the same time.

Completely useless for any task, except posting online.

Shitty comrades, because they'll drop you faster than Trump does a Miss World pageant.

wtf I love social democracy now

I guess it's arguable what is even consideled a leftcom here and what not. I stopped used the flag myself after it was totally apropriated by Bordigists. Although what is and what isn't leftcom in general may be debatable. The simillar shit can be seen with libertarian socialism for example.

you're primmies in denial


The only thing unifying left communism is an opposition to the left and right wings of capital.

Nice pic. I like Slavoj too.

It's a combination of Bordiga being the best for shitposting and there being a general unity among all of left communism today and the fact that the left communism flag on this board is literally that of the Italian communists' hammer and sickle.

As always tankies proving that what they truly find probIematic at the end fo the day is Marx himself.

Still lefcom here went too far with the whole Bordiga meme. I personally could care less about him tbh.
Maybe we should have a Libertarian Marxist flag instead, it sounds a bit more inclusive at least.

I have a strong affinity with the ideas of the communist left but there is one thing that it is lacking which stops me stepping over from the anarchist camp. The central importance of party-making. Without the guarantee of a strong, well-organized party with good bands and cheap booze and cute girls with no bourgeois morals, the communist left will remain, sadly, a marginal collection of scattered and isolated critics incapable of guiding the proletariat to its historic destiny.

Latest poll showed that it was only half of them.

i think ur missing the point of leftcoms fam

Implying Marxism isn't but the left wing of Capital! Transition states lead to fascism!

Read Marx before criticizing him. Only Leninists believe in an authoritarian dictatorship for the transition state. Libertarian Marxists want dictatorship of the proletariat, not dictatorship over the proletariat. We want democracy.

Would you consider German LeftComs and CouncilComs separate ideologies?

I realize that is the theory, but in reality creating a socialist state that everyone is dependent on creates a situation where the bureaucrats/politicians who collect and redistribute wealth are in a position of power which they inevitably abuse.

not every leftcom is a bordigst, but most leftcoms value his work. Specifically the fact that he was a straight fucking savage when it came to rigorously defending the invariance of marxism against all the fucking revisionist.

we're all cool with each other tbh, although I wouldn't have included Negri in this list.

No, you aren't dependent on the state, you and your fellow workers control the state. In workers' councils, you vote on how to manage production and redistribute the property of the bourgeois, and any representatives that need to be elected can be revoked instantly. There are no powerful bureaucrats.

thats just tanks

cuz theyre loud and annoying

And is it simple majority rules?

Yes, rule of the majority.

Nothing could possibly go wrong with that.

Just so I know who I'm debating, are you an anarchist?

Elaborate. What problems do you see? I can't argue against vague statements.

Speak for yourself, leftcoms are the best posters on Holla Forums

people will be dependent on some administrative structure either way
modern capitalism is already state capitalism and bureaucracy of large enterprises is an extension of state bureaucracy
your only hope is american dream of independent self-employment

if some anarchist government starts to break up large enterprises and severe established links, this will increase costs and lead to rampant inflation
and people don't like when their standard of living deteriorates

because MLs and Trots don't read books

this is why libertarians always strawman us with 'big bugment', because marxism-leninism is literally state capitalism

soviets tried to abolish currency prematurely
nothing good came out of it

after the revolution you will be left with a highly concentrated capitalist economy
look at the AT&T breakup consequences
prices skyrocketed

how is Bordiga/Bordigism different from other left coms?

what's the meme with situationism and alcohol


autism about muh vanguard party

I know capitalism isn't abolished in a single day. Doesn't mean you should embrace state capitalism.

It essentially boils down to LARP-y meme sectarianism. Leftcoms and the rest may differ in opinion on the finer points of early 20th century politics, but the modern divide is much less relevant.

what are bourgeois morals? treating sex as a commodity and clubbing and fucking a lot?

sounds liberal as hell

Elaborate please

Bordigists want a centralized party to control the state and be the "dictatorship of the proletariat"

Which other leftcoms? There's quite a few.




Because they actually read theory and it intimidates other posters.

nah nigga, communization all the way!!

Most Leftcoms are into Communization theory, it's extremely ecclectic, it takes bits and peices from Council Communism, Bordigism, Situationists International, and some post-structuralism, but what they decide to take, and what they reject, can change drastically from person to person, just think how different Endnotes are from the Invisible Committee, or how different Giles Dauve is from Jonathan Clover.

Situationists believed you either had a revolution or you committed suicide. A lot of them ended up killing themselves

*Joshua Clover, sorry, it's getting late where I am

Where can I read Bordiga's critiques of activism and democracy? Also, I was in another thread where a Luxembougist claimed Bordiga was a totalitarian.

Why does everyone hate bordigists?

But is there no subdivisions of government at all? No federalism? It seems like a professional politician class would emerge because most people would want to focus on their work and their family/friends, while some people would devote their time towards politicking, trying to bend whatever system is set up towards their will.

Because all the Bordiga/armchair memes last year pissed off people who saw them as useless sectarian critics of everything.

Much like all the last few months of Bookchin memes are slowly turning people off communalism.

I'm gonna bump this once in the hopes that a Leftcom sees it and recommends me some specific Bordiga lit.

You can always check marxists.org and libcom for Bordiga, but to actually be helpful:

Thank you Based Leftcom!

To bad they never do anything with it :^)