The world is disintegrating

A quantum physicist by the name of david bohm raised the concept of the implicative and explicative

Notice the name Implicative; too imply.

In brief it is the implied point of genesis, or, rather, promethegenisis, of our universe.

Other urls found in this thread:

David Bohm was full of shit OP I wouldn't worry about it too much

Lets represent the Implicative With this:

{ = (implicative) and } = (explicative)

{ }

I know some quantum physics and that was just complete word salad.

Kant raised the concepts, or, rather named them:
A-Prior and A-Posteriori

The Prior and the Posterior Let us represent these concepts as ||



Now we have the philosophical subject / object dichotomy, which is complete rot, humans are objects as anything else is an object.

Let us represent with O


This is the 4d meme theory of everything.

Anything can be conceptualized, read or thought with this sympal conceptual apparatus


As Hegel said: Ignore the anti-thesis of truth and falsity.

As Marx said: Preform a ruthless critique of everything in existence

As Nietzsche said: Preform an eternal return of the same; become a nomad; and wipe the maps of language and thought.

As Kendrick Lamar said: Malcolm X has put a hex on your future; time to get off the slave-ship and write your own hieroglyphs

Dial into the frequency friends

Here I was hoping for the apocalypse. And all I got was word salad.

We must dialectasise with what others have available to them friend

Give an example of application

Conceive of an object you want to

it has an implied fundamental point of origin:


Talk about that objects fundamental becoming points:

Prior: | Dirt, Seed, Water |

Object: Plant

Conceive of what it puts into the world, universe whatever.

Posterior: |O2, Plant Material|

Explicative: } "spiral too infinity, and beyond!





Wake up neo, follow the white rabbit

Singing off and out

Never mind.

Well my friend as Socrates once said

we depart by throwing forth some dust

Yes my friend,

Ying and Yang

Heaven and Earth

Heaven unfolds into Earth

Prometheus steals the fire from the gods and every body eats his disembodied organs

We are in a Promethean age

Two Dichotomies;

Anti-Human / Humanism

Two Dichotomies;

East and West;

Two Dichotomies;

Continental and Kyoto school

Two Dichotomies;

Absolute Being; Absolute Nothingness

No Dichotomies;

We are a programmable shell inhabited by the ghosts of all that came before

Language is a substrate by which we transmit information.

The symbolic order is the substrate considered in total.

The ideology is an individual collection of language and information

3 passages and a departure:




their is nothing here


Is this the renaissance?




We depart with an invitation


autism is merely the symptom of the spectacle turned toward its upper intensity

why do you use the words of the Pharaohs?

can someone give me a tl;dr?

The guy is high on dialectics, I think

for some reason this image inspired me to ask the question: why do amphetamines cause pink-vision?
Y'know what im talking about? When you get all emotional while using an emphatamine and everything looks pink?

You can perceive the human consciousness either dialing toward the explicate order; that is the unfolding of our lives i.e our future. Overly attuning causes hysteria aka BPD.

Women seem statistically more likely to be tuned toward the explicate for what I would imagine is the fact that they are biological mothers and need to be more concerned about the future.

Or you can perceive the human consciousness dialing toward the implicate order; that is the foldededness of the universe, our becomings, history.

Men seem statistically more likely to be tuned toward the implicate for what I would imagine is the fact that they needed to be more materially minded as part of early human pack behavior. Overly attuning causes Depression.

A third state is Schizophrenia when language becomes chaotically designified and a person cannot constitute a solid horizon of reality.

A forth state is Schizo-revolutionary when language becomes designified BUT a person CAN constitute a solid horizon of reality.

Amps dial our brains toward the explicate

Downers too the implicate

Psychs temporarily designify language and reality

If you are depressed or materially minded read Zizek's Absolute Recoil.

If you are hysteric or artistically / emotionally minded read Deleuze's A Thousand Plateaus.

If you feel you are well balanced you are already on the right path; continue to forge forward.


{Homo Genus(Homo-Sapient) Conceptual Knowledge}

{Conceptual Knowledge (Civilization) Philosophy}