The Right is sexually frustrated while the Left is economically frustrated

The Right is sexually frustrated while the Left is economically frustrated.

Do you agree or disagree? And why?

Other urls found in this thread:

The right is both economically and sexually frustrated and they do the retarded thing and combine them, somehow coming out sucking the established system's dick and getting their pockets picked by it at the end of it all.

The left is just economically frustrated and monomaniacally focused on destroying the capitalist system and rebuilding the world along human lines. Ironically, it does better at relieving sexual frustration in the long run:

I'm sexually frustrated (well, frustrated that I can't step through a portal into the 2D world and live with my waifu) but not economically frustrated, yet I'm a leftist.

I'm fine with my situation for both due to the joys of frugality. What I'm not fine with is capitalism fucking up the environment for myself and future generations and offering no solutions after years of trying to work within the system.

I agree with neither statement.

No, most people are economically frustrated. Go on, just try and get your coworkers to open up about it, you might be surprised.

Yes but the Right 'feels' sexual frustration more, independent of reality.

Try to get your coworkers to open up about their sexual frustration, too. You might be surprised.

I think this idea that the right are all permavirgin losers while the left are social butterflies who get daily blowjobs is just about the most stupid thing I've seen here. It's just like the naive emotional oversimplifications that Holla Forums love to use. It's literally no better than Holla Forums claiming that the left are cucks while the right are alphas. You do yourself a disservice by entertaining the idea.

No. Because the the whole left-right dichotomy is false.

Besides, the logical opposite of "sexual frustration" would be "lack of sexual frustration". Not economic frustration.

Hey Holla Forums, when you work (if you do) you will probably see that adults aren't as frustrated with their sex lives as their shit wages.
And yes, don't worry, it's perfectly normal to be a virgin at age 15, your friends are just lying. We've all been there.

We don't claim the right are permavirgin losers, we claim Holla Forums is.


I would really hope that most people on this website would understand that both sides of the political spectrum have friendless, autistic losers.

Is there some reason you called me Holla Forums or do you have some kinda quota to meet?

No, that's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that the Right feels that social ills are the cause for society's corruption, while the Left sees the distribution of power and material circumstances as they negatively affect the individual.

I think you might be vastly overestimating their intelligence.

"We" don't claim anything of the sort. You do.

Sorry. I misinterpreted your post. I see what you meant now. My comment was really addressed to the whole thread in general.

Go back to either 8/pol/, 4/pol/ or Reddit or Normiebook or whichever shithole you came from

Am friendless autistic loser, can confirm. The more I look at different viewpoints on the political spectrum the more similarities I see. I'm starting to think all these different superficial beliefs are manufactured identity politics meant to divide and conquer.



I've been here since the exodus from halfchan, but I'm finding it more and more aggravating to try and discuss things here. There are a huge number of morons such as yourself here who just want to drag everything down to the most base emotional level of propagandistic rhetoric. There's no nuance or willingness to discuss the details of how things actually are. If it can't fit in a facebook meme, nobody cares. We could be discussing the actual reasons why people turn to the right rather than the left and vice versa, but no, instead we're just going to call Holla Forums virgins and leave it at that.

Great fucking discussion.

Obviously he's saying that if virgins didn't exist, then right-wing politics would be dead.

And if jews didn't exist left wing politics would be dead.

Isn't it fun when you base your entire understanding of reality on a handful of internet memes?

So all centrists are virgin jews, then?

Literally every single brand of politics has been supported by Jews, Holla Forums. Find me one that doesn't have Jews at some point in it.
Pro-tip: Nutsucc has them, too.

You didn't get his point you autist.

Well? You want to talk about what causes it? You don't need to wait for people to initiate conversation.

You mean yours, samefag

No, the centrists are clearly half-jews in long-distance relationships.

I still don't get his point.
What did he mean by this?

im both

All authoritarians are narcissists and all libertarians have inferiority complexes.

That saying
is a thoughtless shitpost akin to
and seeing such idiocies constantly spouted by retards craving for free back-pats can get annoying after a while

while this is an entertaining dynamic, but i don't think this is really the case

Oh man, I'm sorry, but I totally meant that in response to
My bad.

Have you even read my post? What did I say about the right wing, virgins and Holla Forums?

I think a huge factor is the circumstances under which people first encounter a particular brand of politics. People make judgments very quickly based on a very shallow first impression, and then they internalize those judgments and make them part of their identity. At that point it's extremely hard to change their mind because any attack on the idea is seen as an attack on them.

There are countless different ways people might encounter different brands of politics. For the youth (most people on imageboards included), it will be via the internet. For older generations it's more typically via old media or face-to-face discussions.

On the internet, the last 5-10 years has been dominated by the narrative of the censorious left against the offensive right. It is no surprise that large numbers of young people have flocked to the right under the banner of free speech. Before that we saw a more left-wing youth because it was the right that was seen as anti-freedom with their attempts to ban games, porn, and drugs. We can expect the current trend to continue until the "left" (read: the people calling themselves the left) stop trying to ruin everyone's fun. Of course the irony is that Holla Forums are very anti-fun, but nobody finds that out until they're already too emotionally invested in their decision.

For face-to-face contact it's really simple. If a friend has a particular political view, you're more likely to adopt that view. If someone you dislike has a particular view, you're more likely swing the other way. This also forms a positive feedback loop thanks to political tribalism.

I don't think the validity of the economic arguments play much of a role at all. Older people with jobs and families might care in theory, but they're still going to be heavily biased by their own political experiences and by the media they are exposed to. At best they might be won over by clever-sounding arguments, but more likely they'll either keep voting the way they've always voted or just follow whoever seems like "the right sort of person".