Conspiracy theories

What kind of conspiracy theories does Holla Forums believes in?

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genetics is bourgeois

You know, despite it working well with our narrative, I don't think Bush did 9/11, cuz he doesn't seem that smart and he doesn't seem that stupid either.

I do feel that Bush might have known that the attacks (50/50) were going to happen but didn't say anything until afterwards

bush did 9/11

t. Lysenko

I believe in this crazy theory that most of the world is actually controlled by a very small number of rich people who own all the media and buy all the politicians!

IdPol and "progressives" were COINTELPRO from the very beginning to destroy the left during the Cold War.

I'm not talking about useful idiots and subversive support for some IdPolers. They were all literal, conscious COINTELPRO.

Lmao, its baffling that people feel the need to substitute this blindingly obvious fact with some other group ('The Jews! The Illuminati!')

Trump is a CIA plot to make people love the deep state.

"deep states" but that's pretty obvious in politics.
holocaust numbers are fudged and no gas chambers
9/11 was probably a joint job by the mossad and saudis working together, they gave credit to osama, maybe he had something to do with it too, a minor role.
a small segment of jews (from all ideological groups) are explicitly or subconsciously trying to subvert national european sovereignty and promote anuddah shoah.

9/11 was a false flag.

not a well defined or identifiable group

a well defined and identifiable group who actually DO own a disproportionate amount of media/news outlets and are overrepresented in banking/finance, given their small demographic percentage, it is quite bizarre, but once you factor in their love of money, greed, avarice and nepotism and tribalism it makes quite a lot of sense, specially in light of their history, jews will be jews.

what's rare is when jews wake up and realize what their people are doing, bobby fischer for example


Phil Greaves is a Psyop


Oh, I'm sure capitalism's inherent contradictions would magically disappear if those pesky Jews would just go away


Bush probably had knowledge of 9/11

some bourgeoisie probably practice satanic rituals


Marxism is the thinking man's conspiracy theory

Once you start reading more about Bush's retardation and his knowledge of the middle east you realize that he probably still doesn't know why 9/11 happened.


the funny thing about jews is that which they say about themselves goes much further than what anti-semites say about them

they celebrate their genocides that were more ruthless and complete than the holocaust

for this reason, i can not feel bad about the holocaust

I hate how the holocaust is STILL heralded as the most supreme example of human suffering and evil

A holocaust equivalent happens every fucking month in the modern world yet you don't see some pretentious cunt going "There can be no poetry after the iraq war"

The CIA/mob killed JFK.

Why does anyone even like JFK(on Holla Forums of all places)? His "Alliance for Progress" was the embryo for Condor you fucking morons.

What does believing he was killed by the government has to do with liking him?

They also killed Ngo Dinh Diem ffs.

FDR was killed because he was too amenable to Stalin.

Stalin was a necessary evil and the Holodomor is CIA propaganda. Also, Churchill was worse.

There is a deep state but not in any real organized sense.

Whoops, didn't mean to quote you.

That the various right movements are deliberately bolstering each other (for example the netherlands/turkey twitter hack, but more abstractly, the way that more openly fascist factions prop up "center-right" types as a lesser evil).

On the one hand, I can recognize how there doesn't need to be collusion for this process to take place. The rise of militancy in one tribe engenders the rise of militancy in its neighbors, and someone who screams gas the niggers nosing toward prominence makes someone who quietly deports them seem like a huggable teady bear in comparison. But sometimes it seems like there really is some mastermind behind it all, saying "Okay, now Ahmed pull this insane stunt, and the media will talk about it non-stop for days, and you will suggest nuking Iran, and the media will talk about it non-stop for days, and then you, the moderate conservative, will suggest merely bombing some orphanages in Yemen and establishing camps, and that will seem like a reasonable idea."

Or, "people are still talking about Bush's record as a war criminal and serial murderer, so we need someone who will tell even bigger and stupider lies so Bush will become an object of nostalgia. Someone call Mr. Trump."

Or, "everyone is getting tired of the Tories crap, and new Labour isn't selling like it used to. We need someone really slimy and generally awful to make them look like the good guys. Where's that Mr. Farage these days?"

Dallas Oil Baron Haroldson Lafayette Hunt probably killed Kennedy and also created the modern American Far Right.

saved, comrade

Maybe not Rotchilds or Rockfellers but some kind of crapitalist clan(s) (try to) rule the world behind the scenes.

Deep Sea Life has been unmolested for a good 500million years, so I think they are highly advanced cephalopods, with all the powers that would entail including being masters of Electromagnetics and so forth.
That said, I think they have routinely, over geologic periods of time, wiped the surface of life in order to maintain their power.
In some cases, very overtly, like using the moon as a base to lob captured asteroids at the planet, which killed the dinosaurs and so on, and sometimes subvertly, like using the giant fiberoptic cables in the sea to program us to continue to forward self-destructive climate change. Note that the populations of cephalopods are increasing as climate change gets worse.
I think they use this subliminal mastery to influence our radio signals to amplify our worst proclivities, so that we will kill each other off.
I think this became necessary to them as we became industrialized and began to seriously fuck with ocean purity by dumping poisons, plastic, and sewage into the sea, and then we pushed the situation to a head with nuclear testing in the ocean.

So basically, The Abyss is a documentary

Progressive stack in the occupy movement was a CIA plot

There was a large conspiracy to kill JFK including the CIA, Mafia, etc.
9/11 was a false flag

This is a joke right?

While I don't believe it in the sense of thinking it's proven fact, I think it's a distinct possibility.

Kissinger ordered the hit on JFK.

SJWs and all other idpol movements were created from the top to divide the left.

The Bush administration were aware of 9/11 but didn't do anything to stop it.

The richest 100 people secretly control the world with eachother.

The islamic right-wing and european right wing are probably working together because that truly does aid both sides. (for example Erdogan and the Netherlands)

SJW's are COINTELPRO from the beginning. Their aim is to divide the united left trough movements like "Intersectionality" etc. (however it has gone so far that they don't realize that they're directly aiding porky anymore)

Powerful and rich people have a higher probability to be pedophiles (just a theory really)

FDR personally pulled the trigger on the gun that shot and killed Huey Long.

i truly believe this too.

who the fuck is paying deray besides dominos, patagonia, doritos, spotify, mcdonalds, starbucks, and taco bell?