What continent do you live on?

What continent do you live on?



I knew some smart ass was going to say that!

we're from an oceanic island, dork

huh we have more south americans than europeans

probably because of posting hours

HEY, don't bully me you idiot!

Europeans should come on in the next few hours though. Its like 21:00 here.

I want to hate fuck a female officer.

Ree Europoors come vote


Do you know who the artist is?

How could anyone not recognise his art by now

the one guy who voted africa. i wonder where in africa he's from

I know the art but fuck if I don't know the guys name.

shadman bro

Thanks famrade



He's not very good.

No Thank You

Shadman went from drawing decent character to drawing litteral children for no reason.

His art is becoming shittier and edgier, i wouldnt recommend him.

I agree Shadman isn't great but he's one of the few popular hentai artists willing to draw loli, who does Holla Forums recommend? I usually get all my porn from doujins.

He draws lots of rape which im not into, hes kind of shit. Also his fixation on giant asses and anuses is offputting.

it's pretty sad that even though I haven't seen any of his art for a while that I could tell from one glance in the catalog that this was one of shad's works. That fucking shading man.

hes into all kinds of shit. everything from lolicon to bestiality to light guro. He gets more hate then anything though so I guess it just drives him further down.

I dunno, probs best to browse some busy hentai gallery site until you find a decent artist.

Akairiot, son.

animeputos por favor vayanse

Everything he draws seems to have the "fucked insane" ahego face and crazy eyes. Technically, I think he's pretty good, but I find there's a lack of focus in each work, and what seems like a drive to implement as many fetishes as possible. It ends up with a lack of balance and I can't jerk off. /leftylewd/ when?

I like Kloah because I'm into gigantic tits

I like Shad's work. Even though I find it unfappable, I get the impression that he has fun doing it.

For loli specifically or hentai artists in general?