Is clothing capitalist ideology?

Hear me out, this though comes from someone you generally like, Philosophy lecturer Wes Cecil.

In his recent series he mentioned how the ancients generally wore less clothing or went entirely naked on warm days, exercising openly in the square. Those cultures valued perfection of the body and it was seen as a personal failure to not be fit. Our culture has different values, we also look at bodies but a big focus is on nice looking and often expensive clothes. We have huge clothing style trends that make thousands of teens throw away perfectly good clothing, we make people wear expensive and uncomfortable suits whenever something official is happening and so on. Similarly to marriages needing rings, this clothing meme sits deep inside our heads and is probably hard to get rid of, even if you are to intellectually know that your beliefs merely exist to make someone rich, it would still feel wrong.

Do you think that a communist society would have a lesser focus on clothing?

Yes but I'm going to wear it anyway because I feel weird without it especially my crotch area

Also I'm ugly everyone tells me I'm attractive but my build and back structure cause me to have a pot-belly even at average weight and my face is pimply plus my beard won't grow in all the way just yet. Maybe I could start an exercise regiment to distribute my fat differently but I don't know

Yes. The DDR had a thriving nudist subculture, for instance.

I would go full never-nude if I could.

There would be less incentive to push new fashion trends every year, that's for sure

But some people like clothing as a form of expression, nothing wrong with that. Just remove Porky and his money from the equation.

Clothing is retarded anyway.

Why do you need band shirts, tv show shirts or any shirts with some retarded message written on them.
Branded products is you paying a ton of extra money to be a walking advertisement.
People buy the most retarded nonfuctional shit like jeans that have holes torn in them because of retarded trends.

I'd walk around in my underwear if I could but I would not want to be more susceptible to injuries by bumping into things or getting scrapes

Clothing for winter time?

You can roughly separate clothing into 2 functions:

Utility function: Protection, warmth etc

Aesthetic function: Status, trends etc

I'm purely criticizing the aesthetic function. I believe that Socialism would reduce it while keeping the utility function the same.

I'd walk around naked if I was more confident. At least you can actually say "hey, it's really cold ok? Normally this thing is much bigger" with no clothes on

Clothing is a nessecity
Fashion is a spook

I agree. I believe aesthetic clothing of any significant deviation would be almost entirely relegated to artist communities.


I believe that giving the production to the people would on the opposite create more means for the people to wear fashionable clothes and dissolution of the universal fashion business will create more different fashion movements.
Leftists have the best fashion anyway, don't let nazis have all the prase with their bdsm leather.


Fashion is a symptom of bourgeois ideology.
If the people didn't have to bother with fashion we could be a lot more productive.
so yes Fashionable clothing is a sign of capitalism.

I need clothes to hide my horrible body from people. that way I can remain somewhat attractive

Is leftypol capitalist ideology

is the internet capitalist ideology

is your mom capitalist ideology

is my mom capitalist ideology

is putting shoes on capitalist

Is walking around your unshaved taint in public truly the highest form of revolution against communism?

These are the important questions being asked on this board as we speak, by the end of our lifetimes communism should be a nudist paradise

not sure I could go nudist, I get cold too easily

but in regard to the promotion of consumerism, yea clothing is pretty ridiculous. I see no reason to walk around being a living advertisement that you pay to be.

I also don't get fashion. I dress drab as fuck because clothes are a utility to me

feels good man.

Absolute autism tbh

yeah, natives did it for instance.
it seems like a very human thing to do;
many animals have set designs and
dances they do to attract mates and send a
message to others, us humans, being what we are,
designed our own versions of this (much like
the way we construct knifes rather then have
stingers) which
can convey even more complicated messages
and appeal to even more specific tastes,
including our own.

It wasnt a sub culture. While not everyone liked doing everyday stuff or whole holidays naked, being naked in your own garden or being naked at the sea was completely normal.

Truly Rance is free of ideology.