Paladin at it again!

Meet the "Anti-Semite" Communist The Media Blamed on Trump

She calls herself an ex-ancom.

So now she knows everything about Communism and why it's "bad".

Get ready to cringe.

Other urls found in this thread:

I think MLs were right about gulags after all.

No shes a lib but just hates commies bekuz they hurt people and punch nazis!

These Jewish attacks are complete hysteria, the tombstones fell down according to police, this dickhead was a black man, and the rest are probably the ADL phoning them in themselves to get even more shrill.

Didn't watch btw,

is he Nazbol gang?

"Commies need to be gassed"

Now I see why Nazis like this "Liberal"

I don't want to go full tankie but - Jesus these peopleā€¦

But yeah waves of bomb threats are just ebic trolling

For the sake of accelerationism I really hope they get more

adblock means she won't receive $ for my click, right?

When does this liberal luancy end leftypol?

FinnBol already made a response to her.

It doesn't.

So she'll side with nazis because commies punched someone. Gulags looking better and better.

He is so good, we need more praise of him

I think that is blocked on shoetube now

I haven't seen any ads in all of the time I've had adblock.
Did YouTube change their algorithm to account for adblock?

there's an Adblock specifically for YouTube fyi

I still don't see ads with my adblock, I don't think youtube figured it out yet

The video will still register a hit if you watched more than 50% of it.

The retarded intro was enough to make me close the video.

Just thumb it down and move on.

My god why is she so retarded? Me and Finish bolshevik alredy did a response to her and her reaction to it was the most dumbest thing ever.


I honestly think anarchists are just ML's who can keep their cool.

In a perfect world we would not need them, but the world ain't perfect.

Trump won, it means in order to make sheckles you have to be a rightwinger, gamergate sjw's lost, no money for them