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Holy shit that had to have been written by porky himself
Why the fuck are Americans classcucked to the core? Was it McCartyism? The culture of competition and autistic tier inidvidualism?

This isn't even class cucking because it's a charity. He's just being the most gratuitous piece of shit he can.

everything Marx and Engels wrote about the lumpenproletariat was classcuckery of the highest and most damaging form.

what in tarnation

Robespierre would have sent him to the guillotine

Literally brainwashing by people who would rather have Americans devolve into subhumans than let the ebul commies win.

as a professionally diagnosed autist i object to my developmental disorder being compared in any way to USian neoliberal austerity-enthusiast classcuckery

Okay I take it back but jesus christ how much longer until this shit implodes the planet?
Posadism when?

I never thought I'd see the day when I felt sympathy with liberals

Well done america

It's not even individualism. Any real individualist ought to hate capitalism.

it's horrific honestly how utterly right wing americans are and how they regard it as utterly normal

it's like a neoliberal hell zone.

like you see burgers in big cities complain about "the homeless" and try to come up with weird convoluted solutions or excuses to arrest them or involuntarily commit them or whatever

but none of them EVER think "oh we need a big supply of affordable social housing". it's just "ahh what is the State and Police and Medical Establishment to do with these Mentally Ill Homeless"

there's no real public housing in US and the tiny bit of like, section 8 housing there *is* has decades-long waitlists (if the waitlists aren't straight-up closed).

the people in the awful nonprofits that nominally "provide services" to homeless people (for which city governments pay millions to) treat homeless people like absolute fucking garbage.

also liberals are totally complicit with this, both in the direct treatment of homeless people as garbage and in refusing to advocate for social housing, but also in supporting awful zoning laws that require a minimum square footage per resident housed (which reduces the amount of high density housing which obviously increases the price of housing)

like fuck when i was homeless literally anything like a room (no matter how small, no matter how many other such rooms like that were in the same building) with a bed on it and a lock on the door (and access to a toilet and shower) would have been ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE better than being on the street or in a fucking homeless shelter, but this really doesn't exist much in the US, because libs fucking love zoning laws that legislate SRO-ish things out of existence.

this is a good article about pretty much this:











nobody cares, also using the carriage return to make a wall of text legible isn't just a reddit affectation

They're called paragraphs you relentless dipshit.


Paragraphs and double line spacing aren't the same thing my illiterate friend

This sounds like those faked stories by waitresses receiving racist remarks from customers

Why would a lolbertarian racist sign off as "Citizen Robespierre"?

Sup retard







I think you really underestimate how ignorant the average American is

But who do Foodbanks in first world countries need the food for?

Forgot my shitposting flag.

There's some form of fictional media (comic?) where someone calls themself Robespierre as a political activist and turns out to be a deranged psychopath

oh you know what I got it, it's This Is The Police


tbh this is what the 'if you put spacing between your lines you are from reddit' shit reminds me of

America was a mistake, honestly. Comrade Robbespierre would have guillotined this clown.

why did this retard staple it to the outside of an envelope?