Since I am not well versed in the games I can only spark discussion by saying, are demons almost always a digital thing? I just began playing Soul Hackers and I think is the third or fourth time the demons are a digital thing (StJo, DDS, DvSu, SoHa, pardon the made up acronyms), on a different note, the SMT chart recommends the anime if you are a little versed on the SNES games, I recall Bennet the Sage reviewing the anime and it didn't make sense for him, but then again, I think he didn't even know about the games, so, is the anime directly connected to any of the games?

SMT/Persona but set in New Jersey.

Pixie a cute


Weren't those always socks or the like?

BTW, are there any good waifu demons in Soul Hackers? Hua Po is missing on this one.


So what kind of content will Atlus cut to be sold later as DLC in SMT V?

Why live?

to hire a midget hooker and make her cosplay obviously

at least we get this sweet figma. eventually. maybe.
that'll keep me going for a couple more months at least?

When will they make a game where you can romance the demons?

Hua Po is great too.

Would hotglue

Never ever.
But if yes, i would romance demons with the best legs

I'd risk eternal damnation for some sweet love with that third girl.

Scathach is pretty waifu tier

Can't spell Scathach without Scat.

Would you?

Is that a rhetorical question?

it's not possible on this, or probably any other plane of reality.

That's Scathach, user and she's Celtic (I think) so you're good.

Also, considering getting into Nocturne. How fucked am I?

Normal difficulty is only as hard as any other game in the series. Hard was originally only available in New Game+. If you want to get the bonus ending you MUST use a physical build to be able to damage the final boss, but other than that magic is pretty powerful. You might want to consider looking up how magatamas work so you can plan your leveling.

whats so bad about smt iv tho? been playing it, my first smt game and so far, the plot is interesting

At the very least I was expecting to get to hack off limbs in random encounters, gain bonuses/health for the duration and maybe disable the enemy's fighting ability. Instead it's a chance at maybe ending fights in one blow. I think the worst thing a game can do is promise a really cool idea or concept, and then half-ass it. The games are awesome for different reasons though.

SMT1 and 2: get mag to 20 for negotiation, then build for str
Soul Hackers: ag/str
Nocturne: Go ag/mag or ag/str
DDS: ag/str or ag/mag, USE AILMENTS JESUS FUCK
Persona 3/4: Just get Charge/Mind Charge
SMT4/A: ag/str

In most of these games you want to get high Endurance if playing on the highest difficulty, since dead MC = game over and even if not you want to be able to take a hit. In games like Nocturne you even have attacks that work off your max HP rather than your strength so you just abuse those along with buffs.

The only game you can really go glass cannon is the DESU because you can fairly reliably alpha strike everything there.

But user, she already gave Cu Chulainn the "friendship of her thighs".

With exception for secret boss in NG+ and its Megidoladyne.

Gameplay is kind of shit. Also Macca is very sparse.


She was referring to her daughter, not Scathach herself.

It was both, at least that’s how I understood it.

Demifiend was made to rip and tear things. Also. You go high STR then agi/vit . a healer and 2 casters. cover all elementals, buffs and debuffs and youre good to go.

Your'e retarded

The origin of the franchise is "Digital Devil Story". So yes, the theme is consistently computer-related in one way or another. The franchise is fundamentally science-fantasy.
That said, the demons themselves aren't necessarily digital. It's mainly the summoning method used. But MegaTen lore tends to be quite metaphysical, with organic life converting to computer data and back, people physically entering dream worlds and whatnot. Overall I think it's the most interesting video game lore to get into.

Both of them fucked Cu, this is a fact.

yeah, but who wouldn't?

just play eramegaten

There's a password for the downloads that I've found. You know what it is, user?

Strength is king. Don't use magic. Leave that to your party members. Same with healing. Demifiend should be a Strength tank with good agi. Focus on physical with him. Freikugel and Gaea Earth are the strongest attacks in the game and they're physical. go for a healthy amount of vit for both having strength to attack and make sure you survive attacks since if demifiend goes down its over.
endure is mandatory with demifiend. until post mid-game mana is scarce and valuable. being physical makes it easy to grind and go through long dungeons without having to rely on mana items.
2 elements per character. Try and use the element THAT CHARACTER IS WEAK TO so they learn Resist/Null of that element and cover their weakness. Example: use lightning with Autism guy so you learn resist lightning and it covers his weakness.
Make agira the healer with 1 attacking element that covers her weakness.
Also, never use Cielo. he's shit.
If you want to cheese it go full 99 mag as soon as possible. Mag > STR because of magic defense being covered by mag in many games
save heat over other dude who doesn't matter. same deal as DDS. DDs is easy because you can always equip the skills on the slots and you ave room to experiment
A healthy coverage of elements with your party + 1 buff and debuff on each is important. make a healer persona, a buffer/debuffer, and element specific personas. That's the main jist of it. Mind Charge and Charge are important. If your party members can learn them, do it
Ryuji and Anne will be the highest DPS in the game at the end. Makoto is best healer. Haru is useless except for her dungeon and the cruise. max link with futaba ASAP her bonuses are must-haves and universal. Autistic painter guy is good until after mid-game, which then gets overshadowed by ryuji as physical damage dealer. Throw morgana into the trash after Makoto learns mediarama, then only use her if enemies are weak to wind in specific rooms/levels
STR/Agi. Don't bother with mag since he can't use magic. Gun is also viable, but will only shine end game or if its new game plus where you know the location of all the rare guns
Magic. Stack it. breaks the game.


hes shit for the entire game except the last secret boss, by then he'll be 99 and it doesn't matter.
But for the main story he shouldnt bother with him.

Read damn OP in /hgg/ thread, nigger.

I'm a terrible person, I know. Thanks!

International SMT game when? I want to see Demons fucking shit up in their countries of origin. Imagine the Greek Pantheon trying to take back their old stomping grounds, flocks of Moh-Shuvuu flying over Siberia, Matador dueling in an actual bullfighting arena or Chemtrail turning America's frogs gay. There's so many Demons from so many parts of the world that it's kind of a shame that the games only ever take place in Japan or an outer world like the Schwartzwald or Vortex World. It's not like we have a shortage of Japanese deities to keep Nippon relevant in such a game. The closet we ever got was Strange Journey technically taking place in Antarctica, but the entire game was inside the Schwartzwald anyway.

For the last fucking time Anthony, the demons won't let you fuck them.

Fuck you Momunofu, i'll do what i want.

They wont LET you fuck them.
But that doesnt mean that you CANT fuck them.

Never, the demons have no real reason to attempt to take back their old stomping grounds because japan is the center of all the cosmos or whatever it is.


That's why you treat them with adult toys and BDSM until they like it.
Probably never. They just love their Nippon as center universe setting.

Speaking of SJ and Anthony in particular, IIRC he says something at the end of the his quest line about you being like a demon, and for some reason I ended up wondering if the protagonist of SJ was the Demifiend all grown up.

At that point in game, it wouldn't be overexaggeration.
They aren't even similar.

All the demons' models will be from nuSMT like 4, Apocalypse, and the Strange Journey remake. They'll make you pay for the old Kaneko designs.


Don't say never, Castlevania Bloodlines exists after all

Cielo isnt shit he is like sheer heart attack (NO WEAKNESS) he is weak to aliments but that hardly ever comes up so having a character who has no weakness to elemental spells is a god send.
atlus realized the mistakes they made with Cielo in DDS 1 which is why they fixed them in DDS 2 by making him available early and making it so only like 3 aliments count as a weakness

That is some shitty perception on that shotgun, holy Christ. The trigger looks like it's at the end of the goddamn barrel.

But Castlevania only started being in Japan with the Sorrow games.

Wasn’t it called Devil’s Castle over in Japan?

Hopefully, never.

Woo/Seduce command already exists.

I meant setting-wise.

You're now aware that the reason for this is the original writer falling violently ill early during development. Everything past the like first 15% of DDS1 was done by ghostwriters filling in the rest with zero notes to work off.

The original writer eventually recovered and wrote novels for the games that contain what he planned the original story to be.

Oh shit, really? What's the name of these novels?

Quantum Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner