Bethesda Modders

Why do Bethesda games get so much modding support?
Why cant the modders just let the shitty buggy-ass games die and mod a better game instead?

Can you imagine if, for example, Dragons Dogma got even a quarter the modding support Skyrim does?

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Skyrim was basically a perfect storm for modders

For one, it was an overnight sales hit
Secondly, Bethesda can't program worth shit and the game is buggy as fuck
Thirdly, the game itself is pretty much empty which people saw left a lot of room for potential
It was the combination of these events that led to players trying to fix Bethesdas mistakes and along the way they acquired skills for modding the game

Because bethesda makes large playgrounds that are easily moddable? It makes creative people want to add things, and over time since morrowind to now it has been increasing like a snowball effect up until the current point.

not enough games ship with mod tools any more so its pretty much bethesda or 10+ year old games.

I don't see a lot of other developers crapping out a creation kit.
If they did I think you would have an argument or you wouldn't because people would be making mods for a better game.

I too want a 3rd person RPG with good mod support.
Sadly I don't believe that is going to exist any time soon.

Skyrim had a modding community before the GECK was adopted for Skyrim specifically

They're very popular and the engine, while shitty, has been around for so long that fags can mod it without too much hassle Bethesda make very few real changes to the underlying code with each iteration.

Its mostly community issue.

Daggerfall had a lot of already forgotten mods.
Morrowind shipped with construction kit and gave boost to modding.
Oblivion not only continued Morrowind's modding, but people managed to fix shit game into a more playable state
Skyrim exploded in popularity because everyone was recommending it, and as soon as modding thing started community just exploded everywhere in huge modability and popularity among casuals, professional modders and waifufags.
Fallout series just ran with it, came along and got swallowed by the elder scrolls modders community as well.

Dragon's Dogma doesn't have modders tools. Modding tools can magically change appreciation and life cycle of your game ten folds. Just releasing those makes your product live longer.

Yep, its easier to fix relative term here a broken game than it is to fix a game thats not broken.

Gamebryo is actually a dick to mod for anything complicated and Bethesda are both slow at releasing mod tools and still haven't included basic functionality that modders have to add in to every game with things like SSE: it's just that the better part of two decades of experience means the modding community knows how to work around this shit.

As did fallout 4, and bethesdas Vice President, who is also head of marketing, called them hackers for modding the game before they released the creation engine.

It's an interesting phenomena where the modding community is in fact far more talented than the developers themselves.

As an example, Beth needed to attach a train to the PCs head to make it seem like you were riding a train in Fallout 3, and just make you run really fucking fast. Whereas a modder created a flying jet you can get in, ride, and attack from, as well as another who created driveable cars, as well as one you can fully look out the windows of and be interactive while driving around manually. Then there was the pilotable vertibird that was also made by a modder off the framework another modder made.

Considering how much a pain in the dick it is to mod? It wouldn't be much better. That world difficulty mod in itself is a fucking miracle.

Honestly the worst thing about them is that the game is filled with bugs but this is expected and people just say 'mods will fix it' as if that is the best solution when it just leaves the community to do what Bethesda should be doing, but these modders do it for free.

And bethesda didn't even fix the bugs in skyrim when they released it in 64 bit. All those years, and a rerelease and they couldn't be arsed to fix the bugs which are widely known and were up to that point for the 32 bit version fixed by modders.

There's also another thing to count. Only you guys hate bethesda games. Everywhere else everybody loves them. Its your own denial for who you are and what your "tastes" are makes you question why people mod them. You created your own small fantasy world where people hate bethesda, just because everybody who hates bethesda ends up on this board.


Bethesdas TES team is all design guys and no programming guys. None of them can actually program, because Bethesda basically trashed their entire programming department. A NORMAL game studio would have both a programming team and a design team, Bethesda just has a design team. So they all work on an ancient as fuck toolkit and the result is this buggy mess because they can't be bothered to work around their toolkits limitations and since they have no programming guys they have no means of fixing their tools limitations.

It's a miracle the Creation Engine, their fork of Gamebryo, even exists.

Would had feminism, diversity and LGBT shilled into their games.

Well that's not so hard when the developers are so incompetent but yes.
They also ripped off a ton of features from mods for FO4 and copied code from the dragons for the 'new' vertibirds.

But all the shit you described mainly come from studios with no programming teams like Bethesda, the only difference is most studios with no programming guys go with the latest binned engines from Unreal or Unity

Because people here care about the quality of the product?
Skyrim is good for the eye candy and porn mods, but that's where what is good about it ends.
It's still a shallow, boring game and no amount of mods can fix that. If you don't mind that, great, you can have all the fun you want.

Oblivion was trashy, but it had its share of good and even great moments.
Skyrim has none of that. It's all flash and no substance.

Because Bethesda usually releases modding tools, and has used the same goddamn engine literally since Morrowind, so the modders have years of experience and know the engine better than Bethesda does. If Bethesda were smart, they'd fire literally every shitty pajeet they have and hire the project brazil guys & several other talented teams willing to work for peanuts.

XCOM 2 has far better moddability but less mods than this. It's not about moddability, Bethesda games just sell whole lot more

That doesn't surprise me, especially nowadays. Remember the thread where an user found out bethesda already has its fair share of shitty sjw devs? IIRC it was the one who did the ai for fallout 3/4 and a bit of skyrim.

How easy is it to import custom models, maps, voice acting, and animations? Rhetorical question, I know it's a pain when compared to loading an esp+bsa
Can you completely overhaul every aspect of the game, eg collision, hitboxes, AI, physics, impacts, and projectiles?
If a model is used in game, can it be easily takes no more than 2 minutes, with under 5 operations used as a replacer? In Xcom, you cannot mod mech troopers to use their civvie models in combat without tons of work, despite them using standard rigging.

Everyone in this thread has missed a key aspect of Betheshit:

Bethesda has produced nothing but mods since Oblivion.
Every new release features minimal framework updates to the same old gamebryo engine used for Oblivion.
FO3 brought shooting and VATS/kill cams, FO:NV brought reputation and ADS.
Skyrim was big because they did major upgrades including: SWF interfaces garbage, DIAGONAL MOVEMENT ANIMATIONS, advanced lighting and shadows, and "radiant" quests.
FO4 was big because it introduced power armor and everything involved with that.
Bethesda has been banking on the idea that you're paying for content packs when you buy the game, and it shows.
Instead of putting time and effort into polishing the engine, they throw a ton of time at assets that get recycled 6,000,000 times in game. This is an actual example of how woman, style over substance, mentality can ruin games.

The unfortunate thing is that Bethesda actually does modding better than other developers, especially the mapping.
Fuck three-view CAD when parametric modeling is commonplace.

Fuck Bethesda and their mod marketplace.
Fuck Bethesda and their shitty 32-bit engines.

This and also this point; Bethesda's last few games all promise a great game. They all have the potential to be amazing open world RPGs but never do. They promise you the depth of an ocean but what you get instead is a puddle. People love the idea of Bethesda's games, so jump in and play them. They then decide to start modding to see if that potential, that idea of a great game can be reached.

It doesn't and cannot, Beth games are too broken and half-assed at the core

Because Bethesda releases their fucking construction set/creation kit for every single game and that shit is pretty much literally what they use themselves to make shit. Anybody who's opened one up knows that the claims of Skyrim being on a new engine are complete fucking bullshit.

Not a thing since fallout 4 and Skyrim Special edition.
Not a thing since fallout 4.


Since it's running on the Morrowind engine, they just used the tools the community developed for Morrowind and had kept using ever since.

Note that Bethesda never released any tools for handling the Morrowind engine's models and animations; the community had to develop all the tools for those by themselves.

Ah yes, people who don't know shit about coding continue to insist that this was a terrible idea that didn't work at all and proves how terrible they are, despite the fact that the only way people found out was to look through the game files and view the model.

The question asked was, "Why does Bethesda hnave so many modders for its games?" The answer is simply "because they're hugely popular." It has nothing to do with the quality of the games. We know Skyrim is shit, we know they're all getting worse. But that doesn't make them not popular.

To be honest they are in a very good way to utterly destroy and kill the mod community…
The shit what Zenimax and Bethesda don't know is that without the modders their half-finished ass games will fall beyond recognition.
So when Easy Pete Hines post shit like pic related they literally play russian roulette. And every shit decision like the Scat Club, holding back CK, crash the coding with every patch, and shitcanning modders are another bullet in the gun.

Then what about the survival mod for skyrim?

Well you have to remember at launch theyre was not CK for Skyrim. Modders either made .bat files to do things or they used morrowind's CK to publish basic as shit mods

they didn't create those things, they bought it when they acquired the IP

Sometimes I envy how sheltered you people are. There are scores of normalfags who play and re-play VANILLA Bethesda games for thousands of hours, until the new one in the series comes out. Then they do it again.

The archery combat are from a mod too, the TES 3 bows were so awful they loudly and proudly admitted that they integrated an overhaul mod into Oblivion. Ergo by Easy Pete logic they fucking stole a game mechanic for their shit!

But i fucking sure this isn't just the only example. Fuck! If someone enough autist and NEET then do a long list of Peter Hines lies with proofs how shady this fucking half-ogre of a man!

Everyone does though, absolutely everyone absolutely does. The thing is Bethesda does what everyone else doesn't do. That is, actual sandbox gameplay in a remotely high budget game. While the engine isn't the most mod friendly, the games themselves are fun to mod. While the games are unoptimized, buggy, and before Fallout 4 they crashed constantly, they actually still manage to run.

Do you know how huge the appeal of Bethesda's template for a game is? Do anything you want in a fully interactable environment with actual graphics, actual inventory control, actual progression, AI that responds to your actions, and actual storyline. It's fucking huge, and for some stupid reason nobody else does that, at least not without a non-user friendly ASCII graphics or 90s isometric turn based shit, mouse+WASD or bust. I mean, you've got to be terminally autistic to not understand the why people buy Bethesda games or any fucking game for that matter regardless of quality.

Skyrim is all flash and no substance? Doesn't matter, the dungeons and environment are less repetitive than Oblivion and frankly people don't really care about muh hardcore deep and complex rpg mechanics or advanced combat mechanics or well written quests or whatever the shit you're thinking of more than the sandbox that it offers.

It's not Bethesda's fault their games are in poor quality. It's not Todd's fault he got to enjoy the fruits of his own hard works, he worked his ass to get into the company in the first place and worked even harder to get Morrowind done and save the company from bankruptcy. It's the industry's own fault for having no fucking vision or understanding of what the general human population demands to actually create a substitute for the Bethesda template. Fuck Gaben and fuck Steam, there are better sites out there with more consumer friendly DRM system and practices. But Bethesda, who the fuck has made anything like the TES series? They deserve to win because nobody even bothers to fight them, you Holla Forumsirgins just sit on your fat asses doing nothing but nagging and whining everyday while jacking off to anime traps.

reported, get the fuck back to >>>/cuckchan/

I did write "It's not Bethesda's fault their games are in poor quality", and I admit that that totally isn't true, it's totally their fault. But my point still stands tall, Bethesda wins because nobody else in is the game. If there was one, I'd fucking support them, but no, there's fuckall.

And it's not the consumer's fault, they buy what they enjoy and I explicitly said that they enjoy Beth games. Who the fuck am I to blame them, they enjoy a specific thing nobody else makes. They don't win solely through investors while superior products existed, like in Steam's case. Yes buddy, you are gay, you are one humongous cocksucking faggot.

And Bethesda doesn't make quality products?
it's a little more than just that sweetie.
But that's objectively wrong though.

It's to contrast the differences in skill between them and their community. From a time management perspective, it was a quick and easy solution, but it is not nearly as impressive as actually creating and coding a vehicle or a jet, or a pilotable vertibird.

Fun fact: one of the ways people were modding fallout 4 was with the morrowind creation engine. The two engines are so similar, it was possible to use the morrowind creation engine in a limited capacity on fallout 4.

To be fair, they upgraded it to 64 bit now. It just took them 20 years. literally

Reminds me of the movie "the deer hunter" with Christopher Walken, who ends up as a professional Russian Roulette player. He lasts a good while, but eventually that bullet WILL get you, and Bethesda is too greedy and too stupid to quit while they're ahead.

If you mean stolen mod content, I know they stole the FNV mod "Autumn Leaves" And copied the plot almost verbatim into the Far Harbor expansion. They also got the settlement idea obviously from Fallout 3/NV, with the mod Wasteland Defense.

Kill yourself, Todd.

Ummm, I guess maybe someday, one day maybe, but not anytime soon bro. Never, most likely.

they made fucking mod tools its not rocket surgery

My guess would be it's because the games have a lot of modding tools since it's all the same engine.

More importantly It had graphical fidelity good enough to pull off quality porn mods.

Here Beth has been giving modding tool to player since Morrowind.

Because Bethesda is lazy and so supports mods to cover their ass, aka broken empty games that make a mod playground.
Also modding is just fucking dying everywhere else. I'm still mad no servers on tf2 allow for mods anymore.

They know, that's why they released Creation Club in the first place. But their way to "support" the modding community is fucking stupid.

Because they have been using the same engine for years, so it's easy to mod

I doubt the head jew in charge who got banned from banking or Hines really comprehend the level of influence modders have on their main money maker, or they wouldn't be so brazen in fucking them over. Unless they have so little respect for their customers they think they're too chicken shit to stand for themselves.

You could have argued with anything else and I would have probably agreed with you at least somewhat.
But that question is not even good as a joke.

How much longer can they support the mods though? They've been the rotten carcass of Gamebryo ever since Morrowind came out and with FO4 they stretched the engine as far as their incompetent programmers could.

With TES VI they are faced with the dilemma of having to find an engine that is equally easy to mod and develop tools for, which is not going to be easy, to say nothing of the hit the modding community is going to take when they are forced to switch to a new set of tools and a new engine, along with Bethesda embedding paid mods so deeply into the game there will be no way to get around it.


The real question is if there are animated sex mods for fallout 4 and skyrim that include the children.


So… just like Bethesda does. Got it.

They would be so fucking brazen and recycle Gamebryo again, would they? I mean, not even Bethesda is that fucking Jewish, right? Right?


they'll use the same engine, its absolutely certain.

Dragon's Dogma and any Capcom game have absolutely 0 modding tools and most mods will involve reverse engineering. That is a rare skill compared to modeling, animating, etc.

It just works :^)

[user]: Don't do it.
[Todd pull the trigger - Skyrim re-re-rerealease]
[user]: That's what you want? That's what you want? I love you Todd!
[user pull the trigger - buys the re-re-rerealease]
[user]: Howard… (Hines screams in the background) Come on, Toddy, make a new game… Just a new game. New game… Talk to me… Look, Howard, talk to me.
[Hines handle the new re-re-re-rerealese demand to Todd]
[user]: Toddy, Toddy. (grabs Todd's hand) Wait a minute. What did you do to your arms? Toddy, remember the games? All the different ways in the games? Remember that? Remember? Huh? The mountains. You remember all that?
[Todd]: One Skyrim
[user]: One Skyrim. One Skyrim.
[Todd smiles]
[user]: Hey.
[Todd]: Yeah.
[Todd forces his hand out of user's grip]
[Seconds later user screaming and crying like an autist while Hines smiles and counting his money.]
…That one last Skyrim killed him…

Isn't that what they did with Fallout 4?

No, if you check nexus, fallout 4 is the second biggest mod page on the site, far from it and god do i hate what nexus did to their ui

Only zenimax. BGS games have none of those stuff. I don't recall seeing a gay character except if you choose to be one in fallout.

It is open ended, (relatively) self directed, and it was encouraged by the developers.
C.f. Minecraft modding, which was just as big at its peak despite absolutely no modding tools.

Everyone in Skyrim and Fallout are fags. Every last one of them.


It's WAD
A.) No one would buy their games if they didn't. Story is always shit, short and full of bugs. Modders add tons of replayability.
B.) Their games are ALWAYS released as buggy messes that NEED moders to fix shit.

TES games are very moddable. Rest of the "good" games are usually pain in the ass to mod. TES are baby tier in those regards.
Imagine TES games as a sandbox with an optional game on the side.

But it doesn't becouse the developers keep their greedy game design tools to themselves.

Also, the moment they make their mods payable, they will die and fall into nothingness whence they came.

Because despite how much everyone likes to shit on Bethesda and their mod tools, their games are still the most mod-friendly games out there.

Why would you want to mod a perfect game like Skyrim or Fallout 4?



Mount & Blade has some great mods. If you're talking about their grand strategy games, then I REALLY don't see why you think there could be a flourishing mod community there. Basically all you can mod in that is flavor text, portraits, and maps. No real gameplay changes to be made.

But Oblivion was better than Skyrim.

I forgot how much fun modding and tweaking is compared to actually playing this game.

On a side note, would it be possible to mod openmw and use tes3mp to make a sort of pseudo MMO game with all new assets?

Get a load of this idiot.

I don't know why the fuck you would want to do something so incredibly stupid, but sure.

i'm dissapointed in each and every one of you that responded seriously to this shit thread

The type of mods I was able to get working and the amount of players I got in a server gave me the idea that with the right amount of polish and minor tweaks, that a very fun game with a persistent world could be made with very little effort


They're equally shit. And is it better than FO4? Who even fucking knows.

Didn't he dump her for some delicious vanilla?

By what? Muh quest that you can just fly by with nothing making you care? Skyrim at least looks kinda good and sounds good.

As an action game, FO4 is better and is the best Fallout. As an RPG, Oblivion is probably the best game Bethesda has made. Only NV is a better RPG, which isn't Bethesda.

It's still a garbage FPS by any metric.


Kill yourself you fucking mongrel. Fallout 4 sucks shit and you damn know it yet aren't honest enough to say it publicly.

Yeah, clearly Oblivion offers much more diverse and rewarding roles to play than either Daggerfall or Morrowind. Next time try being more subtle.

Is this the same dipshit as "it being science fiction means we don't have to have consistent lore"?

It's the dipshit that said reading is hard.

Dragon's Dogma mostly has a single madwoman that does shit like hex editing to mod it, and while her work is impressive, it's not something you can expect people to do given how involved it is compared to modding TES games which have easy to use modding tools. People only just figured out how to mod levels and quests in Dark Souls since specialized tools had to be made for it, and even then they are much harder to use than the construction set / GECK / creation kit.

Additionally, TES games have awful gameplay and mediocre visuals but have an appeal in their sandbox-y nature that pretty much no other game has. This means there is a lot of room for improvement since gameplay and graphics improvements are the easiest kind to make.

Meanwhile Dragon's Dogma's problem is that it has no content since the game is only a quarter finished, and this is something modders are shit at since it requires cooperation. Tamriel Rebuilt has been in development for 15 years and they still haven't come close to finishing the mainland since developing that kind of thing in a community is extremely slow because of the coordination it requires.

But I am honest enough to say it. It's a pretty fun shooter. Just not a good RPG.

It does. Daggerfall is just auto generated trash. Morrowind is just boring generic trash. Skyrim repeats the same thing over and over and over the entire game. Oblivion is the only good TES.

What did she manage to implement?

Yes, but you shouldn't go full-MMO since the TES3MP devs have no intentions of dealing with anticheat or anything, it's supposed to be a coop mod to use with friends. Some servers attempt to do more MMO-style gameplay but I don't think it works very well.

Also before anyone starts making games with OpenMW it would be wise to wait for the engine to be dehardcoded so the game can actually work differently than Morrowind, you still can't even change the way attributes work without hacky workarounds in scripts, at least if you don't want to fork the engine.

Look for yourself

I'd also recommend this one so you can ignore vocation restrictions and have 6 skills on Warrior

It is a fucking horrible shooter you goddamn retard. It's a piece of shit and Bethesda should be burned on a stake for releasing the aberration. There weren't any good FPS made after the end of 2001, thanks in most part to Gaylo.

Calm down, James. You're going to pop a blood vessel.

Fuck off faglord, stop trying to shill your horseshit and go back to reddit, where the retards do eat up lies as much as the kike running this board eats cake.

yes, to answer your question. It's the same guy who, when a fan pointed out a massive in-universe continuity error written in some text log in FO4, Hines effectively responded "yeah fuck you we don't need to make sense because it's a fiction game." I think his exact words were "i have no interest in explaining something in a universe where giant roaches and laserguns exist" or something like that.

So what you're trying to say is that Oblivion is the best game because it has the best world design, which does not necessarily make it the best RPG. I also don't understand how you could possibly say that Oblivion is less generic than Morrowind when the former has villages that are all consistently spaced for fucking car travel even though cars don't exist and all of the dungeons look either like a cave or a ruin with white stone, or the plane of Oblivion.
What would you say if I told you that there exists an RPG where you can become a werewolf with parkour abilities that jumps from roof to roof to avoid the attention of guards? It's Daggerfall. Sound like an interesting character story? Too bad it's not possible in Oblivion.

You don't need to release modding tools to foster a great modding community. Doom didn't need it, yet today it is the vastest ocean when it comes to video game modification, more so than any shitty Bethesda game ever made.

id released the Doom source code you stupid nigger.

Doom didn't need it because it was made by a group of less than 10 guys and the lead programmer is a genuine autist obsessed with virtual reality so he designed the game to be easy to modify on purpose, and later released the source code.
Same thing happened with Unreal and Tribes. These games didn't have "official modding tools" but they were designed so that anyone with the ability to recognize patterns and a free weekend could figure out how to get started on modding the game.

There were mods and maps before they released it, you cocksucking niggerfucker.

Explain? CAD Systems nowadays are Parametric based.

A chimp could make a user made Doom map.

To elaborate, since I now realize that my post is not very clear, the point I was getting at is the level of goodwill found between programmers working on open source code is necessary for a game to just be "naturally" moddable. That culture is mostly eradicated from the games industry.

So you should have no trouble making Doom maps then you fucking chimp

No, not at all. People used to make levels for Doom without a level editor. Early level editors didn't even have 3D view, you had to boot up the game to actually see what the fuck you were doing.

You double nigger.

I'm just saying that using Doom as an example is stupid. Making and sharing content for the game was incredibly easy thanks to the .wad format and the way the game was built.

Nigger, do you know how towns and cities come into being?

It also has the best quests and gameplay.

Better than brown, brown, brown, more brown, a slight different shade of brown, and then more brown.

That's ALL it sounds like. Doesn't sound like something that's implemented in gameplay.

Yeah the only quests worth doing are Thieves Guild and Dank Memehood, just like Rimjob. Enjoy those awesome roles I guess.
Do you really expect me to take you seriously with a statement like that?
If you think I'm a liar, why are you still bothering to talk to me on an anonymous board?

Uh, it does mean anything. It means that everytime I walk into a town in Oblivion I find myself asking, "Why the fuck is everything so spread out? Who designed this?"

It's fact.

Nigger, Daggerfall is not a real-time game, and it certainly doesn't have proper three-dimensional movement. I said it is not implemented into gameplay, as in it is not a proper game mechanic.

OK, you're clearly just making shit up at this point, so I'm done.


There were screenshots from twitter about this no?

I try to warn you fuckers on Hines for years and you guys just now start to see who is the main deep shit at Bethesda?

I wish only death upon him.

I cant fucking find the third one, so thats for all folks. Keep posting these at the beth shill threads so new fags and refugees would see whose pocket they feeding…


As awful as it may make me seem,something like that third one for at home use would be relaxing.

Howard gets old quick.

Thank you user


Howard was an adult 30 years ago, working on morrowind. Of course he's old. He's probably aged quicker tho cause zenimax is bleeding him dry, considering his games are the only ones making them real money

I used to make doom maps all the time when I was fucking 10 it wasn't god damn rocket science back then.

This post looks like a censored CIA document

Tell that to Valve and Autodesk. Both still use the ancient three-view shit.

You joke, I kid, and that's one of the only reasons I played and modded Skyrim.
Let that sink in:
Not only that, but animations are locked to the engine. You have to inject third-party animations outside of the bsa structure, which sometimes don't get hooked right in game if everything doesn't run at the specific FPS that Betheshit decided. You sometimes end up with animations dropping to t-pose randomly.

You're right, it's now a shitty 64-bit engine with FPS dependent physics.
It's a feature!
What, did they go on a spending spree and hire one additional voice actor that can do wacky voices?

Bethesda was in the position to hire tons of voice actors to do maybe 10 lines of dialog for random NPCs, for the lowly sum of 20 dollars a session.
They're still in that position, hell, they could have random people in the office read lines.
They could have hired actual racially accurate people to voice act for the various races found in Skyrim. They could have done all the voice work in native tongues with subtitles.
Norwegian speaking nords, English speaking Breatons, Farsi speaking Kajits, etc.

Is that TES edit? If so, that tool beats the hell out of anything Betheshit has released in terms of optimizing and batch processing. My ammo mod for NV is almost entirely done in NVedit.
As for the loading: The fact that you can drop two files into a directory and change a load order without having to worry too much about conflicts blows nearly every other game out of the water. Even when there are conflicts, they get handled in a sane manner, and even if something doesn't work as expected, you can normally shuffle load orders till it does.


I will not do the same with FO4, but I will return to FO:NV
I will mod FO4 if I can find a creation kit crack and the new NV mod is released

Missed opportunity

Severe retardation.

Anyone know the song name in this webm? Been looking for a while.

IMO that last pic is proper use of modern memetic marketing techniques. Assuming that the ring is some form of "someone draws cards" type effect

The gunplay is only good if the enemies weren't bullet sponges with level scaling. I added a mod way back when it first came out to make it to where enemies died easily but so did you, and holy crap did make it feel alot better

As opposed to what?

Was I not clear enough here, you brainlet?

Go back to plebbit, todd.

its so comfy to mod Bethesdas games,
all games should have this

Nice argument tot.

Other developers are stupid. I've got a feeling that Todd is the only developer with the perfect understanding of what kind kind of game people would enjoy the most.

have you actually ever played daggerfall?

I always like when people defending Todd post that image, not only because of the hilarious absurdity behind comparing someone who makes inaccessible art films to someone who makes wildly profitable video games, and not only because you get to see how above Andrei Tarkovsky is in his use of language when compared to Todd Howard, but because of how the quote comparisons are made with such a shallow understanding of Tarkovsky's own words that the whole thing swiftly discredits the person posting it if posted seriously.
The first quote is about making a film inaccessible and how Andrei isn't creating for the masses, while at the same time making a joke acknowledging how slow his movies are. Todd is recounting his own personal experience playing his game, and how that experience is a slow one.
Next Tarkovsky is saying in a poetic way "beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and the beholder's eye is informed by his life". Todd is talking about… actually it's difficult to say what exactly Todd is talking about with such little context. In a general sense he seems to be saying he cares about consistency.
Next is about how Tarkovsky is forgoing common film-making techniques to better build a specific mood and facilitate the audience in forming a vision of the film informed by personal life experience. Todd is basically expressing how he wants incongruity between different peoples' playthroughs.
Lastly Tarkovsky is saying that if some creation portrays life honestly, then the audience will have enough at their disposal to find meaning and appreciation for it. Todd is saying how a final product should be cohesive.

It tells me you can't accurately extract ideas conveyed from written text if you actually think that what's written on the left is congruent with what's written on the right. There isn't any point in arguing with you, because anything anyone says to you, you will misinterpret.
Unless you were trolling all along, which is always a possibility because of how hilariously ridiculous that image is, in which case haha you got me.

Nifskope. That's the tool used for working with the Morrowind engine's models, and it's a community-developed tool. Animations, I think, use some hacked together workflow based off of an officially discontinued Havok middleware SDK. But, yeah, TESEdit blows the official editors out of the water when it comes to lots and lots of really basic workflow stuff that the official editors shouldn't struggle with but do. Like fixing the crash-causing editing errors that ZeniMax can't help introducing with every DLC because they don't understand their own fucking editing software.
But, no, actually, the way the engine handles its plugins does have problems - and those obvious perks you describe of its plugin-based system are just an inherent property of the kind of simple (and, I should note, restrictive) record-based plugin system that the Morrowind engine uses, not at all any kind of matter of specific quirks of the Morrowind engine that these problems just come at the cost of. But I digress - issues with how the engine loads its plugins that should have been addressed in Oblivion if not in Morrowind: For one thing, you can't edit a sub-record (e.g. putting new items in a cell) without overwriting the record as a whole - this is why when you're using mods that overhaul the game's water or alter the terrain you can end up with this patchwork of different parts of the map that don't fit together; because every mod that so much as adds a new item to a part of the world also has to overwrite all of the data for that part of the world involving stuff like its water levels and it terrain. And then there's the navmesh system they introduced in Fallout 3 that's just a clusterfuck of complex, potentially crash-inducing and, most importantly, completely undocumented plugin-handling functionality. Then there's the ridiculous 256 plugin limit, which is, no joke, just because the internal naming convention the game uses for plugin content is limited to two hexadecimal digits (i.e. there being a maximum of 256 possible IDs for plugins). In a somewhat recent Fallout 4 update they even added the most obvious workaround there is for that, expanding the game's plugin content naming convention to include another set of two hexadecimal digits' worth of names, and then only let that other set be used by their new .esl plugin format, without releasing any methods of converting plugins to that format.

One more thing, quickly:
Note that the Morrowind engine has actually really had everything tied to framerate/tied to the renderer since Morrowind. Back in Morrowind the game still picked up input lag as your framerate got worse, loading times still got better as your framerate got better and errors would still happen whenever your framerate jumped up or down. It really doesn't help with the later games, though, the way that they've kept on adding more and more moving parts to the engine, all of them still tied to framerate/tied to the renderer. Or the way that they've tried to implement a kind of multi-threading where all the different parts of the engine that are all tied to the framerate are made to timeshare the amount of processing time they get between frames and any part of the game engine that uses up more than it's allowed to gets made to wait until later to finish its core engine functionality tasks, or just gets skipped over and has its tasks cancelled entirely.

You could just typed that in, instead of wall of text. Good job on being the biggest catch for this bait.

Actually, one more thing quickly, for real:
Guess what the absolute worst of all of these editing errors is. It's pretty fucking ridiculous. So the official editor has a function it calls "delete." When you press it, you'd expect it to delete whatever you're pressing it for - that seems to be what ZeniMax think it does, because there are a lot and a lot of things in their DLC plugins that get marked as "deleted" and are seemingly meant to be discarded. But the "delete" function doesn't actually delete things, oh no. What the "delete" function actually does is that it tells the game that whenever the game tries to access whatever object has been marked as "deleted," instead of actually accessing that object the game should crash to desktop. That's what causes so, so many crashes with the games' DLC - ZeniMax using a function that literally just tells the game to crash to desktop if it tries to access certain content, and ZeniMax make it even worse with how in the DLC they "delete" not just stuff added in the DLC, but stuff in the base game, too, like, in Skyrim, the navmesh of the house you get in the first town in the game. What's even worse with that, in particular, is that because the navmesh system is an undocumented clusterfuck, "deleted" navmeshes are the one type of "deletion" that the community can't fix, so now whenever anyone wants to mod the house you get in the first town in the game in Skyrim what they have to do is create a totally new copy of the house and completely replace the original with it otherwise the game will just crash every time the player tries to enter the house. And note that, I think, every Skyrim and Fallout 4 DLC has at least one "deleted" navmesh in it. Every Skyrim and Fallout 4 DLC does that to at least one place in the game.

But it's genuine serious discussion that he's posted, user.

thank god for modders

messengers of the mustard race, saviors of the industry

You know nothing.

this is what happens when you let furries close to your games

Dude, they're largely about as talented as bethesda themselves, just slightly better at art design.
The vast majority of modders can barely program in the slightest, have massive egos, take shit down for retarded reasons, and a whole bunch of other cancer.
Nexus specifically is filled with retarded "artist" dramawhores, they were the large push behind paid mods, they were the ones shilling for free, and they were the ones who convinced zenimax that it would even be profitable to do that.
Ironically since they were the ones who set the prices of mods, no one bought any of the CC bullshit, and then and only then, they implemented clickshekels over at the nexus.

Bethesda games are containment for them, you don't want nexus cunts going out and getting involved with actually good games.

Also bethesda's not completely at fault for the way there games are, somehow their situation is one where the only retarded people are the programmers.
Or you know, just fucking look at the way that modding works.
The creation kit ruined bethesda's programmers, and todd and kirkbride actually wanted to include advanced esoteric shit, but couldn't.

You know, this colossal pile of incompetence would actually surprise me, had I not had the great misfortune of working at a large company and experienced first hand that often times you have to do things in completely ass-backwards ways simply because all the older guys are doing it that way, they themselves not even fully comprehending why they're doing things the way they do. Then you toss in a bunch of upper managers middling with that shit along the way, some key people quitting here and there, and soon enough, every single question you ask about the way we're doing things is responded with "look user I don't fucking know, we're doing it this way because that's how I was told to do things, I know it's fucking retarded, but good luck telling the boss that".

The bigger a company gets, the bigger teams get, the more cancerous everything becomes. Shit's fucked beyond belief.

I'm back with one more thing, quickly, for real, for real:

The Morrowind engine's record-based plugin system really was a great innovation for its kind of game back in 2002 that would have taken a lot of thought and that did give really great results for its time, and it really is very sad that other developers haven't learned from its example in the sixteen years since.
Just felt like I had to add that.

clearly being straight and degenerate is suffering.


I use that shit all the time.
I used that to reskin a tera armor pack to use as sexy female armor.

L4D is a HL2 mod, which is a mod of HL.
Counterstrike GA is also a mod.
Franchises that use engines and assets incrementally are by definition mods.
If death stranding uses FOX engine, it's a mod of MGS4.
Most new games are officially produced mods.

All very valid complaints.
Many of the limitations imposed by Betheshit's incompetence are actually pretty minor. Cell overrides for instance, you can merge shit with TESedit np. The end result is also typically more stable than loading two separate plugins.
That's clearly to fuck over the third party modding.

And you completely gloss over the biggest problem with that bullshit:
If they were to remove the references that are marked for delete, you save a ton of space. The base esp's drop in size by at least 10%.
Not only that but the game is tons more stable once they're disabled with the community editor. I did fuck with navmeshing for my playerhome mod and it was a complete clusterfuck.

Here's another fuck you Bethesda factoid:
In every Bethesda + Gamebryo game there is at least one section that gets shit framerates because they failed to properly place a room bound to contain an area with lots of placed objects and NPCs.
Bethesda is also known to patch holes in terrain with static objects, which causes inexplicable drops in fps when looking at certain areas.
Their mapping tutorials encourage this behavior, especially in irregular interiors

Nobody escapes from the need to constantly shit on Bethesda once they take a good hard look at the internals.

With a tool made by the community, not by ZeniMax, that is :^)
Just thinking about it now… could that be what causes the lighting to break in Skyrim and Fallout 4 when you look in certain directions?

Skyrim is 7 years old

That's just from shitty programming.

Crazy world. Are you sure that you're not projecting a bit there about reddit?

still hot

Hey, this one doesn't look so b

The whole entirety of dawnguard is just retarded. I was expecting van helsing tier vampire hunting but all I got was gay family melodrama and skellies. Fuck the soul cairn especially. It's just gm_flatgrass but purple.

Good taste.


>the enemies are vampires so we have to structure everything else to become Underworld: The Game

What a fag.


How pathetic can one man be? I suppose only time will tell.

They've done that, actually. The dragon has to be shrunk to human size first, though, or the animation won't align properly. You also need a second mod to actually add female dragons to the game since Skyrim dragons don't have sexes.
Also the same mod that adds the animations I mentioned also adds a shitload of other things. You can disable them and keep your Nord on Lady Dragon action, but you still have to download them to begin with.
I hate that I know any of this. Kill me, please.

Skyrim was popular, easy to mod with tools and one of few games you can play for 400h.
You want to mod a game you will play a lot like Minecraft so people mod Minecraft. At the same time you need modding tools. People were exited about Witcher 3 because of mods but it shipped without them and now it is more or less dead.

But they absolutely fucked up Fallout 4 with more and more issues and Creation Club. People just continue to play Skyrim. Lets hope next one will be even worse.

Its mainly because CDProjekt lied about how good the tools were going to be, when they finally came out they were just as shit as Witcher 2's. I hope that they don't pull that bullshit with Cyberpunk.

Because NEETS are bored and will do it for free to see some realistic titty bounce in their post-apop life simulator.

you need a card/achievement to tell you to do that shit?

Deleted Special Edition because it started to crash my GPU way too much.
Installing Legendary Edition and Requiem, any advises?

but WHY? I played this game and I hated every minute of it.

When you're a literal sperg yes.


Did you make sure it was using the dedicated GPU and not the integrated Intel GPU? That was a known issue last time I pirated it


Oh of course it drops the FUCKING sage when this piece of niggershit website decides 80 FUCKING captchas is enough to let ONE IP FUCKING POST

calm down m'lad

TES just lends itself to being modded like no other game



Precious shekels for shilling cannot be denied.

requesting that pic with popuko as todd. it was posted sometime ago in the drawthread but i lost it. thanks

Yeah, delete that garbage, or have fun reloading saves every 10 seconds until you get lucky with rng. If you're going light armor, have fun having arrows one shot you every time. If you're going heavy armor, have fun being one shot by bolts every time. If you're going ranger, have fun with stealth shots doing fuck all because even if your aim is good despite the added gravity, everything will just magically sidestep at the last second before the arrow's about to hit because 'CHALLENGE'.

Seriously, install a better overhaul like SPERG/Ordinator with the difficulty cranked up. Requiem isn't challenging, it's just broken, and so buggy and bloated, even if you can stomach the awful balancing, it'll crash every half hour or so.

Not to mention stamina is a complete bitch. And Jesus why did they make the already annoying and tanky draugr into even more tanky and annoying draugr plus giving them resistence poison and frost PLUS shitting 6 gorrilion more in a single dungeon.

You can complete captcha preemptively now, did you ever pay attention to the bar at the top?

Draugr resist all arrows but silver, and even then, arrows aren't effective, and resist all weapons but silver (or higher? not entirely sure if higher tiers work as well). Magic should also work though.

Yeah, i ended up uninstalling requiem, and not only because of what you listed, because of really limited compatibility and crashes. I am going to do a build with PerMa, Hunterborn, RND, CACO, CCOR and Trade & Barter, after discovering compatibility patches between them. Especially glad finding out about singular patch between Hunterborn, RND and CACO.
How i am going to improve my NPCs without losing performance on stupid HD hair everywhere i don't know though, i'd have to skip that.

You’re too stupid to understand what you read, and you’re too stupid to be allowed to post here.

God, what absolute kikery.

Never forget that they said vehicles could never work in NV, but modders have put out mods for that shit. Not to mention the trains in F3 were npcs attached to the train cars that would just run down the tracks

You newfags just can't stop falling for the reddit meme

and it still is an empty bug riddled fuckfest or crashed every 5 seconds you are trough a loadscreen.

The problem is, the herd of TES moved on to mod their next attrocity, Failout 4. So the shit moves on as the herd moves on.

I think New Vegas is the only bearable ZeniMax title on that engine, and only because Ex-Black Isle guys.

Too bad even with over 500 mods merged, hand selected textures, HDT pr0n and whatnot, Skyrim is, and alyways will be, even with every non-official patch, be the work of a pile of shit.

let him have his millenial nostalgia

Bethesda games are the least empty open world games in the industry. There's a lot of NPC's, enemies, and loots. Speaking of empty, NV is dull as fuck.

He shat on the adhd hollywood audience. He actually made films where russian peasants could fully relate their life with.

Tark didn't believe in subjective beauty. Subjectivity may exist as an interpretation, but the beauty lies in the common longing every human has. Fucking read his book bro.

Todd basically said the same thing dumbass.

The answer is so obvious that at 1st i thought you were baiting, but looking at some answers i am inclined to think it's genuine

Yes, it's because they create a tool for mod, gives documentation and support. Oh, and bat is usually a bunch of console commands to automate some stuff, did myself for Fo4 at the beggining, it's kinda modding but…

Yes, and they did the same with Fallout 4 with skyrim's ck


Just git gud.
If you've got LA your options against archers are to bullrush and trample them, knocking them on the ground for a quick kill, or fire back with a bow and arrow of your own.
Nothing sidesteps if you're undetected, and if you really find it annoying you can just turn it off or reduce the speed in the MCM. Also damage falloff is tied to skill so at 100 you should experience none at all, which is actually an improvement over vanilla since archers were severely underpowered lategame because of it.
In HA arrows and bolts barely touch you there's no way you're getting oneshot. The damage is split up 50/50 between weapon and projectile and calc'd separately so it barely bites through. It's not until skill 70 you can get power shot and point-blank shot to stagger a HA user and then crit him through his armor. Before that you can rely on a diverse selection of poisons. Archery is really about prep. It's fun being ready for every situation like the batman.
If you're having trouble managing stamina you need to find some patience. It regenerates faster than vanilla but goes quick so it's about knowing when to make throws and when to kite like in DaS. Maybe you just didn't read and realize everything tires you out without training? You need at least basic perks in a weapon skill to swing it without gassing yourself. Same with HA. It will drain you if you don't have the first perk. The stamina drain when running is pretty gay but you can counteract that with food buffs which will give you slow regen to offset it. Keep a full stomach and you should have no problems.
As far as enemies go, they all have a weakness and certain builds will have tougher times with different enemies. You have to use different tools to solve different problems. No build can solo the entire game with just one kit like vanilla.

He's not wrong though,new vegas has a fuckload of empty buildings and shit you can't enter,and a lot of nothing on the highways,and i love the game,even with a world of pain it feels bare.

It really is quite bad. It's harder to navigate and it actually looks less sophisticated than the old design, as if they were just getting started and this was just a placeholder. I am not looking forward to using the Nexus with this new layout. Someone in their "new design feedback" thread summed it up pretty well: It used to be fun to browse mods, and now it's a chore.

To be fair, the Horse Genitals mod was intended more as a joke and a protest against the Steam Workshop paid mod thing. There were a lot of people putting up stupid mods with ridiculous prices, like a mod that put an extra apple on a table somewhere and was priced at $29.99.

Wow, it's like if you're playing on a post-apocalypse world happening in the desert, while a regional conflict is going on.

Gotta love faggots complaining about "muh emptiness" in NV, while F1 and F2 were like that (let's remember that on all those "travel" grids, it was wasteland with nothing on it except on the cities, and even on them there were empty buildings).

goodness, source on that song please

I miss Filefront.

user do you have the pics and webm of train head npcs?

That's bullshit,giving all the time that has passed people would have taken up shop in all those empty places.

Ever read up on that experiment of the firetruck and block of wood with wheels?

New Vegas is just a shitty mod to a shitty game.

thems fighting words you nigger,meet me outside on the schoolground tomorrow

That's not always how reality works my dude. New Vegas everyone is basically in poverty. Look at any poverty-stricken shithole and it pretty much looks like New Vegas. Just because a lot of time has past does not necessarily mean politics and infrastructure and government have had time to catch up. Remember, everyone besides the NCR and a few small settlements on the outskirts of Vegas was a bunch of nomadic tribes that had just settled in New Vegas as recent as a couple decades before the game takes place. Hell, in New Vegas the casinos are all being ran by recently rehabilitated tribes and Caesars Legion is still a union of raider camps that plan on settling down after Vegas is taken. The NCR is supposed to be fairly developed but we never actually get to see the interior of California

Maybe,but i find it hard to believe that there would be no effort to refurnish the buildings either by the NCR or raiders as a base or whatever.

Read the things in full before you come with sad excuses:

Boulder City was demolished due to that ongoing conflict (NCR vs Legion), Searchlight suffered from a terrorist attack, powder gangers going around, raiders at the numerous buildings outside new vegas, etc.

All the NCR you see in New Vegas are stationed at various military camps including the Caravan checkpoint on the border. As well as in the middle of New Vegas at Camp McCarran. There you DO see that they use old buildings as bases.

Hey nigger, have you ever considered that maybe the reason why there are so many abandoned ruins is because New Vegas isn't a very populated place do to the old population taking slow to recover in addition to the fact Freeside is just a poverty striken shithole ran by the Kangz?


well not just the raiders but any of the makeshift gangs,they have some makeshift areas across new vegas,although i guess them having that sort of defeats my question

Fair enough,but an option in game to renovate any fucked up building yourself would be nice,whether it be by robots,or hired hands,or whatever
since you're basically mr fucking goystein in caps at end game.

Ok, i'm out, i thought you were a serious poster

Calm down sperg,i wasn't suggesting going that far,i just wanted the ability to clean them out so they look nicer when you pass them by.

The modder Xilandro recently brought Diagonal movement to New Vegas. (best gamebyro game)

Shit taste

But no one's going to download it because the new Nexus design is godawful and a major chore to use.

A chicken laid golden eggs once.
The peasant became rich, but greedy too.
One day he cut open the chicken to get all the gold at once.
There was no gold.

True, I still check it everyday though purely out of habit. At least CBBE has been ported to NV. I hope the classic Nexus gets a return one day when the Nexus guys realise the new design is fucking retarded.

I honestly don't understand the problem with the new design. Vortex is shit, but the new site is miles better than the travesty that was the old one. Newly uploaded mods isn't just a small list on the side of the front page, anymore, and news that no one cares about isn't taking space from the mods.

Personally I just found the old site easier to navigate and easier on the eyes. The new site feels clunky and cumbersome to me.

It's the same for me. The old design was much more attractive and easier to use. It was intuitive and it looked good. Then they just decided they wanted to fix something that wasn't broken. I don't get it.