4 AM

Losing control?

Whats your favorite lava level in a game?

Other urls found in this thread:




It's fixed.

Morning everyone, Ritsu here

Played some tzar, watched some cute anime, ate the best donut ever. Was a comfy night.

I don't even know anymore. Been listening to Art Tatum all night long. My head keeps going back and forth with the decisions I take. I just want the voices to shut up and let me sleep.
I cried for the first time since elementary school when kids made fun of my accent.

Guess the volcanoes section in E.V.O could count.

Ayyy finally. What was the first thing you did when you got it back?

Whats wrong user?

How goes pewter

Why did you cry?

I downloaded lewds. Lots of em. I can't post all of it, but I'll still post 3 images per character.

Maybe Efreet Gorge in Tales of Eternia, if mainly for the music and the fact that heat is an actual threat there, requiring you to effectively manage Undine's energy to protect the group from being roasted.

Because I haven't cried for the past 15 years of my life. Emotional repression.

Oh yeah. I found another reason danbooru a shit btw
They fucking remove pics at the artists request.

How goes fam

So crying for the sake of crying? Seems pretty gay tbh famalam

Have one on the house from that bump I mentioned. Apparently the idea here is “Yulie inherits the Pale Rider’s Javelin motorcycle as dressed for it.”

where do you think we are

The wrong dimension.

I've asked this is two different threads, but is FFXII on PS2 worth $20 in leafland?

Found a game earlier that I'd been looking to get if I ever found it in good, complete shape at a cheap price. Though admittedly not exactly one I'm "happy" about, just that now I can play through the set and get the entire experience, if to know both the good and the bad of it first hand.

But then how is babby formed.

I'll make you feel like a girl

today there'll be no painting friday i'm afraid. I've got shit to do. But otherwise im here.

Whats up, lads?

What do you think of that guy that drew/painted cats as he went more and more nuts?

What game?
Its a timeloop where you are forever in school with your girlfriends

Either bed for me after the thread or might watch some videos.
How goes user

That dumb daffy duck game on the SNES had a good lava level.

It happens. Nothing like screaming from atop a mountain top now and then.


How goes user


The final level from Crash Twinsanity

I usually cry when I hit myself enough times and realize how stupid it was that I did that and that it's really, really hard to change my batshit mindset without telling anyone and being labelled as crazy. That doesn't happen often though, only when I get too caught up in my own head.

I bet you lurk here every night, and often post on a proxy.

Tired, drunk and can't find keys.

im not sure whom your talking about? I know a bit about Dutch paintings, specifically before and during the Golden age. My art knowledge is limited outside of that.

fine fine, getting progress done on my game.Slowly but surely…things are picking up.

Why do you hit yourself?
How goes user

Whats good in the hood monica

You don't need your keys if you are drunk anyway!

Heading back to work again tomorrow. I also have to get the windshield wipers replaced, and if I have time, maybe I'll get FFXII before the price (((suddenly))) spikes up by $10.

Seems like your emotional maturity stopped at elementary school age too I see.

I know. It's just new to me cause you were either a brick wall or you got eaten alive in my school so I'm rediscovering what it feels like to have normal human emotions.

Birds of a feather flock together. Same happens to me.

Remember, I did nothing wrong.

Xenosaga Episode II. Found the third one cheap years back and the first game has generally been easy to find cheap and in good condition, but finding a copy of II in such condition and not at too much a blow to money given what I've heard of it compared to the other two episodes.

There was some guy that had a preference for having cats in his art, but over the years the cats started looking more paranoid before finally the art itself became some insanity barely resembling felines.

Are the Xenosaga games good? KOS-MOS looks cute tbh.

Don't fucking pretend to be me.

You've been saying that for a year now

I'm a NEET who does nothing but play videos and watch cartoons. What do you think

Oh nice. I've got a couple those in my collection but never played them really

>maybe I'll get FFXII before the price (((suddenly))) spikes up by $10.
I told you in the other thread even $20 is way too much. PS1 and newer Final Fantasy should not be remotely hard to find or expensive enough to warrant such a price in leafland.

Pretty sure that was III, 1 and 2 were easy to find for me, but 3 used to be ridiculously priced, even after reprints.

That girl looks like she needs to be punched in the nose.

I don't do it often anyway, Just when I argue myself to the point where I want to physically cause harm to the person I'm arguing with. In this case, it's myself. It's stupid, but it's so hard to not do it.

Doesn't it bother you when your head just doesn't let you walk away? You try so hard to convince yourself that it's not right to argue with yourself to this extremity, but you do it anyway because of a gut feeling that just doesn't feel quite right to leave the matter alone.

I thought you went to sleep?


I'd like to be able to get into the liquor stash. Drunk driving on fields of snow is great yo.

I dehumanized myself ages ago to somethings. Its good to scream once in a good while.

Get a punching bag bro.

this happened before with Killer 7 on gamecube
>price (((suddenly))) went up by $10 because someone else asked about it after I left
What FF games would you recommend, anyway?

It was actually a series I wasn't really wanting to give the time of day due to prices on the third being about $50 preowned by the time I was aware of it, but then I found a complete copy for $12 and piqued my interest. Just been a bit of a long haul trying to get all the parts, since I'm honestly not sure how a multidisc game might actually work in loader format (as then there's no physical disc to switch out, and I think not every game prompts a save after clearing a disc.

Yeah, III is the expensive/hard to find one. I speaking more a comparative blow. I'll take $12 and not exactly liking a game but gaining personal experience with it to dropping $20 or so for the same.

i hope I don't get banned but if I do that's okay

just testing the waters

What did he mean by this?

You look like you deserve to be punched in the nose.

N-no hard feelings, r-right?

What are you arguing with yourself about?

Your liquor isn't in the house? What you drinking?

Oh thats kind of weird. Hope it works for you.


working on it, nigger. Give it time. Gotta get it right before we show it

i'm not so sure myself


Send me a message faggot

I don't think so. I bet Ritsu and everyone else wants me here. This place is a ghost town without me.


I have a somewhat buried shed outback with much more liquor. I mean my fridge got raided while I was gone.

Its called someone noticed you wanted something and are jewing you.

I think you should get off your ass and do something about it. Go for a walk every night, unless you wanna end up like Mark.

I've learned through time to tell that voice to go fuck itself. Problem is I created another one that solves everything by walking away and don't fly either.

I usually hit the wall till my knuckles bleed. I'm still too inhibited to project my voice. My rage is silent.

I, uh, honestly am not real experienced with Final Fantasy personally, or much Square stuff aside from Chrono Trigger. I do know that V, VI, and VII seem rather well liked, (V being an odd one out, being class/job change focused) with II and VIII being very divisive, and IX being a throwback of sorts to older era Final Fantasy. It's odd though. I like JRPGs, I want to give Square an honest go, but trying some of IV, VI, and VII, Final Fantasy doesn't seem to hold my interest enough and I'm not sure why.



Your bitch is a slut with a dopey face who probably has a tattoo of Bob Marley on her cooter. Bite me, cunt.

It's usually about women, and the nature of women. Stupid thing to get caught up with, but my mom was a retard while i was growing up, so that probably is the reason why it bothers me so much. I also argue about how retarded normalfags are and how they get caught up with stupid things like smoking, drinking, etc. But I have to deal with them because I live with them.

Cute girl version of the game when

Stop this

How much booze you got out there. Bet its nice and cold at least

I'm skele mode actually.
And theres nowhere to walk besides dark woods, too spoopy

And I'm the gay one.

If she breathes, she's a thot.

Yelling is much easier on your body.

Fifteen hundred dollars worth in the least. Stocked for a good long while. Probably frozen or in the worst case the cans have exploded.

here, have admiral Antfucker :P

yes, that's his name translated.

Then it's settled, I win this round!

Don't tempt me faggot, you won't like where I bite you.

He is a manlet hispanic, so being afraid of something that's actually nice is natural.

Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about.

the only FFs I've played are I, II, IV, V, and VI. I and II were the only ones I finished.

I believe it. Nothing actually has the price labelled on it, so you have to ask about prices. That's when they have me.

Smoking is comfy though.

Theres wild animals out there. Bears and shit

I want nearly frozen beer. That shits so good

Nice when'd you get an artist

No desu. Where's that anti?

Oh, friendly reminder that Monika did everything wrong.

You have no power here.

If they don't have prices like that then you best be haggling nigger

a year ago, lad. We're getting our shit together…slowly and steady.

That I won't deny. The neighbors wouldn't appreciate it much though and many of them are armed.

Wew lad. At least I had the common courtesy of leaving the country when I wasn't doing well and not leech off the government.

Humans are scarier.

That would be so great if I could do that. I think I'll try doing that again and see if it works.

All women are queens

ew, faggot

don't cough up a lung

Torrents aside, are there any decent places to get fansubbed older anime these days (or did Crunchyshit eat up demand for most)? Been using a thehylia which has been fine for some series, but they've got a massive blacklist and while some companies don't seem to care to DMCA stuff that has been officially put out here, other ones seem to actively do so.

Also this . Whenever I'm out looking for shit and find something that might be a decent deal, I never express too much shock, or ask any questions prior to paying other than "is this complete?" and "Can I see the disc?" Never let on that they might want to consider charging more, or that they're charging a unbelieavably low price for it.

Well, if you like the old NES era types, I've heard that 4 Heroes of Light on the DS is a throwback to III, albeit with changing hats to change the character's classes.

What a horrible game store to have. You sure it's not some spic-tier flee market? Went to one while on vacation with my dad and nothing was marked and some of what they were selling was "case only".


With a timer you can have all the frozen not exploded cans with a freezer.

Now you know how to beat em. Just have cash when you browse.

Why is canada so huge

Only if you live in spicland

I quit smoking like 6 months ago actually

If I could afford beer that is

Neither do you.


I'd say go to baka.bt, but they decided to go private for literally no reason.

8ch.net/v/rules.html says I should be fine but we'll see. Feel free to filter my ID, just testing the waters like I said earlier.

Don't do it lad, you're just trading one problem for another. I have to go to therapy now in order to unravel the network of negative and positive voices I've got in my noggin.

This is why you find a quiet nowhere spot.

also now that I have my laptop back, does anyone have a download for the entirety of the original DB? I did say I was gonna watch it.

I have cash, I just want to make sure I'm not overpaying, and I feel like I need a second opinion when it comes to prices, especially in leafland.

I'm mainly just curious what the options are at this point. It seems like most places that used to allow stream or direct download are dub only or limited sub now, and I'm sure some of the ones I used to use have gotten forcibly taken down.

canda doesn't exist, it's all part of the united states. One nation, buddy.

Besides, this is Russia, all of it.

fuck off, nigger, whatever you're doing, just, fuck off.

Saw this earlier. Thought you might find it funny.

Neat, annexation. Also Russia is missing Karafuto

I guess you didn't read the 2nd part of my post.

Any other thread and it would be off-topic spam.

Everyone knows Yuri a best.

I never implied it was gay, you just assumed, I wonder why?

That's where you're wrong.

Then where's my concealed carry, faggot?

Please tell me that's not you, emmafag.

We should have taken over canada 200 years ago in real life anyway

Hey, good for you

Girls are fluffy tbh

If I do listen to it, I'll just be stopped in a loop of thought until it feels satisfied. Example, I'm going up the stairs, and I think a thought that repulses me, and I move my foot to the next step. My mind forces me to put my foot back on the previous step, rethink the thought but with a postive vibe, and continue on my way. And if I can't do that, I have to keep trying to do it or else my gut will fuck with me.

The place is broke anyway. You'll get to see urbanite removal there soon enough.

I'm allowed :3 ?

You lost, get over it.

eh, they've got the whole korean peninsula. Besides, it's not supposed to be a giant one on one, just clearly inspired by it

if you lived in the universe I'm creating, you'd have it, of course. Too bad, so sad.

On to spicland! See how it's kind of like it but then throws all sorts of fantasy/altered elements into it? That's what i deliberately went for indeed. Something close, but not just taking the real world.

I still use snus though, I love my sweet baby nicotine

Does canada even have a big enough rural population to pull that off

Pretty anything that's not a torrent being kept maintained's gotten its ass kicked by Funi, considering they've got the rights to DragonBall and Dragon Ball Z these days.

When Canada finally has had enough of the situation they allowed to happen, they'll beg Trump to annex them. Trump will look down over the great northern wall and tell them to sleep in the bed they shat in.

I am reminded about the truth of sink threads in ye olde days on half/b/. Not a pleasant truth to discover. I have to wonder if he's doing similar.



Thot protectors shall be slain with thots in the Day of the Condom.

Have fun being a colony of China.

I'm not a sadist, dumbbutt. You bite me, and I'll try my very hardest to suplex you and fall on my ass in the process. I have spite for my enemies, nignig.


So what's the idea? "Not-Earth?" Earth after some horrible cataclysm changes the face of it? Admittedly I haven't paid that much attention until now

Took you long enough, after all the reports. What if it were CP?

Shit, now I'm retarded. I meant a masochist

Nice damage control.


okay, maybe i fucked up in terms there. I meant, by fantasy, the one we're making, as in, making up, not…a fantasy world as in medival european fantasy with dragons

A not-earth, divided amongst 4 nations whom end up in a cataclysmic world war amongst all.

Most of the Fenian raids happened before leafland was a thought.

From my calculation the firearm owning populace outnumbers their cheka and army 20:1 at a minimum.

Neat korean removal.

Just like in the states its the jews and city liberals ruining it though. He should at least let in the white rural people.

I'd have to leave the city for that. Quite the trip just to yell for 5 seconds and feel like a dumbass for 5 hours.

Mild cringe, nothing special. Thanks for trying to cheer me up though.

Sounds like OCD to me. In that case, do seek professional help.



Take a guess.

Ha, you're still a slave to that shit.


That's not damage control, that's correcting myself


I wish I had a third hand so I could jack off and play vidya at the same time.

Also, if you're just gonna post pics of girls, it's basically spam like if you posted bunches of pics of crayons or anything other random thing.



Her dads already been there, done that. Yuri a pure.

We'll be fine.
So why do you keep hitting yourself? You gotta like it a bit to keep doing it.
So then i'd be on top of you?

It's too late to backpedal now.

Right. . . .now? In real life?

The people are still the same.

You should probably ban him anyway, just to be sure. He's got too many kiddie pics to not be a pedo at this point.

What intervals should I post at?

You're thinking of Natsuki.

Nicotine feels amazing. Worth it

Buy one of those self jacking onaholes

Ah. Kind of reminds me how some old JRPG maps I've seen vaguely resembled Earth at times, but still weren't.

But how do you keep the shitters from feigning being desirable to get through the border?

Have you checked that there's nothing embedded in his files to be safe?

I don't care for indie games often, but are celeste or gang beasts any good?

what? How does that work?

Fixation in something that doesn't allow you to move on is a telltale sign. I'm no expert though, that's why I said to seek professional help to find out just what you have.

Dunno bout that, British soldiers ain't exactly canadian

How about don't dump images unrelated to a thread at all? It's gonna be construed as shitposting soon enough, and it's pretty clear you want banned so you can take screencaps and start some kind of drama.

All of alberta is rural.

The LITERAL definition is her dad abuses her. Even the game admits it. You really want to worry her dad is banging her every time you drop her off at home!?

Britain was busy with Napolean. They barely did shit. It was all us. I dare you faggots to try it again.


Tech companies and the NSA have large data banks full of info on everyone in the world that uses the internet. Could finally put that to good use.

Its got things inside that pump it for you or something. I've looked into them but they pretty expensive.

here you go, the whole earth and all its islands.

Of all places you could be a colony, you do not want to be a colony of China for damn sure. I admire your bravery however.

Alright. I'm not going to do that probably, but thanks for the input.

Man I checked those things out, you can buy em on alibaba.

How bout I buy another 100 acres of land, also it was the British army that marched in until Jackson lolfucked them in Orleans. Hell the British were the ones who put down that proto-commie half indian too.

No. Sayori's parents are just absent. Don't you remember when the game pointed out her house was empty right before you left for school? Meanwhile Yuri is generally treated like shit by her parents and cuts herself as an escape.

Snus hasn't had any proven link to cancer so

Did they all get deported back before it happened, or did nogs never evolve to begin with?

Feels kind of bad there's no shitposting aussies in their hellish rooland though.

you're gonna have some pretty funky breathe and teeth though

there's none of 'em in the entire game. Also…considering their placement…are you saying you want Japanese Australians?

how the fuck does that even work?

Holla Forums has enough dramas and I don't want to be a part of this drama shit storm tbh. I'm not even a regular here, I just happen to like the congregation in this specific thread. You can ban this IP if you want, idm one bit. I've made it clear that I was just testing the waters but I guess you really are as stupid as people claim you to be on /sudo/.

Seriously ban this proxy and power trip because I know you want to :^)

That things retarded compared to a vorze cyclone thats actually handheld.

I got mint flavor in right now, pretty tasty

Friendly reminder that the reason why Ritsu refuses to watch anime with men in it is because his girlfriend literally cucked him with another man, and he can't handle seeing men in relationships with women he watches and grows attached to.

We haven't even begun to fight. We're just being polite and letting china make the first move.

Wrong on all counts
Oh, so you're one of them chinese, eh?

Wait, you want saiyori? Why, cause she looks like Akarin?

>ywn take a shower with a NEET girl and make sure she's clean and smells fresh before either of you get out

I didn't imply that. Just said you probably wouldn't want to be a Chinese colony. That's good that you want to be rid of the chink.

ur dumb

That's only part of it.

Wew. Now that's just sad.

American. Chinks only like Hongcouver for laundering their failing red currency, rural folk tend to scare minorities away. Nothing like having people buy pigs heads to scare away city folk.

No, I see that the glorious land of Nippon is huge on that map, I'm just saying I don't see Australia itself. Though, I know nips can bring some good bantz. I suppose they can pick up the slack for missing aussies, unless you just have them be a bunch of shitposters living on those little islands.

I showed with my ex NEET 3dpd all the time though

Or am I a genius?


I hadn't heard that as his reasoning. And even with that, Shitsu's still missing out on some really good shows due to that rule of his.


Well done, mod-kun.

In my experience, it's less she cleans you and more pees on you and giggles because she can.

Not gonna happen, things always escalate when it changes too rapidly, like america right now. Not to mention once america goes to hell, we're probably going with them.

Oh, so you're into necrophilia, eh? Would vampire sex be considered necrophilia?

Yeah, Personally, I think he should go to a therapist to fix that. There's so many good animes he's missing out on, like the Gundam series.

More because there's nothing to do and little to no subsidization and welfare to help for the majority of economic migrants.

With Ritsus girlfriend?

Emotional scars are a hell of a thing user.

Sometimes I wonder about looking into a NEET gf. Do all of them do weird shit like this?


No, it's because she got out of the horrifying existence that is life earliest and I wish to follow.


I did nothing wrong.


When America balkanizes, will Canada balkanize too? I always liked those french canadians, maybe they'll get their own country when shtf

Hey, I'm in here a lot, but not every damn night. Who knows if I've missed you telling your backstory and everyone else takes it as common knowledge?

I suppose, but I'd think something like Gun X Sword might have appealed to him, being a tale of a man getting revenge on the guy that murdered his fiancee on their wedding day.

Holy fuck twizzlers taste awful if you eat the whole pack. Imagine if I didn't have something to drink with this shit.

We 'scapeposting again?

I dunno bout that, lots to do innawoods. You're just used to throwing cash at dumb shit erryday for cheap pleasures that in the end aren't fullfilling one bit, like pouring MSG all over food expecting it to replace a full meal.

America is leaflands biggest trading partner. The moment a civil war happens or that trade gets cut they're more fucked than a man up shitcreek without a paddle and a leaking canoe. Hell they're wide open for anyone to march in, it isn't like they've got an army anymore.

But ya

Why aren't you here every night?

Been there. Taste more like plastic the more you eat

I'm not sure. That depends on Pewter tbh.

I'm not losing control yet. Having a big titty black gf helps a lot.

My favorite lava level has to be the molten monster galaxy from mario galaxy 2(?) that music is awesome.

Of course. And the more autistic and neet she is the weirder it gets. Some will even rub peanut butter all over themselves to see how it feels.

If you wanted to die, you'd have done it already. You just need to improve yourself.

But the memories of the dead wife would attach him to her, and he doesn't want to be attached to an anime girl with a sex scene with another guy, or even kissing or handholding. You've seen how strict he is about it.

But that's not a twizzler. That's not a twizzler at all.

do you keep each other happy, do you guys fug often? What's it like having a gf that cares about you?

How goes user

What's MSG?


Twizzlers are good.

Ritsu being a NEET because you broke up with your GF is fucking stupid. Get a job.

shame about that part

Canada should be a part of our glorious empire if we ever get said glorious empire

My preferred candy, if I am to eat any, are crispy M&Ms, original Mike and Ike, or kitkat. Never been big on licorice in particular. Or cotton candy for that matter (what is the fucking appeal there).

Because even though I'm a NEET sometimes I'm at a friend's house when he doesn't have classes the next day. Usually Saturdays, sometimes Fridays as well. Most other nights I'm here.

Kind of want to see a drawfag make a "Frodo" image with than gnome.

Doesn't even have to go remotely that far. It's like one fucking minute of a dude being onscreen, even a sibling, is enough to make him NOPE.

Gas yourself.

99% of this thread needs therapy.

And no I don't believe you're black.

Who's the 1%? Because it sure isn't you.

I was NEET long before that fam

Oh sounds fun. What all you guys do? Hopefully not gay stuff

Deleting you from facebook tbh

Monosodium glutamate, its the shit chinks cover their food in to make it taste better and make it seem more filling. Its fucking horrible for you in a concentrated amount, although its found naturally in tomatoes and such.

Just the western half, most of them are Americanized already as is.

M&M's with caramel in em are wonderful.

How hard is it to stop having do these odd habits like urinating in the shower or rubbing peanut butter on them? I'm autistic and I don't do that shit.

She's very supportive and sweet. Sometimes it's hard though cause I don't have a phone and I'm hard to contact at times and yes we do that often.

because White girls don't like me for some reason I don't really know why but it's okay cause I'm not racist…

Oh shut up molten monster galaxy is great!

I am white you're right.

The people who just post once to berate the thread.

Deleted from myspace, added again, added to facebook, poked, deleted and subscribed and unsubscribed to your youtube.

Y'all removed from my Xfire

Why not suffer for change? You could change america yourself with your own hands and hard work. You're suffering either way, might as well suffer for something important.

Yeah, I think she cheated on him much worse than he let on, probably multiple times and got him to stay with her after a bunch of times, and his scars run really REALLY deep. He might have been stupid and asked her to tell him the truth about everything, then took her back after knowing it all and having it happen again.

I assure you, i'm a perfectly rational creature.

Oh, I don't like condoments of any kind, so I wouldn't use that. You'd think theyd be full already after all the rice they eat. How do you know so much about the chinese?

Probably really fucking hard, if they're into it. Can people get you to stop doing shit you enjoy because they don't like it? And imagine, they'll probably be even neetier and more autistic than you.

The frenchies would be too much of a hassle anyway. They've got they're own language and shit. We should also take Nunavut and the Yukon so we can build bases up there.

Ah, so you're too ugly for any respectable white woman to get with you. That seems to be the excuse of all oil drillers/coalburners

Ok nevermind

Are you sure you aren't racist?

I've considered getting into the kiketube game. Make one of those shitty channels thats all clickbait with a robot voice. If I even got 50$ a month on patreon it'd be worth it.

Thats right you better never mind


Also with GXS Van is very much devoted to his fiancee, not just for his revenge, but even in general. He doesn't attach to others well. At all. Little Wendy even (reluctantly) offers to be his wife if he can help find her brother, and not just is a grossed out at the idea of it (she's like 13-14), but also still considers himself to be his dead fiancee's man. Though mostly he wants to kill her murderer and then maybe die himself.

Used to play a lot of Mario Kart Double Dash and Mario Party when there were more of us in our little Saturday night hang out group, but that's dwindled down to just the two of us. Would usually co-op shit I'd bring over on his PS3 but it's out of memory right now and for some reason he doesn't want to get to changing the hard drive out, so we've had nothing new to play for a while. Mostly just watch animu together these days. Sometimes something I've found, sometimes something he's found. Watching Cromartie together was a stupid amount of fun.

You know exactly what part I was talking about in your post, fucko.

Maybe they sense you're a weak, race traitorous cuck at first sight?

I'd probably start by explaining it as simple as possible, like "peanut butter goes on food, not skin, and put the PB on their food if needed. peeing in the shower shouldn't be to hard. "pee pee goes in toilet, not in shower. Just basic shit.

oh dank u for spellcheck

Jungle feverers always are

I'll send you a smiley through messenger in reparation.

The key word there is creature

Let me know whenever you go through with it so I can personally shank your guts.

I've been wanting to play coop stuff with a friend for a while but neither of us have computers that work and he doesn't have a ps3/ps4 right now anyway

It isn't like salt that you pour on your food, its something you use a real small bit when cooking. The aforementioned people just love covering food in it when cooking it.
I do my research and I do business with a Taiwanese fellow, both of which give a good look into things.

Yukon is in the west, I want a highway from WA to AK. That other place is where the ice abbo live huffing gas and the fumes from burned vinyl records.

I've dated white women but not since highschool. They cause too much damn drama and black girls just won't a man who can protect her really. You don't even have to have THAT much muscle. Just enough to make them feel safe.

I do hate niggers but not every black person is a nigger, friend.

You are very very wrong user.

I'm going to bed. Twizzlers make me not feel good. See you tomorrow.

You're shitposting

Alaska does seem pretty lonely up there

Why would you do that?

That is where you are wrong. She gonna chimp out one day or another you know

Cya next time fam

Mine doesn't leave his house much, so it's not like we can readily play what I don't have a disc for, and what he doesn't have space for disc-install wise. And his PS3's stopped reading DVD media for whatever reason (while Bluray still runs just fine). Will probably bring my PS2 over there myself in a year or two when the patch for ToD DC comes out. That should be a fun one.

I'm not referring specifically the chimp you are calling a girlfriend, more that there might be some inherent weakness white girls sense in you that drive them away.

Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds might work on your potatos.

Its all woodland and snow.

For contributing for the youtube cancer-culture that's made my little sister braindead.

It sounds interesting but he'd never go for it. Those scars run REAL DEEP. His parents got to get him through therapy to get him in a good place.

They're not retarded or children, they know where their pee goes and peanutbutter goes, they do it because they either like it or it amuses them and the idea of compromising is intolerable. I'm sure you'd be the same with anything you like.

NP, kiddo.

Maybe they got used to it if there wasn't much food to eat in chinaland?
How much does he hate them?


Problem is, hes on fucking linux and most shit don't work.

How old is she? She cute brah?

I have been sleeping maybe 4 hours every night for a week now.
I'm eating close to nothing.
Even fapping comes hard.

I'm aware they can chimp out. I broke up with one for being way too clingy and she ended up showing up at my house really drunk. That was a fucking mess.

I don't think I'm the one with a problem user. If I happen to fall for a girl who has a little more melanin so what?

What's she doing on the ceiling? Let me fix that

That's the proper climate for a white family

Tales of Destiny: Directors Cut

How dare you steal my picture.

As he put it, most of their cooking isn't the best so they slather their food in it. Also mainlanders aren't people in his eyes, just red dogs that need to be drowned in the industrial mess they've made.

It'll run through WINE.

Its what I grew up in, a sea of trees and nobody around.

I did the 4 hours a night thing for about 6 months on end. You get used to it. You should try to eat something though, at least some crackers.
Why you doing this user

So you admit that they are subhuman

Jokes on you, I used the picture of her I already had saved

sounds comfy tbh

Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut. Director's Cut of the remake of the old PS1 game, but was left Nippon onry. Fast paced, fun 2D combat in one of the few JRPG series to actively have co-op as an option in the console entries. Embed related as combat sample against a bonus boss; player is controlling idiot hero Stahn's imouto, Lillith.

Old enough to be a braindead normalfag just like the rest. She's as ugly as me.
Besides, you said you'd never go to South America so what's it to ya?

Hes too much of a dumb ass for that I think though

Thats a lot of numbers on the screen

I'm flu user from the other thread, or maybe two threads ago, can't recall days so well.
I wake up in pain and fall asleep when the pain goes away ;-;

That has to be satire.

Just curious. Hows her foot game?

Ohhh at least it'll be over soonish.
Drink some tea with honey and lemon.

Just women

Shame, its fun with friends.

It got lonely before I went wandering.

Like Graces would later do (borrowing Destiny remake's Sole-CC combat and applying it to a 3D field, minus jumping and Penetrate), damage shown is cumulative for the current combo.

Thats why I stick to 2d fam

Does look kinda neat. Didn't expect that combat when you said JRPG

Chicano, manlet, cuck and pedophile. It just keeps getting better and better.

It's just a nignig user. They're like that.
I gotta go bed now, thank you guys for being there when no one else would, when no one else would take me seriously or anything like that. I don't think you guys take me seriously either, but I also think you do,and I love that. Goodnight

You never said her age.
The only one of those thats true is manlet.

Cya next time user

All I know is dem maiden titties

I want to believe it's satire though, for my mental stability.
Good night, and yes I do take you seriously. Gotta give a little balance amidst the rampant shitposting.

I said little and you jumped right at it. Makes you think, doesn't it?

He seems to have an obsession with other people's younger sisters, don't let it get to ya

It's common among the mestizos here in my personal shithole so it doesn't surprise me in the least.

Isn't it said that people interested in younger sisters, especially the idea of incest, are mostly ones that don't actually have one? Thus, does Shitsu have siblings?

The what now?

Spic speak for their lower aztec class.

Ah. Not aware of English spic slang. What part of south America you from user?

Correction, spic speak for any half injun half white.

Comes from mestizaje, which means interbreeding.

Not from any of that hell. I tend to know stuff.

I dunno bout that, the folk who get referred to as that look aztec as fuck.

There was a korean kid in my highschool who had a sister like 5 or 6 years younger than him. He's been in alabama all of his life and he got his sister pregnant before highschool even ended.

Oh, thought you were the other user.
A bit ominous. You street savy then?

Yeah but the term is used in the entirety of latin america, not just US/Mexico, so it applies to other tribes/peoples too.

I'm from the whitest country on earth.

Argentina in guessing then? Truly 10000% white.

I'm going to post a picture of holding one of my Ritsu figs with a note saying 4am or some shit tomorrow just to kill huey's dumb meme.
Also to prove I'm not fat, I hate that people assume NEETs have to be fat.

I just know stuff. You learn things in passing.

Never heard that word in the US. Some Spaniard introduced the term to me and stated they tend to look like misshapen aztecs and aren't Spanish.

Go raid your fridge like a WoW raider does for trying world first.

So something like the amerimutt meme?

It seems our bullying has gone far enough then. On a slightly related note, how unusual would posting here be if you knew what everyone's faces looked like? I would never post the same.

I already grabbed some chili

No way in hell am I posting my face.

Yep. We have a name for our country here that sums it up pretty well, el culo del mundo i.e. "The world's asshole".

Go for it monica, fight da powah. I'm a NEET as well and I'm 3spoopy5u.

It's a denigrative terms so it's mostly used by Spaniards and/or Castizos i.e. descendants of Spaniards like me.

I think hes had dealing with Mexicans and other south american trash in the Spanish Legion.

dats right

That explains it.

Mestizos are your run of the mill spic. Castizos and pure injuns are minorities in most latin american countries minus a few exceptions.

Heh, that's pretty funny. I come from la ciudad blanca which is commonly know to be called that because of the volcanic ash we use to make our buildings. However, my aunt was telling me that its actually because so many Spanish settlers stayed there that the white in the title refers to the people, not the buildings. Not sure what to believe, in my experience a larger percentage of the buildings and people were non white when I visited.

I'm not implying you should, rather I mean how would you feel about having that knowledge?

How common are niggers in your country, and i mean genuine we wuz kang tier african nigger, not a brazilian or whatever.

Not him but in my experience most people have literally never seen a nigger with their own eyes. My cousins couldn't believe my coworkers were blacker than just a shade of brown.

You're from Honduras?

They were pretty rare up until five/six years ago when our commie government brought some rapefugees from senegal or wherever the fuck and they're blacker than night, you commonly see them selling fake jewelry in the downtown and jewish neighborhood heh. Apart from that, we've recently got some Dominicans and as you said the occasional huezilian.

Rest in pieces everyone.


I don't think this constitutes as a cesspool, considering most of us don't even come here for ritsu or company
Any mod would have banned that by now.