#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Angelic Edition


1. Holla Forums is being trolled by shills to create chaos on the site: >>>/n/586729
>Evidence of this happening has already taken place over on Holla Forums: archive.is/6dPTA#selection-9011.0-9011.6 A couple times: archive.is/8vwcE
>Remember, report potential shills and see about reviewing COINTELPRO tactics: cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
2. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder
3. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games
4. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution
>SPREAD: Twitter caught red-handed admitting to shadowbans & censoring "problematic" viewpoints, spying on user's sexual activity: >>>/gamergatehq/331496
5. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts
>>>Holla Forums777548

A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: liberapay.com/archiveis/donate
B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices
>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: archive.fo/ii01W
C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!
D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language

>inXile has some skeletons in their closet being revealed (Possible happening): archive.fo/V4tr7
>A series of unverified images were released on 4chan that detailed AI controlled marketing and monetization practices achieved through "legal" surveillance methods: >>>/gamergatehq/331502
>NISA porting Ys 8 to Nintendo Switch: hooktube.com/watch?v=a_u7g5BlfiY&feature=youtu.be&t=328
>MTG pedo controversy has started blowing the lid off of the sex offenders in similar fandoms: archive.is/QMEAF
>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: archive.fo/wBFd8
>Tencent promoting socialism: archive.is/0Zpbu


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

• Use archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;
• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;
• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate Wiki: ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
• Operation Disrespectful Nod: v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers)
• Operation Baby Seal: v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines)
• Operation Vulcan: v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)
• Operation UV: archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker)
• An user's Guide to Twitter: v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: v.gd/0fOHO3
• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: v.gd/n6GPPt
• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: v.gd/vzRsRb

• Current:
• Old:


Other urls found in this thread:


archive everything

A reminder for everyone working on the wiki, there are these research archives: voat.co/v/ictory/2261029


What is that beast and why does he look like he was taken from an Ito Junji manga?

Literally an estrogen ridden sack of human waste.

To my side, my noble Einherjar!
That line is still burned in my mind. God damn.

Finally I get to do it


Contribute to the wiki!!!


The Jews don’t like it when you archive

He is known as The Jahans.

He's not white. He's Indian.

Open the gates of Niflheim! More souls await.

mfw and I'm a loser


Fov 270

first for sister

When was that? Who's this retard? If he had enough of humanity, did he kill himself?

Compared to that guy, ohhhhh yeah, chad x 1000000000
who spends money on anime wall frames that you can get on the internet FOR FREE?

Powerful message. The camera panning to the keyboard at the end reinforces his stance as an anti-harassment champion for the women in gaming.

>tfw recognize the artist immediately ebiebieshrimp
Posting more from that artist because why not?

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:



- tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912
- archive.is/PtsEj
- tweetsave.com/magicalfuntime/status/946901533584646145
- poal.me/e9bqfc
- archive.is/fi9q4

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/154755 )
- operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.


They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.tx
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt
Fakku 1701-1800: files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt
Fakku 1801-1900: files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt
Fakku 1901-2000: files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt
Fakku 2001-2100: files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt
Fakku 2101-2200: sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399
Fakku 2201-2300: sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551

Info & feedback welcome

old bread: archive.is/37KkJ

I never saw that particular bout of MUH'LADYing.

It was around two years ago I think. The scandi branch of GAME held out until 2015.


So, apparently I need to lose 20-25 lbs., and tone up the mussles in both my arms and trunk (Both of my legs are more than fine, however). What advice can someone offer?

Also, how good of a workout software is Wii Fit (U)?

Cardio and compound exercises, also >>>/fit/ .
>how good of a workout software is Wii Fit (U)? It's shit.

Figure out your TDEE (your daily caloric maintenance) using this tool
Then cut 500-600 calories a day from that. Buy a food scale and sign up for MyFitnessPal to easily track how much you eat of everything. It's important to actually track the actual amount of everything you eat or else it's possible to easily increase your calories without realizing it. That's basically it for weight loss. If you're really dedicated you can try out a keto diet but just cutting calories will do fine. As for toning up your core and arms/shoulders just go to >>>/fit/

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

If you need to lose weight drastically, I can say from experience that a 1500 Cal diet a good way to go if you couple it with at least 4-5 hours of biking every week. If you live in an area where your regular stops are within biking distance, bike or jog. Walking is for when you need to regain your stamina, or if you fuck up your legs.

When you hit your target weight, you will need to train yourself to stick with a diet of 1800-2200 Cal and to continue exercising.
The past summer, I dropped 50 lbs, hitting 187 after 3-4 months. It'll kick your ass, but it was worth it.
Like I said though, you need to round up your calorie intake while still exercising. I more than rounded and stopped exercising, so now I've regained 30 lbs since August.


I lost weight several times playing DDR. Sadly, the arcades around here got rid of them and replaced them with giant phone games.

Does anyone know where I can get a good prices on those heavy metal pads with the balance bars?

Pretty sure those are attached to the cabinet itself, user. You'd need to buy the cabinet to get at those.

This has 404'd

So how is BioWare still alive at this point? Because even normalfags hate them mainly due to ME3.

EA hasn't killed them yet, pretty simple

The sukebei version is fine, will replace next bread


Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Making an ugly ass sweater
☑ Made Logan Paul level up
☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish
☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement
☑ Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco
☑ Defeated magical pedos in card games
☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar
☑ Made Cathy Newman lose the lobster debate against Jordon Peterson
✓ Destroyed 4chan image posting

i have to warn you about something nobody told me about this diet
prepare to have 3-5 days of diarrhea, i learnt about it after it happened to me and almost missed going to an event i was hoping to go for two months

knowing that, i'd advice against it, and just cut sugar down to reduce BF

>>>/animu/ is now in the top 25. A comfy board for anime & manga.

Or just read the rest of my post and see I mostly advocated for cutting 500-600 calories a day. The keto thing was another option I fielded if he was unsatisfied with just cutting calories

Keto is pretty much a short cut.

I miss Gilda.

There's a new pad called Impulse that comes with a bar and is supposedly better than the arcade cabinets, but it's not out yet and is projected to cost around $600.
I'm currently playing on an old Cobalt Flux that a friend lent me, which works pretty well. You'd have to build your own bar though, which I'm in the process of doing. They also only run on PS2 or Windows XP computers (and are a pain in the ass to get to work on PC even then).

The board is actually cozy

I'm surprised EA didn't kill them off after the backlash 3 got

I'm pretty sure 3 still made a profit though which is all they care about. You should actually be surprised they weren't killed after TORtanic or Andromeda

Off topic and random: Anyone have a higher resolution of this Aksys blocking screencap? I apparently saved a small version ages ago and never noticed until today.

So much for helping the downtrodden poor working class.

Who is chapo trap house?

Jesus I nearly forgot!

What is the difference between that and /a/?


/animu/ is less rule heavy

/animu/ has more relaxed moderation and won't ban you for a typo.

They seem pretty cool only eh thing was some fag there shilling /games/ but other then that it seems like a decent community wish them best of luck.

That's funny, going to a board with more relaxed moderation than it's major counterpart, to shill a board with more strict moderation than it's major counterpart

to be fair with Andromeda the b-list studio that made it was shut down.

Nobody else there was interested in /games/.

What? Context?

I kinda found that to be ironic.

Why does the left hate poor people so fucking much?

I remember some user here who supposedly worked there talk about how the game was rushed and the team was on crunch time 24/7.


So it wasn't because of talentless SJW women and cucks being a part of the dev team?

Why not both?


Most likely a mix of both.

/animu/ is pretty cozy as an anime board. It's not a minefield like /a/.

Think any board is better as an anime board than /a/ . Got a literally tranny in charge over there who behaves like it. At least Mark comes by his jewishness honestly, which shows when he has his fits of jewish mass bannings.

Mark is great just because he's such a big fuckup that there's no way he could even attempt to do anything malicious without fucking it up entirely

Something, I've seen recently is fags going anti sjws should buy games based off merit instead the dev's politics, but why buy games from people who consider you subhuman for liking video games?

You said the same thing a few breads ago

That wasn't me, I just agreed with the sentiment

People who develop and publish games already consider you subhuman.

I have a definitely not sexual interest in angels.

Please post more angels.

Good morning.

WTF I love Destiny now.

I'm amazed that this industry is still standing with how much the devs and etc hate the gamers who buy their shit. The sheer amount of hate these people hold towards us is seething.

A podcast. They claim to be leftists against the modern left and right but are pretty much just card carrying socialists who try to debunk people like older youtube skeptics. Except they don't really debunk as much as acknowledge what they've done and say it's racist. I've heard a lot of clips of the podcast and it's nothing of substance, just leftist "humor".
I remember one clip specifically of one of the girls on the podcast finally saying something bad about democrats like

Good evening.

And they make nearly $100k a month? Jesus, and here I thought The dick show made a lot

here have a guessing game

You know what it feels like waking up and seeing your notification tab on Twitter with salty feminists asking "why you hate women" or "why are you mad at Anita Sarkeesian"?! This goes to show that they got ZERO substance in their arguments.

Angels you say?

demons tbh

I don't care about both, unless you two want to be extinguished from the face of the earth.


They prioritize emotion over rational thought.
Any business model would treat its customers well to keep them coming back for more. SJWs drive away their customers and then wonder why their customers won't support them.

I'm not sure how anyone can be this retarded.


Don't argue with them, man.
They had never taken the step to adulthood, and so they remain children for life.
It's kinda sad seeing how there are lots of overgrown children and so little adults.


Why don't you be the adult then, user? Lead by example is the best antidote to your problems I find.

Are they trying to reframe Hollywood making less money as a victory?

so I ordered an nx-27 EDG from Neixeus it had a few dead pixels so I sent it back and they're sending me one that has a dime-sized bright spot on it. If I can live with it I'll keep it if not I'm asking for a refund

Get a refund for that!

It has to go back.

I cant believe I'm getting Darling Cucked by my best friend Mitsuru.

This anime is very cucked

oh fuck off, Mitsuru couldn't handle not-Lum

I found you

Something about this line sounds familiar.

I've never been banned from /a/ and I post there regularly, I didn't realize the hotpockets there had a bad reputation.
I've only been banned from Holla Forums a few dozen times for merely pretending to be retarded.

Oh Wow Its almost as if I post on other boards and save pictures from them

It should

God damnit.

for real though this anime is robot cucking
nothing else has happen except that

I wish we'd get some more exposition on the setting so we'd know just how fucked the world is at the moment, because I'm not feeling any suspense or tension or excitement when they suit up and pilot.

I keep involuntarily comparing it to other shows and bitching to myself about how they all establish shit so much better in their first episodes and made me hype to continue. I'm only in Franxx for the lewd screenshots so far. I don't give a fuck about anyone and there's no urgency to defeating the monsters.

That's some spicy intel. You got a source faggot?

It needs it's own comments section below videos, rather than just a snapshot of the top 100 Jewtube comments.

what the hell is the point of the monsters, they just seem like a second thought and reason for the mech thats it

you can really tell its a B team trying to imitate the Triggernax style though

That's what they are so far. The worldbuilding is totally absent. If they were gonna make it come in late, there's a difference between mysterious and just plain confusing.

that be fine if it come later but as it stands now all the characters are basically the most generic carbon copies of ones we have seen and known in many other animes, there isnt much you can build onto them that we wouldnt expect.

Right down to the slow talking big titty girl and fat donut kid being partners

39b56d is the furry, Please filter and move on.


Is it just a B-team problem or was there a mass exodus of employees out of Trigger?
LWA also didn't have the Triggernax feel to it. The story was barely there, the characters were bland and the setting doesn't feel magical enough for a series set in a magical academy. There's nothing remotely outrageous or exciting in both LWA and Darling.

I believe its a B team / who they are working with problem.
LWA is just suppose to be what it is, its not suppose to be full Triggernax

Intro is long so skip to 2:24 for a bit on social media that becomes relevant later (basically Social Media helps aggravate these personalities, as their fear of being judged by public opinion but crave approval) or 2:52 directly.

Former FBI profiler's book "Dangerous Personalities" has a segment on Paranoid Personalities that applies to SJW perfectly (Opinionated, Argumentative, Prone to Hate).
Might be worth finding a PDF of that book.
We sure as fuck can't fix them, so our only course is to cause them to freak publicly more often out so their political "brand" becomes toxic. I.e. give the world more material to mock and meme against progressivism, globalism, marxism, etc.
Basically, stop the Internet being a safe space and drive the paranoid people even MORE paranoid. But with real psychology from the old days.

I hope so.
Well we'll probably know if it's still the same Trigger or not by the time Inferno Cop season 2 comes out.
If it's underwhelming, then Trigger is probably dead.

Reminds me of the time I overheard two SJWs talking about how they were going to prove that the bill of rights somehow gave trannies special treatment, then sounding surprised and upset that it didn't a few days later

Franxx is just surprisingly dull. There's none of the magic you'd expect with such an all-star team. It's like a microwaved pizza, a pale imitation of something better. I wonder what the fuck happened.

Also I figured out who this drawfag is.

pls don't bully Gilda

Who would do that?

Bad people.

pls benis gilda

Devil worshipers

Who would win in a fight? Vivian or Gilda. Gilda is armed with a shotgun while Viv has a Rubber Chicken.

neither of these characters are real and all you would be doing by answering this is writing fan fiction

please stop

Vivian says nigger, Gilda runs away crying

Is he actually a pint sized psycho or is he just being a epic memer?

Well, he's a short-tempered psycho who have peanuts for brains.

Miranda isn't real either and you're a furry for masturbating to her.


Dinosaurs were furry.

you guys see this?

here's a link


begone furry

Literally the "Pickle Rick" of the fanbase.


kemono friends is trash and so are you

Holy shit you got fucking destroyed

shut the fuck up furfag

Isn't it odd how you like Miranda, Kemono girls, elves, and other furry shit?

all moeshit is trash and a best way to spot a weeaboo. Avoid at all costs

Umaru is pretty good.


Oh hai, Mark.

Book's full title is "Dangerous Personalities: An FBI Profiler Shows You How to Identify and Protect Yourself from Harmful People" Joe Navarro
Ask share threads for a PDF on this or something.
I made a thread on HQ for analyzing the book/SJWs.

These people need to be thrown out a window.

Probably, but this is nothing, regardless how well not marvel nigger lives matter batman does the articles of how whites are racists for not wanting to see it will be many. The main actor being a black supremacist blm already made me decide to avoid it like the plague, which is a shame becuase I liked black panther in some of the older material.

A reminder that most pr people are cancer.

No real surprises here.

But they already own the US, don't they?
If you want to get into congress you are obligated to suck Israel's dick.


More and more people seem to be okay with that, which is disturbing.

What's wrong with Umaru?

I'm starting to think all these people treated Civics as a "sleep" class because they were too busy partying all night instead of actually treating high school seriously.

They own the usa but not officially or openly, they want open slavery, openly 4th class humans that they can treat less than animals.

Its because they think "oh hey surely they wont fuck me over hard" the honor system is broken people, especially when dealing with kikes.










That's because high (And, arguably, Middle) school education has become such a joke.

When I was in high school, they did teach civics, but all they taught is how it works and not why it works and why it was put into place.


Getting real tired of this buzzword. It's subjective garbage that can be applied to literally anything. See → "People who use the term toxic are toxic." Toxic is essentially shorthand for "thing I don't like".

Problematic is a runner up in subjective tripe. Problematic does not describe any genuine quantifiable problem but rather something the speaker subjectively considers problem-causing. This cultmarx language treats the subjective notions of non-physical "harm" as observable measurable physical harm. It's all based off the "It was real in my mind" routine; to say that everyone must believe what they believe. If they believe X is harmful then it is, no questions, no analysis, it just is because they feel it is.


I've beefed up the wiki's security a bit and activated some anti-spam measures just so we don't get interrupted.

I'm taking part of tomorrow off. Just popping into say goodnight.

And just a reminder, if you haven't updated at least one article while having time to sit here and shitpost, you're more worthless than Anthony Burch.


That's some harsh words

People really hate ugandans.


dey dont kno the wei

I keep seeing people say that even though the creators of the movie being quoted like it, they still don't get to decide if it is racist or they are not culturally aware to know it is racist. How hard is it to just joke around and like memes?

its not the first time. remember when randi said she was gonna put them in her snack pouch

This is why you build your own keyboard

So why did randi even get mad at them? How are companies this dumb to not get that they are gonna lose more people being this sensitive and saying fuck you to people who thought it was funny?

Ugandan Knuckles isn't racist but it isn't funny

Social Justice Supremacists, the lot of them.

Randi, you can't even pass as a FreeBSD coder and can't even make a working Ruby On Rails app, but you expect us to believe you're a "professional gamer?" Stop being a fucking poser.

It was over this tweet, I cant be fucked digging up archives because fuck you do it yourself if you want them

Remember the good old times when everyone can take a joke?
Pepperridge Farm remembers.

There are also tons of examples of companies gaining lots of new customers by shitting on SJWs. A prime example is the time Play Asia tweeted about how DOAX3 wouldn't be localized due to "SJW nonsense." They gained like two thousand more followers within a day or two of that tweet.

I remember when Oprah took an email from a 4channer saying " we are anonymous we do not forgive we do not forget, we have over 9000 penises and they are all raping children" seriously. Was funny sruff.

Well yea remember exploding Vans

Now its pepe memes

First we were hackers on steroids, then the cathedral of misogyny and now I guess we're just internet feelings terrorists or something.

hamburger helper did also quote a Holla Forums written email as serious harassment too :^)


I remember her. "They're just jealous because I have a vagina and a job in the games industry" was the best thing she ever wrote. Why the fuck would I want to work in the game industry? I've heard the stories. Vaginas are nice to play with but I wouldn't want to actually have one. They're like grandkids. You enjoy spending time with them because you know that at the end of the day they're not your problem.

Isn't the problem with vaginas mostly that they turn women psycho once a month for not having sex (Unless you have purples eyes)?

My problem with vaginas is the amount of necessary manintenance compared to a penis.

my penis is pretty good

So's mine. But a vagina would be too much work. I like my penis. It's easy to care for.

You do know this is fake right?

last comics for those who missed them

So is the furry posting on /a/ to spite /animu/ or whatever?

The crash needs to happen.

I didn't miss them.

are you honestly this fucking petty and stupid you would even think that?
Ive already said I dont care about your fucking board wars

that was a fun day

Especially working for EA. John Riccitiello's EA, no less. The one that former devs are now coming out and saying that he single-handedly ruined every single good thing about working for that company.


One of the worst things EA did was making Dead space 3 an action game.

And then straight-up tell people "buy more copies than both previous games combined if you want this series to survive." But John wonders why the board kicked him out.

More people bought Dead space as a horror series before it became full on action.

It should also be remembered that Rice Digital tried to do the same thing with the socjus crowd during the shitstorm. They made the exact same tweet, replacing "SJW nonsense" with "fiscal nonsence" even though the supposed leak specifically mentioned outrage culture, and then gaining fuckall followers or sales.
They're why I don't trust PQube, since they both have the same owner and there's not enough evidence of them pulling a banana hitler yet.

Anyone have the webm of this?

post it

Filtering him genuinely improves the thread.

No one can laugh at anything anymore.

I remember play-asia followers eventually exploded to around 25k


why the fuck do you keep talking about me if you filtered me
holy god damn shit dude get the fuck over it, I made fun of you and you have cried about it for over a week now

Marche is a furry faggot and a rude uppity homosexual.

at this point its pretty clear its a shill

Pefectly reasonable people that don't like threads being derailed by retards?

Please don't. You will make Gilda feel wanted in some weird way. That should be discouraged.

Vivian. Gilda is likely to look down the barrel to watch the bullets come out.

Toxic does have a place in some relationship contexts but as usual, SJWs have bastardized the meaning.

Is he at Pitchford or Todd Johnson levels of retarded fuckery?

only in the internet, in real file they're disgusting

reported for bestiality


Reported for unspoilered scat.

(You) sir and or madam disgust me

Thanks for the loli Gilda I had been suggesting this for a while now

Does anal really feel good?
Or is it just propaganda by degenerates trying to promote homosexuality by making it palatable to the masses?
Considering this bullshit is spread by the MSM and porn, I'm going to assume that it's propaganda.

Kinda makes sense, since if anal is supposed to give you pleasure then why don't I feel anything when I'm taking a shit?

Why do retards like Gilda fag and Marche feel the need to always shit up these threads with avatarfagging, meta drama or just pure autism?

He ran several good IPs like Dead space for example into the ground the only people who remotely defended him to no one's shock were game journos.

why do you keep fucking posting about me you fucking mutt

kill yourself marche

What did he post?

why dont you

Cool your autism jets

Vivian and Gilda futa afaik

It's a meme.
Prostate stimulation is a thing though, but not simply rubbing or hitting thing. It needs constant stimulation. Get an aneros goy

loli gilda being anal creampied by futa viv.


Do you any of you think a crash will happen soon?

Im not going around drawthreads threatening to get drawfags banned with your "connections" for telling retarded requestniggers including you to fuck off
Ive got a long memory you cuntbag

Because they're trying to drown their insecurities of being worthless.
It's just like namefagging. Why else would anyone want to stay un-anonymous in an anonymous imageboard for no reason?

Some OC to cleanse the mind. Inspired by

Knockers be knocking!

I absolutely need these to live.
Please continue.

I honestly can't pick out marche out unless they avatarfag, but I'm beginning to tell he blatantly shitpost.
I hear about gildafag but they never stood out to me.

what the fuck are you even going on about you fucking absolute moron
have you been huffing paint all day or something holy crap, never fucking @ me again or even talk about me

By that logic pissing should be sexual euphoria, since an orgasm can be boiled down to just releasing liquid out your dick.

long memory you piece of shit

I reply to people and discuss what is being talked about. if fuck heads wanna shit up a thread because they can notice my post style than thats hardly my fault

in the same way the same retards do it with gookanon who all start fucking ERPing

dont fucking @ me dick head

for you.

Jesus Christ, you're such a nigger.

long memory you fucking jizz stain



I sincerly thought Holla Forums was going to face rape Nigger Gilda

OK so how about this?

So far, so meh, but if you google it this thing gets ALL 10/10s basically, and what's more telling multiple SJW outlets (kotaku, polygon, ign) published their rave reviews on day one, right with the game coming out - not really the norm for a random indie game for most sites.

The creator, Matt Makes Games, is responsible for Towerfall, the game that had literally put Anita into it. I can't seem to find direct silverstream connections though, if they are even still a thing.

Two things:
1. Why is nobody talking about this?
2. Anybody here play it and able to say if this is just a blatant outright journo scam or if the game is OK?

That would've been quite the swerve. But it came eventually.

care to tell mosre stories on Marche faggotry?
all I know is that he's a furry that faps to a NIGGER. got laughed out of these threads and faps to NIGGER furries.

Overwatch in general has opened the floodgates to some really shitty journalism. Am I the only one who notices this? Or is it not overwatch specifically but just more noticeable now?

Game looks pretentious as all hell.

Shh, they're monitoring these forums just like youtube comment sections…

So is the reason why the furry is so mad because of /animu/ or TD or is it because of meta fag shit?

stop fucking lying

Nice strawman there sonny.
The argument behind anal pleasure is that the anus is an erogenous zone, and that stimulating the anus gives you pleasure. But it's clearly not true, since if it is an erogenous zone you'd feel good every time you take a crap.

Whenever you crap, your stool stimulate your anus; a (supposedly) erogenous zone. But whenever you piss, your urine doesn't stimulate your entire dick because the urethra isn't an erogenous zone, you dumb fuck.

Well I just finished Bloodborne. It was pretty shit. Is there something I’m missing? Mechanically, it’s brilliant. The combat is intense and frantic, though I dislike having to farm for blood vials every now and then. Switch weapons were really neat, especially since you could seamlessly switch your weapon and continue your combo. But after the blood moon rose, I breezed through The One Reborn, Amygdala, Mikolash (you’re not good at gimmick fights, FROM. Stop trying.), then Mergo’s Wet Nurse, struggled a bit on the final boss, and then beat the game, all in 2 hours or so. It was pretty short and I didn’t like the last few bosses very much. I feel like I missed something along the way, because the first llaythrough was pretty unsatisfying

He also has a thing for diapers and aras, and filmed himself being changed by "mommy" before DMCA'ing the video.

dude what?

all I need to know is why I hate that pile of human garbage with a passion myself
for the uninitiated, a long time ago there was a point where drawthreads were completely and entirely controlled by a mob of cancerous noskills that kept the drawthread up 24/7 despite no deliveries for 2 or 3 threads in a row, filling the threads with cancerous, unpaid commission tier requests, and brigading drawfags that told them to fuck off with rule 8 reports, ultimately scaring away every single drawfag except those that were only shitposting or dumping anyway
if you really wanna know what it was like, look at the current cuck/a/ drawthread
at some point me and a couple of others got fed up and started telling the requestniggers to fuck off in every single thread
Marche then started threatening anyone in the drawthread who complained about thread quality with bans and subsequently got me banned by sucking some vols cock until I finally reached mark and got the ban lifted
shortly afterwards one of the most vocal noskills got the hammer instead and we managed to take the threads back and drive the cancer away

it was dark times indeed and Marche was hellbent on maintaining them

Didn't he dress up in a maid outfit and send a video of him dancing in it to another user for 50 bucks?

You didn't play it when it was the only PS4 game. Anyone who was surprised how awful DS3 was just didn't have a chance to play Bloodborne.


Jesus christ almighty.

/r/ing the video.

Better yet, get some info and send it to jim, he's an autistic enough internet sleuth to find out everything about marche and piece it together into an entertaining video series.

I bet you pleasure yourself by stuffing your dickhole with cotton buds.

Jesus zombie fucking Christ.

what the fuck is with the shills all of a sudden

That better be bullshit. Vid or fuck off.

IA here, Holy shit
part 3 coming friday

Make it two days or no more shekels, jim!

Your anus isn't an erogenous zone, but I'm pretty sure your prosate is.

I'm not entirely sure about the urethra, but your dick doesn't feel good whenever it's touched. Just when it's active.
Last time I took a piss with a boner I seriously hurt my dick, though.

Laughing at your furry diaperfur loving autistic ass isn't shilling.

Whatever happened to val?

The whole board has been full of shitters for a few days now.

Are anons here really so gullible?

Why do people have issues peeing with erections? It doesn't make a difference.

He hides himself very well.

Rice Digital is pretty shitty as a company anyways. I've ordered a couple of their exclusive limited editions. I was greatly disappointed by the packaging of both of them, and one had a smashed soundtrack CD they refused to replace.

Asking for evidence is not being gullible. Why are you being so defensive?

Isn't this the cuckold bear?

Ok since shills are being fucking retarded

**>Why I dislike Downpour
The "leader" or basically the guy who started it is an idiot, he basically kept telling me and others what to do and not do a single thing himself
He did stuff like constantly beg Jennifer Daww for art of a character ( little girl in a yellow raincoat was the original design ) and thats the only thing he did.
He was in the Holla Forums Click and basically had a huge sperg out and left because He had a problem with me

fwiw I dont give a shit about downpour I will focus on bad localization and SJWeebs as I did before it, I never needed someone to tell me what to do.

No idea, mark said he really fucking hates me and has been proven to be targeting me
also wasnt me who said he was a tranny but I laughed about it

No real reason he just took shit wrongly got angry kicked me from a group for a few days till everyone told him to stop being a sperg and I got inveted back. among other things he got really upset because I said he should stop thirsting for every female online including mombot ( he made a new account and sent her creepy DMs but was easy enough to tell it was him )
also the other day he kept basically saying UMAD STOP SPERGING so I said if I was mad Id post the picture of his penis he sent to Panda just to fuck with him and he fucking flipped his shit
btw Ive seen marks dick

I think I've ordered from them and their shipping was stupidly high

He still posts every few days, you can tell its him since he posts really shitty web comics or defends the most stupid ass shit

I suppose when you are looking out for pictures of Nanachi being posted you kinda ignore actual shills



Good evening.

Is this the revoltards thing again?

How do you know that. It's not like we submit a report at the end of every thread showing what we've done.

Yay, more drama.

You're a furfag, everyone hates you.

guy who "started" it or very much pushed the idea. a few of us discussed localization prior and he "planned" to make a website but never did because all he really meant by that is get others to do it for him
as I said literally all he did during the Fire Emblem shit was beg Jenn for a OC donut art

there are many groups on many places, its just one of them
I dont do the Clique shit, its fucking dumb so I ignore most but I'm more than happy to just discuss shit with people like vidya and laugh at SJWs
Holla Forums one is just me joking but its the group I have to assume Revolt thought was (controlling the Holla Forums Thread and Gamergate), nobody there was controlling or plotting anything most didnt give a shit about GG by the time Revolt sperged, revoltfags were so corrupt wanting power they thought everyone who talked to each other were a clique, the most cliquish shit that happened in that group was playing mario karts


If you mean that then it was during when Ralph articles were denied due to him shilling his articles constantly. And then the "crusade" started, they sperged on Holla Forums, Holla Forums, Holla Forums, /cow/, you name it. They sperged everywhere obnoxiously for weeks.
Well, Holla Forums came from van Calkenburg when she tried to create a false scene to gain pity bux and attention in 1/2chan Holla Forums thread, I think.

Has you worked on the wiki?
Don't lie, I can read the recent edits page, the answer is no.

long memory


Also Acidman has literally never been part of a single group ive been invited into
So yea nobody was involved with him its basically what you see with him is what you got

Thats what made revolts shit about THE VEEE KLIK and ACIDCUCK so fucking funny


I was looking for this image, thanks for posting this.

It would be nice to have more games with angels actively fighting for good or at least helping the player.
Sadly, christianity was largely subverted, the west industry is shit and the nips have no obligation to do that.


Its a mix of both, I started joking about the group being Holla Forums click when revolt kept saying there was an actual group, there wasn't.

All the group is, is just friends we all got along and just talk shit with each other every day.
sure gamergate is a spergy thing that brought us together but legitimately all it is,is just friends talking about vidya together there has never been any deep dark plot.

I remember uhhhh collageanon who actually came to these threads and tried to makw people sperg out about a group, he was in it but probably got annoyed with someone or fell in with ayyfags so tried to burn bridges
If I remember correctly he went back to halfchan to bitch also

Why are you steering the conversation to be about yourself? Are you this starved for (You)'s?

I have him filtered so what about Torrential Downpour?

Did his inflation fetish damage his brain?

He is trying to paint himself as a good goy who dindu nuffins

I did lots of shit, but shitposting and making people angry is my specialities

We should restart the thread and ban aussies.

What is the wiki stuff? I've not been in these threads for a while.

Oh look the guy who keeps trying to start shit by derailing the thread doesn't even come here

Hey speaking about shit why did you DMCA that video of "mommy" changing you?

Whatever you say, diaperboy.

Acid managed to set up the wiki a couple days ago using the old assets from a couple of years ago and it's being hosted on ggwiki.deepfreeze.it. It was pretty broken when it was set up originally, but most of it is patched up and he exported articles over from the thisisvideogames wiki.
We're trying to set it up again and update it, but it's been difficult since no one is working on it.

So the GG wiki is still alive?

I fucking hate you, captcha. I despise you so much.
Well, if someone has time to fill the gaps.

Why do I get the feeling that this denial is part of someone trying to downplay the degradation of the site like how the userbase of cuckchan changed? First time I brought up one of the "storm" boards here, someone said that they don't like stormfags either, but when the subject was visited again it was more about how older people (some from Facebook) were discussing the Shadow Government? Although there might be some overlap, it's not exactly an overtly "14/88" board.

Another thing is, is there anyone suspected of taking advantage of the off topic posting and drama regarding Marche and Gildaposters to detract from other useful things like wiki contribution? Has the latest wiki really been subject to vandalism? Marche didn't do much favors to anyone by sharing the Holla Forums GG threads on twitter. I'll see what I have by this week for the wiki if my schedule clears up.

So what you're saying is we should ban marche permanently?

It's a shame because I like that kind of platforming game, but knowing who made it I refuse to give them a cent.

Only once by two IP address (i.e. no accounts) and that was close to when it started up. But, I imagine it was from a troll, because someone had google alert them if their name came up somewhere, or something else maybe.

So, what you're saying is mark is the one who ruined gamergate, not acidman?

This is some next-level retardation right here


uh huh

Yea, same here. Thank god Cuphead devs don't talk about politics.

What the fuck.

Personally I really like it, would even recommend to someone into platformers. It's kinda like Super Meat Boy but easy.

Mostly forgot what the plot was about. Something about a girl who hates herself because of her past, decides she has to do something with her life, and climbs a mountain. Also saves some pathetic men on the way.
I'm sure it will only confuse a normie who knows nothing about SJW cancer.

Are we going that way now?

said canuck negro

Just kill yourself, nigger.

Suck him off here >>>/cow/

No one generally cares about any of this, stop taking easy bait.

Also you have a habit of name dropping the wrong people or attributing one person in blaming them for absolutely everything wrong. This one of those times. How could regularly start shit when he admits to not regularly be in these threads? There's many anons that fuck with you, it's not only 1 guy from some gay twitter dm.

Generally not true. Drawthreads back then were cancerous because of retards constantly talking about the state of the threads themselves, which would always derail the threads into arguing instead of actually drawing. Drawthreads got good again once they fucked off.

id 2dc998 is a good example of the fags who constantly shitted up every drawthread over and over far worse then the resident requesters ever could. Once they cooled their autism, surprise, threads became tolerable and the next few threads afterwards produced great draws and a chill environment.

I don't touch that shit, that's all Acid's territory.

What a disgusting post.

So then just play Super Meat Boy. The worst that game has is internet memes.

I can live with SoCal art and zero-effort pixelshit, but made 4 tumblr MUH PTSD storylines with a cute little girl slapped on top for sales is where I draw the line.

Indie pixelshit games often have this problem with elements of the game with different resolutions clashing. It looks horrible, and those dialogue snippets are painful.

Giving them gibs all the time fucking their economy


So… white people have a moral responsibility to force feed the brown folks? Like how they do to geese to make foie gras?

This one?

White guilt is going full white burden.

Gah, the irony.


"Enlightened centrist".

By force feeding I guess they mean sending money to brown countries, which won't feed anyone because you're pretty much giving free money to their brown dictators.


Well technically that is feeding PoC so I guess it counts.

Reference to Daggerfall is CROTEY TOTEY

Just found this on my timeline.


Haven't this been debunked as bullshit a million times already? At this point I'm just tired… these people keep repeating the same arguments over and over and over no matter how time you prove them wrong.

Jesus fuck why is cuckchan trying so hard to colonize Holla Forums?

>>>Holla Forums855270

They're following the rapefugee trend.

No wonder there has been so many 4chan-tier shitposting threads over the past week.


We must drown out the Cuckchanners with Holla Forumsposting. Also we must drown every cuckchan tier thread with dubs. Heil Hotwheels.

Doesn't help that joot is making 4cucks even worse so that wave after wave will come here.


This place should have some kind of Sad Panda wall to weed off the normies.

joot works for jewgle now and Hiroshima is in charge of halfchan

Joot is a nick name used for Hiroshima

No it isn't
jew + moot = joot
Are you retard? Hiroshima is gook moot

He should be called Goot or something.

Hiroshima Nagasaki to be correct

Mark and his hotpockets need to do a purge before this place becomes 4chan's Holla Forums

Only normalfags says normies.
you have to go back

B-but not allowing cuckchan tier threads is oppression, only rulecucks like quality threads.

I can never tell what's going on. I'll always be clueless

What kind of an unholy abomination of a mongrel is he?

A jew that doesn't fear the samurai?

Holy shit you're dumb, people called actual Moot aka Christopher Poole joot for years because they called him a jew, jew + moot = joot. That's a nickname for moot, it's like calling hotwheels cripple kike.
A nip by the name of Hiroyuki Nishimura bought 4chan in like 2014 or 2015 so people call him Hiroshima Nagasaki because the initials fit and it's funnier and easier to remember than his actual name.
People use gook interchangeably with any asian sometimes jokingly. So that's why they call him gook moot because he's asian and "the new moot" Fucking christ, develop some basic reading comprehension you mong

Yeesh, calm down.


Don't be such a retarded faggot and learn to fucking read then, how the fuck do you interact anywhere online when you can't even follow a basic conversation. Maybe you should lurk and attempt to learn to read instead of asking stupid questions

Obviously. The SJWfags get a rush thinking they're "fighting the good fight". The only real problem is we're not as vicious as we used to be. There should be tomblerones, gore, and everything else at least 3 times per thread, and mark should remove the need to open gifs, and have them play automatically. That'd sort this place out quick.

Remember, it's possible to change the file extension of a gif to .png and it still plays. So you can do things like having a cute animu grill first frame and gore after that, and no newfag will be the wiser.

Why Minaru looks like an Asuka Kazama copycat?

You're getting mad over peanuts here.
And that's quite a short fuse you have. I pity your wife and children.

Would Boston Salt party tier work?

No, that'd turn shit real fast with anyone spamming huge gifs and making the page load and run slow.
Especially on a connection as shit as mine

And loli posting.

Here's a video about an aussie furry trolling an aussie cow.

Reminds me of Hitler explaining how fruitless it was to argue with Jews. "Gradually, I began to hate them".

Shut up faggot
I just think it's fun to go on angry rants online

What a sad man.
Here, have a Nanachi.




Guys we need to focus on SPJ Airplay. Have we fed the contestants all the answers they need?

We need Ollie on the board guys, I'm getting worried. Someone contact the John guy.




yeah can confirm, lost like 150 pounds doing this

I've reported a bunch of posts and I'm probably gonna be the only one banned

Some skinwalkers have been goading the furry into 'tism fits by exploiting minor drama from previous breads.

I wish they'd fuck off, but I also wish Marche would take his goddamned medicine and stop gobbling down bait like it's stinky aussie trucker dick.

You do know we have a filter feature, right?

Is this loli ok

I think it's just a fundamental lack of understanding about food that causes people to think that weight loss is difficult or you need some meme diet to do it. And even if people understand that eating too much makes you fat and eating less makes you lose weight, they underestimate the calories in things. Like 2 tbsp of peanut butter is 188 calories. If you Have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a reasonable amount of fillings. That can easily exceed 500 calories and you'll still be hungry after. Same with something like butter or margarine, 1 tbsp is 100 calories so if you butter your toast in the morning or use a lot of butter for cooking, you can rack up calories very quickly without realizing it if you don't pay attention

The only medicine I take is for my skin and I take it every day

Diaper rash fucking you up?

There's also sugary drinks, which give you calories without making you less hungry. Removing them from your life is half your diet already accomplished. Remember that the Holla Forums only drinks water and tea meme exists for a good reason.

Fuck off, we don't want you here. If you want to attention whore, do it on reddit or something. The whole point of an imageboard is being anonymous and if you're too much of a nigger to understand that you should probably hang yourself.

All these free (You)'s


That too, I see people recommend all natural fruit juice as a good drink alternative to soda and I just can't believe how dumb it is, fruit juice often has even more calories per milliliter than soda, but people act as if it's healthy and fine because it's "all natural" or "no sugar added"

What about coffee, black?

How is Dobson so consistently retarded? No marvel fans are complaining about black panther because of black people. He just sets up a situation that has never happened and then knocks it down, the ultimate strawman

Okay. I reported because he disagreed with the king of Holla Forumsclique.

Didn't revolt sperg over something like that?

hope this movies bombs

honestly some days I'm not even sure how it works, it's like I'll gain more weight than the weight of the food I ate, or how can 2 table spoons of butter have more calories than like 5 balls of letuce

I haven't even payed attention to this. What are the problems with the black Panther movie?

Yes and constant autistic gaslighting of Acidman, but /revolt/ assumed that the Holla Forums clique was like them: an overly-ambitious cancerous circle jerk of furry eceleb wannabes when the actual Holla Forums clique is a just bunch of weeb shitposters and Mark for some reason.

I forgot how retard revolt was

So, that's why Marche is able to piss so many people off on Twitter.

Are they even planning on releasing it in China? I've read the Chinese aren't fond of niggers.

It looks like shit for one.

So to the guy that recommended I watch Girls Last Tour a few breads ago, watched it all and I found it to be decent at best. Anime was extremely slow and nothing ever happened besides teh fish episode and the final one. Also fuck them mushroom things for eating the camera

I don't know, the last Marvel movie I watched was Guardians of the Galaxy 1 when it came out and I haven't paid attention to any of the movies since. But I can guarantee anyone who consistently watches those movies and anything else disney shits out won't have a problem with watching a black panther movie.

I don't think you can gain more weight than the total weight of the food you ate, I just did the calculation and even if you were eating pure butter you would need to eat 1.1lbs of butter to gain 1lb of body fat.
Vegetables are really not very calorie dense like other stuff, that's one of the reasons it's good to fill up on vegetables I guess

Well could you please rein in your furry. We can't very well tell other faggots to lurk moar when there is an autistic spaz going around smearing shit everywhere. At least get him to stop posting about 8ch on twitter outside of your dm circlejerk.

The trailer has this exact text:


Watch Izetta next if you want some action, military witches and noble sacrifice.

You missed the best part
So people dare question diversity advocates on their bullshit, the diversity advocate spergs the fuck out, then when they get reported for sperging they consider that harassment


If this is you Pewter, there are reasons that aren't drama to get mad at you.

Or making a snarky #killallmen #yesallmen joke, remember how evil baby eating nazis have weaponized taking innocent jokes literally :^)

The fact that, once again, their tactics have been turned against them and they can't see how it happened is astounding.

I do my fair share of shitting on and reporting Marche when he's sperging out here, but I have no more control over his twitter bullshit than any other user also he isn't part of the DM

So he was exiled for being a sperg?


I have that video of him being changed by "mommy" saved
and will post it if he really goes over the line, but that's as far as I will go.


Yeah fucko, not believing you for some weird reason. Maybe you need to stop visiting threads just to try and stir up retarded drama without even bothering to make it sound real.


>half the thread was "look, Dobson, are you seriously using something politically divisive as your first thing to actually get critiqued? That's just asking to get trolled."

Now we just need the Not Ugly version of realistic faces.

Surprise, surprise.


figures I'd start seeing such chunky "retro" pixels after spending a good while making a screen mockup within the limits of an NES

Is the artist a legitimate nip, or just a sjweeb?

Most likely an sjweeb.

Nvm, don't answer.
Judging from the art it's most likely just a sjweeb.
I'll be really surprised if the artist is a nip though.

I think it has to do with salt honestly. I drink a lot of water and some days I piss very little, usually when I eat very salty stuff. Some times I'll wake up heavier than before I went to bed (but that might be because my scale is fucked or something)

Yes, Wu, it was all about you all along

That's just water weight user, salt increases the amount of water weight you carry

From what I've been told, apparently substances like caffeine and alcohol do effect your body's weight.

best incentive for losing weight is get rid of your fucking scale

Only go somewhere with a precise scale maybe once every month or so to see how it's going. Focus more on your body compositon than body weight - are you cheeks starting to thin a bit, is your double chin not so visible, are your stomach rolls feeling a bit lighter etc. etc. I ruined a few of my own weight losses by focusing on the scale weight and lost motivation if it had jumped upa few kilos on one day after haivng los that amount two weeks prior. just start doing shit and you'll notice and feel the difference eventually. good luck

Alcohol is calories

That's retarded, scale weight can fluctuate based on water weight so sometimes it's not the best indication of how well you'e doing day to day, but you will see developments week to week and you will see trends which can help motivate you to continue to lose weight.

worked for me, guess I'm retarded. the real issues about life changes are longevity and keeping the change going, this helped with me and a few others I know pssychologically

Different for everyone I guess. Out of sight out of mind for me, when I stopped weighing myself I took back like 60 pounds. It feels really nice when things go well and you go down a pound every 2 days. Key is to focus on when it works rather than when it does, if you go up a pound or two overnight keep going. Now if after a week there's been no change in your weight you're doing something wrong so time to look again.


Not content to only destroy traditional forms of art, these people must also sodomize new forms of art as well.

Was there some sort of drama I missed?

Gasoline is calories, but it doesn't mean your body can absorb or metabolize it if you drink it the calorie is a unit of how much shit burns, but it's a terrible measurement of how your body metabolizes food and drink as we all metabolize food differently based on overall general health, daily activity level, gut flora health, or even time of day. but there are a lot of simple sugars with the alcohol which you can metabolize.

No, he means alcohol breaks down into carbohydrates.

can't be that terrible a measurement honestly since I lost 150 pounds just eating less than my TDEE

It's still a good guide, "muh metabolism" is generally used by Antifat shaming activists as an excuse as to why they can't lose weight. I remember a hilarious study which showed that "diet resistant" fat people exaggerated how much exersize they do and underestimate how much they eat. I left a link to the study on /fatshaming/, let me see if I can still find it.

Found it

I know what a calorie is, but alcohol is metabolized by the body as says, it breaks down into carbohydrates which your body uses as energy. Don't be stupid, calories are a good measurement of the energy contained in food and we can pretty accurately determine what your body uses. Determining your TDEE and then cutting calories based on that is THE way to lose weight, you are depriving your body of the energy it needs to function so it uses it's own energy stores (fat) to continue to function and that's the most basic fact of nutrition.

It's still bad advice in general because for most people seeing trends works as a motivator

I mean this quite literally
You can eat the food, count all the calories, but when you shit it out, but you don't dry out the shit and light the shit on fire to measure how much Degrees Centigrade it heats up a Liter of water to find out how much calories your body didn't absorb from that food.

You can't use calories to understand the efficiency of your engine.


Seriously, I'd have actually considered watching it if LITERALLY EVERYONE IN THE MEDIA wasn't using it as anti-white propaganda

But calories is still a good way of telling that a Heart attack baconator special meal is probably unhealthier than a sandwhich. Or that gobbling cheese balls every day is probably not good for your waistline.

okay, I digress if i'm really the minority

That shows they can actually draw, which make their horrors intencional, which makes it worse.

Yes like I said you fucking retard I know what a calorie is, are you going to dispute that it's a unit of energy and your body uses a certain amount of energy per day to function? Yeah obviously you aren't going to calculate down to the joule how much energy you are consuming and how much energy you are using but for the most part calories are a good measurement of that energy expenditure. Are you going to deny that? Are you just being intentionally difficult trying to get bogged down in minutia? I guarantee if you cut 500 calories a day you will lose approximately 1 pound per week (3500 calories = 1 pound of fat) you cannot deny this because it has been observed over and over that there are only minor variations in metabolism and a person of a certain weight and height of average musclemass will use a certain amount of energy per day and it's relatively easy to determine

Fair enough, everyone needs to find the motivation that works for them and I was just speaking generally

sure, you don't consume 100% of what you eat, but obviously it doesn't matter that much because counting calories does work. Yeah it's not 100 precise sure but it's precise enough… also not gonna go into too much detail but when I'm eating 1200 calories a day I go to the bathroom maybe every 3 days, so if you're eating under what you need there isn't much waste, the body is good at keeping as much nutriments as it can

To add one more thing the reason we use calories is because in edible food. How much it burns is a very good indicator of how much it fuels your body.

Sounds about right. As far as I know it's another capeshit film.

True. "Muh genetics" is an non-excuse for not trying to lose weight, but you're bullshitting in the opposite direction; claiming everyone metabolism is basically the same when it's something complicated that scientists don't even really understand yet.
Different people have different metabolisms due to many different variables which makes things hard to pin down to study. There's so much to learn with just gut flora alone….

You don't know your own body's efficiency level. Stop bullshitting.

Ars Technica: "The (still) uncertain state of video game streaming online." Feigns to give a nuanced take while in defense of streaming…only to rehash the PewDiePie "scandal" and slip in self-censorship


The Telegraph: "Playing with fire? Critics turn on new era of gaming." Highlights the growing significance of the backlash against certain industry trends


Did you just ignore the rest of my post?

That seems a bit of a strawman argument, when did I say that everyone metabolises food exactly the same? All I said was that it was a good general indicator of what sort of foods you should eat and how much you should eat. You're using a lot of the same arguments and language as a Health At Every Size advocate, why is that?

Because he's a fat fuck and doesn't want to own up to his eating habits and instead wants to believe that it's impossible to get a fairly accurate measurement of the energy his body uses

He also posted unspoilered pony porn immediately after that, his second unspoilered post in a row. All his posts were deleted after that.

How to consume negative net calories in 3 simple steps without meme diets:
- Don't eat in the morning
- Eat highly nutritious lunch with low GI carbs
- Eat little to zero carbohydrates at dinner

I don't get how people take him seriously when all he does is say the most retarded shit.

An user brought up Connor and the Cartel days ago, asking others to dig. Marche went on a rant about not asking others to do things and completely overstating how much importance that user put on Connor, as well as pretending the Cartel was of little importance just like Connor. Almost no one mentioned Connor after that, but Marche continued to sperg about Connor in every thread since then. Then he was unfairly banned for replying to another user about Made in Abyss under the pretense of off topic derailing, while an attention whoring tranny user's much more off topic and effective derailing remained. This caused his sperging to go into overdrive. He may have also told anons to fuck off with board wars, but I can't remember if that was him. Some anons were shilling /animu/, because /a/ is shit, but some user's were also spreading fake news about just how bad /a/ is. A single user on /animu/ was shilling /games/. A few anons laughed at him.

Daily reminder the Blade Trilogy never happened.


Or just track the amount of calories you use and eat 500 less and don't be fucking stupid

There's several completely optional areas, and missable optional area, plenty of hidden nooks and crannies you may have missed by rushing so much, and the DLC has the best bosses and music as well as makes magic builds viable after beating it's final boss. Every single weapon is viable and NG+ continues on forever. You can use the final boss's weapon in NG+, and you should really experiment with different weapon runs. There are three different endings if I recall. Chalice dungeons a shit.

a missable optional area*

Tracking calories is meme dieting, I am not weighting all of my food to know how exactly how many calories are in what I am eating. It's much easier to divide your day in three parts: fasting mornings, feast lunch, protein dinner. Your body will take care of losing weight as long as you're eating smart.

Kill yourself you fucking mongoloid, your fucking diet is a meme diet, tracking calories lets you eat whatever the fuck you want as long as you eat a caloric deficit, that's not a fucking meme diet. Holy shit you're retarded, if you want to eat your diet and it works for you then that's fine I don't give a shit but tracking calories isn't hard and it's not a fucking meme diet holy shit you're dumb

How to spot a literal shill.

I would much rather try and focus on quality discussion so whoever comes thinks that's normal.

It's rather racist of them to think black people are so different that I couldn't identify with one, isn't it? My favorite superhero was Static Shock when I was younger. Too bad people are incapable of writing black character that don't cry about whitey the whole time.

Anyone have that four panel image that's been reversed and edited so that it' about a slut becoming pure?

yeah see this doesn't work for everyone either, for a month or two I tried something like this, not eating until dinner and I'd end up making meals that were like 2 thousand calories (not that hard when using a lot of cooking oil and having a large appetite which made me fat in the first place), counting calories is the most reliable way but other ways work too

I know the answer already, but do these people just hate fun? Is there some sort of anti-fun gene that makes people like this?

Women hate it when men aren't paying attention to them, it's why they invite male immigrants from poor countries hoping to get some attention.

Fresh confused anime girls

what are they even complaining about?

Ugandan Knuckles is the new swastika for nazis and Razer tweeted a joke with it.

I don't know, but it helped me discover that movie which is well worth watching.

gonna have to spoonfeed me more than that, the knuckles meme is the know the wae one right? they saying it's racist or something?

That's just encourage nu/pol/ and r/the_donald tier shitposters. Post lolis instead.

Yes. Everything is racist.

Show me proof, I need to laugh/rage.

all right, what's the "reasoning" there?

Post Nanachi instead

They honestly couldn't even bother looking it up. So much for "intellectual elite".

Some people in PUBG make clicking sounds as well, which I suppose actually is racist, but excluding that there's nothing wrong with it unless finding different accents funny is racist.

Yes. Playing off the absurdity of using a super deformed knuckles model while imitating an ugandan accent while quoting an ugandan movie that doesn't take itself seriously is racist and only nazis like it, user.

Knuckles sounds Ugandan, therefore making fun of Ugandans, therefore racist.

So laughing at Tommy Wiseau's accent is racist now? What about watching Flight of the Concords?

"Everything is racist and everything is sexist, you just have to figure out how." -Saint Anita "The Armenian genocide never happened" Sarkskar

He's white so it's okay.

Careful now user. Made in Abyss is a bannable offense.

Only if you engage with marche I hope you're not marche and I get b&

Seriously, it's like all these fuckers don't understand that 99% of the public just wants to watch a fucking movie and not get bashed on the head with politics over it.

The stupid part is that to them characters like iron man or soiderman aren't examples of how great whites are but suddenly when its a nig the superhero represents all of africa

This is only a small part of it. The guy later says the natives can't determine what is racist and then calls them ignorant. The replies to razer are even worse at times, or you could just search twitter about what people are saying about razer. Chris Plante sperged out how terrible the meme is and how racist anyone who likes it are while shitting on video games.


How do you track calories, bub, do you weight all of your food?

That's not him unless he changes IDs, which he claims he doesn't. You're in the clear, friend.

The problem is if they didn't rely on this, they would have to rely on being entertaining.

I am so thankful they are incompetent. If they knew what they were doing, we might have Hilary as president.

Yes, I have a food scale and I weigh everything I eat. It takes like 30 seconds

And Chris Plante will forever be known as "that guy who trivialized one of humanity's greatest 21st century achievements and bullied a scientist to tears over a fucking t-shirt."

Nigger that is not what I suggested doing at all.

Don't forget that his female friend made him that shirt

Also it really helps with recipes because I can accurately recreate all the food I make so I can consistently add the exact same amount of ingredients every time

And when confronted with this fact, deflected with "well, you can't criticize me, because I'm a cripple!"

that's true but it's somewhat like it, what I'm saying is it depends for everyone, lots of ways can work but if you have a big appetite (which is likely if you're fat) calorie counting is the most reliable way to do it

Well good for you, but it's much much easier to prolong your fast until lunch than eating small carb meals that will make you even more hungry.

I went through the archives and that user only really brought Connor and the subbers as part of the problem, how Marche and some of those other anons thought TD anons were leaderfagging is confusing. The TD anons actually gave pretty eloquent responses and cleared up what they were talking about while making a pretty valid point how Marche does nothing while whining about how no one does nothing.

Are you fucking retarded?

You know what's much more racist, and that SJWs do much more often? Say we need black role models for black children. That directly implies blacks aren't capable of empathizing with people based on anything but skin color.

Sweden is lost, isn't it? It's going to be destroyed by muslims and there won't be a rise of armed swedish people shooting muslims and niggers.

Nationalism is rising quietly in Sweden, I think.

Vikings sold their own wives to Islam, how else did you think this was going to end?

Well, I just hope they rise and start killing fucking sandniggers to set an example to the rest of europe.
If the flag country of cuckholdry managed to uncuck themselves the rest of leftist institutions would fall.

Like that episode of Vikings?

What pissed me off is how even a lot of e-celebs joined in. You had those yogscast fags push that shit and even try to dox people close to him or dox people who called them out.


Not long now until we hear the correct pronunciation of hahmuubahgah.

Wasn't the PUBG stuff related to a specific streamer, whose 'fans' consistently trolled them in-game, by playing as black characters who quote Ugangan movies?

That can mean they are proud of their country being a PC shithole

Pretty much. Hardly anyone openly says they oppose immigration or that hey hold any other problematic opinions because of social stigma, but the nationalist party keeps growing. They're constantly in the top three during polls and if the social-dems or moderates (the "conservative" party) fuck up they instantly shoot past the two of them before the damage control kicks in.
The state run TV channels have literally cut audio from people heckling and booing the prime minister during his spontaneous PR appearances, so they probably won't win the next election unless some fuckery happens.

Also, Static Shock was the shit.

But will it be too late by then? Is it already too late?

Once again, demonstrating how eager they are to go "it's okay when we do it!"

And by they I mean the socdems. It'll be either the moderatess or SD.
Unless it's the centrists. Their leader got invited to the bilderberg meeting after all.

But they are right, sexism should never be tolerated in a progressive society.


It's not too late to take the country back, but it is too late to do it without spilling blood. The sandniggers are hordified in Sweden and won't go quietly. I really wish the cuck peoples of Europe looked at what happened in SEA countries where islam took over.

This year is election year, and Sweden doesn't have an electoral college.
That means that the inner-city cucks that live in white neighborhoods and is "friends" with the guy that makes pizza down the street has the most power.

How strong is swedish meme magic?

Actually, when I said media in this case, I meant the "news reporting" media. I would love to see the moment when after all the mass-slandering of a demographic (as a means to increase interest) makes things go so wrong, that even if the movie makers did nothing wrong with the movie itself, no one would go see their movie. Even if Black Panther has no bullshit racial politics, I wouldn't see it after reporters hyped it up by trashing white people. When will we see the day that product makers realize their marketing is doing the exact opposite of what it should be doing?

Slowly but surely does the meme magic take it's course. A lot of "good people" is starting to feel the effects of the "bringers of culture", so that helps as well.
Also a bit of a tangent about Swedes because why not.
The thing about the Swedish mentality is that we like the "new and unknown", some writers even talked about this mentality back in the 1800's.
In short, we copy what everyone else does and aim to be the best at it. Globalism and destroying your own nations has been popular these last few decades, but now nationalism is rising in Europe. So there will be a time when Swedes aim to be the best nationalists.

My thought as well. The news media and hype media using racism towards whites to promote it as well as glorifying thug culture basically made it a "I dun wanna see it"

When you do become nationalists, mind invading canada for its resources/ to divide up the country into smaller countries?

When the hell did nationalist suddenly mean conqueror?

When did I advocate for small carb meals? I'm just saying to consume less calories than you use. I personally never eat breakfast as I don't even get hungry until mid afternoon. Like I said earlier if whatever you're doing works for you then great stick with it. It's just easier to give people a definite plan of action such as "calculate your TDEE then eat 500 calories less than that to lose approximately 1 pound per week" rather than some vague thing about low carbs high proteins. It's much easier for a person who doesn't understand nutrition to stick to more rigid guidelines rather than give them leeway to fuck up. For example going by your guidelines you can eat a fuckload of cheese at dinner and since that's higher protein and no carbs then it's fine. Except if you still eat a bunch of cheese that will be a lot of calories despite being low carb

Since hitler :^] But seriously, in order to protect nationalist areas, commie areas will need to be broken, or the rats will come back later from the nests.and canada and the people need to learn what true strife and fear looks like from the reciving end for once.



I might have to take a look over at 4plebs but perhaps another reason for shitposting on 8ch is due to national socialist Holla Forums threads getting the axe for now?

The outdated models that got us to the moon and gave us modern physics. Fantastic proposal.

Well this explains why I have been seeing goon tier arguements like "anime bewbs are distracting and I can't play this single player game with muh fweinds" and pushing revision that 90s Japanese games didn't have girls showing skin.

Fuck off with the drama, jesus fucking christ. if you continue I'll ban you both for responding to the bait.

I fuck up from time to time, but for the most part I know what I'm doing. If I really wanted to hurt the board I'd give it away to car user. He'd make imkampfy look good, I could also remove all the word filters and not remove any spam, hell I could do it like Holla Forums where there would be a bunch of "what did he mean by this" threads without any moderation at all. I could make it so only namefags can post, I can require both captcha and subject fields along with flags.

Either way I may fuck around here and there, but I got this.

Yeah but future physics will be made with vaginas and intersectionalism.


"I want to fuck totodile but I'm totally not a furry!" - you

pls no


Says the guy who spent $2000 on rockband them lost it all when his account got banned. As well as accidentally sending dick pics to a group DM

that being said I stll like you mark you're a good guy

He always posts red cars and goes on multiple paragraph long rants about how much he hates Mark

post the screencaps of you spending $20,000 dollars on dildos and fetish shorts on amazon while drunk

He's endearing and likable, Id buy him a beer Platonic, No homosex

Ah, I see. I barely put much thought as to what distinct personalities of autism these shills have, always treat them like they are one person.

I think it's red Rx7s he posts or something, anyway he usually only goes on those rants in meta threads so it's a bit contained. He's pretty iconic, because it's always these massive angry posts with a pic of a red car. Even though I disagree with him I think his rants are pretty funny honestly


MacroJew actually gave him back hs account.

Oh really? Good for him, he's lucky honestly


Fine. Keep trannies away from vol positions though.

No, Mark make me mod pls

Wasn't that a lie made up by Marche?

Marche claims it wasn't him, he says he just laughed at it

I'm pretty sure it wasn't him too.

Attention whores begone.

Again it could be Marche trying to save face.

I can't say if I know for certain if it's him or not, but his behavior is getting really annoying, wouldn't surprise me if he's going all out with his autism.

Good morning!

It was just a joke user, I'm not actually a tranny

VERY alive. gamergatewiki.org

There's going to be a fundraiser drive in a few weeks. The goal is to pay for all the costs of keeping the wiki and Deepfreeze up for five years in advance.

Then we never have to worry about shit again.

sure you're not faggot

How much is the goal? Keep me posted, maybe I'll donate.

Unless you get one or two very generous donators, or its surprisingly low cost, I don't think it'll go well. A depressingly small amount of people here and on KiA seem to care about this wiki. Apparently you literally only have one person from this thread helping fix it up.

Still, good luck. Our autism deserves to be preserved for future generations to be disgusted by.

I'm glad to hear you got your Xbox account back. While hilarious, it was complete bullshit it got banned in the first place.

anything interesting happened this week?

Hard to tell when have at least two, and at least one intentionally draws attention to himself what feels like at least once a week.

Connor and the Cartel were probably brought up because when Connor made his Persona 5 localization website Cartel fags (like Daiz and Xythar) tried to shill it all over on twitter (including SJWeeb translators as well as the media). Anyone who was around during that shitshow likely noticed this going down on.

There's no grand conspiracy or masterminds, that's not how conspiracies work. A lot of fan subbers for anime and fan translators for obscure weeb games are buddy-buddy on social media with a least minimal familiarity. They in turn often suck up to more mainstream translation companies, often whiteknight "localization" they like and will excuse censorship through localization. It's important not overstate one's importance, but it's also not unreasonable to use that as an avenue to dig.

Thank you

>>>Holla Forums11138012
Google Employees are literally ANTIFA

Page 28 and pic relateddocdroid.net/mOfipXR/20180108-damore-complaint-fs.pdf

Spread it far, use $GOOG and $GOOGL to make investors shit themselves.


This is big…. now that Antifa got declared as a domestic terrorist, this means that Google is conspiring to incite terrorism.

I think this is a bit old, but I'm glad it's being brought up again. Google is really shit.

I should really get around to playing persona. I've even managed to stay away from all the spoilers somehow so if there was a better time to get into it now would be it.
I also got a wisdom tooth pulled. It was partially fused to my jaw bone It took some manhandling to pull it out. Even the dental assistants around me were saying that that was a weird one. They said if I want to take a picture afterwards
Post cute things to get my mind off the pain.

If anyone is interested this guy has a good breakdown on the Damore's lawsuit. He actually brings up that antifa thing you posted in part 2


According to BG the hosting is quite cheap. I'm going to take a stab and assume bandwidth is going to go up with both sites hosted on the same server, so I'm guessing somewhere in the $5000 range to cover all of it.

At any rate, even if it misses the goal, the money will keep the sites up for as long as people are willing to pay for them. I've also got some sysop volunteers, so regular maintenance will no longer be a problem.

I said Alexandria is meant to be a permanent wiki, and by God I mean it.

Don't play the newer ones. I recently played P5. It was shit. All style, no substance. I hear the first two games are much better.

Fuck, gather info and make infographs guys- we got this.

Christ. That whole level of SJW higher than I thought individual Jewgle employees were at.

You have a shit waifu but at least you're ambitious.

I hope you have costings. The fags on Reddit will tear you apart and call you a scammer without some solid figures.

Any risk of some insane blue haired harpy getting info on the people donating to this like they got info on Trump donators?

Google literally had diversity training about "plurality" hosted by someone who identified as both a yellow scaled dragon. And an ornate building

All it takes for a human resources to be infected.
Notice how all the hippies of the 60s are now CEOs of big companies they used to hate? Their politics are the same, they just justify their new position in the world.
Looking at the history of the CEOs of Google should be enlightening I bet.
The fact Schmidt went to N.Korea in 2013 shows their true colors alone.

Yes, but the slimy social tactics they use to ruin the world are still just slimy social tactics. Antifa is guilty of actual political violence.

I think that twitter account is just some random nip.
yubird.tumblr.com is the abomination's tumblr. Some tumblrites will actually sign their shit with a @ in front of their tumblr handle for whatever reason.

It's not a big leap between sjw insanity and antifa, if you truly believe all that sjw stuff then antifa would seem reasonable as well

I don't think so, unless gofundme would go full poz and hand over info.

I considered going on with the joke longer honestly and leading people on but then it would have become >I was merely pretending and I figured it was best to just make it a one post deal

Yes I am, unless you are in the reject one? ya know the one where people got kicked or left the real one so they are stuck with the rejects
then no, I am not in the reject group

Mark, I want to let you know I appreciate you and would fuck you.

Are you implying you want a Markimakura?

Raped by a fucking tree
Would have been great if we could inform the rest of the site about an opportunity to kick google's shit in addition to the wiki (save for potential for shill awareness), but what can you do? At least we did well and /abdl/ lost again.

Mark has but one true love, and it's not you, user.

Man, even Ko likes Pop Team Epic these days.

Dangit. That would have been a nice topper to opening the board up again. If I had shekels, I'd buy some ads.

Alright, so its time to ask:

A: We're not in a holiday.
B: It's not spring break.
C: There's been plenty of happenings

The breads have been slow as fuck for a week now, seemingly at all hours of the day. Where the heck is everybody?


It's dying.

I'm stuck browsing the internet on a 14 year old laptop till Monday afternoon or Tuesday

End of semester exam time.

I have a final on thursday.

Over the last few months there's been a few talented shills that subtly derail these threads into shitposting. It's hard to call them out because you can't tell if it's an actual attempt or just the conversation flowing normally. They also always disappear when the thread reaches the bump limit.

For example, up above you see a few posters subtly bait the retarded furry into an autistic meltdown. There's also a long, unrelated discussion/argument about dieting. I'm unsure if that was a natural segue or a successful derail.

More overtly, there was >>14236030 (now deleted), which was literally just a (1) out of nowhere going "Sweden is cucked, how did it get so bad?", and a half dozen people took the bait. This turns away old and new GG anons alike.

Sometimes I'm unsure if these threads are actually full of GG anons or just a handful of shills baiting each other. Once in a while these threads degenerate into actual nonsense as a result of the latter.

I wish the few GG anons still here would learn to simply stop taking the fucking bait, but I'm often reminded what's left after 4 years of this shit are people with actual, genuine aspergers who can't intuit shillery, or just the slightly dumb fuckers who want to contribute but have nothing of value to say.

I wonder which category I fall into.

These are better explanation.

Notice how high the UID count is? It usually hovers around 110. We've got some new faces posting, for better or worse.

What direction is the wiki going for?
Restricted to games and anime journalism or could I also write about general SJW stuff like Google's James Damore for example. I think I saw a shirt-gate page on the wiki.

If it fits any one of those, and #GG took an interest in it, add it.

No ideological agendas?

No. Just a like a real wiki, each article should make neutral claims and cite sources (archives, in our case) as evidence.

is startpage.com broken or anything?

The only thing broken around here is your shift key.

ive been watching internet drama streams non-stop. help

There is no help for you. You know what you must do.


New Gilda art!!


He's getting better, but drawing hands is clearly his weak point.

It seems like a lot of people are going after monster hunter now as a series for somehow supporting violence against animals. Did Capcom piss off journalists or something?

What kind of drama?

please tell me she is from an anime full of christmas cakes


Thought you might want to know. Most of the members of GameJournoPros have never had their own wiki pages.

Including Chris Plante

Sounds like it might be fun?

What is he trying to get across here?

Which one do you want to start with?

Only if you fix that shift key VPN jumper. :^)

That one was me, but the original discussion only lasted for a dozen posts before it ended and we moved on. This faggot, however, then used it as a derailer which degraded into a flame war over principle of calorie counting:

Don't they already have DeepFreeze pages?

They do, which would be a great citation.

Anywhere #GG crossed paths with them is addable. If you want to shit on extra hard for other things, just bring it up in the same article in a section under "other controversies" or something.

We literally own this wiki. Finally. You can do basically whatever you want with it, just don't be a retard.

archive.is/DGmUq Fox News's Howard Kurtz forgets to change accounts

-Brittany Venti banned for not being black, while doing cooking streams of black people food. she had to show her DNA test results to be unbanned
-Kraut and Tea tried to make a comeback on twitch but links the twitch with his sponsor (which is a sexdoll company)
-Jim vs Laura Loomer
- AmazingAtheist disagreement shit
- blizzard hunting toxic overwatch players on youtube comments


Apparently there was more drama involving funimation and the VA for goku. Is this true? My friend told me something about how Goku's VA tried to justify funimations shit and insulted a fan.

Last bread hit 700 on page 10.

Nigger, that was his fifth post. He has six in my unrefreshed bread.


2 days ago I know, but it might as well needs to be archived for posterity.

Nothing I didn't see coming if this is true. Remember to avoid Sony products, including those from Funimation and to not subscribe to Crunchyroll/VRV. If you need to consume them, pirate or make sure you don't pay for them.

pls no bully


How do I pirate a PS4?


Pirate the PC ports, for now. Unless there's a PS4 hardmod I missed out on.

That's not the real video you fool. Here's the real one.

Didn't realize cooking fried chicken is racist.


How long until watermelons are racist to eat unless you're black?

"Cultural appropriation" is the dumbest fucking concept ever. Even taking interest in a foreign culture solely to make money off of it is better than outright ignoring it/pretending it doesn't exist, since it could expose interested people to that culture.
t. Euskadi

If black people eat watermelons, it isn't racist.

Any sort of acknowledgement that back people MAY eat watermelons is extremely racist.

There are five lights.

You're wrong, user. According to the PC crowd, you can only experience a culture unless it is through their lenses which, ironically, are actually even more racist than those who are just naturally racist.

If anything, that's the one mind-boggling aspect of the baizuo and Left that I just cannot get why people don't see. They advocate for the fact that "these are poor people, we should take care of them", and they get charities (Even legit ones) and churches and soccer moms all jumping on that bandwagon, yet it goes everything against what was taught to people about growing with how "Give a man a fish versus teaching a man to fish". How is it that you have all of these efforts and ideals floating around that run contradictory to everything even the most pozzed of education teach you when you're young?



I bought Overwatch when it came out, pretty much all my regular gaming buddies were buying in so I figured it might be some fun, that didnt pan out, but Ive gone back to play again a few times since just to try and get my monies worth. Let me tell you, Blizzards weird obsession with eliminating "toxic" behavior from the game has had a bizarre side effect on the games community, its induced full blown troll paranoia. Every game theres at least one retard accusing someone of being a troll. Make a mistake and you're a troll, pick a hero your teammates dont like? Troll. Didnt manage to heal your teammate in time before they got downed? Troll. Lose a game? Everyones a troll. I had a few guys complaining about how they'd had entire teams full of trolls for every single match of every game they'd played that day, because they were on a loss streak. Some of these fuckers are so dense it literally doesn't occur to them that they might just be losing because they're shit, and not because theres some kinda of massive conspiracy to keep them down. Its only going to get worse with this ridiculous youtube stalking bullshit.

The game is trash, and theres no saving it, especially with Blizz acting the way they are, but Itll be interesting to see just how bad their heavy handed moderation will get, how much of the community will they strip out before its pure enough that they're happy, and how psycho will the remaining players go on each other over tiny slights and mistakes?

Isn't that how all MOBAs are? I guess Blizzard succeeded in making Overpriced a genuine MOBA game that is an FPS.

If OW dies of because of its retard policing then it'll be a good year.

mark is that you?

This is supposedly the leadup and the actual ban. She appears to be using chalk to make mud pies, which isn't too far off from reality in Haiti. Here's also an article about them, including the usual gibs chastisement

How's Spain?

Cannot be worse than me, I pre-ordered Battlefield 4

How? Why?

I made some alterations to the wiki's main page. Tell me what you think.


The maps and the 64 vs 64 hook me up, I don't regret it that much, I enjoyed the game actually but it sucked at the beginning with all those bugs and disconnections, right now that it was fixed, I can say that is the best game Dice has made.

But it teach me the lesson of not pre-order stuff, wait two weeks if it's worthy or not.

Pretty neat so far. Are you planning on updating the front page image for every year or just outright change it?

Both probably. With special images for GG anniversaries and the like.

Last I checked, the police were trying to subvert the will of the Spanish. Then again, I don't follow on stuff related to Spain.

Did you check the todo page?

It was about Sean doing a posh british accent for Goku Black that some didn't like, and said that he doesn't take feedback from fans when confronted about it, iirc. Chris Sabat I know fell for the poor Anita and Hillary meme.

The scripts I ran should have fixed most of the crosslinks and other issues, and the images and section formatting should all be done.

The number of errored pages should now be small, maybe a couple dozen out of the total.

I can add a To Do link to the main page though. Sound good?


Registered to help out. I'm moving some choice items from OP Timber to the wiki. Gonna look over the To Do list as well.

I'm also a designfag if you need some graphics and I have some spare time.

Now that I remember when he dyed his hair, I can't help but find it a bit funny if they were subconsciously upset by that connection. It's more of an loldubs thing though; first he did a very gravelly, shouting voice, then embed related, and right now he's settling for using his SSJ3 voice for Black.

It's weird hearing that posh-british voice be the ascension to this, where he's just an edgy Goku.



You got a link for that?


nice guide, user

That sex doll site looks fake as fuck, most likely a scam.
Also it looks like they stole the pics of sex dolls from websites of other companies.

I wish I were sponsored by a sex doll company. Or rather a "loving housewife doll with advanced AI" company.

loooooool Kraut got scammed

He should've just laid low for 6 months and come back with a new identity. His brand is tainted.

I added a link to the To Do page on the Wiki sidebar, and a new page called Relevant Articles to help newfags create pages that aren't shit. Its linked on the pain page under "How Can I Contribute?"

See you all tomorrow, need to get some sleep in and get started on a whole bunch of things. A big chunk of GG images and videos have been saved for the wiki.

Thank you user!

If anyone is at al curious, Infound a site that talks about the "History of scanlations": insidescanlation.com/index.html
Could be worth a look.

Oh, before I forget. This is a little embarassing for me to ask, I need to backup and do a system restore of my computer first. I feel like i should ask Holla Forums or someone else, but all that's left brfore reinstalling the OS is to get two folders with about 90 and 70GB each on a flash drive. I've got 7zip and was wondering if there's any method to compress those files in a lossless format. Otherwise I can just transfer them as is but it'll take a while. Out of all the things that's happened to me lately I'm just glad my spare desktop hdd from a decade ago still works.

Not that I know of. When I do that sort of backup I usually just use an external HDD and copy the folders directly. That way there's no compression issues.

Sure, it takes a while. But losing an important file can suck a lot worse.

I learned that the hard way with my laptop. If only I had some drive available when it was in the shape it was in, but that's besides the point. It should be all done and the computer restored before Saturday. I just hope the older HDD I'm using as a secondary doesn't give out.Thanks and see you later.

For me it's due to their bipolarism when approaching the balance of this game
You have them going about:
but also them:

It was over before it began. Commifornia doesn't even follow immigration law for fucks sake. Does anyone actually believe the courts in Commiefornia are going to rule against white-bashing employers and Antifa terrorists they've permitted to run rampant across UC Berkley? Nonsense. This lawsuit is dead in the water.

I thought it was pretty good.

How do you feel about Jonas Peterson calling being photographed with Pepe a mistake?

It's almost like he plays along with the "Pepe is a hate symbol" shit, but maybe I'm just reacting too fast.

Lookie what I just fixed. Talk about a blast from the past!


Go bask in some autism. 'night anons.

German TV Movie: Europeans Flee to 'Booming' Africa to Escape 'Collapsing' Far-Right Regimes in Europe

you have to post the comments too when you share something like that. I am pretty sure that almost no one defends niggers like that.

I should be upset or disgused, but this have happened so many times I just feel nothing.

Let them eat shit and go to Africa to be eaten in Ugandan movies if they want.

kys faggot

Good evening.

ftfy user.




I was fucking sick of it by the time it was over, both storywise and gameplay wise. Really pissed off that they dropped the theme of corruption at the end and instead made the final boss sloth. Why? Sloth has only even come up once with futaba, and she was half brainwashed by the people who killed her mom. People which you never actually confront, you just take down Shido. Those people very likely get off scott free considering no one would be able to prove they did shit to Futaba's or Wakaba's head with the research scrapped.


Despite the game having issues I still enjoyed it, but I'm one of the few on Holla Forums who likes the old school SMT games and Persona I think fans of both can be highly insufferable at times.

I find their delusions quite hilarious.

What did he mean by this?

It held your hand more than fucking Zelda games do in their early areas, and then expected you to do NG+ with next to no new content and a Fast forward system that makes it so you still can't actually skip the vast majority of cutscenes.


Fuck off Steve and your soyboy revolution, if they can't be the Alpha Male, than no one can.

If anything, Clint Eastwood knows what's up with this feminist nonsense.

Honestly user I think your getting too wound up over this, I find the old SMT games and Persona fun for different reasons but I was always a dragon's quest type of guy.

The soyboys will never stop at this rate, but they will fall like all the other "Feminist Allies"

>dragon's quest
Are you trying to tickle my autism?
This is Holla Forums, this is the tail end of GG thread, and I just recently finished this game. I have plenty of things to say about how shitty it was.

When is DQ11 coming out in the west and who is translating it?

NISA and Treehouse have joined together to localize the game in the west for Switch, PS4, and XxXbox One XxX.

At least this was a funny joke.

Fucking Clint Eastwood made two times the same movie about the same incident but seen by different perspectives so he could show some objectivity. Fuck these guys.




The entire board has been slow, not just these breads. Learn the difference. Nothing is out of the ordinary. That is why despite how slow shit's being we still bake threads on Page 10 or even earlier. It's not us that's slow.

Seriously, you fuckers sperg too much over bread speeds. We've been far slower. Besides, it's nice for the thread to not be fast with rampant shitposting for once.

Never heard this, might be manufactured drama.

It's funny how you can tell that a game is heavy on SJW simply by looking at the art.
Does the game art has some kind of tell, or do we just know out of pure instinct?

It's pattern recognition I'd say. Your brain has just learned to see the subtle or not so subtle hints in the presentation or tumblr/calartsstyle. It's like how some people itt have learned to recognize others by their writing mannerisms.
I also have this weird intuition about whether or not posted hentai crops are NTR or not.

It's the tumblr influence, we can smell it a mile away.

ON TOP of the "evil human colonization" (white invaders) narrative?

True, and I suppose I can describe the more obvious tells of the artstyle in their respective games.
Iconoclasts : purposely ugly faces, niggers
Celeste : tumblr-ish faces, simplistic pixel art (sprites don't even have faces)
Full Metal Furies : dykes, obvious tumblr faces

>weird intuition about whether or not posted hentai crops are NTR or not

This isn't new. 6 or 7 years ago a vegan pacifist from The Escapist made an article how guilty he felt hunting prehistoric cows and some shit.

They forgot to mention wizards.

They lack finesse in making promo art and try to force various skin color characters where it doesn't make any sense.
Pure instinct also helps in avoiding these kind of games too.

You make it sound like these cunts actually know what they are talking about.

Sadly user, non. There are a few of them though at Fate/Grand Order.


They might as well glorify this, oh wait, they're already doing it.

She's the one with no ass, right?


Plenty of Nips have more of an ass than that.

She looks like a child. That's ironic for the people who accuse others of pedophilia.


Fuck, didn't realize I greentext'd it.


Well if you watch the videos he does explain that there already is a precedent in california law that actually gives Damore a good chance, as well as the fact that because google has these internal social media board which all of it is posted, it will be hard for them to deny that it didn't happen the way Damore makes it out to be

Isn't the state spiting into two different sates soon?

It's really doubtful that it will happen no matter how great it would be. Besides I assumed that the previous precedents would still be enforced

They really do just want to watch the world burn.




Is he such a faggot he doesn't realize it's a satire account?





no first for benis, therefore sage

what's up with autists publishing their crappy stories/pictures on the internet? Do they really feel the need to share their fucked up fantasies and sonic drawings on the internet? Do they now realize how fucking retarded they are?

I bet most male feminists identify more with The Scorpio Killer tbh.


She looks like she belongs in Spy Kids 3

Remember this



Guess who got suspended from Twitter


Or maybe, Susan, you can actually do your fucking job instead of sucking up to Hollywood celebrities.

About the only thing that actually applies was the US helping oust the ruler, but I am pretty sure they are talking about the video that Hillary blamed it on. The world would be in a better state if we actually did just leave countries to figure out their own problems, though. Fuckers and their white man's burden.

Blame others for things you do; its their rule book user.

And if you are a woman and your weight starts with 200, you aren't a real women, and I don't have to add a period because you do that so well yourself.

300 would count under these conditions, user.

I've been busy with life. I know another user is stuck without internet.

I've heard a bunch of anons say Iconoclasts actually takes the piss out of SJWs. There are exceptions to the rule where some artists are influenced by shitty tumblr art but don't drink the koolaid.

There's a reason it's called pedowood.

Fucking nailed it.

I'd say a little bit of SJW and anti-SJW to be honest.

What did it? Finally called the wrong person a nigger/uncle tom?
Bet that midget is throwing a tantrum right now.

People said VA-11 Hall-A was SJW but that was pretty comfy.


Won't be as much as a chimpout as him getting banned from Twitch but that would be a Christmas miracle and a half unto himself.

Nah, it was him and his fans finding someone's grandmother and posting personal information about her because Destiny got humiliated by her Grandson.

I've debated with fucking neonazis and they don't do this shit.

I too have argued with anons here

Fucking classy.


So Va-11 isn't pozzed? I was planning to pick it after seeing disappointment 2064: ROM became, but then dropped it when other people posted that it was.

Also, any suggestions for a thread theme, and are there any changes that need to happen to the OP?

Is he a closeted Christian/homo?

From what I recall it's not what's in the game, but what isn't. I remember some stuff about them removing bits of the game because it was offensive or whatever.

You guys ever feel like you need a break sometimes? I find myself feeling frustrated that these people still persists.

I take breaks all the time. Only reason I'm still here all these years later.

New bread!

New bread!

New bread!

Maybe you're right. But if I take a break, I feel I'll miss out on important developments. You think I'm worrying too much?

It's just upsetting he wouldn't just say "Pepe is not a hate symbol and every gesture the left called racist to shut them just encouraged them to use them to make you upset." He just said something about doing so many things in the day that he might do mistakes like taking a picture with a Pepe flag.

Did anyone report him to the fbi yet?