ITT non beta males in modern videogames

ITT non beta males in modern videogames

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He was right all along.

TWD is a very interesting telltale game
you'd think they'd take the "typical" route with the diverse cast they have, filing it up with leftist tripe but they really didn't
I wish he stayed alive.
Anyways, he's not a beta but he's not an alpha male either. He's… pretty interesting.
I like him. He's a strong character in ways that aren't necessarily related to physical strength, dominance and presence, but he's reasonable in those regards as well.
I just wish that telltale games (really they're VNs) had more options for you to do edgy things. They give you the option I mean, but they don't really let you follow through with it for story reasons I guess. Can't go off killing all the characters I suppose.

But who was the better dad?


because he's white.

TWD Season 1 proved that the movie game genre can actually work as long as you make sure you get good writers on it which is almost never the case sadly.

He didn't kill his wife, just the guy fucking her.



The first game actually had some puzzles and good writing. It was after that that they realized they can just make movies.

Name a single puzzle from TWD.

There were no puzzles besides
like a point n click game except infinitely more mindless. Despite all that, the story is actually well written.

The train repair bit?
The generator sabotage bit?
The dead dog collar bit?

Season 1 had loads of puzzle sequences, it was with TWAU that Telltale stopped giving a shit about them.

pick one

That would never, ever happen in a western videogame and you know it.

That's a pretty shitty puzzle user.

Those are some very fine sixes you have though.

By the way, if you saved Carley she tells you to confess to the group that you were on your way to prison. When you tell Kenny, he asks if it was for touching kids.

Well Lee is a black person, or nigger, as I like to call them


Europe and Japland have fallen though.

Name one point and click game whose puzzles do not involve randomly rubbing things together to try to find the nonsensical, only possible method of solving it that the developer thought would be ebin.

Better gimme thos' crops back bithces.


>goes through hell and back, through all of this
>ends up almost dying at the end and turning into a mutated, worst version of himself, and a physical manifestation of his mental state


Still Life, Monkey Island, Black Mirror, I-Spy

It's interesting that you should say that his party members are 'friends' because I don't think Brad really gets too attached to the people he brings along. They were either mercenaries he hired, people he tricked or coerced into following, or weirdos who decided to tag along with him out of whimsy. He hardly even interacts with them and their lives are the first choice your cursor points to between them or your limbs/possessions.

I'd say it's only a hard choice for him if he could lose more utility out of his goons than out of his stuff.

Sam & Max had more reasonable puzzles than something like Grim Fandango, that's a pretty weird game to choose as your easy target.


Sam and Max hit the road had some of the silliest puzzles. It's been forever since I've played Fandango so I can't really compare the two.

TWD is not a horror game, it's fantasy.

Nightshade: The Claws of Sutekh

Get off my board

rick and morty tier

It's sad to recall how good the first TWD game was and how shit the new one is.

To be fair killing the traitorous wife as well as the intruder is the tried and trusted way of take care of your property and therefore not wrong, the law just made look like that so they could have access to your property by other means.




Seriously, there's no shortage of males with normal behavior in gaming. It's kinda the thing that "justified" lots of gameplay, you know? Think about classics, Mario and Link are basically self-sacrificing men fighting for some greater good.


Damn that's an weird achievement.

I think Gary is a great antagonist but, I wouldn't say that he's non-beta. Everything that happens during Bully is because Gary is a faggot that wants attention and power, whilst Jimmy just wants to be contempt with his life at Bullworth.

The little girl was black too, dummy

That makes it even less likely user.

I would have thought shulk to be a non-beta male but…




I hate it when games do this. Are there any characters who says "fuck redemption" and just kills their enemies? The only one I can think of that truly fits that bill is Rance, but he's written as more of an anti-hero.
Anyone got examples?

Oh, and while on topic, Rance may be the most alpha and chad-like characters in video games.

could you resist this face?



Isn't he's technically working for his Colony 9's military as a scientist? Which also keeps him close to his other military buddy Reyn?

So many lines user, so many lines that gave me a chuckle. Beautiful recap user.

i cried when i saw him and i cried even more when i fucked up and shot him at the end
i fucking murdered the dyke for that

then return to your cuckhold porn on Holla Forums faggot
TT's WD 1 and 2 are epic

William Adams says "fuck redemption" when it comes to the post game boss but he doesnt even kill him, he fucking blinds the guy instead. He also screwed over his own country by doing so, but fuck it, japan is superior anyways.

Ah, that's a good one. I didn't think of that guy.


I only got to the half way mark of the game. Does that shit really happen?
How is the sequel?

Thanks for derailing the tread user


I genuinely forgot. Because I tried playing Xcom 2 on release, and I don't want to remember.

Pic related
If you want your blood to boil, watch this

Forgot to include the pic

It's pretty fucking obvious that the devs wanted you to turn Clem into some edgy, shit tier, teenage lone wolf character, seeing as they kill all of the people you could choose to go with in Season 2 in a single cutscene in Season 3. The town with fuckhuge safety walls somehow gets raided and everyone dies, Jane kills herself after she finds out she's pregnant, and Kenny dies in a car crash, all of this in a two minute flashback sequence.

Yuri knows when someone's not going to change and the government will just let off with a slap on the wrist to continue their dickery, so he administers his own justice to make the world better, laws be damned.

Atleast Tell-Tale did one thing right

She died as she lived.

None of what you described is on the wiki

You fucking retard, why the fuck would you do that?
I'd never want to be friends with you if loyalty means this little to you

Aw, man.

>The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

Disregard that, I'm not sure
It appears Kenny can live(?)
His status is "determinant", not deceased.

Too bad Dingaling became a beta

He's coming back.

cute snake girl, who dat

Looks like I was wrong, that shitty wiki always confused me but he's most likely dead


Have you tried clicking the link?

Kenny looks like as if he did nothing wrong, he only wanted to protect clementine thats it. Losing your old family would make anyone understandably cranky. The fact that the guy calls him an abuser when he never abused her at all and only protected her is borderline retarded.

BBC ain't nothing to cuck with.

But dude, Protecting someone you deeply care for IS abuse!







Most alpha male character in vidya. Prove me wrong.

You can't!


That wasn't hard.


No faggot, you leave >>>/reddit/


Embed so, so heavily unrelated, so, so thankfully.

Sometimes, your woman's just gone and there's only one thing left to do.

user. I have terrible news. The Duke is now in the hands of gearbox, a.k.a. Candy Bitchfort. I can't point you to the exact location but they managed to turn him into a feminist.
Just remember he was he was: a man willing to commit justified genocide and save whores who were bound without prior payment on poles.

No, but play Drakengard. Its central concept is to deconstruct the idea of plucky, lovable heroes obsessed with the sanctity of life going off on an adventure to slaughter hundreds of people just like them and to topple the nations those people have built, very pointedly asking the player, in Yoko Taro's words, "why do you kill?" As Drakengard has it, the sort of person who would be willing and able to take any life is not going to be the sort of person an author would want to pick to be the mouthpiece for Saturday morning cartoon moralizing like that.

I haven't played Drakengard, but I don't see how that follows at all. We don't live in a world where being unwilling to kill for what you believe in is a strength.


And then there's the problem with those works that try to make moralizers out of mass murderers. You'll get none of that with Drakengard.


No, you fuck.

RIP Johnny

I know Tony sold a buttload of games, but that's stretching it.

fuck off, just tell me what the hooktube video is

Get a better browser retard

use a site that works

He's a literal beta cuck who couldn't please his wife and gets bit in the dumbest way possible
Being the most reasonable and likeable person in a universe of contrived idiocy and character drama isn't much of an accomplishment

Caim's Kingdom was destroyed and his sister kidnapped. He fights humans most of the time, having a good reason to at first, but he ends up succumbing to the madness of war. He's little more than a murderer near the end.

Seeing as I am now technical support, post a screencap and I'll tell you what you fucked up


But user, if you kill your enemies, they win :^)

In seriousness though, Drakengard's message isn't "killing is wrong you guise," but rather "killing is killing regardless of what side you're in, and if you're okay with killing thousands then you're most likely not sane" which is further cemented with Nier's message, which hammers it home that killing for what you believe in to be right doesn't make said killing a honorable and justified thing.

Basically, the Empire in Drakengard is portrayed as the worst fucking faction to ever exist because of all the shit they keep doing to the world, not limited to necromancy, genocide, mass brainwashing, dropping magical nukes and worshipping giant man-eating babies. The 'heroes' of the game are a party consisting of a mute psychopath, a misanthropist dragon, a pedophile, a crazy cannibal elf, a cowardly racist priest and a bratty immortal kid. Instead of being portrayed as paragons of justice and whatnot, the game simply portrays them as how insane they really are as they keep killing hordes of enemies for selfish reasons while tagging along with Caim's quest for revenge on the Empire. Caim, instead of being portrayed as a great hero, is constantly talked about by 'rational' party members by how much he keeps killing and how much he seems to enjoy it. His other interactions with NPCs and other party members also include threatening, hitting, kicking, berating and such. This keeps escalating to degrees where Caim remorselessly slaughters a batallion of conscripted child soldiers just because they were in his way while the pedophile begs him to have mercy on them, not to mention other from the later routes. As much as Caim and his party are supposed to be justified in doing to stop the Empire from bringing the fucking apocalypse, it doesn't make them any more heroic than mass-murderers and psychopaths on a killing spree. In all of its edginess, the moonman wished to convey in Drakengard that remorseless slaughter in such magnitude is insane, and that it's weird that people that kill in such a magnitude are considered as noble and heroic.

And of course, the sequel not directed by Taro fucking pisses all over that message by having a generic JRPG protagonist killing thousands of good guys™ and nearly bringing about the apocalypse again because he was thinking with his dick, but unlike Caim and co., he gets a fucking free pass and is supposed to be considered a hero by the end of the game despite nearly fucking everything up by being retarded.

At last, to not make this post fully unnecessary, Caim is the furthest thing from beta, since he doesn't give a shit and kills anyone in his way, and he takes shit from nobody, and he was one of the very few saving graces from the godawful sequel. Still one of the best protagonists in the whole series.

If you actually consider those puzzles, i'm shocked you even figured out how to use a computer enough to post that. Do zippers challenge you? Do you wear velcro shoes?

I thought at some point Nowe got his shit fucked up after 2.
If not, then at the very least 2 gave us a Caim with a sick ass cloak that doesn't appear ingame and General Gismor who is pretty much the coolest fucking mustache twirling villain possible.

or you could just tell me what the video was, and what relevance it had to kenny


chrome remembers my login information, firefox does not

That's a shitty excuse to use a botnet

Which one do I view first, not necessarily to understand the whole thing, but to get a general picture of what it's about?
That's interesting, and I might try it, but didn't MGS1 and MGS2 already explore that years earlier?

Felt good watching him slide the knife into Jane's cold heart


life is full of shitty excuses

He did, but only because Taro wrote a short story around Drakengard 3's release about what happens to him and Manah about 10 years later after route A IIRC. At least it counts, I guess, but it doesn't solve the sequel shitting all over the original's message.

Seriously, any scene involving Caim in 2 was amazing. He kills a guy so fucking hard he kills death, you can't get more metal than that.

Firefox absolutely has the option to remember your logins. You're an idiot.

I always felt Johnny's death was a bit of virtue signalling on Rockstar's part. After all they have always been South Park tier when it comes to Holla Forumsitics. Strangely enough Johnny is a Jew

End this fucking obnoxious faggot shit in fiction, it's only fucking pathetic now and makes me wants to punch the protagonist.

Same with Kelley only he does kill him. And he was clearly going to kill Maria after he defeated her but she used Spanish magic to teleport away.

He still is isn't he? That's what he was doing in his last game.


Yes and no. They didn't do it properly with Raiden until Rising, because the initial thing was him being a player avatar instead. His Rising development should have been in MGS2. Snake was a fucked up person, but still came off as admirable because he was still putting his life on the line and using his skill set to try to make the world a better place.

Caim is a straight up monster that happens to have a bone to pick with much bigger monsters than him. I would disagree with Taro on it being unjustified given just how terrible the empire was, the dire straights of the world because of them, and what the consequences are for losing. Doesn't change the fact that Caim is a monster, though.

The important thing is if all the party members are dead before he arrives on the island he hallucinates afterimages of those former party members and thinks of them as his friends scolding him.

The Mega Man series mostly doesn't fuck around with killing, especially in the X, Zero, and ZX series. Classic gets a pass, because not being able to kill his enemy is an important part of his character and story, because he works on Asimov rules, and it becomes one of the main reasons X has to be made.

be careful now

Ya guys, be careful around this little fella, he forgot to put on his hard hat today, he might fall and hit his head and forget his passwords again!

TWD game really bugged me. Everybody was angry at you for choosing to save one person over the other, but there were five other people who could have fucking helped rescue the other guy.


He fucked england over. He's irish.

Both are botnets, though.


TWD had puzzles like Devil May Cry 1 had puzzles
you have 1 key and can only acces 1 key hole to put it before you can find another key


…and the voice actor is a #Resist-ard

he maybe is a non beta but he still acted like a fucking nigger

doom guy is just a blank slate, not really a character


Your post is as illogical as it is unfunny. I implore you to discontinue your posting immediately. If it's "not alpha" to kill people who do you wrong, what is alpha? Forgiving them? Letting them fuck your wife? Sounds pretty beta to me.

>raids a strip club with a katana
>robs a bank
>wipes out most of the Colombian cartel singlehandedly
>survives walking unarmed into their boss' office and talking shit to him
>takes a shit ton of drugs
>still fucks the fans up
>walks over fucking bifrost in his final moments of life

I'm usually firmly against traitors, but it was nice to see a guy who realized that the guys who's motto of "There's a thing we want, just go in and get it" isn't quite as reliable as the guys who's motto is "There's a thing we want, let's figure out how it works before we grab it"

Uncle Death
A badass with a sense of humor
Always in control and does whatever he wants
Everything is just a game to him

Why does the faggot in this video take so many pauses and say "this is hard?" What a pussy. It's a video game.

I can taste the soy just by listen to that faggot.

t. nigger with reading comprehension

Kenny was a fucking legend.
He was an actual human surrounded by idiots.
Sure, he fucked up here and there but at least his fucks up were given by human behavior, not utter retardation.

Meanwhile look at Jane or any other of the fucking cast, the only other man who has half a brain is that guy's uncle that dies in the van.
Hiding a fucking infant in a car in the middle of a snow storm to provoke a broken man is the actual abuse.

Okay, I think this is a good thread to ask, give me games with actually heroic protagonists who act like real good men or women, I have nothing against a female protagonist though I would prefer a male one in this case and fight in the name of honor and justice as well as protecting the weak.

Especially chaotic good characters who would break an unfair law to protect their ideals. Pic related, Robin Hood is still a great example of that and Legend of Sherwood is a great game.

bully has the most retarded plot iv ever witnessed in a game its just dissipates into nothing, I was expecting some sort of reveal or reason behind Gary but there isn't one, he disappears for 2/3rds of the game then pops back in at the end and adds nothing

guns are tools for cowards and weaklings
a real alpofa man needs nothing more than his bare fist
and this nigger was so beta that not only did he need a gun, he was so hurt by his roasty bitch that he killed her instead of just kicking her out in the street naked as she was, only to later go to a bar to seek and destroy as much pussy as he can
that's what a real alpa would do, you think alphas give a shit about some unloyal roasty that cheats on them? NO! they just get rid of them and replace them with a younger cuter bitch
but nigs gonna nig so this beta faggot graved a gun and killed them both, to bad he didn't have the balls to kill himself afterwards

The man you posted is part of the Anita defense squad, so I'd take what he says with a grain of salt. decent analysis though

The puzzles are about as challenging as it was for you to move those goalposts.

Because he is black, if a white father did this they would probably demonize him. Also, been ages since I played it but wasn't he a total cuck afterwards? I don't remember him as a badass.

I'll pass. These fags are the ones responsible for the fake controversy on The Division. They accused Ubishit of using racist stereotypes for the rioters faction on the basis of the accents of the NPCs and the fact that they all wear hoodies. That website is as cancerous as Polygon, it was created by the PBS numale (the guy who wears fake glasses).

in what way was he a cuck?

If he was white i don't think it would be much different,cheating bitches deserve the axe.

The Gravity Rush games. Kat is cute and precious and works to help everyone to a fault.

Man, it's been ages since I have played that game, I hardly remember it. But I do remember him getting slapped by a bitch. How cucked is that?

No man, it's the white mans (((duty))) to raise and take care of his cheating wife.

Pretty much all of them except Kaede

As much as I disliked Drakengard 2 it did have some cool things in it. Like most of the villians and the fact the dragons were doing selective breeding and gene manipulation in a giant floating lab that exists outside of reality.

Drakengard 2 was more of a taro game than automata to be quite honest.

Ramza Beoulve from FFT. He was raised amongst nobles and wanted to uphold honor and justice in his family's name, but after witnessing firsthand that the nobles treated commoners like shit and expendable corpses in their search for power by watching his commoner best friend's sister get executed for no reason, he runs away and works as a mercenary for a while. Eventually he decides that he shouldn't mope around like a baby and that he should get shit done, and spends the rest of the game fighting against corrupt noblemen and the corrupt church to protect the innocent and the weak because no one else will.

Both big factions in the game hunt him down, the church brands him a heretic for killing a cardinal who was plotting to let demons invade Ivalice, everyone (including his half-brothers) treats him like trash most of the game, nobody ever thanks him for the shit he did, and history vilifies him as an selfish piece of shit that brought his family to ruin. But eventually, he is vindicated by a historian studying the records of the Lion War, and he gets a legitimate good end after all the shit he went through, where he survives and leaves Ivalice alongside his sister to have adventures in another land.

He's easily one of the most legitimately heroic protagonists in a FF because he's willing to fight for what's right no matter the consequences, even if no one ever thanks him for this. And he was only 16 years old when his moralfag crusade began.

Ehhh not really. While Drakengard 2 had some cool ideas Automata was still more of a Taro game than DG2. Drakengard 2 didn't really have a message or pose a question which is a staple of Taros games.

And to tell you the truth I loved Legna and Nowe started to grow on me by the end. I won't call 2 bad. Just a weak Drakengard game.

Fuck off, you strawman retard.

Yes it had a message - the road to hell is paved with good intentions. It simply lacked in execution because the do-gooders were just so obnoxious. Still, it followed the principle of "start with something relatively conventional, then go crazy from there"' better than automata which was blatantly setting things up for an ebin twist from the word go.

kill yourself nigger and give back that stolen internet

Not bait.

what are you still doing here nigger ?

You're right. I played through it last year so I should have gotten that. I think with Automata was there wasn't really any BIG twist. Like you could have guessed there were no humans left, even if you didn't played through Neir 1. I think at that poaint people were well aware of Taros work so everyone though a crazy twist was a given. But Automata had a more solemn message about living when you have no reason to keep going.


Thank you user. FFT is the best FF game.


he's portrayed as simultaneously alpha and beta because beta devs cannot comprehend what makes them distinct


Duke is a man trying too hard to seem like an alpha. He's overcompensating. This is a real alpha male. He prefers quality over quantity in his one-liners and will usually let his guns speak for themselves.

You talking about this soyboy

are you 12? pic related is actual numale beard

Jimmy tried to make a difference by being sincere with the school, Gary tried to make a difference by lying to the school.


They are all numale beards and goatees are the fucking worst of them.

goatee is numale?

goatees are 90s, hipster beards are 2010s imbecile

Fuck off Johnny was a big retard and mid way through TlaD he goes full retard for no reason and still stays with the crack whore of a girl friend

at least he's flawed unlike the mary sues of 3, VC, 4, ballad of gay tony, and franklin who all play the straight man and shake their head at all of the wacky shit going on around them and kill hundreds of human beings effortlessly during the storymode and it's played off as nuffin

No, I was takling about the other PBS numale, the one who wears glasses with no lenses.

No, it has to be the fullbeard to make up for the lack of chin / overcompensate for lack of masculinity.



it's ironic though because it just shows how low test they actually are when it looks like a pencil strap

I didn't play the sequel, but pic related.

chose one

Well just counting the original two this dude was so pissed at hell for killing his pet bunny he became their demonic infestation.
But Doom 2016 actually had a lot of weird possible characterization including being basically a paladin, his son dying, making deals with devils and being backstabbed, getting so pissed off an angel makes him a super hero, and only stopping when demons literally drop a building on him. Plus all the little bits through animals like all the no shit taking screen punching and being merciful to the AI.

Fuck, animals? Animations.
Don't post while sleep deprived.


Ramza is truly the best and most based moralfaggot who ever graced vidya




what is the best version to replay the game?

Take your pic:
The ps1 version doesn't contain the flowery ye olde english, but the translation, which iirc is courtesy of sony, isn't especially good.

The psp version has better cutscenes and i think some more content, but the developer, for some baffling incomprehensible reason, CODED SLOWDOWN INTO THE GAME, making that shit a real slog. There is patches for it somewhere though

Top tier taste is rewarded by top tier dubs.

you don't deserve a (You)

Speaking of Drakengard, is there any chance I might get my hands on a PC port/conversion? Or failing that, what's a good emulator?