Nintendo Switch the best selling US console ever

Nintendo Switch the best selling US console ever

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I mean hey, Nintendo got fucked with their last console, now it's Microsoft's turn to get fucked.
Next, Sony'll get fucked.
The console market is just a big endless cycle of fucking, really.

PS3 had that but it lasted so long it wore off.
Just think there may be anons too young to remember the NO GAEMS period where every PS3 port was complete trash and lost planet couldnt even load half its textures.

Strange since the Switch is just shitty Ports with only a few games. I suppose the PS4 and xbox have even less?

It has yet to outsell the Wii U.

Are you functionally retarded?

How much did Nintendo paid to get this article published?

It's ok user, I'm in denial too.

One Switch console with 1-2 Switch included

I'm sorry goon kun. Your signal boost has failed. Holla Forums is lost to your narrative.

Best selling doesn't mean fastest selling. The only retard here is you making neogaf tier threads with no substance and direct linking like a nigger

Considering PS4 only has Bloodborne and Xbone has fucking nothing, yes.


Fuck you too, nigger.

Oh boy nintendrone bragging about sales number. Wanna talk about PS4 global sales number then :^)(rule 7

Thats how reality works
Things don't sell more than that they have. It has yet to outsell the Wii U. It can't be the best selling anything when it hasn't even outsold the flop that Wii U is.

Well, this will be a nice little feather in the cap. This probably solidifies that the Switch will be on pace to outsell the Wii U handily at the very least, and, if this sort of momentum holds, to meet Wii sales figures.

It's surprising how many they've sold considering there isn't that many games. Then again there are morons bought PS4 on release, so who fucking knows anymore.

You're arguing a point that the article didn't make you stupid nigger. How are you unable to grasp the difference between total sales and sales over a set duration?

wishful thinking. The switch has to sell 60 million more units before it catches up to the PS4, and by the time it gets there the PS4 sales momentum will bring it far beyond that.


Not too long Nintendork!

In all seriousness, this doesn't surprise me. The switch couldn't have asked for a better launch title like Zelda. Odyssey also helps out significantly, as well as the promise of a new Metroid and Pokemon. A mainline pokemon title on a console is amazing news.(DON'T EMOTE LIKE A FAGGOT)

this does remind me, nintendo needs to get their launch patterns sorted. They've been a mess as far as planning product launches goes.

This thread is no-console war-zone. Brag your platform affection somewhere else, like ResetEra.

he says as he posts console affection

Fastest not best selling. It ain't there yet. RIP the 3DS you had a good run.

I don't see any consoles there

same thing at this point

Do your job and delete the thread then fuckface


Personally hope that switch outpaces the ps4 and xboxone by far. Those companies need a kick in the ass to their egos. Sure ps3 and xbox360 were improvements after a while but ps4, now pro, and than the xboxone, now S, are now showing they learned fucking nothing. The switch had more original titles than ps4 and xbox one during its 10 months than those other 2 in their entire fucking lifespan. Fucking why? Sony an Microsoft got lazy as fuck.

Nah. My anecdotal evidence trumps your sources and numbers, nerd.

What a fucking surprise.

I don't think Sony or MS consider Nintendo competition, so I'm not sure it'll matter how much the Switch sells to either of them. MS sure hasn't done much to make up for their complete fuck up with the Bone even after getting totally wrecked by the PS4 sales wise.

I really don't see that happening.
on track to happen by at least 2019

lol m8 they're all sequel boxes. I think the PS4 might have more games that are new titles at this point.

I know why switch sells so good, nintendo did their research. Parents love giving their kids tablets instead of actual consoles, so that's why its so successful. Its literally a tablet for kids. This is the new tendency among normalfags and nintendo literally just monopolized on it.

I only wish it actually had a good battery life though.

I literally quoted the OP you dicklet

Do you even know why archive is used

its a nintendo tablet for kids. parents these days know nintendo, they grew up with it. Nintendo had a pretty solid generational plan, wii u obviously shot its wad a bit early. If you look at the Amazon page for the switch you can see common purchases include travel gear, protective gear long before charging/convenience accessories. This tells me it really is something parents are buying for kids, especially for waiting or car trips.

I don't really think this is much of a problem.

Holy shit you're illiterate too.

Yes user, I can only wonder why a PS4 at 250$ sold better than a switch at 299$. Though reading the article, it's a lot of cock sucking of Sony for a non-fan site.
First for months of switch mentioned in article was March-June. Sony's best months on article is July-December. Kind of moving the goal posts there by the article. Though I will tell you that the ps4 did sell better during black friday through december because it was 250 with coupons of some kind at the time. There were no discounts of any kind for the switch. Never mind that in Japan, switch has outsold the ps2 comparing first 10 months. But that isn't even USA sales either. That is also moving the goal post like that article did. So, go suck cock user.

Mark, instead of rubbing it in his fucking face with the Switch sales, you decide to ban him for being sarcastic. Wew you fat sack of suit.


And one other big one

It also has Japanese Call of Dut-, I mean Yakuza.
That and Edgy Teen Simulator 2017: Rotten Adults edition.

Monster Hunter is the Japanese Call of Duty.

Damn the salt from the neofags in this thread


Cuckchan, sure, but Holla Forums I doubt. Then again, there is that one time a kotaku writer made an article on Mario's dick that got ripped straight from here.

You can cherry pick your sales figures all you want but we all know global sales number is end game.

I'm of the opinion that threads focused on sales and other financial performance should be axed, as Holla Forums has nothing of value to contribute to a business discussion, and a business discussion rarely has anything of value to contribute to Holla Forums. It inevitably devolves into subtle or overt claims of marketing, which is only more troublesome when there is a non-zero chance it's true. Maybe make an exception for quarterly reports which are verifiable legal documents required by law. But it's dumb to shitpost about every single company-written press release.

Literally this. I can't wait for a few more years when all of the kids are mentally retarded because they grew up in a time where everything was force fed to them over a screen. Some of us still remember a time before the internet, and the majority of our childhoods were without modern computers, let alone tablets.

Still don't see any real reason to own a tablet either. My children (lol I'm a wizard so don't hold your breath) will not have these things unless they can explain why they need them.

Ya fucking think? It's about context on why it sold better. Though I wish it didn't since most of it's catalog, except for like 2 titles, are direct ports of ps3 games. I blame the niggers.

It doesn't matter why, all that matter is that it did

Keep wishing harder then

Ah right forgot about Yakuza.
But P5 is multiplat, nots quadrupple exclusive.

Okay user, you win the super bowl.

does the switch have good games yet? i don't care about gta:wahoo or anime skyrim

Eat a bowl of dicks, faggot.

This news causing Butt hurt on Cuckchan Holla Forums

Kill yourself Mark you console-war starting shitposter, I know you've been banning people for this shit.


Why? I thought they were shit eating drones, what the fuck is going over in the land of contrarian-ism now?

Who cares?

Why do you still choose to throw outdated memes?

I still can't find any around here. Its constantly sold out. Its ridiculous.

Even if I had the opportunity to buy one I don't know if I would. I got pretty fucked with the Wii U.


this piece of literally who plastic sold 5 million more units than the Switch