Daily Reminder

All games made by a single person.

And most of them are fucking shit. There's not a formula for success there, it was pure causality and normalfag memetics.
Want to rip-off faggots? Make shit porn games.


I hate life.

Fuck you faggot.

Fenoxo is still alive? What the shit?
How did it come to this.

TiTs is still a thing.


Good for him tbh
He deserves it

Patreon it's the cancer that grew up of the tumor of kickstarted: now instead of paying for empty promises you pay them to do nothing

It's shit that japs and weebs eat up like pocky

Illiteracy aside I'd like a source.

is this a picture of my bedroom dreams?


Notch shilled the game on Holla Forums and then it went to shit the moment he left.

What is wrong with these people? These "games" are scams.

I don't think you remember just how bad things were.

There was an oppertunity to rake in stacks of cash by actually publishing this garbage and no one with the means had the stones and lack of dignity to do it. And fuck you monster island dev for capitulating to the gay community.

That part disgusts me but the worst thing about it is that he went back on his word. Its a disgrace to him and I can only hope he fails or at least ends up miserable despite financial success like cuckdev


arent they all