This used to be the height of animu 3D models


It still is. She's cute as fuck, kill yourself


I would

That image is shopped by goons and should be bannable offense at this point.
The fuck is out kike doing?

I'd still love them tbh

That is some incredible denial.

who are those beautiful white girls?

American developers thought this is what Japanese gamers liked.

Remind me again
What gen and what platform?

It's not, lots of anime look like trash when aired on TV before receiving a home video release.


Alright then.
No, you're wrong.

Look at that massive fucking brow
You could land an Airbus on it. Also Sophia is worst girl in SO3.

thats what you used to masturbate to Holla Forumsirgin? of course some fat sack of weeb shit would be in love with a picture


Better than western designs tbqh

We've come a long way.

I have never seen that.
Before now I always thought of Malice when it came to actual weeb trash of the original Xbox.

I wonder if this is how faceblind people see the world.

You should really include Xenosaga 3 KOS-MOS.

I'd rather post more houseki no kuni. They embraced the fact that for 3d to emulate 2d it can't be model perfect. The result is quite satisfactory. I want to see it being used in nip games now.

It never was
PS2 had tons of better looking anime games.

Why did you posting 3D anime boys to demonstrate the development of 3D anime girls?

can't tell if your gay or dumb



Three years ago lad

Nips can't into androgyny. Author really want's to push that they are genderless, but…
Yeah, nah, they are not fooling anyone.

Shit, I forgot about GG

I fucking love that song.


the only good boys are basically girls tbh, there is no room for masculinity in human sexuality.

fuck off tumblr faggot

Counterpoint: the only good girls are boys

You can't escape from it

someone's salty they can't have their nuggies if they want to be cute. it's okay, there'll always be prostitutes!

You've got me there.

serious question: are traps with women gay?

Just as degenerate, so the difference is negligible.

How much do you weigh, Holla Forums?

Not from Holla Forums, bruv. I just think traps are gay, which wouldn't be much of a problem if they just came out already. Denying it is just another sign of mental instability.
And about 190lb
The real question you want to ask me is how much do I deadlift
But why did you change subject?

You're not from Holla Forums, and I don't spend a huge amount of time here on Holla Forums, but you can't talk about partners and degeneracy but expect not to be linked to the relevant board, friend!

I changed the subject because I'd be surprised if it wasn't what someone overweight would say - Losing like a hundred pounds has opened up a world of people trying to feel okay about their size, and I'm beginning to get paranoid that it's a large part of what the world's about…

Jesus, that post is a mess.
Just come out already dude. Go tell your family you like to wear dresses and think of sucking cock every now and then.

I like that art, any idea who did it?

You just love dreaming that cute boys are into athletic men, huh? I don't think I can convince you of something you don't want to believe, but.

There's a board for people like you. Fuck off back to it instead of advertising on Holla Forums.

Clannad is known for having some very weird animation. It's a similar style with Haruhi. The issue is that while it's anatomically correct, they've stylized the eyes in a weird degree where it can become very uncanny. There's anime that do this better.

Pic-related is an example of not ruining a character's face due to style.

Sage for off-topic.

I almost got hard seeing all those (You)s, but I'm still too straight to quite manage it, hun.

Go back to cuckchan with your Holla Forums boogeyman, we don't like faggotry around here.

Does anyone else in here feel put off by animu models in gmod and SFM?
It seems that more often than not, they need a very specific lighting in order to not look gross.

The anime for reptile people.

I like posters like you, but don't you think you might be overdoing it a little?

Are you sure you know where you are, buddy? You might be onto something about this gay thing, the more you respond, the more I doubt my sexuality!

I woulda thought so, and yet here he is, replying. This is intoxicating.

fags deserve to be flayed alive

Going a bit on-topic and ignoring the shitposting. I've always found it fascinating how the nips can focus on making sexy characters. Even at the dawn of 3d models they tried their best to make a character like that. Aeris fags are crying in their sleep.

i found a better version of that doujin image

From your post, it looks like they modeled that character three times over.
64 game?

See? I can literally openly address you about how much a guilty pleasure this is, right in plain view of him, and he switches proxy to go harder.

If I'm being frank with you, it's GOT to come from somewhere. I'd be willing to bet you there's a previous form of media at the time that this style was adapted from, to pull the audience from it.

One is for the CG scenes. One is for combat. One is in the overworld. FF7 uses 3d models for characters and they have separate models depending on what's happening.

Can I just step forth and say how fucking weird it feels to have multiple "tiered" models for characters in a game due to the lack of active processing power a game has?
Hell, Ninty's still doing it on games like US/UM, possibly not even because of active power issues but because of how the overworld is styled.





Got any moar?

All anime girls are shit now.

Xrd of Arcsys and some Bamco games look really good, like that new Ni no kuni, Dragon Ball or something. Besides that no big improvements really.

Fuck off, I want a handsome big guy with muscles who is about my age or a bit older to hug me, love me and give me his masculinely scented dick

Here's a good "trap" for you

Hand drawn anime is objectively superior to the crap they make now. And any of you who disagree is wrong.

This tbh. If there were nothing but cute traps and we mastered in-vitro fertilization all wars would be over and we'd enter a new golden age of science, art and cuteness

SO3 has good models though
the only shit models in that game are the clown girl and sophie, because they made him kawaii uguu shit

The ninja girl was perfeclty fine. The badass aryan girl was fine too



I pray I do not catch the gay like you faggots.
It's unnatural.

Boys should not wear dresses.



I agree. Cute a best and what matters most after love.

That's futa, dipshit.

Faggots like you should be executed.

Tell me one reason to not be swole.
When you say it, you will get supplexed, tho, because a boy toy like you is no match against my gainz, therefore proving the superiority of gainz upon trapcuck body

They've come a long way. The newest IM@S looks better than some anime.


So a shemale going by what's tagged on rule34 and sad panda.

This is your brain on anime. Don't do anime, kids.

The Jews did nothing wrong.
