ITT: Rad shit in the early parts of games that only make sense on a replay

ITT: Rad shit in the early parts of games that only make sense on a replay

I fucking LOVE this shit. Additional props to Nier where on replay of the game you notice none of the small shades in the first dungeon are attacking you at all and now you know why.

huh… I remember entire 'bad line' having those all the way from the just by the lanterns light on trolley…

But then again I played it on a pc not on a nogamestation.

the way from the begining visible just by the lanterns

Metro 2033 is a good game right up until you've read the book, and then it's impossible to ignore all of the way more interesting shit that got cut, rather than the boring shit that actually made it into the game. Where the fuck is my fucking great worm cult?

So the Metro 2033 book is actually worth a read then? I figured they just used it because it was a good way to set up a linear STALKER style game.

Can we please stop this "Metro is like STALKER" meme? Just because they're both slavshit games doesn't mean they're anything like each other.

Its pretty average
Its only good on the context of the the year since 2010 was a shit year for vidya bar few exceptions.

The book is better than the game. I love the game a lot but the book is waaaay better.



It is a dark fantasy masquerading as sci-fi. Sections like everyone having to stick together as they go through a unlit but spotless station because anyone who goes through alone never comes out is some great shit.

This is one of those cases where the book is much better than the game, so yes, it's absolutely worth a read.

They aren't similar gameplay-wise (modded stalker destroys metro in nearly every way) , but most of the relevant themes carry over.

It still has better gunplay than pretty much every FPS released since then. An average game would be 5/10. If you seriously think Metro is a 5/10 game, you just hate the genre.


I remember reading the book and thinking it was just post-apocalyptic, but then the whole thing about Heaven and Hell being destroyed with nukes and my fucking heart skipped a beat. The whole fucking universe of the book expanded tenfold in that one moment.

Its like 'you think this is peak nihilism? HOLD MY BEER' and they bring up shit like "yeah theres no afterlife, your soul is stuck screaming in the pipes forever.
Fuck its the most brutal shit.

Ghost Trick is full of subtle references to the final twist that I could only catch the second time through. Sissel's first lines "my head feels fuzzy" is literal, not that his thoughts are blurred.

When isn't that the case? LOL

Step back homeslice, you don't even know.

Wolfenstein TNO and NUDoom actually have better gunplay than it and are also average as shit.
Bigger budgets though

You guys wouldn't happen to know some other books, or book series that manage to hit that same sort of feeling?

"Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week, I've already discussed the matters with the senator"

Metal Gear
All of them

The Stand.

If you want the Fantasy equivalent try the Edge Chronicles. Though they're more teen levels of reading and I read them as they were issued so I might be off. I remember the first read being engaging because it takes place in some woods with fucked up, often inexplicable shit in it.

Finally a chance to repost this thing I saved back in 2008.

Ghost Trick was certainly a fantastic look at how to handle foreshadowing in a superb way. Everything that might hint towards a reveal is said in a fashion that feels absolutely natural to the characters, to the point it's only if you know the reveal and/or are on a second playthrough that they wind up sticking out like a sore thumb. To be fair though, I'm not sure if the original Japanese script handles the foreshadowing the same, or if it necessarily utilizes foreshadowing.

you save the lives of 9 people that night
you can toy with a mouse
the game is full of elements independent of the script that hint ever so slightly at the grand twist

the script might have some different nuances, but you can bet it's full of foreshadowing

While not really a "early part" of MGS it was interesting to find this on my second play-through.
I was fucking around trying to get into first person and pressed V to zoom in, That revealed (Pic Related) . Kinda interseting that there was always a way to see the true story from the start, I also saw this reflection in a puddle but forgot to screen cap.
Essentially its just cool to see that there are small details that can completely reveal big plot twists if you pay attention

True, the gameplay/plot related ones would still be there, but I'm not sure of if the textual ones are present as well. If those were ones made by the English team, they did a damn fine job making sure they didn't stick out (at least until the player is looking).

Why people hate MGSV because of the story is beyond me. I think it's neat that's you're the legend but not the man. Gameplay is solid though, can't knock that. We're just missing the conclusion to the game thanks to Konami.

I know what you mean, I feel that hating the game was just a meme for a while

Also see Pic Related to see a konami employees response to some questions about MGS V


I'm so fucking sad over V.

The problem with the medic twist isn't that it's bad in itself. It's that it was the most basic theory even before release. The reaction to the twist was as follows.

The game even made it blatant from the very beginning. The twist just didn't have any impact. When a twist is no surprise, it just becomes the worse alternative to a better story. In this case, where are my men becoming demons, kojimbles?!

I certainly don't hate the game as a whole however.

nudood didn't feel remarkable in any way to me, none of the guns really even had much novelty to them unlike Metro. I guess if the bare minimum at this point is having a firearm pointing properly down range you may have a point.

It's not the story it's the dialogue. I literally think it's only enjoyed by people on the spectrum because the direction is so god awful that only someone who can't see social cues could miss it. Half the lines make me physically cringe. Not trying to start an argument, I really tried to get into MGS, I really did

Well, throughout the game you were seeing what man big boss into the man he would become, but then you find out it's not the same big boss.

I now feel even more vindicated in just not bothering to play Ground Zeroes/5. I feel it would just ruin stuff for me.

The book is better than the game.
Metro 2033 is essentially a call of duty esque adaptation.

In The World Ends With You, the intro cinematic is basically a huge spoilerfest, but you won't know what any of it means until after you complete the game.

You can also see Joshua in the crowd at the start right after the intro.

Additionally, the extra alternate universe chapter that only unlocks after beating the game gives you some backstory on why the main character starts the game as an emo twat, and some of his dialog and inner monologue makes more sense once you know about it.

They could've at least tried.


Gaunter O'Dimm in Witcher 3. Major character for one of the expansions, but he is a very trivial character before that. To the point that I forgot about him entirely by the time I reached the Hearts of Stone expansion.

ITT: Shitty recycled narrative tricks that amuse boring people

You do realize that's classic 'my dad works at nintendo' bullshit, right?

Metro was developed by devs who left GSC, the STALKER devs.

Bitch the gunlay in nudoom was fucking atrocious, i experienced that fucking abortion firsthand. Fucking wasted my time pirating that diarrhea.

Ground Zeroes is one of the best moments of the whole series though.


They're both definitely worth playing. Ground Zeroes is "finished". MGSV is universally despised for being unfinished, but the stuff we got is amazing. That's what frustrates people: Knowing we only got a fraction of what we could have.
If I had to raise a comparison, I'd say that MGSV is in the same boat as Fallout: New Vegas. It could have been a masterpiece but was harvested before it could ripen.

Haha yeah maaaaaaaaaaaaaan like everything sucks and is terrible forever, nothing is good and everything is bad, better just kill yourself and be done with it, ASHES AND ECHOES.
Fuck off.

Save this post for when someone calls Dusk 12, You Are Empty, Stalin Subway, or something like that "stalker-like".

If you don't think MGSV is fucking blatant about you being the medic, then I have a bridge and two or three .jpeg ships to sell you.

I was working nightshifts and decided to read some video game related books. I read Metro 2033 and felt that the book was even better than the game and I thought the game was a pretty good game, a near nine out of ten.

I repeat:

Urth of the New Sun saga is the only correct answer here.

He's right though. Games have only gotten worse overall even if Metro's a solid title.

Kojima didn't even try with the big TWEEST. Fuck, he even started off the MGSV marketing and hype with lies that we were meant to decipher and dig into.

I just wish Konami goes so bankrupt to the point where they beg for Kojima to buy the rights for MGS.
And so he does, and then gives us the Metal Gear game we always awaited for.
But that will never happen, will it?

VTM:B as a whole is better in the early game anyway.

>Near the end mentions that the time reset device has never been tested and the actual results are unknown
>It's implied you are in a time loop with the reset point being the activation of the Bastion


this is a great thread 10/10

The original Nier was full of those moments and details, as you mentioned. It got much better if you read Grimoire Nier afterwards and have some knowledge from Drakengard events as well.

>The White Chlorination Syndrome that destroyed the old world was caused by magic particles from Drakengard's world being introduced into Nier's world in Ending E.
>People infected with WCS are contacted by gods from the Drakengard world. They either choose to become berserk beasts known as Legion, or refuse and turn into salt
>Which leads to the part of Snow in Summer in the intro. That isn't snow, it's the salt from the corpses of those who refused to become Legion.
>The weapons that Nier uses sans a few original ones, like the Beastlord and the Iron Pipe, are actually Caim's weapons, down to the very same model. They got spread everywhere when he got blown up by the JSDF.
>Emil and Halua were prototype weapons designed specifically to combat the Legion and their leader, the Red Eye.
>Some drops from the shades being colored books, gloves, wristwatches and other mundane day-to-day items.
>Some details from sidequests such as a small shade playing with a child before you kill it off and the shade inside Emil's mansion not attacking you and just checking out books in the library
>One story from the Forest of Myth outright telling you that human corpses turned into Shades at the end
>The most fucking brilliant one being the characters from the Black Scrawl being composed of Celestial alphabet versions of A, C, G, T, the human DNA building blocks, explained in pic related.

I've yet to play Automata, but the original set the bar pretty high in regards to this stuff. I hope to play it soon, and I hope it lives up to the first one's expectations.

nigger, you dont even know

He wouldn't do that, Kojima has been sick to death of making MGS games since MGS3 at least.

holy shit

This… this is beautiful.

The industry is shit. Are you really going to try and explain how it's not? Lurk more newfag.