Tfw we now live in an age where devs are releasing patches to make their games even worse


Both look like worthless trash
Fuck off Toddler, use that handgrenade of yours already and blow yourself up.


Digital Foundry is the best time wasting JewTube channel. It's full of useless and interesting information and I could listen to Ritch blabber on about specs and shit for hours.

There's something autistically soothing about it.

Multiplying 0 by anything is 0, user.

it's the only youtube channel that i watch regularly when it comes to gaming.


Todd's not Jewish, he's a willing Shabbos Goy. He knows he's just a cog in the infernal machine, and he's more than happy to play his part.


/r/ing the webm of Todd begging people to buy all versions of Skyrim, please.

Wew you are a faggot OP.
You could appreciate for once all the hard work that Bethesda is putting into their old games just to improve them for their fans for free

We'll release the 60 FPS version next year, goy, just keep $80 aside for it. :^)


Hey leftypol.


How does this surprise you? Even normalfags know that Bethesda is more akin to an incontinent dog than a game publisher.
What's the point in measuring fps for something that can barely manage thirty frames?

What, nothing to reply to the pic?

The game looks utterly uninspiring.
Rust-coloured blurry boring shit.
The changes I can see are, foreground is more blurry and the background is less blurry in 24, the reverse in 30.
In reality, makes no difference, because it looks like every other piece of shit boring as fuck, slow, worthless shooter from the last 10 years.
Plus, consoles were never ever designed for shooters. It is like going fishing with your feet.



There is nothing wrong with Todd Howard. By the way, has anyone else pre-ordered Skyrim 2? I have! I even got it for Xbox One, PS4, and Windows 10 so I can enjoy it 3x more!



[Flood Detected]


I think Todd Howard is a pretty cool guy. He invented Skyrim and Fallout.

i havent seen so many todds in one thread before



Damn. The last guy in your webm reminded me of this Italian guy I used to be in love with.


the lulz were good


The last creation club patch literally broke the game on the original xbone. Light reflection and the engine in general are fucked, some complain their vanilla save files were considered corrupted after the patch.
Can't wait for the next BGS games: they'll remove content that would make their shallow games playable to sell it on creation club. Kinda like skyrim survival, but further: imagine if you have to buy things like weapon crafting and modding. That's where they want to go, it's clear. If a company is willing to break their game to sneak in microtransaction, you can bet they'll go all the way in.


Holy cake kike whats with this cockblocking?



On the plus side this generation of consoles has forced developers to code more efficiently. Shame it doesn't help though because the consoles are still shit.

IIRC depending on where you look your fps drops dramatically, not just the general area. It's due to how poorly optimized the game is, as well as Bethesda adding shadows to every area in your line of sight, and all the shadows on the walls in the cities, and the railings etc, combined with the clutter and shit optimization makes the game run like hot shit down a wall. So this pic isn't an accurate representation since he's not looking in the same area, although the textures are fucked, which was initially a low graphics card problem when it first launched as well, so I dunno how beth fucked that up as well for the xbone.

How about this: they're both shitty RPG-FPS mischlings with no redeeming factors.

Consoles have always forced devs to code more efficiently, the problem is they don't. They instead just start stripping shit out until it runs at a bare minimum. Where do you think the term "consolized" came from?

How about you kill yourself you fucking nigger, Lemme guess STALKER and VTMB are shit too? Die in a ditch.

Stalker and VTMB are actually good games, on engines that aren't fucking atrocious, made by developers that know what they're doing. Fallout New Vegas is effectively just a reskinned Fallout 3, which was a reskinned Oblivion. It's shit, just like Fallout 3, just like Oblivion. It has the exact same shitty, adulterated gameplay as Fallout 3. The only thing you might point towards as being better is the story, and if you play games for story, fuck you.

The problem is everyone is obsessed with superfluous (((4K))) shit. It's like they're expediting the law of diminishing returns for some fucking reason. Instead of leveraging the hardware in any way that matters, we're stuck with the same games at comically high resolutions with gameplay being negatively impacted by the shitty framerates that invariably occur when you're forcing underpowered hardware to do something it can't really handle. Hell, remember when new consoles actually allowed for advances in things *other* than graphics?

Hello razornigger. You don't even know why people like NV.

The thing New Vegas does better than 3 is the actual role-playing. By your logic, Fallout 4 is better than both of them, right?

Nope. Consoles are shit by definition.

Because they're faggots with shit taste in video games who won't admit that they enjoy the fucking rancid pile of goat shit that is Fallout 3.

Who the fuck roleplays in a fucking singleplayer game? No, Bethesda has never made a single truly good game, and they never fucking will. They should have stuck to making shitty movie-licensed games and god-awful Terminator games.

You think the Japanese make goofy images of Todd Howard after the Switch conference?

MMO's have been around for decades.

gooks are not THAT dank

Yeah, and for that matter, who needs classes or skills, or dialogue options?

Nice try

Holy shit who keeps letting these niggers in? You can't fucking say one is shit and one is good in the same sentence when you are talking about NV and VTMB. You are a retarded baiting nigger and you have been going at this for quite some time now trying to shit on NV and STALKER and the most recent entry VTMB. Did the cake kike let you in?



I had actually stopped.

BGS shill, you can't toddpost outside of imageboards. When you'll release your next turd, we'll go out and we'll remind those tasteless idiots about creation club and all your bullshit. Weeks after launch, we'll gloat at your failure. What an unfortunate time to present a new IP…

Roleplaying is for tabletop games, faggot. It's one of the few things video games can't truly emulate.
I can say it. VTMB is a good game, and I've enjoyed playing it. New vegas is a Bethesda game, with Obsidian's level design tossed on top. Even if the level design was good, the shitty fucking gameplay ruins the entire thing.

Meant to reply to as well.

You are really deluded aren't you?

VTMB has bad gameplay as well. You are retarded.

Nah, it's fun. You just have shit taste.


Indeed, it's not shilling, it's damage control. My bad.

RPGs aren't visual novels, faggot. The Gold Box games didn't have noteworthy stories, but they were fun as fuck, and that's all that matters for a game.

You said NV is bad because its gameplay is bad and role-playing doesn't matter.
VTMB has bad gameplay and great role-playing.
NV has bad gameplay and great role-playing.
So… are you merely pretending?

Praise Kek comrade.

Shit nibba.
Where were you when the UT2004 patches came out

Planescape Torment is agreed to be one of the best RPGs of all time, and its gameplay is hot garbage.

No it isn't, it's a piece of shit.

Who says it has bad gameplay?

Well done, you had us all believing you for a minute there.



It is. It's as if they forgot they were making a video game halfway through. If a game isn't fun, it's shit.

I had tons of fun with NV.
What now you fucking nigger?

Because it's a Bethesda game in disguise?

Obviously you have shit taste.

taste is subjective faggot

Shit is shit user. I'm sorry you're in denial about it, but you're a shiteater.


Tastes are subjective. Facts are objective
For example your tastes are determined subjectively, but they are objectively shit. Fact.

Retarded to the n-th degree.

Its fundamentally different from any Bethesda games. Its an actual RPG. If anything its a good game disguising itself as a Bethesda game.

Whos todd howard?

The gameplay is fucking identical to Fallout 3, down to the shitty guns, the atrocious VATS system, and the god-awful balancing.

Why is Todd posting always so funny?

It's not you're just retarded


Baneposting is funny, this isn't.


He's right you know. Toddposting is a forced meme.

Spoiler: reddit hates him

Doesn't make him any less cancerous. And still:

Teebs is love.

that's true

I see you too watched the Digital Foundry video

They both came to the conclusion that the bottleneck is Bethesdas really fucking shitty game engine that can't handle 4k rendering properly. The same exact thing was happening with Skyrim Remastered and both the One X and PS4 Pro exhibit identical framerate issues despite the slight hardware variation

Why isnt he dead from cancer yet?

Because he's a betterman.

The fact people got upset at this is proof we have redditors.

He is a jew, what do you expect?

Maybe they do it ironically to bait retards like you?

Ah yes, the pretending to be retarded meme.





I'll be thinking of you when I touch my cock while watching this.

why did you react to a todd post in anger with another todd post

… they really are

These screenshots are in different places. The second one has much more detailed distant terrain visible than the first one. Just saiyan.

I hate those graphic comparison videos and i see this one all the time.
It's not like the game would have been better, if they hadn't downgraded the visuals.
It's not like there haven't been a bunch of other issues that made the game feel terrible to play.

Toddposting was never funny.

A friend of mine was "ironically" Toddposting and then ended up actually buying Fallout 4.

Was the "friend" you?

I guess the wording could make it sound like that, but no.


Thanks man.

Because you shouldn't let memes close to normalfags. Toddposting is making fun of Bethesda's greed and Todd's lies. It was never meant to be something positive.

Not possible these days, the internet is too centralized. Anything that catches on will spread, especially considering there are normalfags on this very board.
Sarcasm can very easily fly over dumb people's heads, user.


can't trust that screenshot since it's taken from different spots. it might have been the same in both patches except there's more stuff to render in the right one.

Yes, you are right. Thank you for rephrasing my post.

TB doesn't have cancer. the cancer has him. that poor cancer.

No. That era began with steam. Even the early steam version of half-life is missing A3D and D3D amoung other things. Even so, even as early as doom, TNT/plutonia introduced a minor teleport glitch to the engine.

what's the point in doing a tryhard comparison if you're not even synced up? Those images are clearly in different positions from each other, the least you can do if you're baiting youtube for mad views is to sync the inputs so you get a fair comparison. Also, DigitalFoundry is nothing more than junk food content, consisting of stuff people like me already know, especially the classic series. Do they measure loads? Do they check the minor detail differences in each game? Are they even aware of how the game engine works? Oh they show the frame rates? Something you can tell mostly from your eyes… Oh wow! Super valuble content!

It's from Digital Foundry you queer, just watch their video


Todd posting is a Reddit meme for fags that think Todd is just overambitious.

Todd Howard did nothing wrong.
