Casual but decent games

So what are some casual games that are fun and can be played with a left hand? Basic shit that can get harder gradually.
I really need to train my left hand now.

Any sharp furniture is a potential trip to the hospital

being a forced lefty sucks

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Do you have a mouse that is comfortable enough when used with your left hand? Play HoMM 3, its slow and doesnt require precision

HoMM 3 is ok but already played it to death, along with disciples 2 and battle for westnoth.

CRPGs, JRPGs, anything turn-based really.

RPGs are great fun, dude. Can recommend Pillars of Eternity. You can pause the real time fighting to fit your speed. Should work fine with one hand.

I'm only interested in age of wonders 3, but it wasn't really fun when I tried it.

What about that mobile homm? Worth a shot?

Heh, I happen to have cut a bit of my left index finger a week ago. It was very minor and doctor says it's healing smoothly thankfully. Still, I can only play with a controller including FPSes, I feel dirty.
Get well soon. Aquaria can be played entirely with a mouse I think, great game.

That's some really shit taste. Go play Fallout, Fallout 2, Arcanum, Final Fantasy Tactics, Front Mission 2 and Divinity:OS.

Any XCOM or X-Com game


I'm not sure if that tanks game from Wii Play fits the bill, but I'm just throwing it out there. It's a surprisingly addictive, casual game.

Go for turn based strategy like Dominions or Civ

Use one of these and you'll be able to play most things.

Nice bait.

Just watch anime, I didn't cut my hand but I have to do it with one hand because the other is on my cock most of the time.

Any turn based game
Dwarf Fortress
A good portion of racing games such as need for speed

You didn't throw a sperg fit and punch it did you?


I punched one when I was like 5 because my friend did it. Turns out he didn't punch it for real, but I did.

If you have a robot hand it should be much easier anyway

You could probably play most Sonic games since they usually require only 1 or 2 buttons.

better question would be "what game can i play while i jack off?"

Battle Chasers is pretty good.

Hex TCG?


Your best bet would be old zero-button arcade games. You could probably also awkwardly play 1 to 2 button games one-handedly using shoulder buttons.

You can play Gothic 1 and 2 with one hand.

There are plenty of games that mostly require just a mouse, like Point and Click Adventure games, real time strategy games on easy or medium can be played without keyboard bindings, VNs(if you consider them games), turn based strategy games or city builders. You can also emulate some DS games like Ghost Trick or Phoenix Wright and just play them with a mouse, or with a hand on a phone like I did. There are countless JRPGs, CRPGs, early arcade games that can be played mostly with a dpad and one or two buttons.

As said you could play Gothic 1&2 with just one hand, though I never tried this so I can't comment.
The choice is yours.

He specifically said "with no frame" so I assume he was moving it and it shattered because it had no edge support. Glass is a finicky bitch.

I know that feel. I accidentally cut myself with a knife at work about two months ago on my left hand. The wound wasn't as big or ugly as yours probably, but it did actually reach my bone and my index finger was out of commission for a long time. To this day I still can't fully feel the finger, though I can move it freely. I couldn't play real games so I just played runescape.

Never seen an uncut unpolished mirror edge, have you?

Have you tried age of wonders? It's like disciples 2, but with more stuff, and less polish.

Getting into puzzle games and turn-based strategy is probably one of your best bets. Picross, Sudoku, Civilization, Advance Wars, etc.

Nigger do you know how sharp glass can be?
Just regular broken glass you can slice your skin with almost no pressure. A mirror like what OP is describing is 10x worse than that.

Write a book/draw paintings or something instead user.

Perfect game for you OP.

Sims3 + KinkyWorld

I burned my right hand pretty badly a few years back and had to have it all wrapped up, i just played turn based games and pecked at the controls with the wrappings on

Kings Bounty is a good HoMM inspired series. Not top notch but a solid 7/10

Maybe Rimworld, I play it almost entirely with the mouse alone, the things I use the keyboard for can be clicked all the same though.

It's casual in that you mostly are just giving people orders and rules then you watch them do it, but it gets progressively more complex as you research new things, get tasks and encounter issues, etc.

I feel like it's a light version of dorf fort in a futuristic setting with a friendlier interface. There are neat Oregon trail style events but with more influence on the outcome of a scenario than just a dice roll. There's also a shitload of mods for the game and the updates have been pretty nice.
Disclaimer: I pirate the alpha versions but I will more than likely buy it when when it hits 1.0

Factorio is also good if you're autistic and like to automate and improve automated systems. It's casual in that you can really play it however you want to reach the goal, you can be super efficient and shit or just have fun making things and improving them at your own pace, in your own way.

My recently inherited house is an actual fucking deathtrap that I think will kill me in the process of fixing it, each day I get closer to a serious accident or getting buried under a mound of shit.

any turn based game

It' far from casual but you can play Dorf Fort one handed.

I can't find those anymore because nobody wants to stock them.

Any game programed in RPG maker should be able to be played one handed
IIRC bayonetta has a one handed mode

OFF, Logomancer, the one we are currently making, Uncommon Time if you want to torture yourself, Ib, Witch's House, Last Roll, Yume Nikki are a few I think are worth checking out.


Rhythm Heaven

I hope you get better soon, user. This might be a good time to get some reading done.

Anything turn based really.You might even try RTS if your are comfortable using your mouse with your left. Flight sims with a stick or driving games with a wheel are also an option. Maybe even mobile games

Are you me?

i hope not

Hello user, I chopped my pinkie nerve in a drunken haze with a bread knife many moons back, went through the tendon too and hit bone so I had a delightful dead finger until it got physio'd back to life.

You may experience quite an odd feeling when it starts firing again, along with being hypersensitive (kind of feels like you're missing skin in the area but without the horror) in mine the sensation was essentially 'upside down' so you tickled the tip and I felt it at the base and vice versa, this lasted a few years. The hypersensitivity fades but never really fully goes (18 years and counting and it still feels different from the other one), you'll always be aware of it being a bit weird but you get used to it in time.

Also have fun trying to jerk off, I had the good sense to shop my left hand.

I've got a RPG to recommend for you. This is more hardcore, but it's turn-based and very easily played with one hand. It's also very high on the replay value, given the various mutually exclusive questlines, different playstyles, and different outcomes you can create.

Pro tip: Increase animation speed in settings if the combat is dragging on.
Also: Max the shit out of your primary skills.

Game difficulties can be summed up as follows:
Easy: Pure min-maxed noncombat
Medium: Pure min-maxed combat
Hard: Hybrid

Hybrids are imo the most fun way to play, but also the least newbie-friendly.

Bayonetta has a 1 handed mode that's good for a first run of the game and getting to know the lore if you care about it at all.
Nier automata can be done one handed, the speed run world record holder plays it that way, you should probably use his setup though.
Other than that buy a racing wheel, some pedals and drive on auto

Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride on your phone. You can play it one handed and even change the control scheme to make it easier for using with your left hand. It's also one of the best JRPGs out there imo

Any good game without real time speed constraints, like turn based ones or those with active pause? Puzzle Quest (the first one) is a good timewaster.

+1 for Puzzle Quest I played that over a miserable January a few years back, perfect for time eating the sequel is harder to find and not as good btw.

Puzzle quest is legit as fuck. There's an expansion ( I think for the Wii? ) that adds more content, but aside from that there's a decent amount of content regardless. Surprisingly, your character is really customizable.

Glass is fucking asshole.

Emulate the cing games.

Play the ROTK series and all turn based games. Can also play porn games that specialize in playing with one hand, though you can't fap in this case.

When i played that I was fascinated in how many ways I can get a game over. One of the few games I wholly encourage save scumming because the game has no skip dialog button for replays aside from NG+

Mario Party 1&2

Play turn based strategy you dumb nigger.

Turn based, point and click adventures, light gun shooters.

Melee netplay. I hear Fox is beginner friendly and easy on the hands.

Legend of Grimrock 2.

Technically you're supposed to use the keyboard movement, but you can turn on an option that lets you move with the mouse with on-screen buttons instead. Honestly the game is much more challenging if you can't just dodge on a whim. It's kind of too easy otherwise since you're so much more nimble than every enemy in the game, and can just repeatedly attack them from the sides unless you get surrounded or cornered.

Piggle, motherfucker. It's still top notch.

That's worst part about glass, non-safety glass, it burrows more than say a wooden splinter. It can take potential hours outside of an ER with breaks in between to get some hair thin cunt out of yourself. I had that happen in the pads of one of my fingers and just tore open the fat little pore it made until I could see something glistening. Shit is just hard to get an idea of where to start pushing it out from. Either hit the ER or man up, get a needle and start digging.

Unless you pick up a one-handed controller, a joystick, git gud, or stick to turn-based stuff your options are pretty limited. I guess you could experiment with weird control bindings too, might make some 2D platformers playable.

>play sm4sh casually but intently with friends.

feels bad man.
at least my friends got destroyed in pools.

I genuinely like Plants vs. Zombies even though it's casual as fuk and made for babies.

I have only played a knight. Rolled over everything in the game with the right build. Escorted the imperial princess to her destination like a real tool, losing her as a future companion in the process.

Toki Tori 2.

Darkest dungeon

You're all wrong, Peggle is top tier for this. Maybe even Freespace if you can work a joystick, and the side buttons with a knuckle.