Have to fuck around with printer and scanner under my desk i've not touched in like 3 years because who the fuck prints...

Has a game ever trapped you and eaten you time like a vampire?

Vampires are an allegory for Jews

Vampires are jews.

7-8 years ago, my cousin and I and all our friends would gather nearly every day to compete for the best and highest rank in gaylo reach as we had done 2-3 years before in gaylo 3. I had the brilliant idea to waste away all my time I could've used for normalfag-esque social stuff like sports, finding a gf, making friends etc. but I chose to grind, and grind, and grind, for the very best rank of all of us.

I won of course, and that was the tipping point into my wizardry that I have maintained since before then.

I look more like a werewolf though.

t. Semitic chesthair

I played S.T.A.L.K.E.R. for 48 hours straight, eating and going to the restroom once a day, without realizing until I passed out and woke up to realize what day it was

Speaking of VtMB…
I finished my Malk playthru the other day, and it was by far the best playthru I have had of the game. I have finished it as a Ventrue twice, and once as a Treme prior, and I really wish I had gotten the chance to experience the game as a Malkavian on my first run of the game. Whomever say you shouldn’t play as a Malkavian your first time is full of shit.

The hotel is still nightmare fuel.

Malkav was the first run I completed. Couldn't understand what the fuck was happening in the ending because the answers got increasingly fucking crazy. It's not that you shouldn't do it, it's that you have to understand that when you have a major choice at the end, you're going to have to select between answers that are just crazy prophet ramblings with little indication of what the shit you're doing.

I… I do not remember such love of video games anymore. I have tried to. I have tried to recreate it, to spark it anew in my memory. But it is gone… a hollow, dead thing. For years, I clung to the memory of it. Then the memory of the memory. And then nothing. Electronic Arts took that from me, too. I look upon vidya and I feel nothing.

Come on guys, haven't we all?

I swear for the next puzzle game it should be about making a printer actually print

You could say that, user.

My only experience with Jews living where I do has been a Tranny that proved to me Jews can't even be attractive trannies even by the already very, very low standards of attractiveness set by normal trannies.
I mean, he had the hooked nose and greasy hair and everything. And he sounded exactly like Jay Baruchel.

Leave crossdressing to the Nips, Hispanics, and the very select white people that can pull it off, at least until they open their mouths.

First time I played the game I was on a patch that had fucked up several assets in the game. I'm talking constantly jiggling utility wires and shit. But this didn't mean anything to me. No, it was when I got to Downtown and entered the Skyeline Apartments. The interface panel in the elevator was fucked, so I was pixel hunting with my mouse on the paneling of the wall and ceiling. Some apartments had textures that were inverted in color, they just looked really washed out. Some also had ferns replacing certain objects, like I remember where a ceiling fan would be it was just a fern hanging in the air. There was nobody in the building, save for the dying girl on the top floor. Combining these oddities with the computer in the office detailing the exploits of the voyeuristic owner, and the creepy ambient music playing in the background it sufficiently got under my skin real good.

I've been a sucker for urban horror since Silent Hill 4, it was by a botched patch that I got to experience something really creepy in the game and I won't forget it.

I was 10, and this was the first real game and console I'd ever owned. I pulled an all-nighter, then made the mistake of thinking I could just tell my mom and sleep through school. Boy, she was pretty pissed.

NieR 1
I easily spent 40-50 hours grinding for upgrade materials so I could upgrade all of the weapons in the game.
I then spend another 10 hours replaying the game because there are certain lootable items that are only available from specific enemies during specific events in the game.
I then spent another 40 hours re-grinding for upgrade materials because as you upgrade your weapons they gradually change in appearance and I could not find any tables/charts/galleries online that showed the weapon progressions. My autism had to be satisfied so I re-did everything again so I could take the screenshots of the weapons myself.

Those Eagle/Giant eggs really fucked you in the ass didn't they?

Upload them nigger. Share the results of your autism.

Fuck those eggs I was only 1 or 2 short of them. But it was also random useless materials that had no specific purpose. If I remember correctly some of the missable items were stuff like deer antlers pre time skip or some random mineral that only dropped from a specific group of shades on your way to a specific mission.
This thread reminded me of the the weapon upgrade gallery I made, but now I can't find it anywhere on the computer… It's only a matter of time before I re-grind for everything for a third fucking time, because it'll piss me off knowing I lost something.

Godspeed user, I took one look at how bad the grind would be to upgrade all weapons and quit right there in og NieR. Truly you are doing god's work.
Seriously broke my hear that the wiki doesn't have pictures of all the weapons stages and the story descriptors.

Is 2B nopan in that picture?

what did you want to print, OP?

I can only hope so user

This, malkavian run is a meta run, the character knows what it is rambling about and to keep up with it you need to have finished the game already otherwise all dialogue is random.

Now I'm feeling motivated. I'll probably start within the next week or so. I just remembered that at the time I first played NieR I couldn't into capture tech so all of the screenshots were phone pictures. So it'll also be a good excuse to learn how to capture console footage. I'll re-do the weapon gallery and make sure I don't fucking lose it again.
Also during the fight with the giant eyeball shade in the Aerie the shades/humans you kill are the sacrifices that build/create the boss.
You can notice the progression of it as you kill more shades it'll go from a tiny black swirl into the giant orb as you continue to feed it more sacrifices.
I have also wanted to capture that progression as well so that's another reason for me to re-do the grinding.

People this young can post on this board.

I'm 21, Kids born during the release of the first Shrek movie are now 16. and the distance between now and the release of the n64 is over four times that of the distance between the time of release of the SNES and the n64.
I could go back further, but past that and it starts to lose all impact.

oh wait, no, the distance between the release of the NES and the 64 is less than the release of the 64 to now.

What you are is lost. Go away.

Did it ever…

Those are baby hours.

Porn games

Get out.

Mark we know. We've seen your lewd pics.

Doubt its vidya, sounds more like depression or melodrama.

at least play good games instead. this is just a waste of a life.

only 420 hours
on a side note fuck afterbirth+