The real reason why Andromeda failed

According to Manveeir Heir:

you know at this point, just let them think that.

let them destroy themselves

He probably cried himself to sleep after they kicked his ass to the curb when people found his posts on social media.

Problem with leftists is that they tend to drag the rest of us down with them.

How on earth were these people smart enough to leave high school!
What the hell happened to the education system, who are these people and who keeps letting them in?

fucking punjabi poobrained streetshitter.

Common Core, and before that, No Child Left Behind. But I think even that was too late to have affected the 30-something failures in (((games journalism))) right now. Maybe they got the tail end of it in their teenage years when they were discovering their identities.

Affirmative action. You can't fail these shit eating subhumans.

How can you be here and not know the answer to this question?

This guy needs to kill himself, especially after Andromeda


What it really lacked is autistic characters. Female Rider was a good start and everyone that worked on Andromeda, but it needed more in the game. Wouldn't it be charming if you can romance a diverse an autistic race of aliens while being special enough that you save the universe through your autistic ways? I think they missed the point of how autistic their audience is.

I guarantee he means "there was more than zero" when he says this

Has anyone told him that's slang for semen yet?

Just do what I hope people do with asscreed, and consider the franchise condemned. Do you really need to buy every game in a franchise, regardless of their shitty track record?

That's what I mean by letting them destroy themselves. Move on to games that are worth your time, and the problem will cull itself

Who the fuck is this?

No, it won't, because just like niggers endlessly chasing after whitey no matter how far whitey runs leftists will poison everything that isn't already pozzed. Both groups can keep on doing this because they have wealthy backers like Soros pouring hundreds of millions to keep their behavior from destroying them.

Hello cuck. How are things in cuckchan?

I'm not surprised if EA shelf Bioware, the company is falling apart.

Reverse image search it, you lazy user.

They're making a new Dragon Age game, on top of Anthem. EA will sooner shut down whatever talented studios they are left than to shut down their Marxist poster child.

I'm saying why the fuck should I care about this nobody-tier retard. I don't actually care to know who this retard is, you idiots


Even worse.

Read: Fired. When you're so shit at your job you're not even good enough for nu-Bioware maybe you should stop blaming the White man and work on your own shitskin self.



Has there ever been the case of one of these people killing themselves?

Rhetorical question, don't answer that

ain't that the usual responds when the shitty product fails?

This chart is a troll my cats kill me if i scratch near their tail

The chutzpah of this goyim.

My dog hates it when I touch his tail or scratch the part of his back near it.
sage for off-topic

Holy shit, Mass Defect Androgynous development team was too much diverse and this cause the game to be the trainwreck we saw, and Designated Shitting Developer wanted it to be even more diverse? This is your brain on jewishness, ladies and gentlemen.

He's just a typical currynigger expressing his inherent inferiority complex towards white men.

Don't think of their words as arguments or even logical thoughts but more of a verbal checklist to get more funding and it makes more sense.

Critical theory is a hell of drug. People like these only know how to complain and complain, but never offer anything constructive to say.

Aren't the Qunari supposed to be fantasy Muslims?

Nope. His contract expired just before the game came out. The people in charge of Bioware saw nothing wrong with the shit he said. It was merely a coincidence.

Yes. Which is why the tranny soldier was so hilarious. The only reasoning I had for it was due to the Bull guy being a spy, he was intentionally fucking over one of the human races and trying to trick everyone into converting by letting them believe that, when established lore on the Qunari people says exactly the opposite.

Yes. Well, they were. They even had the whole "kill any and all apostates" thing going on. Women were relegated to housework and some priestess duties but men mostly ran everything. Mages were slaughtered because the Qun said to do it. Now it's "That warrior is gay and indentifies as a genderfluid magekin so he's good to go."

The problem with Manveeir Heir:

white women not show bobs and vagene ;_;

LOL, ur not even funny, but I guess it's cool because you didn't judge a book by its cover XDXDXDXD

I felt bad writing that

Honest question, user: When has a leftist EVER accepted personal responsibility?
I bet if they burn their fucking toast they'd blame the toaster.

You have autism.

Well actually Females ran everything not the army, men ran the army, and the church had both. That is why the Arishock was always male, Arigena was always females, and the Ariqun could be both.

Literally who?

Calm down Patel, I'm sorry white women don't want you but you shouldn't get a complex about it.

Thanks for the laugh.
I really needed that.

What an ignorant chart. It's medically not advised to scratch or even pet a cat on her back because it literally builds up a physical stress from the nerves in the area which later manifests in aggressive behavior and depression. The best area for cat petting is her neck and chin.

Is this a trick question to get them to wrap their heads around the idea that n can't equal itself after modification, and therefore around the notion of the algebraic substitute value being a real number that can be worked towards, or is he simply misspeaking? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills, it doesn't quite make sense.

Then again, neither does attempting to teach an all-black class algebra; it'll be nothing but disorder if they aren't surrounded by ordered, less colored individuals to suppress their instinct to posture and hoot as a group and thus force them to pay something resembling attention and at least semi-succeed at absorbing the information, or at the very least to fail quietly without incident.

He actually said n+7=m
You see later on the board m=something


I agree. We need more nigs and diversity I hope they take this advice and watch as no one plays their shit

I think at one time I used to find this amusing. I can't anymore. I JUST can't. The fact that someone can say this and in some parts of the world nobody can even blink an eye, raise an eyebrow or openly object without being ridiculed by mainstream media and tumblrised normalfags. That's where it stopped being funny.

Cats like that spot because they can't reach it with their tongue easily. I ran a comb over my cat once and a solid clump of hair came out there.

Part of me feels like they were trying to make Islamism appealing by making it sound progressive.



Gamasutra giving Manveer a soapbox and continuing to double down on blaming everyone and everything but the dumpster fire that was Andromeda. Wew, what a huge surprise. Though it is curious that the usual suspects now say that Andromeda was less than successful at all.

Previously the usual suspects insisted the game did very well and met EA's expectation.

That’s why we have to kill them first.

Affirmative action.
Jews, dipshit.

Except they didn't. He just hat a limited contract for the duration of ME:androgynous' development.
You're expecting way too much from Bioware.

I wonder how many times this has to happen before they stop diversity hires.

It doesn't matter if they let him go or not, he'll be out on his ass eventually.

Not even mad. Double down. Drive yourself even further into the dirt.

That would actually be really cute. I'm not going to lie.

That teacher must have the patience of a saint to work in there.

I'm experienced a maine coon who enjoyed having his belly rubbed without experiencing mauling unlike other cats.

That deluded huh?
Has anyone involved with this abortion just admitted they fucked this whole thing up?

Maybe if you have to preface something with your race it isn't worth fucking saying, you parasite.

Nope. When people saw how bad some of the art assets and animation they tried to blame it on sexism, or ebul sexist entitled gamers trying to persecute the FEMALE lead artist. Except that lead artist was a junior level artist who did not seem to have the experience maturity or skill to hold a lead artist position. Which brings up the question of competent managing overall, because how the fuck did a junior without much experience even get to be Lead Artist. Unless nepotism or being made a fallguy.

But hey it's gotta be sexism somehow. And racism. And probably entitled gamers. Surely not because the game sucked, or something rotten in the studio.

I swear I read somewhere that they fired him. Oh well, it's not like it fucking matters anyways since the game bombed harder than Nagasaki.



I think curryThunder is back in India making apps for phones.
I think.

Can be cheaper and quieter to just not renew someones contract than outright fire them. And this is bioware shit we're talking about.

It's like putting out a fire by pouring gasoline on it, and upon failure, declaring that you must not have used enough gasoline.

Why are they so delusional?

it was me all along austin-mcmahon.jpg

It's not delusion, it is malice. The entire goal is to disinherit the white man. Thus far they've been mostly successful.

What gets me the most is the implication here:
Can you imagine just how annoying you have to be to anger the people that hired you for some dumb SJW cred? They preach and preach about muh tolerance and shit but turns out that annoying dumbasses are still pretty annoying regardless of skin color, who would've thought?

So basically:

Sounds like it.

I'm hoping EA gives Bioware another go, so that they can even further with idpol and socjus. I'm hoping it finally kills Bioware


And here I thought we were talking about one of the best sci fi shows. Faggots, all of you for bringing up this gay shit.

Here's the cover of bioware's new chapter in the mass effect universe.

glad i have never bought any of these shitty games.

Wog tear's more-like. Andromeda was a nothing burger.

According to Manveeir Heir:

Who, space Hercules? Maybe if it was paired up with Briscoe County Jr. Reruns or something.

Bioware is practically an empty husk at this point. Seeing it go tits up is just formality, and will not change the fact that EA would still be alive.

That shit was better than any faggot trek or dr jew that was ever on the air. Star Trek was basically liberals getting their dream world while still showing they can still beat the baddies by readjusting their fucking lazer pointers every few moments. At least Space Herc didnt fuck around all episode and killed some niggers when they needed to.

Never mind that SJWs made the fucking thing and any "lack of diversity" is 100% their doing. This "man" is dangerously retarded.


Someone's trying to get laid.

I really want to know which courses and which majors actually have these professors.

Oh boy, what a twist. I, for one, am amazed to learn that Andromeda didn't fail due to its worse than amateur visuals, poor story, ridiculous bugs or the piss poor reception the game received on launch due to these issues. Oh no, the game failed because [pet ideological outlook] wasn't pandered to enough. It must be comforting for him to tell himself that only flaws in the game he created was that not enough people listened to him. Really makes you think.

No need to mince words and call them liberal, call them for what they really are. Space commies. With a dash of Rand Corporation. Many of their more interesting characters was despite the creator's intent.
Dukat did nothing wrong.

He's also shit talking a former employer. Not something potential employers or studios tend to see as a positive trait. Does he have enough fuckyou money to do that or what. Not sarcastic I'm really wondering if bioware gave him a golden parachute deal.

Maine coons are awesome cats

managers suck their own farts while everyone working with them just nods their heads and gives each other a nervous glance after the meeting going "well fuck it i don't have another job lined up lets just go with it" and Holla Forums goes "its the (((leftists))) trying to get an iron grip" and completely missing the irony of it


Starfleet has standards/rules that must be adhered to, so some racial/cultural aspects must be abandoned. Worf can't be excessively violent and just kill his way up the hierarchy, Nog can't treat women like property, religious practices/beliefs cannot interfere with one's duty, etc.

SJWs would fucking hate living in the Trek universe because they would have to actually WORK and they can't just shut someone up by calling them sexist/racist or accusing them of conspiring with those damned Russians Romulans.

Seems like you forgot about the white supporting characters.

It never occured to me why the weapon model was chopped for this scene, until now. A dumb fuck (likely the art director) wanted to replicate a classic Hollywood character shot with the majorty of the frame dedicated to the face. The fov, however,was too narrow, and the gun model was too long, and clipped past camera. So the model was chopped, and then was turned around delibrately, hoping that it wouldn't be as noticable as the flat servace taking up screen space.

It shows a lack of flexibilty upwards and downards. It slao shows that the production team was incapabile of adapting their codebase, and incapable of compromising storyboarding for production.

Ultimately, this game was built like a lego set, and was treated as such from start to finish.

Nah, most of them fit right at home in the sanfran hq of staaahrfleeeet. Then again something like Section31 would probably use cool aid drinkers like that for their own purposes without any hesitation. It might be a different matter if they are not on Earth and get put on a working ship, under a practical hardass captain like Jellico.

IIRC wasn't it because the pistol model was held backwards.

That's part of my post. The gun was made to be backwards, because it looked more passable at a glance, then either a model that was too long, or the blunt flat surface from the sizing modification.

Also good luck finding another job after talking shit about your superiors

Yeah, that's what gets me the most. "My boss told me not to be openly racist on Twitter, but honestly, fuck that cracker."

>implying his (((bosses))) are white
Come on now.

They were white in his mind.

Ah ok yeah. Personally I was leaning towards the art director thinking "ugh guns are icky let's just get this over with". But them trying to be too fucking fancy and all "cinematic" can also fuck that shit up. Christ when I first saw their original backwards handling, and how they 'fixed' it I thought it was joke.

or they could just kill off all the lazy SJWs because they considered them a threat to humanity's future

Minorities can't tell the difference between jews and whites. This is why even if all whites are extinct they're next on the chopping block.

I don't play flaming piles of garbage pulled from the Ganges.
Besides isn't mass effect mostly alien characters? How more (((diverse))) can you get? Do the chairs need dialogue about their ass preferences?


The new mass effect game better star nothing but niggers and trannies and be called Mass Effect: Kangs

So how about turning the leftist golems against them? Like how Diversity is just "dog whistling" for racism and how the game industry emboldens racists like Manveer.

More like fired

Being constructive requires that one takes responsibility for problems. That's a very difficult thing to do when your entire ethos is based around externalizing problems.

In other words no studio wants to hire him.

A lot of you niggers didn't even read the article.
He said

So the problem is the lack of (((diversity))) in Bioware, not in the game

I saw a documentary a few years back detailing the police force out in India. One scene had the crew following a couple officers through a busy market street, they were armed with long wooden sticks which they used to poke and shove people out of their way; when the pair came upon a man who was being belligerent they just hit him with sticks until he left. The camera crew asked why the two officers felt the need to shove and bludgeon people and the officers explained that "this is the only language these people understand, it's the only way you can communicate with them."

Manveeir is a perfect example of why the Indian police force carry large, wooden sticks.

I would very much like to see that documentary, user.
Do you recall any details I could use to track it down?

sage for not contributing

Designated shit opinion by a designated shitting curry savage.

It wasn't the downgraded facial animations?
Did the animators have autism and not know what emotions look like?
Did the entire dev-team?
You know he's just off-handedly blaming racism for his game being a piece of shit, right?

Thank you for the explanation.

It wasn't downgraded, their face was tired.

Well at least freaks like gaider, laidlaw and this streetshitter are out of the industry. No aaa sh would ever employ them again with those failures in the cv.

Suffice to say that gypsies, that plague upon Europe, came out of India and are related to the "Aryan" master race frolicking in their own feces. Pakistan would do a great favor to humanity if it nuked India.

Gayder is working at Beamdog, so we at least know who the next BioWare is going to be.

Gyppos are related to Dravidians, not Arya.

Same shit smelling brown monkeys that should never have been allowed to multiply. Fuck the British.

The same people who butcher old classic games and take credit for making them?

Source of that vid?

What kinds of stupid drugs are you on?
Scratching back builds up stress?
Why the fuck are retards of you caliber even allowed to breathe?

Beamdog is indie. Shitty indie developers with shitty ideas that can't get an investment even on kickstarter. It's the bioware refuse disposal, and i have said everything.


It totally wasn't the horrible graphics, shitty writing, bad voice acting, and your team consisting of inexperienced cunts who shouldn't have touched a big IP. It was those nasty white people.

What complaints? Lack of Anti-Trump shit or forced Social Justice agenda, or Pro-Antifa/BLM shit? Fuck him.

India doesn't even give a shit about low-class citiziens that are killed after getting raped.

Journos need to start calling people on their total bullshit. If this opinion were somehow grounded in fact; ask Manfeet Hair to explain titles like "Max Payne (PC)" by Remedy Entertainment.

Finland isn't known for its large roving shitskin rape gangs. That would be Sweden or Germany.

same with mudslimes, you need guys like Saddam to keep them in line.

Indians are useless, in this video they cant even save a guy drowning whos a few meters from the shore even with boats.

My poor heart can't take much more.

How fucking retarded do you have to be to not know how to swim?

Humans lose the ability to even float without training after infancy. Learning to swim was often seen as dangerous in many cultural contexts as going to water was seen dangerous and instantly drowning was seen as better option to struggle (even though drowning is a really painful way to go).

This doesn't make any sense. Besides, swimming feels extremely natural to me. But I'm white and taught myself how to swim when I was a child. I still clearly remember my furious dog paddling before learning more efficient ways through experimentation.

Maybe you should read on the subject. It makes perfect sense. People go in water, they drown, better to stay out of water. Not to mention the feeling of cold from being wet was often connected with disease, just like mundane things like night air was.

I guess I can see it from the perspective of risk aversion. But if I lived around a lot of water, or spent much time in water, then I'd sure as hell learn how to swim. It would be stupid not to.

Southern Indians are notorious cowards, user.

There's very little reason to learn to swim, even if they live surrounded by water. Avoiding deep water is easy and nobody intentionally falls of boats. From the perspective of people who don't need to swim, trying to learn to swim would be pointlessly dangerous. Even so late as the 19th century, swimming was a weird sport for the upper class in Europe.

most of them do go "swimming" though, they just have no idea what to do once they cant touch the bottom.

I get that you mean well, but if any part of your life involves getting on flimsy boats then you better learn how to fucking swim, seeing as it is a relatively small investment compared to DYING when you one day fall into the water by accident.

I don't give a fuck why people didn't learn to swim in the 19th century. I don't even really care why they don't want to learn now. But from my perspective it seems like cowardice, particularly if you spend any significant amount of time around water. Learning to swim in relatively shallow water is not difficult and takes only a little practice. And it could easily save your life if you're around water a lot.

Obviously I agree. My point was that what was(/is in savage cultures) seen as dangerous could often be pretty irrational even though it was result of rational observation.

You realize you are calling most of your ancestors cowards for not pointlessly endangering themselves for something inconsequential to their lives?

Within their own cultural context, with whatever nonsense they believed, it may have been reasonable. But I'm specifically talking about modern day people.

You seem awfully hung up on looking at this from a historical perspective. But I don't really care.

That video of the modern day Indians letting some guy drown is ridiculous. Indians who commonly bathe in that disgusting river, and hold religious ceremonies in it, yet they are too lazy and/or cowardly to learn to swim?

Yes, they're fantasy Ottoman Empire to the point of trying to take over the fantasy ERE and resulting in fantasy Crusades

Yes. That actually makes the tranny thing more reasonable (Iran subsidizes dick-chopping surgeries), not less, though it's still retarded because it contradicts Sten's dialogue in Origins.

It's from one of Smudboy's videos analyzing the plot of DA: Cisquisition. I forget which part (there's 36 of them) so I just post his conclusion video.


Master race actions.

What the fuck? How can you even go near a body of water that you obviously don't know how deep it is when you are so comically inept at swimming or floating?

Low IQ subhumans.


Dear Lord, that's just basic self preservation failing here

Note to all anons who don't know how to swim, the easiest way to float in water is just relax and take deep breaths. You float as long as you have air in your lungs.

They could have just looked up "how to swim" or "how to stay afloat" on the internet but nooooo. All the knowledge at their disposal but nooo

I realize how retarded the post sounds, what I mean to say is that as long as you have inflated your lungs you'll float.


Why are we giving this racist sandnigger piece of shit any attention?

Do American public schools not do any swimming lessons at all?

But you couldn't actually create a white character in it due to some "bug" could you?
The street shitter is full of it.

Considering the level on Un-education going in in america teachers would drown the kids instead.

Dubs of truth. Even if swimming lessons were mandatory the schools would still fail at teaching so it doesn't matter.

EA doesn't give the slightest fuck about diversity, they care about profit. They just leverage diversity where useful when they think it will make them a buck or save them some cash on advertising.

They just shitcanned Visceral and their Star Wars game which was worked on by Jade Raymond, Amy Henning, and Kim Swift after all.

No. Swimming doesn't draw in paying audiences from which to supplement the budget - and swimming pools are expensive and a huge liability. You pretty much have to attend a school from a large district or a private school to get swimming pools.

Everybody else… shit, they're cutting damned neared everything extracurricular - and trimming back on even core subjects. Football and Basketball, though, they will endure forever. Band, too… to a lesser extent… if only because the Basketball and Football teams need them to toot their horns at their games.

But it won't. All of my friends complained about Star Wars episode 7 (we saw it in theatres). Yet they still went to see rouge one the next year, I refused to he because 7 was shit and I didn't want to encourage more movies by paying to see the new one. They already invited me to go to see Episode 8 with them but again I will not go. My friends that play vidya do the same. They knew that Battlefront reboot was just a test by EA to see what kind of market there was for the game. I refused to pay full price for a multiplayer only game with such little content. I might get Battlefront II but I will see before I buy. Normalfags will throw their money at whatever series they are dedicated to regardless of quality. Todd Howard lies about significant game details for every release, yet normalfags flock to every Bethesda release with cash in hand. Ubisoft releases trailers with improved graphics compared to the actual product. Yet normalfags flock to them. It won't end because normalfags are too stupid to look at negatives and only focus on whether they have fun regardless of quality or promises.

Swimming lessons are typically paid (cheap though) and offered to youth by colleges, local swimming pools, or organizations like YMCA.
You won't get it unless you deliberately seek it out, so it comes down to parents doing their fucking job.

Isn't Affirmative Action a wonderful thing?

Seeing that the people in the picture are "women", it's probably Liberal Arts, Women's Studies or some other shitty Starbucks degree.

its easy to say because you have known how to swim all of your life but take into consideration the test they did with monkeys and the bananas at the top of a ladder

That can't be real…


Either options does not preclude the other. Did california pass that law about the act of giving AIDS to people as not being criminal? Maybe that's how section 31 got the superAIDS to infect the Dominion founders. :^)

He is not wrong though. Specially about Klingons not be allowed to kill their way through the ranks and religion not being allowed to interfere. The thing is, Star Trek has the replicator technology which removes the need of struggling, so this is why communism can work in that setting.

And even then the communism is almost entirely Earth alone. All the comfort ends when your ship is isolated away from friendly space and/or during war.


Sorry, I was referring to the woman in the webm. This is exactly what I thought as she was berating Picard.

They "taught" it at my high school in Canada. Though no one actually needed to be taught and there were just varying levels of swimmers put into different parts of the pool to fuck around and practice.

Even the few niggers here know how to swim considering it's one of the biggest pass times for children during the summer. Don't know why it would be any different in America.

What is it that these so-called scientists do?

Something to do with gender I'm sure.

Sure, go crazy. It'll be a huge success.

If I were that teacher I'd have just hooked a molotov into the room and ran in to immolate myself because I was a nigger too.

I doubt the suits at EA would ever fall for that. Sure they fund shit like that, but that's only for PR. When it comes to making money, they know how to do it.

Fundamental stupidity coupled with no-one ever teaching them. The 'water' (bare in mind it's India) is probably as clear as mud, add dumb teeny bravado and this is what happens.

How to float = Lay on your back and breathe normally.

Everyone who drowns in calm waters is a retard who is panicking when they don't need to.

Notice the 3 female heads there, this is a class for people who can't into science anyway. There's nothing they're going to be doing in life that's going have an impact.

Andromeda failed because BW alienated an easy half of their fanbase with ME3. They pushed that half away further with all the IDpol bullshit they engaged in in the wake of that and another third of the whole thereby. They could have won a lot back if they'd made a good game with Andromeda but it would have had to be as good as ME1 was. Instead of doing that, they concentrated on doubling down with muh diversity and so sealed their fate.

Is that a fact?

How do these retards even form a worldview when they believe in nothing? Why do they fight so hard if nothing matters? Whoops, I'm trying to apply rationality to the irrational, my bad.

There is a story about a derelict robot sitting on a garbage heap. He has no sensory input devices so the only input he gets are products of his thought processes, he's completely isolated from the outside world. Through out hundred of years of his life he creates whole universe inside his mind, every physical interaction comes from his mind, everyone of thousands of creatures living in this universe is sustained by his thought. He is a god. But one day corrosion finally bites through his metal shell and lets in a stream of water that fries his mechanical brain and erases the universe with it. The water was not a social construct.

The pajeet is now an "indie developer", meaning he's probably already blacklisted from all major studios.

I played through Mass Effect 2 twice, i know it was a fluke but it was a decent game

Never even felt like pirating this garbage